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6553011NikolaDespite some organizational hiccups, Construct Lucia passed all the required assessments.2
7663011TechnicianDo you mean to send her into combat, sir?3
988301TechnicianThat carries certain risks, sir. I'm sure with more observation...3
1099301NikolaWe will never get real data if we don't deploy her. The Purifying Force exists for that exact eventuality.2
111010301Understanding that Nikola had his mind set, the technician shakes her head and pulls up a selection of Military Construct files on the terminal.
121111301TechnicianUnderstood. We're allocating new members to Gray Raven... Do you have any special considerations, sir?3
131212301NikolaA support-type is a must, and also an armored one... no, Kurono leadership can decide on the second member.2
141313301TechnicianKurono? Why's that?3
151414301NikolaJust to be fair. They may have their own considerations on who to pair up with Lucia.2
161515301TechnicianUnderstood. I will send the files to your office once the team members are confirmed.3
171616301AniZhuanchangBeginNikolaWork fast.2
201919301AniZhuanchangEndOne day, in the halls of Babylonia
212020301It was an important day. I felt my body tense and seize multiple times, as if I were an old machine with outdated servos.
222121301It was all because of a message from Commandant several days prior.
232222301Command CentralAfter careful consideration from the Command Central, we have decided to replenish Gray Raven's ranks, and start preparations for combat operations.
242323301Many more bureaucratic entries followed, but my attention was solely focused on the short, curt notice.
252424301Two reinforcing teammates were coming over, both with groundside combat experience. That is to say, we were combat-ready.
262525301I felt joy at the turn of events, but also worry about what Gray Raven would turn into.
272626301—At least, I hoped history wouldn't repeat itself.
282727301AniZhuanchangBeginJust daydreaming here did me no good. At Commandant's reminder, I opened the office door.
3332323011Two unfamiliar faces in the office turned towards me. Male, blue. Female, pink.
343333301I was at a loss for words, but such was the first impressions I had of my new teammates.
3534343011The male Construct noticed me, but made no visible response, coolly appraising his surroundings.2
3736363011The female Construct, however, kept fidgeting, shifting her position and posture. Whenever our eyes locked, hers would inevitably lower as her face reddened.3
383737301Two individuals, clearly different from me, but bursting with personality.
393838301Commandant did not speak, and neither did they. I knew the burden of breaking the silence fell on my shoulders. If I didn't, Gray Raven would never spread its wings, and our story would never start.
434242301DialogDisable1So, I—
464546301DialogEnableLuciaHello, my name is Lucia, frame designation BPL-01, Lotus, also the team leader of Gray Raven—
474647301LuciaI look forward to working with you!
484849301After the stiff greeting, I felt my respiration resume without realizing it had halted in the first place. As Commandant started clapping slowly in the doorway, I was reaffirmed that I had done the right thing.
494950301Swept along by the emotions swirling in the office, the two Constructs spoke up. The male took the lead.
505051301LeeMy name is Lee, frame designation BPN-06, Palefire.
515152301LeeMy original team... is not important. I have been assigned to Gray Raven. Dual guns are my weapons of choice.
525253301LeeI am equally adept at strategic planning and close combat.
535354301Lee, Palefire. The file identified him as an Attacker, same as me.
545455301LivMy turn... um, my name is Liv, Support Construct.
555556301LivI came from Egret... my preferred weapons are levitated weapons platforms. I look forward to working together.
565657301LeeWhat about your version?
575758301LivOh... I'm sorry, designation BPN-08, Eclipse.
585859301Though a bit shy, Liv nonetheless finished her introduction.
595960301LeeEgret, I see... the team well-known for their meticulous strategy...
606061301Lee visibly fell into a short computational cycle, as if seizing on freshly-gathered intelligence.
626263301It only served to exacerbate Liv's restlessness.
636364301Lucia, Lee, and Liv.
646465301Those were our names.
656566301Lotus, Palefire, and Eclipse.
666667301The codenames given to our frames.
676768301Katanas, dual guns, and levitating cannons.
686869301The weapons we wielded.
6969703011AniZhuanchangBeginThis was the new Gray Raven.