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433301DialogEnableHuainan enters his room to find Changyu sitting cross-legged by his bed. A map covered in scratches and marks is laid flat on the table, its folds smoothed out by a pencil-chewing Changyu, buried in thought.
6553011HuainanHey, what's up?1
8773011ChangyuWhat took you so long? And where have you been lately?1
988301Changyu...Forget it. Check this out first.1
1211113011HuainanWhat is it—is that the plan of the Nighter?2
131212301ChangyuDrawn by yours truly! I've marked every inch of the boat that I could set foot on, so this should be pretty accurate.1
141414301ChangyuThis is my next target.1
151515301HuainanThe Trade Fair?2
161616301AniZhuanchangBeginChangyuThink bigger—Akdilek.1
202019301AniZhuanchangEndChangyu and Huainan follow their guide to the dimly lit laboratory underground.
212120301Shabby as the place may be, the constant humming from the equipment and the rows of test tubes filled with colorful liquids have made this already tiny space uncomfortably oppressive.
2323223011GuideIt's up ahead. You can talk to the doctor yourself.1
2828273011ChangyuDidn't think you'd know a place like this...2
292928301Changyu takes stock of the strange surroundings and mutters to Huainan.
303029301AniZhuanchangBeginChangyuAnd I thought you were going to stop me.2
373736301AniZhuanchangEnd1HuainanWhy Akdilek?2
383837301ChangyuFor justice.1
404039301ChangyuFine, I just wanted to know how you'd react. You've got a history with them, don't you?1
414140301Huainan...I'm not ready to talk about myself.2
424241301ChangyuThat's alright. I wasn't probing.1
434342301ChangyuBut I'm serious about Adeilek. I've done some digging—they're looking for live bodies on the boat, those that can be refitted into Constructs. I think I can make a score from it.1
444443301ChangyuAnd now's your chance to stop me.1
454544301HuainanWill it work?2
464645301ChangyuOf course!1
484847301ChangyuWe are partners!1
494948301Changyu's eyes glinted with fervency and sincerity.
505046301Huainan saw himself reflected in them. He paused for a moment, then pushed his hair aside, revealing a horrendous scar on his neck.
515149301Even concealed behind his collar, the swollen crimson mark on his neck was still clearly visible. It wound and weaved on Huainan's skin, crawling and slithering.
525250301HuainanThis is my quarrel with Akdilek.2
555552301Huainan straightened his coat and hid the awful scar.
565653301HuainanI'm not stopping you.2
575754301HuainanBut I need to know where your information's coming from. Can you trust them?2
585855301ChangyuTheir reputation precedes them in the black market. Spend a little money and grease some wheels, and nothing's hidden under the sun.1
595956301HuainanMeddling right under their noses, huh?2
606057301ChangyuHere's my plan—I'll pretend to be one of the merchandise, and after Akdilek purchases this remarkable body, I'll escape with their money and leave them empty-handed.1
626259301ChangyuJust trust me.1
636360301HuainanAkdilek wants bodies that are suited to be Constructs. Do you even fit the requirement? Or are you forging your data?2
646461301ChangyuThe secret to a well-planned scheme is to not plan everything. You have to follow the ebb and flow of the plot, manipulating it the way you do water, guiding it just enough so it flows where you want it.1
656562301HuainanWhat are you... Is this your third lesson?2
666764301Huainan...I know a place. They can check if your body's suitable to be refitted.2
686966301HuainanDoctors like that are a dime a dozen on the black market. I happen to know one who'll do anything for the right price.2
697067301ChangyuSo you...1
707168301HuainanLet's go.2
737471301HuainanI never said I'm sitting this one out.2
747572301HuainanMaybe I can tell you something about me after this.2
828380301AniZhuanchangEnd1HuainanAre you listening? Changyu?2
838481301ChangyuWhat is it? I wasn't paying attention.1
848582301Huainan...Sigh. Focus this time.2
858683301HuainanNow, you should be familiar with our damn collars. Everyone on this boat has one around their neck.2
868784301HuainanIt serves two functions. First of all, it's a way to remotely control us. Even if it's only indirectly, the two primary commands coded in the collar mean we can't leave the Nighter, and we can't harm it.2
878885301HuainanIt's also our ID. The collars on this boat have records of all bodies onboard the Nighter—living, Construct, mechanoid.2
888986301Changyu traces the collar on his neck. Of course he knows of it, but he has never really considered what its existence means.
899087301He has lived the same routine on this boat as far as he can recall, for... three months, a year—or three? He has no recollection, and he can never quite put his finger on it. Everything just... happened.
909188301HuainanOne human, one set of corresponding data. Including that person's Tantalum-193 affinity.2
919289301ChangyuTantalum-193 affinity?1
929390301HuainanOnly those with high enough Tantalum-193 affinity can be refitted into Constructs.2
939592301HuainanThat's who Akdilek is after. That's the leverage we need.2
949693301ChangyuSo, we have to figure out if we are merchandise-material to begin with...1
959794301HuainanThat's right. It'll be so much easier if we can just be a part of the wares on display. But if we can't do that, we can still get what we're after here.2
969895301ChangyuHow come you know all of this so well?1
9810096301HuainanThe worst thing we can face on this boat is uncertainty, don't you think?2
101103993011Black Market DoctorAre you the one?1
102104100301The two young men are interrupted by the approaching surgeon. His face may be concealed by a mask, but it is clear that his eyes are keenly examining Changyu.
103105101301Black Market DoctorFollow me.1
1061081043011HuainanThey're doing our examinations simultaneously to save time. You can head in first. Mine's also about to start.2
1081101063011AniZhuanchangBeginChangyu...I'll see you later.1