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544301DialogEnable1LeeWe're here.1
655302I never knew a place like this existed in Babylonia.6How did you find out about this place, Lee?6
766301LeeIt's a supply depot for ordering military-grade machine parts. It's off the beaten path, so only a few people know about it.1
877301LeeAs for how I found this place...1
988301LeeMost machine parts in the workshop are uniformly rationed, but a few special parts need to go through an application process.1
1099301LeeParts are then sent anonymously to headquarters.1
111010301LeeEven though there isn't an address listed on the orders, each order has a Diophantine equation and an irregular arc hidden on it.1
121111301LeeAfter solving the equation, I got a set of coordinates.1
131212301LeeI compared the curve with the terrain, then calculated Eden's trajectory to accurately pinpoint its location.1
141313301LeeAfter that, I took some time while we were preparing for a mission to investigate the area, and I found it.1
151414302I have no idea what the heck you're saying, but it sounds impressive...15You're always quietly observing every little detail.15
171616301Lee...Anyway, we should be able to find a core chip for the tiny robot here.1
181717302What kind of chip is it?18
2019193011AniZhuanchangBeginLeeIt's a special chip. There's no set ID code to identify it. Just stay here, and I'll go look for it.1