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544301DialogEnable1NoanI heard Commandant Simon said you would be going to another large-scale operation soon. When is it?1
655302Tomorrow morning.6
877301Noan peeks at the clock on the bar counter. Its vintage hands are pointing at 17:45.
1099301NoanWhy are you still here then...? Aren't you going to prepare or have a final rest?1
111010302I have a gathering later.11
131212301NoanGathering? At this point in time?1
151414302...More like a social occasion.15
161515302We have been struggling on the battlefield lately. A lot of people have defected.16
191818301NoanI see. A lot of senior management staff are also under tremendous pressure, so they need to have meetings, which will likely contain lots of quarrels. They need such social occasions to repair their relationship.1
201919302Something like that.20
222121301NoanIs that gathering important to you?1
232222302No, just like you said...23
242323302We just had an overall combat meeting in the morning.24
252424302So all the participating commandants must attend the dinner.25
262525301NoanBut the leaders don't need to prepare tonight, nor do they have to wake up early. Who gives them the right to drag you into this nonsense?1
272626302N-nonsense?27This isn't nonsense.27
282727301NoanNo matter what fancy reasons they have, they are just ignoring other people's feelings for their own enjoyment. I call that nonsense.1
292828302But it's hard for me to say no.29I don't want to go either.30
30292932301NoanYou have been working non-stop for so many days. Are you really going to deprive yourself of rest before a dangerous mission?1
313030301NoanThen don't.1
333232301NoanIf you don't know how to turn them down...1
353434301NoanHow about letting an infamous bad guy hurt you? Then you claim you are not feeling well and can go back to rest.1
373636301NoanIt's not like this has never happened before.1
383737301Noan pushes forward a drink that he just made.
414040301After a prolonged period of thinking, the commandant finally picks up the cup and takes a couple of sips.
424141301Holding the cup, the commandant sits back at the desk and starts sending messages on the terminal.
434242301Noan did not ask about the content of the messages, but he knows they will not be easy to deal with just from the frown on the human's face.
444343301Ten minutes later, the commandant puts away the terminal and takes another sip before walking over.
484747301NoanWhat is it?1
494848302Let's run away.49
515050301He closes his eyes and chuckles.
535252301NoanThanks. But who is going to be responsible for your sick leave if I run away?1
545353301NoanI am tagged. There is surveillance everywhere. No matter where I go, they will find us.1
555454301NoanYou should go back and have some rest. I can walk you to the lounge if you need me to.1
565555302They will be worried if I take sick leave and go back to the lounge.56
575656301NoanThen just go to a place you like and chill out.1
585757302Can't I just stay here?58
595858301NoanThey are coming to get the bad guy very soon, and you will still be forced to take a break.1
605959301NoanMaybe they will take you directly to Star of Life.1
616060302But I can't leave you alone...61
626161302And let you face all of that.62
636262301NoanI still have to face it if I run away with you.1
646363302In that case, I will become an accomplice.64
656464302And I will share half of your problems.65
666565302Isn't that what you said?66
706969301Noan...You are so...1
717070302It's just that...71
727171302Sorry, I never thought there would be a tag on you.72
737272302If that's the case...73
757474301NoanIf that's the case—1
767575301He opens his arms and reaches out both hands over the counter.
777676301NoanThe tag is right on my wrist. Are you going to disarm it?1
787777301Noan sounds like he is just teasing, as if he is not serious and prepared to be rejected.
807979302I don't have the authority.80
818080301NoanBut you know who has.1
838282301He nods.
868585301NoanShouldn't you turn me down immediately?1
878686301NoanAre you seriously thinking about whether you can trust me?1
888787302I...88I was really thinking about it.88
898888301NoanDo you trust that I will not sneak into a shuttle, and contact the Ascendants when I land? I can pass the filtering and become mightier than ever, you know?1
919090302If you really have that plan, you wouldn't have come back with me.91
929191301NoanI was badly wounded and had no choice. I either came with you, or got killed by you—at least that's what the doubters always think.1
939292302I don't think so.93
959494301He waves his hand. Still, he looks like he is mocking himself.
969595301NoanI just happen to know a route without surveillance. I can take you with me.1
979696302Did you really study the surveillance system?97
989797301NoanYeah. I discovered it by accident though.1
999898301NoanI really sound like a defector now, don't I? Do you still believe me?1
101100100301After a moment of hesitation, the human picks up the terminal again.
103102102301After a lot of communications and procedures, the ID card of Gray Raven Commandant finally has finally been granted authority. The commandant flashes the card over Noan's wrist.
107106106301The closely attached wrist band falls off his artificial skin onto the bar counter.
108107107302I only got six hours for you.108
109108108302After six hours... You still need to put it on.109
110109109301NoanMore than enough. I'll be back soon.
111110110301Noan...Thank you for believing in me.1
112111111301He moves the wrist, walks out from the bar counter, and reaches out his unshackled hand to the human in front.
113112112301AniZhuanchangBeginNoanLet's go.1
117116116301DialogEnableTwo of them run across the square into a long, narrow safety path.
1191181183011NoanStay close to the wall. Follow me.1
120119119301NoanActually, there is still surveillance here. But it has a blind spot.1
121120120302How did you ever find that?121
122121121301NoanIt's a secret. Can I not tell you?1
123122122302No.123But I already trusted you.123
124123123301NoanI'm actually good at finding the blind spots of surveillance.1
126125125301NoanWhen I was a child, I had a secret base. It was a warehouse and I had to avoid the surveillance to get in.1
127126126302Secret base?127
129128128301NoanYeah, it was a warehouse of books. The books inside are all for sale, but nobody would find out I am reading them as long as I don't damage them.1
134133133301As they talk, they have already gone through the path into a deserted bridge in Zone Z.
135134134301NoanOnce we are here, nobody will find out.1
136135135301NoanSit on the stairs and take a break.1
138137137301The human nods and sits next to Noan.
139138138301Noan has not said anything. He just takes out a book he brought from the library and starts reading.
140139139301Nobody will ever visit here. The lighting and temperature control system stopped functioning long ago. Only the dim emergency light is blinking in the cold air.
141140140302Are you going to read a book here?141
142141141301NoanI'd love to talk to you, but I got you here to let you rest.1
143142142301NoanWouldn't it defeat the purpose if I keep talking?1
145144144301NoanIf you still can't fall asleep, at least you can empty your head.1
147146146301NoanRest assured that I will stay here.1
148147147301NoanI'll send you back when you feel a bit better.1
149148148302But it's a little cold here.149Alright.155
150149149301NoanSorry, but I didn't bring any coat or blanket either. Would you like to sit closer?1
152151151301NoanCome this way...1
153152152301With the book in one hand, he pulls the cape with the other and puts it over the commandant while still looking at his book.
154153153301His action is very natural, as if he is calming down a good friend or child.
155154154301NoanYou should rest now.1
156155155301Looking at the distant stars, the human slowly calms down.
157156156301Noan also remains calm like the empty bridge.
158157157301Time slowly goes by...
159158158301He finishes half the book and looks up, only to find the human has fallen asleep.
161160160301NoanYou really fell asleep...1
162161161301Noan...What a reckless act.1
163162162301NoanAre you just that type of person who easily trusts others, or do you really find me trustworthy...?1
1641631633011AniZhuanchangBeginHis soft, gentle voice melts in the calm breaths.