forked from PGR/ascnet
Fork 0

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436301DialogEnableYou board a reinforced defense ship and leaves the Red Tide with the Support Force's help.
547301Everyone wears protective gear and the ship itself has been reinforced, but the highly concentrated Punishing Virus still finds its way in and causes symptoms of infection in everyone.
658301After receiving first-aid, you all look over the abandoned area.
10993011LivThis place seems to have been an office area.1
111010301LuciaI thought a business area was the same as a business street.3
121111301LivThey do sound very similar, but they're actually different. I've been here on several rescue missions... a business area has more people and Corrupted than a business street.1
131212301LuciaSo it's like a factory, then? I focus so much on fighting that I never paid attention to their difference. I mean, they've both been destroyed beyond recognition, so...3
141313301LuciaBut there is one thing I know about an industrial district.3
151414302The number of Corrupted.15
171616301LuciaWe've reached a fork—the road splits into left and right. Which path are we taking?3
181717302Lee, what's your thought?18Lucia, it's up to you!19Liv, any thought?20
19181821301LeeI don't have enough clues to say much. They look the same.2
20191921301LuciaI can't tell you why, but I think we should go right.3
212020301LivI think we should go left. It feels more peaceful.1
222121301DialogDisableWhere do these paths lead?
242323301DialogEnableLivWe now have a rough idea where these paths lead. It's you call, Commandant.1
252424301LivIt is quite obvious that the road on the left has fewer Corrupted. Most of them are crowding up on the right.1
2625253011AniZhuanchangBeginLeft or right?