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433301DialogEnableHack, slash, and then strike straight ahead.
1099301PanelActor1Shake1Accompanied by a mechanical grating sound similar to a human scream, a Corrupted falls on Vera's banner spear.
1817173011Without hesitation, she withdraws her arm and retracts her spear. The shaft of the spear sweeps across another Corrupted attacking from the side and stabs yet another target in one fluid motion.12
2322223011Under the lead-gray sky, machine parts pile up into a large mound. Waving her banner spear, she sends Corrupted flying into the air one after another. She is like a dancer gliding among dozens of partners in an intricate dance of death.
252424301As for you, you stand behind her, dodging scrap metal as you watch the fierce spectacle unfold.
262525302I have a question.26
282828302Why am I in the back?29
292929301DialogDisableVeraIsn't it normal for a commandant to stand at the rear and watch from a safe distance while Constructs fight the Corrupted on the front line? What's wrong?1
303030302Not every commandant fights like that.31
313131302But that's not what I mean.32
323232301DialogEnableShe is right that it is a common tactic for commandants to assign Constructs to fight on the front line while they provide support from the rear. However, the problem is...
343434301Skint! Vera runs her banner spear right through another Corrupted's frame. The body is powerless to resist, but the limbs writhe in the air, indicating the need for one more final blow.
353535301She turns a blind eye and tosses the Corrupted behind her carelessly. The struggling Corrupted lands in front of you, its bright red lens pointing at you as it lets out a harsh metal shriek.
393939302...Here we go again.40
414141301The problem is that Vera is not actually killing any of the Corrupted. Instead, she is merely slashing them a few times and tossing them to the side. Since the mission started, you have been forced to finish the job as Corrupted bodies continue to pile up.
424242301The original plan was for you to stay in close proximity to Vera to widen the safe zone. But with her flailing around her banner spear, she is like a fierce rose in battle. Get too close, and you will get stabbed by a thorn.
474747301PanelActor1ShakeYou raise your gun and shoot, causing the red light on its lens to fade to black. Its sharp claws, just one inch from stabbing you, fall to the ground.
484848302You did that on purpose, didn't you? Letting them approach?49
5050503011VeraFind that out just now?1
515151301Clearing the way in front of her, she slows down her pace and throws a sarcastic smile at you between the fighting.
535353301VeraDon't you fight like this, Gray Raven Commandant? I'm just having you help clean up the aftermath.1
545555301VeraHaha, think what you like. If you are afraid, blame yourself for taking part in this mission.1
555656301VeraBut we can't quit now. We're almost at the mission location.1
575858301Right at that moment, Vera stops. She plunges her spear into the ground and kneels down.
585959301Mechanoid ruins spread out before you. A dusty metallic smell seems to linger in the gray air. An array of mechanical parts are stacked at random. Among the piles, you catch occasional glimpses of movement.
626363301Right where Vera is kneeling, a mechanoid hand bursts out from the ground as the Corrupted roars. The mechanoid still bears some human resemblance. It must have been a destroyed Construct.
6465653011VeraHmph! How can a pile of junk this infected even move?1
666767301VeraWhatever... Time to die!1
676868301As if too lazy to pull out her banner spear, she shoves her fist into the Corrupted's core.
707171301Ka-cha... You seem to hear a faint ticking like that of a mechanical heart. Suddenly, the Corrupted's rigid body collapses into Vera's arms like a sleeping infant.
717272301VeraLet's see if this Corrupted's got anything...1
727373301Vera kneels down lower and feels around the Corrupted's frame, which no longer shows any sign of functionality.
747575301You cannot see what she is doing from where you stand. All you can do is listen.
767777301At first, you hear the faint sound of friction.
787979301Following that, you hear the clanging thud of metal hitting metal.
808181301Finally, you hear a deafening bang as she finally stands up from the Corrupted. She fixes her hair with the hand holding a dangling bundle of parts.
8283833011VeraUgh, recovering resources is always such a pain in the ***. What were the higher-ups thinking just sending one Construct? I guess I'll scavenge while we inspect the place.1
838484302Need my help?85
858686301VeraYou? What do you know? Stand back and don't get in my way.1
878888301VeraOf course, if you're so interested in Construct autopsies, I won't object. But don't blame me if scrap just so happens to come flying out and slit your throat.1
888989302Forget it...90
909191301Autopsy... Although official statements from Babylonia use more politically correct terminology, Vera does not bother mincing words when referring to the mission objective.
919292301Aside from recovering resources, the objective of your mission is to investigate the area—that includes the dead soldiers here.
929393301This sort of mission is not particularly uncommon, but you rarely participate. That being said, most participants are not like Vera.
9495953011VeraOh, look at the tracks here. Seems like this group of Constructs put up quite the resistance before they died despite not knowing a single thing about tactics.1
959696301VeraBut their cores were obliterated. Ha. It's not that they didn't have the strength to continue fighting—they just gave up in despair. I guess they must have seen something.1
979898301Vera2 o'clock. Looks like it started with that Construct hanging upside down. That's their captain.1
99100100301VeraLet's see... They probably stuck to the front line here. They lasted about five waves—no, six. Right as they were able to go on the offensive, they saw a giant Corrupted crush their captain and kick him into the tree.1
101102102301VeraAfter that, they couldn't even stand a single wave before they were overrun.1
103104104301VeraHmph. Men without a banner. What a pity.1
106107107301AniZhuanchangEndUnwilling to continue listening, you close your eyes.
107108108301Vera slowly and methodically describes the fallen soldiers' final battle.
108109109301Some fought desperately, some sacrificed their lives, and some fled. Just listening to her analysis, you vividly imagine what they must have experienced on the battlefield. And the final moments before their deaths.
109110110301Now, their final moments have been pulled out of the dust by Vera, dissected and analyzed, becoming the material for studying the battle.
110111111301How should one react when hearing their final moments? You do not know what to feel.
111112112301But Vera does, with certainty. She is just carrying out her mission, recording those endings and bringing them to light.
1141161163011VeraHey, Gray Raven Commandant. I know I told you to stay away from me, but are you really going to just stand there and daydream?1
116118118301VeraKeep that up, and you'll be a permanent resident here. Shouldn't you familiarize yourself with the surrounding area first?1
117119119302That won't be necessary.120I've already bought a house here.120
118120120301VeraReally? Then suit yourself.1
120122122301VeraI don't have time to look after you. Take care of yourself if any Corrupted ambush us.1
121123123302...Got it.124(Walk over)124
123125125301VeraHmph, good.1
124126126301Looking up from the broken mechanical parts, Vera suddenly smiles at you.
126128128301Right at that moment, she pulls out a small part from within the Construct's frame. It's a half-full glass tube containing a vibrant green solution.
127129129302What's this?130
128130130301Seeing this peculiar object, your curiosity causes you to speak without thinking.
1301321323011VeraHuh? You think I—1
131133133301Vera hesitates as if deliberating whether or not to belabor a response.
133135135301Her eyebrows twitch, then she blinks twice before smiling a big toothy grin.
134136136301VeraWell, alright... Since you saw it, I'll tell you.1
135137137301She throws the glass capsule high into the air and catches it.
137139139301VeraThis little fella is called an inverse scale inhibitor dispersant. It's a top-secret reagent developed by Babylonia.1
138140140302An inverse... what?141
140142142301VeraForget it. The point is... it's top-secret. Most of the information on its production and ingredients won't see the light of day—some of which cause humans to feel excruciating pain.1
141143143302That's why you were dealing with those suspicious people?
143145145301VeraOh, you still remember that. Then you should know that this thing must be kept secret.1
145147147301VeraI won't go into detail. But to put it simply, this thing is kind of a cardiac stimulant that can be administered to people on the brink of death via intravenous injection.1
146148148301VeraThis thing exists in every Construct, just under the spine. It's impossible to remove without disassembling the entire Construct like I did just now.1
147149149301VeraHmph. If this ever gets out, how many commandants do you think will request Constructs to crack open their frames to save themselves during crises? You know how it is between Commandants and Constructs.1
148150150301VeraThat's why this tech has been kept top-secret all this time to prevent that from happening. Only a handful of honorary commandants are authorized to know.1
149151151302Is that... why you're telling me?152
150152152301VeraYep! You're now an honorary member, Gray Raven Commandant. Now that you know this secret, you can order your team to find a Construct to save yourself when your life is in danger.1
151153153301VeraI'm sure your team members will fall all over each other trying to help you.1
152154154302...I wouldn't let them do that.160Cut the crap.155
154156156301VeraNot bad. People who think this is fake are the best at keeping secrets. Keep at it.1
156158158301VeraBut when you're one foot in the grave, I can't wait to see you begging them to use this lil' thing.1
159161161301You respond without even taking time to consider the possibility.
160162162301Regardless if what Vera said was true or not, you would never choose to do that on the battlefield. Whether it is Gray Raven or other Constructs, you would never want to put them in harm's way.
161163163301This is the only thing you can firmly answer.
1631651653011Vera...Is that so?1
164166166301Vera just shrugs.
165167167301VeraForget it. Doesn't matter. I'm done recovering the resources here. Let's return to the conservation area.1
166168168301She stands up and casually kicks away the Construct scattered on the floor. She throws over the parts she collected from the surrounding area, implying for you to carry them back.
168170170301VeraAlright, let's get going.1
169171171301Her tone becomes sharp and pretentious, reminding you of those birds with names you cannot pronounce in those nature documentaries.
170172172301VeraDear Com—man—dant—1
1711731733011AniZhuanchangBeginYou nearly gag at the sound of such a sweet and intimate tone, which causes your body to tense up.