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433301DialogEnable—Three days later.
6553011Noan has just seen off a few customers who were in for a short break. He is standing at the counter and washing their used cups.
766301The water spray makes a drizzling sound in the cup. He stops washing as his mind wanders away.
877301He has been staying in Babylonia for quite some time. Simon often said he was doing his part by helping the Science Council, but Noan is still concerned about the situation on the surface.
1099301Realizing such thoughts cannot make the situation any better, he turns the tap off, takes out a coffee spoon, and puts it in the cup. The metal spoon knocks on the glass, making a crisp sound that echoes in the small sink.
111010301NoanThis sounds familiar...1
121111301When Noan was still a human, he used to hear melodies made up from such sounds when he was taking shelter under the eaves from the rain.
131212301Wandering Scavengers did not have the privilege of carrying musical instruments with them, but their cups and bowls could compose the simplest form of music.
141313301This sound seems to carry their unique warmth. His mind wanders far away.
151414301Noan...I wonder how the battle is going on the surface. Wish I can be there just like any other squad.1
161515301He keeps knocking the spoon on the cup in the sink, as if he is trying to make the good memories last longer.
171616301Just then, he hears footsteps coming from behind.
191818301NoanWhat can I do for you?1
201919301He turns back and sees a familiar figure.
222121301NoanGood afternoon, Commandant.1
232222302Good afternoon.23
242323301NoanDo you need any books? Or would you like a drink instead?1
252424302No, I just heard some glass music and was curious.25
262525302I didn't expect it to be you.26
282727301Noan...I suddenly recalled a song I learned in the past when I was washing the cups.1
292828302A song from the past?29
302929301NoanNothing remarkable, just some boring memories. Do you really want to hear them?1
313030302As long as you are willing to tell.31
343333301Noan smiles. He puts the cups in order and picks two stirrer sticks of the right size.
353434301Noan...My mother taught me this lullaby when I was a child.1
373636301He softly hums a gentle song, playing a simple yet lingering melody between the glasses.
383737301The melody feels like scattered raindrops, resembling the tranquility that can only be found under the eaves on a rainy night.
403939301NoanBut I only learned how to play it with glasses a lot later.1
414040301NoanThere was a child in our team. Each time it rained, he would struggle to fall asleep.1
424141301NoanThis is how his dad used to put him to sleep. I was always on night watch, so I often chatted with him. Over time, I also learned how to play music with glasses.1
434343301Noan quickly cleans the cups and puts them in the sterilizer. He wipes his hands dry and walks over.
444444301NoanQuite a boring story, isn't it?1
454545302It sounds very interesting.46Sounds like an ordinary, everyday story.47
46464648301NoanDo you find it interesting?1
474747301NoanYeah. People who stayed on the surface were used to finding moments of happiness in a tough life.1
484848301NoanDo you have any other plans? Would you like to have some rest in the library?1
494949302I have other plans.50
505050301NoanAlright, I'll leave you to it then.1
515151302But there is still some time left.52
525252302I can stay here for now.53
545454301Noan makes a dry smile as he looks at the human commandant's still exhausted face.
565656302Would you like to chat then?57
575757302I haven't really talked to you since you came to Babylonia.58
585858301NoanSure. I'm listening.1
595959301Noan turns back and looks into the human's eyes.
616161302Does a Construct need to wear glasses?62Did you lose your old goggles?64
626262301NoanIf you are asking about my vision, I no longer needed the glasses when I became a Construct.1
63636366301NoanBut I have been wearing glasses or goggles all my life. Taking them off would remind me of... the days when I could not even see the road. I'm just not used to not wearing them.1
646464301NoanYeah. I probably lost them when I was injured, or during the Construct operation.1
656565301NoanWhen I woke up, I only had this pair of glasses from a few years ago. I'm just not used to not wearing them.1
666666301NoanAsimov also thought a familiar appearance would help me to stabilize the M.I.N.D., so he let me keep wearing them.1
676767302...I see.68
686868302What have you been doing lately?69
696969301NoanSame as before. Sometimes I go to experiments or checkups, sometimes to the training room.1
707070301He bends down to take out a new, clean glass cup from under the counter, and starts to mix a new drink.
717171301NoanSometimes, I come here.1
727272302Have you ever tried the drink you made?73
737373301NoanNo, but I made the service robot here to help me check the quality when I was practicing. Constructs don't need to eat or drink, so I don't want to waste it.1
747474302What about the cookie I gave you?75
767676301NoanI ate it. It tasted great, thanks.1
787878302Are you going to keep staying in the library?79
797979301NoanYeah, I'll probably be here until Dark Aries is ready for missions.1
808080302Do you want to be on a mission?81
828282301NoanOf course.1
838383301NoanThe situation on the surface was already dire before I came to Babylonia. There are still people outside... and the Forsakens. I wonder how they are doing...1
858585301NoanI really want to help, but I'm worried that I may bring over the trouble of Ascendants.1
888888301—When was the last time he had such a relaxed chat without any purpose?
909090301Thinking of those days when everybody trusted and helped one another, Noan smiles and sighs.
929292301NoanHow about you? Have you been having enough rest recently?1
939393301He already knows the answer, but still asks anyway.
949494301It is not an intentional attempt to start a conversation, but rather an inquiry asking whether the other party is willing to talk about themselves.
959595302All good.96Sometimes I find it difficult to fall asleep.101
969696301NoanI see.
979797301He stops asking.
989898301Just like Simon said, worrying too much only means he does not have faith in the commandant. Besides, he does not know anything about this human.
999999301Whether the commandant really feels alright or does not want to tell him, he has no right to ask.
1001001003011AniZhuanchangBeginNeither of them talks anymore. They just remain silent in the tranquil library.
101101101301NoanHave you seen a doctor?1
102102102302I still have missions.103
103103103301NoanEven a superman needs a break. Don't take everything on your shoulders.1
105105105301NoanToo much worry?1
107107107301NoanA lot of things happened lately. I can understand.1
108108108301NoanI know you are in grief. But you shouldn't hurt yourself to make up for the time lost.1
109109109301NoanGray Raven, Commandant Simon... They all care about you and are worried about you.1
110110110301NoanIf you can trust them and share your burden with them, I'm sure they will be delighted.1
111111111301NoanAt least Commandant Simon will feel that way.1
112112112302Do you feel the same too?113
115115115301Noan looks a little surprised.
116116116301NoanDoes that matter to you?1
119119119301He lowers his head and chuckles.
1211211213011AniZhuanchangBeginNoanYes. I'll be really glad if you are willing to trust me and share something with me.1