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433301DialogEnableAfter leaving the office, Wanshi walks through the corridor of the Star of Life. Through the porthole, he can clearly see the planet where humans originate—Earth.
544301HassenConstructs... will be human's hope to return to the Earth, the spark to ignite the flame of victory...
655301Hassen... may peace be with every child of Earth...
766301The classic speech of the President is broadcasted all over Babylonia repeatedly.
877301Constructs keep heading for Earth under such impassioned advocacy.
988301What exactly does it mean to return to Earth?
1099301An honor? A responsibility?
111010301Or a heavy burden of a long-cherished dream the previous generation could not fulfill, imposed onto the next generation?
1312123011WanshiIt's really... something I cannot understand.1
141313301AniZhuanchangBeginWanshiIs it necessary to trick the Constructs into the battlefield just to get us back to that place sooner?1
181717301AniZhuanchangEndBeing the supreme medical institution of the World Government, the Star of Life is operating tirelessly, providing the best and most effective medical care for all members of the World Government.
191818301SystemWanshi from the Construct Maintenance Department, safe travels.
201919301Wanshi hears a familiar greeting from the system as he steps out of the Star of Life.
212121301SystemIt's detected that your anxiety level is rising. Do you want to book a session to relieve your pressure?
2425253011Security Guard ABoss, I heard it's cozy to work in the Construct Maintenance Department. Why does he look so bitter and miserable?1
252626301Security Guard BProbably just another guy that was fooled by the military policy and found the salary unsatisfactory and the Construct troubling.2
262727301Security Guard AIs that so?1
272828301Security Guard BYeah, did you think all the doctors are the same in the Star of Life?2
282929301Security Guard BThough the ones in the Construct Maintenance Department are also called doctors, their work is more like a maintenance worker than a surgeon.2
293030301Security Guard BI heard that even a minor assembly error on a Construct will have serious consequences. It must take way more effort to maintain the Constructs than to operate on humans.2
303131301Security Guard AThey are all staff in the Star of Life. Why don't they consider a change of position?1
313232301Security Guard BIt's not as easy as you think. Medical research involving human subjects is way different from Construct maintenance. It's highly unlikely that a change of position would be allowed.2
323333301Security Guard BI guess that guy would end up muddling through with a small salary or find a job at Cosmos Industries.2
333434301Security Guard BBut it's perfectly normal. After all, they're just taking over the repetitive work that the Science Council finds tedious.2
343535301Security Guard AIf that's the case, why would the Star of Life keep maintaining those Constructs? Wouldn't it be better to replace the broken frame with a new one?1
353636301Security Guard BAre you nuts? The broken frames will be able to fight again after being repaired and adjusted.2
363737301Security Guard BIt takes resources and time to build a new frame. How would you make up for the troops' shortage while waiting for the new frame? Don't tell me you wanna go fight the Corrupted with your flesh and bone.2
373838301Security Guard BThe current population of Babylonia is far from enough for the war.2
384040301Security Guard BThen why don't you choose to be a Construct?2
4144443011Wanshi...That's ridiculous.1
444747301Yeah, how ridiculous.
454848301To both Constructs and humans, the Constructs seem to be immortal beings.
464949301They are human-shaped tools, weapons, or even monsters.
475050301The lie set up to encourage the Constructs to war has gradually created a ridiculous perception of them for most who live on Babylonia today.
4952523011WanshiRidiculous? Then what am I...1
525554301Even I am one of the persons that helped spread this ridiculous lie.
535655301It is naturally easy to stand on the moral high ground to offer criticism. But in retrospect, who am I to criticize others...
545756301The two of them have moved on to the next topic and burst into laughter from time to time while I am still concerned about this.
565958301It is happiness wrapped in lies.
576059301I have heard such happy laughter in the past. It was when chatting with a Construct after maintenance, who was hoping to return to the battlefield soon.
586160301However, the memory was soon buried behind busy work.
6164623011WanshiI haven't seen that Construct ever since...1
636664301What is beneath the happy memories of the past turns out to be an insurmountable gap between life and death.
646765301Imagining the tragic death of that Construct after using recalling, the stinging pain hits his stomach, and the urge to vomit suddenly overcomes his body.
6669673011WanshiUm... Ugh.1
697270301NurseOut of the way!
707371301The dire shouts interrupt the conversation between the security guards as well as Wanshi's trip down memory lane. Several nurses pushing two nursing beds stop at the entrance of the Star of Life.
717472301In the nursing beds are a human and a Construct.
727573301Blood keeps oozing out from the bandage on the human's chest.
737674301The Construct is more severely injured. His arms bends at a strange angle, and the part below his waist appears to have been crushed by a heavy object, flattened and incomplete, while scarlet drops of vital fluid drips to the ground along the grooves at the edge of the nursing bed.
747775301After seeing this, the security guards immediately turn on the portable terminal and call the emergency department.
7679773011Security Guard AEmergency! We got an injured human!1
788179301After the communication ends, the deserted entrance of the Star of Life becomes busy instantly. Several drones fly out of the Star of Life and administrate various injections on the human.
798280301A doctor takes over the nursing bed from the nurse and walks toward the emergency operating room with several assistants following.
808381301NurseHey, don't forget the Construct over here.
8285833011Emergency DoctorIt's just a broken frame. Nothing serious. Just process the guy.1
838684301After that, the doctor continues to discuss the details of the human's injuries and surgery with his assistants.
858886301The nurses get on the transporter and leave after handing over the nursing bed.
868987301The two security guards glance at each other and push the nursing bed with the Construct toward the wounded receiving terminal of the Star of Life.
879088301All of these are familiar, like a scene repeated from the past.
889189301The security guards go past Wanshi. As they approach, he can see the Construct's injuries more clearly.
899290301The artificial skin of the Construct is gone, and the mechanical body that should have glowed with a metallic luster is covered in scorching black from an intense burn. In his broken left leg, Wanshi can even see the traces of the metal solidigying again after liquefying from the heat.
909391301Groans of pain keeps coming from the Construct. Wanshi turns his head aside, trying not to look at him again.
929593301PanelActor1Shake1Wounded ConstructIt hurts...1
939694301The Construct's pain module has not been shut down to avoid M.I.N.D. deviation, which causes the pain to keep torturing his broken body.
949795301PanelActor1Shake1Wounded ConstructIt hurts so much...1
969997301The nursing bed goes past Wanshi and the hands of the severely injured Construct dangles weakly and hangs over the edge of the nursing bed.
100103101301Wanshi clenches his fists, turns around and walks to the nursing bed.
101104102301He quickly takes out a reagent with one hand and skillfully holds down the left leg of the severely injured Construct with the other.
1031061043011Security Guard AWhat are you doing?1
1051081063011WanshiThe maintenance comes first. I'll go through the formalities later.1
107110108301While the security guards are still dumbfounded, Wanshi has taken over the nursing bed and pushes it toward the Star of Life.
1101131113011Security Guard AIt's just a frame, why does he look so nervous?1
111114112301AniZhuanchangBeginSecurity Guard BI don't get it, what a weird guy.2
115118115301AniZhuanchangEndAfter the emergency maintenance, the Construct is finally out of danger. Wanshi walks toward the lounge looking depressed.
1171201173011WanshiThe maintenance room...1
121124122301AniZhuanchangEnd1Construct in PainCough, Doctor... please help me turn off the pain module...1
1231261243011WanshiI can't. It would create a M.I.N.D. deviation.1
124127125301WanshiJust hold on... for a while, it'll be over soon.1
126129127301PanelActor1Shake1Construct in Pain(Panting)1
127130128301Construct in PainI... I see...1
129132130301After finishing the maintenance of the last Construct, the professor slowly walks over to Wanshi.
1321351333011ProfessorWanshi, why did you leave pediatrics for the Construct Maintenance Department in the first place?2
133136134301ProfessorThings are obviously more difficult here, and the salary is not satisfactory. The head of pediatrics has told me more than once that you'd have a better future there.2
134137135301WanshiWell... because it was short-staffed here.1
135138136301WanshiSeeing what unfolded here made me feel like I've got to do something. That's why I started to learn about Constructs maintenance.1
136139137301WanshiHumans and Constructs all suffer from injuries. So isn't it the duty of the Star of Life to ease their pain?1
137140138301ProfessorThe duty of... the Star of Life.2
138141139301ProfessorIndeed, it's our duty to help free the Constructs from their pains and return them to the battlefield.2
139142140301ProfessorKeep up the good work. I've got high hopes for you.2
144147145301AniZhuanchangEndThe more he wants to forget, the more his memories flood in. They can be found in every corner and item in the Star of Life. It is his youth he left behind, the years when he ran back and forth for the Constructs.
1461491473011Wanshi...Could my work in the past be counted as saving lives?1
148151149301At this age, perhaps it is a kind of happiness to die without pain.
149152150301But just as the professor said, Wanshi is not cruel enough to leave the Constructs in pain behind.
150153151301Memories and reality keep torturing Wanshi. He moves forward slowly by leaning on the wall of the Star of Life, having no idea where he is.
151154152301ProfessorYour frame adjustment went well.
152155153301The familiar voice of the professor catches Wanshi's attention. He comes to a recovery room following the voice.
153156156301Professor...Don't be afraid to go back to the battlefield. After all, Constructs like you can use recalling as a last resort.
154157157301This is the professor's reply to the Construct in the recovery room.
155158158301Construct AIf recalling does exist, why don't you unplug these annoying wires for me? This slow adjustment wouldn't be necessary at all.
156159159301ProfessorI don't think so. It causes M.I.N.D. deviation and costs massive resources.
157160160301Construct AThe hell with M.I.N.D. deviation!
158161161301Construct ASuch personal cost is nothing. You don't need to hesitate, Professor.
159162162301ProfessorNo, the side effects of recalling are much greater than you expect. But if you insist, I can help you apply for an early return to the team...
164167166301AniZhuanchangEndAfter hearing the agitated voice of the Construct in the recovery room, Wanshi pushes the door open, leaving the professor and the Construct stunned.
165168167301WanshiProfessor, why don't you tell him the truth?1
1671701693011Construct AThe truth?1
1691721713011WanshiGoing back in such a state is no different from committing suicide!1
1721751743011ProfessorWanshi, don't do anything stupid.2
173176175301WanshiBut we're not helping the Constructs go back to the battlefield so that they can sacrifice their lives in vain.1
174177176301ProfessorWanshi... as I said, it's pointless.2
176179178301WanshiYou've had your doubts, right?1
177180179301WanshiThe so-called Constructs are just like humans. There are no eternal beings in the world.1
1801831823011Construct AProfessor?1
1821851843011ProfessorEven if what he said was true, what else can we do?1
1841871863011Construct A...I see.1
185188187301Construct AYeah, why would those with power care about the lives of the tools for war?1
186189188301Construct A...So what if the recall is a scam?1
187190189301Construct ALies and truths make no difference to Constructs like us.1
1911941933011Construct AProfessor, Doctor, I just wanna be alone for a while.1
1951981973011ProfessorWanshi, you've got the courage to expose the lies. But I'm afraid it's not the right answer.1
197200199301AniZhuanchangBeginThe professor slowly walks out of the room with Wanshi, while the Construct sits quietly inside, lifeless as if completely integrated with the surrounding machinery.
200203201301AniZhuanchangEndIt has been a few days since Wanshi exposed the truth to the Construct. Those words keep echoing in Wanshi's ears, lingering for a long time.
2022052033011Construct AWhy would those with power care about the lives of the tools of war like us?1
203206204301Construct ALies and truths make no difference to Constructs like us.1
2052082063011WanshiIs what I've done... pointless?1
206209207301Sitting alone in the department office, the quiet atmosphere around only makes Wanshi more depressed.
209212210301Wanshi slaps his hands hard on the desk to ease his agitation, the strength of the slap making his hands go numb. But such physical pain is nothing compared to his mental torture.
210213211301Wanshi sinks to his seat and looks overhead. The soft light on the ceiling melts into his pupils and sleepiness begins to sweep through for the first time in a long time.
2122152133011WanshiHmm... seems like I haven't slept for a while...1
214217215301The sudden knocks on the door interrupt Wanshi's sleep. He rubs his cheek with his hands, shoving the messy documents and sundries on the desk into the drawer under it.
215218216301WanshiWell, come on in.1
217220218301Wanshi gets up from his seat and walks slowly toward the door to open it. It is the Construct he met earlier.
220223220301The Construct quickly approaches Wanshi and knocks him to the ground with his elbow.
221224221301Wanshi feels a cold mechanical touch on his cheek. He tries to keep himself conscious to figure out the Construct's intention.
2232262233011WanshiW-what do you want from me?1
225228225301The Construct takes a pair of electronic handcuffs from its arms and cuffs Wanshi firmly from behind.
2272302273011Construct ASorry, but we need your help.1
231234231301After the Construct finishes speaking, he grabs Wanshi and pushes him outside of the Star of Life after making sure that no one is passing by the office.
232235232301AniZhuanchangBeginWanshi notices that the a pale blue electric light is glowing on the surveillance equipment outside the office.
234237234301AniZhuanchangEndThe Construct pushes Wanshi through the corridor of the Star of Life. The route is obviously precisely planned by the Construct.
235238235301The timing of passing each corner and the time needed to traverse each corridor are all accurately calculated so that they will not attract any attention, even if a doctor of the Star of Life is being held hostage.
236239236301SystemRetinal scan in progress... Identity confirmed.
237240237301SystemWanshi, safe travels.
2402432403011WanshiWhat exactly do you want?1
241244241301Construct AA little rebellion is all.2
242245242301Construct ATo rebel against being deceived.2
244247244301Construct ADidn't you also rebel in your way after knowing the truth behind the lie?2
247250247301AniZhuanchangBeginThe two of them traverse layers of protection in the Star of Life before finally going outside as the last system voice ends.
250253249301AniZhuanchangEnd1Construct APhew...1
251254250301The Construct takes a deep breath after stepping out of the Star of Life.
252255251301Construct AIt's been a long time since I've been to a place other than the Earth and the Star of Life.1
254257253301The Construct looks around, and two Constructs emerge from the shadows of the building, nodding at the Construct holding Wanshi.
2572602563011Construct BLet's head for the airdrop platform. I've finished hacking there. Now we can escape from Babylonia in secret.1
259262258301AniZhuanchangBeginWithout a break, the three Constructs push Wanshi slowly and covertly toward the target location, bypassing the scanning and patrolling Construct squad.
262265261301AniZhuanchangEnd1Construct BNext... nailed it.1
264267263301A robotic voice comes out and the dark hatch of the airdrop platform opens. Rows of airdrop cabins are at both sides of the room.
265268264301The Construct that hacks into the hatch walks to the airdrop cabin and pulls the wire from his arm to connect to the terminal next to it.
2682712673011Construct BOkay, I've got it here. Ready to go.1
269272268301Construct CWhat about the doctor?2
271274270301???Leave him to us.
274277272301PanelActor1Shake1Construct CWho's there?!1
277280273301As soon as the Construct asks, an explosive shell pierces through his chest, his vital fluid spilling all over Wanshi.
278281274301Construct CThe Purifying Force... but how...1
281284276301The connecting bolts around the airdrop cabins open one after another. All wires connecting the Construct to the airdrop cabin are suddenly snapped, bursting out violent sparks.
284287277301Due to such an emergency, the Construct falls to the ground in pain. A dark dagger pierces its throat in an instant, rotates, and slashes to the other side, cutting off the Construct's neck.
285288278301ChikoTarget down.
2872902803011Construct ASoren! Howard!1
288291281301The Construct that seizes Wanshi out of the Star of Life shouts at the other two Constructs.
290293283301He takes out the weapon from behind and points it around, only to find that there is no trace of any member of the Purifying Force except for Wanshi who has fallen to the ground and the corpses of his partners.
291294284301Later, a searing pain tears through his body and the Construct falls to his knees.
292295285301The moment he falls to his knees, he reaches out and throws several black cubes around.
294297286301The cubes fall to the ground and connect each other, forming a pale blue power grid around to keep out the Purifying Force.
2973002893011Construct A(Panting)1
298301290301Construct AThe Purifying Force... came faster than I expected.1
299302291301WanshiYou... knew this would happen?2
300303292301Construct A...1
301304293301Construct AYeah. We knew what the ending would be after seeing the truth beneath the lies.1
302305294301Construct ATo die for humans is the inevitable end for Constructs.1
303306295301Construct AThe only difference is when and where you die.1
304307296301Construct AThis is the reality.1
305308297301WanshiThen why did you...2
306310299301JettThe white-haired guy is Soren and the one who's good at hacking is Howard. We all have names.1
307311300301The Construct called Jett reaches out to his partners who has fallen to the ground.
308312301301JettWe fought hard from one battlefield to another. Perhaps I want to escape as I was tired of such a cycle.1
309313302301JettAnd we did it, making our own decisions after a long time.1
310314303301JettWe decided to escape, even though there was nowhere to hide in the first place.1
312316305301The glow of the power grid around Jett gradually fades. He holds himself up with his weapon, barely managing to stand instead of kneeling.
314318306301RImgBg1ShakeThe light of the grid completely disappears, and another explosive shell blasts half of Jett's face.
3163203083011JettThis is... the reality.1
318322310301Purifying Force ADefecting Construct terminated.
319323311301Purifying Force BGet the transporter over here and check if the human is injured.
320324312301Wanshi sees Jett stop moving and stand still. Several fully armored members of the Purifying Force walk toward Wanshi through the weakened power grid, uncuff him and help him out of the airdrop platform.
321325313301Purifying Force AWhistleblower arrested. Checking the wounds of the captured human.
322326314301Purifying Force BCan't believe a professor would have done this.
3243283163011WanshiHuh? Professor... No, it's...1
326330318301The first thing that Wanshi sees after walking out of the airdrop platform is the professor being held in the escort car. And several members of the Purifying Force are guarding around.
327331319301The professor sits by the window of the escort car, looking depressed. He puts a hand in front of his mouth in a gesture of silence after seeing Wanshi.
328332320301Wanshi wants to say something, but the members of the Purifying Force around immediately puts him aside to check his wounds.
329333321301Wanshi sees the professor slowly lowers his hands and forces a smile at him through the crowd.
3313353233011WanshiIs this...1
333337325301During this time, members of the Purifying Force keep checking on Wanshi, but he cannot answer anything.
334338326301He stares blankly at everything around. Members of the Purifying Force are getting closer, yet he finds it harder to hear their words.
335339327301RImgBg1DisableThe scene around Wanshi is covered in darkness, and he stands alone in the shadows murmuring to himself.
336340329301WanshiIt won't be changed by rage or struggle.
3373413303011AniZhuanchangBeginWanshiIs this... the reality beneath the lies?