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433301DialogEnableThe materials requested from Babylonia to be delivered by the Nighter have arrived. All idle teams are to be sent to guard against the Corrupted.
6553011Construct LeaderGray Raven Commandant... Come here for a minute.1
766302What is it?7
877301Construct LeaderA Female Construct is looking for you. I'd hate to be on her bad side...1
988302AniZhuanchangBeginI'll go see...9
131212301AniZhuanchangEnd1QuI just figured I'd take a shot in the dark. I didn't think you'd actually come.1
141313302I figured I'd be pecked to pieces if I was too slow.14
161515302Where's the bird?16
181716301QuHuiyu... has gone missing. I haven't seen it since this morning. I came here to look for it.1
191817301QuNo matter how many times I called for it this morning, it didn't respond to me...1
201918302Maybe it just went out to play?19
212019301QuOf course not! It'd never fly away without my permission.1
222120301QuEver since we first met, Huiyu has never left my side! It must be in trouble...1
232221302Let's go look for it...22
242322301QuYou want to help look for Huiyu?1
252423302It's not like I wanna see it get eaten, now do I?24
262524301QuWho knows, maybe we'll be eaten by these uninvited guests instead...1
302928301Before you knew it, both of you are surrounded by Corrupted.
3231303011QuI didn't want to get my feet dirty...1
333231301Qu glances at you.
343332301QuLooks like we have no other option but to fight.1
363534301QuNo need to apologize. Aren't we partners?1
373635302Yeah, got that right!36
383736301QuLet's get this over and done with.1
393837301Qu quickly kicks the three nearest Corrupted with silken grace. The Corrupted collapses onto the ground, unable to move.
414039301QuWhat are you staring at? Get moving!1
424140302Watch out!41
434241301The downed Corrupted grabs Qu's feet and seems to still have some fight left in it.
444342301QuThis body... is too weak!1
454443301Just as another Corrupted is about to pounce on Qu, a human knocks it out of the way.1
474645301Realizing what happened, Qu lifts her foot to crush the Corrupted that is clinging to her before sending the one you intercepted flying with a swift kick, all while grabbing your hand to run away in one motion.
484746301AniZhuanchangBeginQuLet's go!1
515049301AniZhuanchangEndAfter shaking off the Corrupted, the two of you finally make it to the center of the Nighter. Several Corrupted lie on the ground motionless.
525150302What happened here, Qu?51
5453523011QuLooks like they were all pecked to pieces by Huiyu... Seems like it flew through here.1
555453302Looks like Huiyu went easy on me...54
565554301QuHmph... Huiyu is smart enough to tell who my real enemies are.1
575655301AniZhuanchangBeginQuLooks like we should be able to find Huiyu by following the trail of Corrupted.1
605958301AniZhuanchangEndYou hear Huiyu squawk in the distance—along with the roars of Corrupted.
616059302Huiyu is being attacked by Corrupted!60
6362613011QuTake this!1
646362301Qu quickly flips into the air and performs a dive kick onto the ground. The powerful shockwave sends all the Corrupted surrounding Huiyu flying into the air.
666564301Following up the attack, Huiyu flies over to Qu to aid her in a powerful aerial kick, annihilating all of the Corrupted.
686766301Huiyu surveys the area to make sure all of the Corrupted have been defeated before returning to where it has originally been surrounded.
696867301At that moment, Qu discovers that there is another bionic peacock exactly like Huiyu.
727170302There are two Huiyus?71
737271301QuThat's Jiaogong... It's Huiyu's companion model.1
747372301One of Jiaogong's wings seems to be severely injured. It flaps its other wing in fright at the sight of Qu.
757473301QuBut it chose the wrong master—Villier. He was defeated here by the Gray Ravens, right?1
767574302So... Villier is its master...75
777675301Qu retrieves a blade from a Corrupted and approaches Jiaogong.
787776301QuYour master, Villier, is dead... It's only right for you to join him in Hell.1
797877301However, Huiyu is standing guard over Jiaogong. Even in the face of Qu, it refuses to back down.
807978301QuIs that how it is...? Is that your partner, Huiyu...?1
818079301Qu closes her eyes and shakes her head, then gets rid of the blade.
828180301QuJiaogong and Huiyu... They... were the only gifts given by my brother to Villier and me long before any of this hatred came to be.1
838281301QuWe were both just children. We didn't know the weight of our responsibilities, nor did we know who our ideals would hurt.1
848382301QuBut now I'm alone... Brother and Villier are no longer with me—only Huiyu is by my side.1
858483301Qu seems to let out a sigh of relief, then walks toward you.
868584301QuHelp Jiaogong repair its wing, so that it can continue on its life alone.1
888786301QuJiaogong probably won't let me near it. Only you can do it.1
898887302Huiyu won't peck me, will it?1001Alright... I'll try my best.91
919088301Qu couldn't help but grin.1
929189301QuSigh, I still can't tell if you're brave or just a coward... You're my partner. Huiyu won't attack you.1
939290302AniZhuanchangBeginAlright... I'll try my best.91
969593301AniZhuanchangEndLuckily, Lee taught you a thing or two about being a mechanic. Jiaogong's wing is repaired in no time.
979695302Alright, give flying a shot.96
989796301Jiaogong stretches its wings to confirm your handiwork, then leaps into the air and flies with ease. Huiyu joins it in flight, and the two proceed to chase each other gleefully.
10099983011QuMachines can be repaired, but for humans—some wounds never heal. It is this fragility that I love so tenderly.1
10110099301QuYour life is precious. In the future, I hope you won't be so foolish going around helping others without taking yourself into consideration.1
102101100302Are you referring to me saving you...?101
1031021013011AniZhuanchangBeginQuYou must understand that your life is no longer your own. You are my only partner.1