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544301DialogEnable1LivI'll do my best to complete the special training, Commandant!1
655302What exactly are we doing?6I'll also do my best to help you.6
766301LivI've compiled several training programs after analyzing the data... but there's something I want to ask you first, Commandant.1
877302Sure.8Why don't we just do what the programs say?9
98810301LivWonderful! I knew you'd help me, Commandant.1
1099301LivIt'll take quite a long time if we do all of them, so I thought it's best if you decide which one we should do, Commandant.1
111010301LivI'm uncertain about what criteria we should be using to select our training program. Commandant, what kind of Construct is the most helpful to you?1
121111302As long as they're helpful in combat.12Constructs that are helpful outside combat as well.13
13121214301LivCombat is of course our top priority, isn't it?1
141313301LivOutside combat? Like being able to handle other duties?1
151414301LivAnother question, then. What kind of personality do you think is good for a Construct?1
161515301LivFor example, whose personality would you prefer: Lucia or Nanami?1
171616302They're on two ends of a spectrum, aren't they?17I don't know how to answer that out of the blue.18
18171719301LivTwo ends, are they... but I can't think of a better pair to compare...1
191818301LivI'm sorry, Commandant! Did that question make you uncomfortable?1
201919301LivThen... my last question, Commandant... Do you...1
212020301LivDo you...1
222121302What is it?22Yes?22
232222301LivNo, forget it.1
2423233011AniZhuanchangBeginLivAnyway, I understand what you're looking for in a Construct now, Commandant. I'll compile the data and present you with a new training program!1