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544301DialogEnable1LeeCommandant, I have found a suitable school for Nanami with Celica's help. What say we send her over?1
65101302You certainly work fast.5Oh... Okay...6
7657301LeeIt's not like we have other jobs on our hands at the moment.1
8767301LeeIt's just going to school, nothing special.1
111093011NanamiHm, Nanami doesn't want to leave Commandant.2
131211301NanamiYou see, when the Earth is reclaimed, everyone will be free! It won't be too late for my research!2
141312301LeeThe war's not looking good for us though. And before that time comes, can you promise that you'll never cause trouble again like last time out of selfishness?1
151413301NanamiNanami's not selfish... It's just the time limit of the mission...2
161514301LeeTime limit?1
171615301LeeI don't know when that limit is, but isn't that all the more reason for you to finish your research as soon as possible?1
181716301NanamiBut... but Nanami doesn't want to leave Commandant!2
1918102302I don't want Nanami to leave either!17Lee, don't let Nanami leave!17
201917301LeeYou two... Why do I feel like the villain...1
222118301LeeTruth be told, I'm not interested in Nanami's mission at all, I just want her to stop making a mess of the base.1
242319301LeeCan you promise to not destroy anything out of boredom from now on?1
282823301NanamiBut Nanami will try her best starting from today.2
292924301NanamiWhether it's battles, daily tasks, or other missions, Nanami will take care of them all before the time limit!2
303025301NanamiIn return, please become Nanami's finest research subject, Commandant.2
313126301NanamiHumans live in groups, and there are bound to be excellent individuals in a group.2
323227301NanamiAnd that individual is the most important research subject! At least that's what Nanami thinks.2
3333104302What are you talking about?28Are you talking about me?29
34342830301NanamiWhat Nanami means to say is, please become the most outstanding human, Commandant!2
35352930301NanamiHehe! That's right!2
363630301NanamiBecause you're the only one qualified to be my research subject and my commandant!2
3838323011AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiAnd the book did say that... Only an outing between two individuals who like each other can be called... a date. ANYONE—ELSE—WON'T—DO.2