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544301DialogEnable1Surrounded by the residents, Karenina does not look like she is going to back down.12
655301KareninaI'm not kicking you out, but this building is no longer suitable to stay. Demolishing it now is our best option.1
766301KareninaThe Engineering Force will be in charge of rebuilding this afterward...1
10993011ScavengerStop joking! That's easy for you to say... Where are we going to live if you bring this place down?1
111010301ScavengerWe've been living here since we retook this neighborhood, and there has never been anything dangerous about living here! Do you expect us to just take your word for it?1
121111301ScavengerLook outside... Do you think this conservation area has any place else for us?1
131212301A haggard Scavenger stands up from his makeshift bed.
1615153011KareninaWe'll coordinate with the supervisor here and arrange a place for you all.1
1918183011ResidentWe wouldn't be here... if there's somewhere else to stay...1
201919301ResidentBabylonia said they'd save us, but their shuttles have come and gone, always taking other folks. When will it be our turn?1
212020301ResidentHas Babylonia given up on us...?1
222121301As if casting a stone, that short line has caused a ripple, and voices of doubt and distrusts quickly echo throughout the room.
2524243011ScavengerI heard the hospital has taken in a lot of wounded lately... but the supplies from Babylonia never arrived...2
262525301ScavengerOnly one Construct arrived when they said they'd send a team from the Engineering Force. How would that work...2
2928283011Karenina grits her teeth, clenching her fists.
313030301RImgBg1ShakeKarenina******* ****! Were you listening at all?!1
333232301KareninaI wouldn't be here if Babylonia gave up on you!1
343333301Karenina pushes through the crowd and walks to a corner. Looking at where she points, you can see a crack the width of a finger spreading from the exterior to the interior, blocked by a rack filled with household items.
353434301KareninaThis building was impacted in the fight with the Hetero-Creatures. Its structure was damaged.1
363535301KareninaAnd you guys still went and took down the load-bearing wall.1
3938383011ResidentWe were trying to take in as many people as we could...1
4241413011KareninaBut it means that this ******* building is going to collapse any minute! You're going to be buried underneath all this concrete!1
434242301KareninaYou're only still breathing because you're ******* lucky! Don't you see?!1
474646301ResidentThen... where should we go...1
484747302Babylonia won't give up on anyone.48
494848301ResidentWho are you?
504949302I'm a commandant from Babylonia.50
515050301You walk up, standing next to Karenina.
525151302Don't worry. We'll arrange new quarters for you all.52
535252302We don't give up on people.53
545353301You have just confirmed with the supervisor that the other members of the Engineering Force are also on their way to this conservation area.
565555301The catastrophe has taken its toll in the past few months. Babylonia could not receive all affected citizens, and communication with the surface was heavily disrupted.
575656301With the lack of supplies and the threat of losing their home at any given moment, it is no surprise that fear and doubt has taken root among the people.
585757301Karenina must be working so hard because she realizes this as well.
6059593011Karenina...That's right.1
616060301She takes a deep breath and looks around, her gaze meeting everyone who is looking back.
626161301KareninaThe reconstruction team of the Engineering Force exists so that each of you has a home to return to. We won't give up, and we can't give up on our duty.1
636262301KareninaThere's no reason to fix a building that could collapse at any point. It's much faster to demolish it and rebuild it.1
646363301KareninaIn order to give everyone here a safe place to stay as fast as possible, I won't change my mind.1
656464301Everyone remains silent, no longer objecting. After a while, an old, trembling Scavenger stands up.
686767301AniZhuanchangBegin1Old ScavengerCough... We'll do as the young lady said. Start packing.2
737272301DialogEnableAided by the staff from the conservation area, the residents do not take long before moving all their belongings out.
747373301Most of the residents are Scavengers who are accustomed to moving around in the doomsday. They are used to packing on short notice and leaving a place that is no longer habitable.
757474301Verifying the residents with the supervisor, you arrange temporary shelters for them in different parts of the conservation area. Patients that require secluded wards are moved to the military tent you brought with you.
767575301A spotted corner of the room displays a mural of unknown flowers done with chalk in youthful strokes. Next to it are marks that tally the days, while a smudged prayer sits on top.
7877773011KareninaWhat are you looking at?1
797878302Marks left behind by the lives that lived here.79Nothing.79
818080301Karenina dusts off her hands and walks toward you, looking at the same marks, her head tilted.
828181301And so, the two of you just crouch by the wall next to each other quietly.
858484301KareninaSo. Why are you here?1
868585302Doing my mission.86
878686301KareninaYou were barely alive on a bed just a while ago, and no one could wake you up...1
888787302It's been quite a while...88Did you visit?89
89888891301KareninaOh? Is that so? I guess it left quite an impression. I still remember it.1
919090301KareninaNot me! I was busy! It's just what I heard!1
929191302I'm standing here, aren't I? It means I'm fine.92
949393301KareninaHmph... You better be.1
969595301KareninaBy the way... thank you for speaking up earlier.1
979696302I didn't do anything.97It was all you.97
999898301KareninaIs that so...?1
1009999301Karenina...Did I do the right thing?1
101100101301She is almost whispering. Before you can answer, she shakes her head and gently slaps herself in the face.
103102103301KareninaAargh! It's not like me to be so indecisive!1
105104105301KareninaI'm leaving! I've got so much work to do!1
109108109301She gets up and heads toward the door, but she stops halfway as if remembering something.
1111101113011KareninaHey. Didn't you give your tent to the other residents?1
114113114301KareninaThen where are you going to stay?1
115114115302That branch looks sturdy.116I can sleep on the street.116
117116117301RImgBg1ShakeKareninaHow stupid are you?!1
118117118301You are not surprised to hear her shouting at you.
119118119302I'm just kidding.120
120119120302It's fine. I've stayed in worse.121
121120121302Supplies from Babylonia will arrive in a few days.122
123122123301AniZhuanchangBeginKareninaYou... Forget it. Follow me.1
126125126301DialogEnableYou follow Karenina to a corner east of the conservation area and see a small military tent.
127126127302This is...?128
128127128301Karenina...My tent. You can stay here for now if you have nowhere else to go.1
129128129301KareninaDon't overthink it. I just don't want anything to happen to you when I'm in charge.1
130129130302Thanks, Karenina.131
131130131301But then you remember that conservation areas usually have sleeping pods reserved for Constructs. You are not sure why there is only a tent before you.
132131132302Where's your sleeping pod?133
134133134301KareninaI lent it to some sick kids. All the hospital beds are full right now. At least the sleeping pod is more comfortable.1
1361351363011AniZhuanchangBeginWho was she calling stupid again?