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433301DialogEnableThe minimalist tavern Changyu chose is a little ragged but well-supplied. With the token he stole, Changyu has no trouble getting into a place of this caliber to rent a room. A simple one, to avoid attention.
544301Right now, he is sitting by the bed cross-legged, listening to the singing outside. The antique television in the room is playing movies of generations past, and the moonlight has tainted Changyu's shadow blue.
655301Someone opens the door to the room.
8773011HuainanI'm back. Which one do you want, Shacha noodles or wonton noodles?2
1110103011ChangyuWonton noodles!1
121111301HuainanThat's what Uncle Fu thought, so it comes with extra sauce. Here.2
131212301ChangyuUncle Fu is the best! I'm so blessed.1
141313301Changyu squeals with delight, snatching the takeout box Huainan hands him.
151414301ChangyuHey, let me try your Shacha noodles as well.1
171616301ChangyuSlurp—h-hot, hot...1
181717301HuainanWhat's the rush...2
232220301ChangyuHuainan, this is some hardcore stuff! Huff—water, I need water...1
242321301HuainanBut I only added a teaspoon of chili sauce... Here, your water.2
262523301Changyu does not stop until his bowl is completely empty. He lets out a satisfying burp.
282724301ChangyuHey, Huainan... Shall we play a game?1
292825301HuainanWhat game?2
302926301ChangyuLet's see... Tell me your biggest wish in five seconds!1
313027301ChangyuNow, I wish tomorrow was the Dragon Boat Festival, then we could go get rice dumplings at Uncle Fu's. His dumplings are the absolute best in the world! You haven't really lived until you've tried one.1
333228301HuainanThat's it?2
343329301ChangyuSure. I mean, I also hope that everything goes well tomorrow night at the Trade Fair... But I can't really see things going wrong when I'm involved.1
353430301HuainanSometimes I wonder where you got your damn confidence... But I'd be lying if I say you aren't good at this.2
373632301ChangyuI'm not joking!1
403935301ChangyuDon't you notice? Whether it's those rich assholes or those exploitative merchants... Bad people always come with bad karma.1
414036301ChangyuI've seen so many of them on this shitty boat—stinking, corrupted trash that poisons the place and hurts everyone around them. But karma is karma—when I come collecting, the gods will be on my side.1
434237301ChangyuThen all it takes is a bit of planning, a little bit of luck. Everything goes my way.1
454438301ChangyuI'm no hero, but even I can't stand these bullies. And if good people can't do anything about it, maybe it takes a bad guy like me to take out the trash. That I can live by.1
474640301ChangyuThat's why this is going to work.1
484741301Changyu...Because Akdilek hurt you, didn't they?1
494842301I will never forgive anyone who hurt my friends.
515044301Changyu's voice gets quieter and quieter until he turns silent and withholds the last line. Huainan raises his brows.
535246301ChangyuYour turn. What do you wish for?1
555447301HuainanI wish...2
575648301HuainanI wish that it all goes well at the Trade Fair tomorrow.2
595850301ChangyuThat's my wish!1
605951301HuainanYou wished for rice dumplings tomorrow.2
636254301Changyu is about to protest, but then he suddenly bursts out laughing.
646355301ChangyuOh my, it's been a while since I eat noodles with someone else face-to-face, like some sort of celebration.1
656456301HuainanYou made it sound like we just had our last meals...2
666557301ChangyuKnock on wood! Shut it—that mouth hole of yours gonna take away our luck!1
676658301ChangyuThe gods are already on our side. Why else do you think my T-193 affinity matches the trade requirement? Just make sure you have my back outside the venue when things kick off.1
686759301Huainan...Fine. If only my affinity also matches.2
696860301ChangyuIt's all going to work out. Don't worry!1
706961301AniZhuanchangBeginChangyuOh, great vibe on the deck today! Listen...1
747365301AniZhuanchangEndSinging VoiceThoughts unrequited, tugged like graying strands unkempt
757466301Singing VoiceDancing phantoms, for whom is left the ruth and woe
767567301Singing VoiceDying embers, candles waned of wax and weep
777668301Night arrives outside their windowpane. The bustling streets mimic the flickering neon above, and in the space between them, a dream-like sequence of light and shadow plays out on the tavern wall.
787769301Laughter and cries can be heard in the distance where sky lanterns take to the sky. Through their window, the Nighter is nothing but an extravagant show of shadow puppetry, unreal and untethered.
797870301HuainanChangyu... I want to ask you something. Be honest with me.
807971301ChangyuShoot. Unless you're asking for the password of my bank account.
818072301Huainan...Do you have a bank account?
828173301ChangyuFine! You got me. No, I don't.
838274301ChangyuAlright, what's the question?
848476301ChangyuHmm... I think so. Some guy named Zhuangzi dreamt of a butterfly, and he couldn't figure out if it had been him who'd dreamed of it, or if it had been the butterfly who'd dreamed of him.
858577301HuainanLet's say—hypothetically—this world you're living in was an illusion. Would you want to escape it?
868678301ChangyuWhy am I not surprised you'd ask something like that?
878779301ChangyuBut for me... All that matters is what's here and now.
888880301ChangyuNot that I can't tell how much you're skeptical of this boat...
898981301ChangyuWell, what does it matter if it's real or not? Isn't being happy enough?
909082301ChangyuBecause it's not what you're feeling, but the feeling itself, that makes a thing authentic.
919183301ChangyuThere's no way we can tell if the world is real as long as we are in it. If we keep second-guessing the ground we walk on every step of the way, we'll never go anywhere.
9292280301ChangyuWe don't hope to live—we live with hope. Maybe someday the Punishing Virus will be gone, and we'll all return to the outside world. That's a nice hope to live for, isn't it?
939384301ChangyuPunishing Virus. Been a while since I've thought about it.
949485301HuainanA while, huh?
959586301HuainanIt's very you, the way you answered it.
969687301ChangyuEnough about me. How about you?
979788301Huainan does not answer. Lights and shadows mask his face, concealing his thoughts from Changyu.
989889301In the silence, the old movie on the television sounds especially loud.
999990301Old Movie...You ever had a dream like that?
10010091301Huainan...I won't allow myself to be stuck in a dream.
10110192301Old MovieAnd you dare treatin' it other than an illusion.
10210293301HuainanIt's suicide, being trapped in an illusion. What's the point of living if none of it is real?
10310394301Old MovieIf you don't wake up, how can you tell what is real, and...
10410596301AniZhuanchangBeginOld Movie...What is but a dream?
108109101301AniZhuanchangEnd1ChangyuIs that so...1
109110102301ChangyuIf... we get to choose...1
111112104301Changyu blanks out for a moment, then retreats to his smiling self.
112113105301ChangyuWhoa! Didn't take you as a thinker!1
114115107301Huainan chuckles and shakes his head. He grabs the remote control for the television, and instantly the room is filled with cheerful music.
115116108301HuainanWhat did you take me as, then?2
116117109301ChangyuShould I remind you how much you screwed up the first time I met you?1
118119110301HuainanDo you have to bring that up?2
119120111301ChangyuWhat, am I wrong?1
121122112301Changyu grabs the pillow by his side and smacks Huainan with it. The two boys laugh, both at ease as their plan gradually falls into place.
122123113301AniZhuanchangBeginLike a dream.
125126116301AniZhuanchangEndChangyuHuainan! You're going to tell me about yourself after this, right?
126127117301Huainan...I'll be an open book.
1271281183011AniZhuanchangBeginThere's no turning back at that point.