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433301DialogEnableDespite saying it is late, Chrome does not seem to be in a hurry to part ways as you two leave the library.
544302Back to the classroom?5
7663011ChromeOur game of chess hasn't ended yet, has it?1
988301You tilt your head and look at him.
1099301You seem to understand what he was thinking during that long stretch of silence.
111010301He might have figured it out then.
121111301If you were from the same year as him, the two of you would have done what you just did.
131212301You would read in the library together, discuss philosophy the way you did, stroll on the training fields around campus, and play chess in the classroom after class.
141313301After all, you have done the same at the same places... at different times.
171616301AniZhuanchangEndYou are back to where you ran into each other.
181717301The two of you return to your seats.
191818301The holographic chessboard lights up between you.
212020301The pieces on it are still where you left them.
2322223011ChromeIt was my turn, so now it's yours, 【kuroname】.1
242323302Alright, then...24
262525301White Knight moves from H4 to F5.
272626302Has your mood gone better?27
282727301Black Pawn moves from C7 to C6.
313131301White Pawn moves from G2 to G4.
323232302And what is that?33
333333301Black Knight moves from H5 to F6.
3535353011ChromeWe'll talk after the game.1
383838301White Knight moves from H1 to G1.
404040301The battle on the chessboard grows more intense.
424242301In the end—
434343301White Queen moves from F3 to F6.
444444301Chrome's clutched fists press against his lips, him pausing to consider.
4646463011ChromeYou sacrificed your Bishop on your 11th move.1
474747301ChromeYou sacrificed both of your Rooks on your 18th move.1
484848301ChromeNow you're sacrificing your Queen.1
494949301ChromeYou have fewer pieces than I do.1
505050302You know what I've been thinking about.51
515151301ChromeI do.1
535353301He picks up the Black Knight on G8 and takes your White Queen, placed on F6 as bait.
545454301In response, you pick up the White Bishop on D6...
555555301And move it to E7.
575757301The game is over.
585858301Chrome does not look disappointed, and you do not look gleeful either.
595959301You just stare at each other for a while before breaking into smiles.
6161613011ChromeWhen did you hatch this plan?1
626262302Same time as you did.63
636363301ChromeFrom the very beginning, then.1
676868301Chrome and you have actually been replicating a legendary chess game.
686969301This has been a contest, but it has not been one, too. It was not a game of chess, but a game of minds.
697070301You were both gambling on the hope that the other person would make the expected move.
707272301The number of active pieces is way more important than the number of pieces a player has. Despite the inevitability of the circumstances, there are always those who can break through the boundaries and forge new paths.
717373301There are always those who think alike, who are willing to forge a new path with you.
727474301Those of Us, or Other.
737575301The most important thing is to understand each other and look for a possibility together.
747676301Even if Chrome is a Construct, and you are a human...
757777302I'm sitting right here.78
7779793011ChromeYes. You're right in front of me.1
788080301You find yourself reflected in his eyes, his blue irises as all-encompassing as the ocean.
798181302Not only me.82
808282301ChromeNo. Not only you.1
828484301Without love and kindness, the power of technology will only be the power to hurt.
838585301That is it, you think. If there is no love and kindness.
848686301But not all humans have been selfish and foolish.
8688883011ChromeCan I expect more games like this, 【kuroname】?1
889090301Understanding each other even when you are competing.
899191301Choosing the same path even when you stand on different sides.
909292302I think so.93
919393301You make a promise.
929494301There will be more games like this.
9395953011AniZhuanchangBeginIt is a promise... and a vow.