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544301DialogEnable1Chrome...Right, that's everything summarized. We've gone through all of the key points regarding the squad-based fire and movement tactic. Anything you want to add, Commandant?1
655302Nothing. It was a perfect summary.6The only problem is there is none.7
7669301ChromeI'm flattered. It really was the clarity of your thought process that made it easy.1
98810301ChromeIs that so? You're quite wisecracking sometimes, Commandant.1
111010301Chrome takes a look at the time on the terminal and smiles, packing up the files used during the discussion.
121111301ChromeIt's been nearly an hour... My mission here is also almost done.1
131212301ChromeIn that case, the discussion on the tactics used during our last battle is concluded... Sorry to take up so much of your time today of all days.1
141313302Today of all days...?14
151414301Chrome shakes his head, chuckling. He swipes on the holo-screen, and the battle records show a picture of you fighting with Strike Hawk—a memory that you cherish.
161515301ChromeI didn't realize it, but you have gone through a lot with us as a commandant... So much so that we can laugh about them now.1
171616302It's been a lot indeed.17Too many to count.17
181717301Crossing your arms, you look at the images and descriptions that compose the thrilling past you share, and you feel like being with an old friend—flipping through photo albums and talking about old days, not noticing the time.
191818302The past isn't the only thing we share. The future too.
201919301ChromeRight... we should set our sights on tomrrow. Strike Hawk must grow and perform even better than before... until we're our best selves.1
212020301Chrome reveals a subtle smile as he looks at the members of Strike Hawk in the photo.
222121301ChromeStrike Hawk has been improving because of you. Whether it is Kamui, Wanshi, Camu, or me... you have lifted each one of us up. So, on behalf of Strike Hawk, I'd like to give you this small gift. I hope you'll take it.1
242323301You take the beautifully wrapped gift from Chrome, confused by the sudden gesture.
252424302It's for me...?25Thanks, Chrome, but why are you...25
272626301Right as you are about to ask about the gift, the door to the Strike Hawk lounge opens, and a thick-haired head pokes in.
2928283011KamuiHey, Capt.! Has the Gray Raven Commandant left yet?1
3130303011ChromeYou're looking for the commandant as well? But please, remember not to yell inside the lounge when we have a guest...1
323131302Is something wrong, Kamui?32
3433333011KamuiSomething is wrong! Very wrong! I saw Celica carrying a stacked folder asking for you on my way back, and she's almost here! Run, Commandant, RUN!1
353434301Extra work is bad, but you reckon it is not bad enough to run away...
363535302Perhaps Celica has something important for me?36
383737301KamuiShe would have called you if there was something urgent... not to mention that her folder is filled to the brim! It must all be annoying documents like trivial reports and paperwork inside!1
393838302Why are you so familiar with it?!39What a detailed analysis...39
414040301KamuiHmph. Wanshi taught me the tricks to handle Celica.1
4342423011ChromeIf only your training reports were also as thoroughly analyzed...1
454444301Chrome rubs his furrowed brows before standing by Kamui, sighing.
4847473011ChromeAlthough I do not agree with this approach... I suppose today can be considered an exception.2
494848301ChromeWe'll hold Celica off. Commandant, go ahead and return to the Gray Raven lounge...2
504949301KamuiGo! Lucia and the others are waiting for you!1
515050302Thanks, guys... but...51
525151301Seeing how serious the two of them look, you reckon now is not the time to ask them what is wrong with everyone today...
545353301ChromeOne last thing—please apologize to Lucia for us. Kamui and I will probably be late...2
555454302AniZhuanchangBeginUh... Okay!55
575656301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginYou have not found the chance to ask them why, but Lucia and the rest must know something, so your best move is to head back to the Gray Raven lounge. As for Celica... you will have to apologize to her later.
605959302AniZhuanchangEndDidn't realize I'd walked this far already...60
616060301DialogEnableHaving left Strike Hawk, you are still confused about the gift in your hands. And leaving them does not feel like the most considerate thing to do—you would feel terrible if they got reprimanded because of you.
626161302Maybe I should go back?62
636262301Except that Chrome and Kamui were very insistent on you returning to the lounge as soon as possible. Their urgency slightly worries you, and you cannot make up your mind.
646363301RImgBg1ShakeIt really is not the best idea to be distracted when walking past a corner. Abstracted, you bump into someone who appears at the corner at the same time.
656464302I'm sorry. I...
6766663011???****! Keep your eyes open when you walk! Hell... You're lucky that I still have an intact present to deliver, or I swear to god I'd kill... eh?!1
6968683011BiancaKaren, what's wrong... Commandant?!1
717070301Only now do you realize that the person you have run into is none other than Karenina. She is also holding a beautifully decorated box, but right as your gaze lands on it, she immediately hides it behind her back.
7372723011KareninaWhat are you looking at...?!1
747373301You are not sure why Karenina seems to be in such a foul mood today as she mumbles quietly.
757474301KareninaTch... Dammit, why did we run into each other here... There goes the surprise...1
7877773011BiancaI suppose it's pretty surprising to meet somewhere unexpected like this.2
797878301KareninaYou're not wrong...1
818080301BiancaThe efforts you spent to pick the present will be in vain if you don't give it today...2
828181301KareninaIt wasn't me! You were the one who chose it. I just helped a little...1
838282301Karenina sighs before taking out the decorated box from behind and handing it to you.
848383301KareninaThis is for you... Consider it a gift! With Bianca and my tastes combined, this present must be better than the one Gray Raven... Lucia picked!1
868585301Taking the gift from Karenina, you find her finally smiling candidly.
878686302Umm... Thanks.87
9089893011BiancaIt's hard to compare gifts when they all represent their sender's love...2
919090301KareninaWell, at least we're the first one to deliver ours! I'll count that as a win!1
939292301Smiling, Bianca pats Karenina on her head when she discovers the gift from Strike Hawk.
9594943011BiancaThat's... Have you already received a gift from someone else, Commandant?2
969595302This is from Strike Hawk...96
979696301BiancaStrike Hawk... That's the scout team Kamui belongs to, isn't it?2
989797302Yeah... He's pretty lively right now.98
999898301BiancaHmm, that's good... I haven't really seen him since last time, but I suppose no one wants to see the Purifying Force a second time.2
1009999301BiancaIf it weren't for you, I would have taken him down as another soldier infected by the Punishing Virus.2
101100100301BiancaThat decision might seem obvious to you, but it wasn't for someone who has always been in the Purifying Force like me... Please accept my utmost gratitude.2
102101101301BiancaIt wasn't just that. I've been following what you've done, Commandant. Your conviction always seems to create impossible miracles when there is none.2
103102102302I'm not as remarkable as you make me out to be...103I was lucky.103
1071061063011BiancaThe work you've done has given so many of us hope. The gifts you're receiving are the best proof.2
108107107301KareninaFor crying out loud, enough with your courtesy. Just accept the gift and people's gratitude, especially today, alright?1
109108108302Right... Understood. Thank you.109I'll keep working hard as a commandant.109
110109109301KareninaYeah, yeah. Lucia... the Gray Ravens are still waiting for you. We might as well head there together.1
111110110301BiancaThat's right. Although it's common for the protagonist to show up last, you shouldn't make the others wait too long.2
112111111302The protagonist? Is that me...?112
114113113301As the impatient Karenina pushes you forward, you hear the piercing screeching sound of tires skidding across the floor.
115114114302Who is driving on Babylonia...?115
117116116301RImgBg1Shake???Gray Raven Commandant! I've finally found you!
118117117301With her powerful shout, Celica appears at the end of the corridor—along with someone else...
1201191193011NanamiTa-da! Nanami is also here!1
121120120301Nanami is carrying Celica on the back of her Pulse frame, the wheel on her feet spinning at incredible speed. The sight reminds you of medieval knights charging on horseback.
122121121301NanamiStories dictate an antagonist for maximum drama! Nanami is now the villain's goon!1
1241231233011CelicaWho are you saying is a villain...?1
1261251253011BiancaWe can't let Celica catch the commandant today... We're counting on you, Rosetta!1
128127127301With that, the flame of a propeller approaches from a distance, stopping beside you.
129128128302Rosetta? Where did you come from?129
1311301303011RosettaDon't mind that for now... Commandant, hold on to me... We have to go!1
132131131302(Hold on gently)132(Hold on tightly)134
134133133137301RosettaCommandant... y-you can put some muscle behind it. This frame is sturdy enough to withstand it.1
136135135301RosettaOh...?! Sorry, Commandant, that was a bit too tight. I'm worried that the stiff exterior of my frame will hurt you.1
138137137301You look back, your arms around Rosetta's slim waist, and you find Nanami and Celica fast approaching.
139138138302Nanami is coming!
1411401403011NanamiThat's right, Nanami is coming! Full steam ahead!1
1431421423011CelicaStop running!1
1451441443011RosettaHold on, Commandant. We're taking off!1
150149149301Before you are ready, the landscape before you turns into a speeding blur as the wind and the loud rumblings of the propellers are funneled into your head...
151150150301Your mind almost melts from the high velocity. You are only staying awake because of one simple fact—you cannot let go. If you do...
152151151302AniZhuanchangBeginI'm really going to die!152
156155155301AniZhuanchangEndYour feet do not touch the ground until the harsh wind gradually ceases beside your ears, and your body is once again anchored downward by Babylonia's artificial gravity.
157156156301It has only been a few minutes, but you feel like you have returned to the high-g training chamber at F.O.S. for half a day.
1591581583011RosettaIt seems like it'll take them a while to catch up... Are you alright, Commandant?1
161160160301Rosseta breathes a sigh of relief, her feet firmly planted on the ground. Meanwhile, you are barely standing straight, only staying up with her support.
162161161302Yeah. I'm fine.162
163162162301Your vision is still hazy, but your surroundings are familiar. You know them even with your eyes closed.
1651641643011RosettaAlright, it is the Gray Raven lounge right ahead. Everyone should be waiting for you inside. It's still not too late if you go now.1
167166166301Rosetta hesitates for a second before letting you go, extending the propellers on her shoulders and hovering before you.
168167167302What about you, Rosetta?168
1701691693011RosettaI'll... help draw Celica away. I hope I can buy you some time.1
172172172301Rosetta smiles, wrily, looking at the door to the lounge.
173173173301RosettaI'm still under Babylonia's monitor. If I appear with all of you, people may make a thing out of it—I do not wish you anything but joy and peace of mind today.1
174174174302You don't have to worry about those people.175Rosetta, you are one of us.175
176176176301Looking a little surprised, she gives you a gentle smile. She takes out a colorful, intricate box from her pocket.
177177177302Is that... for me?178
1791791793011RosettaI've been hesitant to give you this present as a token of my gratitude. After all, it is nothing compared to the things you have done for me... for the Forest Guard.1
181181181301Rosetta closes her eyes, touching your forehead with hers—you have heard that this is the way Forest Guard expresses their thanks.
182182182301RosettaBut perhaps we don't have to weigh appreciation aginst the value of a gift.1
183183183301RosettaOnce again, thank you, Commandant...1
185185185301She opens her eyes again, lifting her head with confidence, her prism-colored wings extending with strength.
186186186301RosettaYou're right. I am one of you. I'll return to everyone, but for now...1
187187187301RosettaPlease ask Lucia to wait for me for a little bit. I'll be quick.1
189189189301With that, her propellers bring her to the other end of the corridor in an instant—you hope that Celica will not give her an earful afterward.
190190190301AniZhuanchangBeginYou cannot waste the time Rosetta is buying you. With a sense of curiosity and expectation, you enter the lounge you have been to countless times.
194194194301AniZhuanchangEndBut as the automatic doors open, you find a room completely in darkness. None of the Gray Ravens seem to be in.
195195195302Am I too late...?196
196196196301You walk inside to find the automatic lights not turning on as usual. Realizing something is out of the ordinary, you put down the gifts you have received, your hand going for the pistol by your arms.
2022032033011LuciaHappy Birthday, Commandant!1
203204204301LivHappy birthday! We've been waiting for you, hoping to surprise you.2
204205205301Lucia and Liv run out from the corners with party poppers still in their hands. Seeing them, you finally calm down.
205206206301LivDid we scare you, Commandant?2
206207207302No, not really.208Yeah, you got me.210
207208208301LivThat's good... Although surprises are traditionally a little frightening...2
208209209302Which tradition is this...?212
209211211302That's not necessary!212
211214214302Is it somebody's birthday today?215
212215215301Lucia and Liv look at each other, slightly confused and dumbfounded.
2152182183011LivIt's... your birthday, Commandant.2
216219219302It's... my birthday?220
217220220301LuciaThat's right! Which is why everyone's planning to meet here today to celebrate your birthday.1
219222222301Only now do you notice that the lounge is adorned with decorations. You cannot believe that they have put in so much work for this.
220223223301The adornments might be simple, but they give the monotonous lounge a sense of warmth.
221224224302Thank you...225
222225225301You have forgotten how many times you have thanked someone today. Still, you want to express your appreciation to them yourself.
2252282283011LivI bet you didn't notice that Lee was the one who put up all the decorations!2
226229229301LuciaNeither Liv nor I were tall enough to hang the ribbons that high, so we had to ask Lee to do it.1
228231231301Lee was the one who decorated the room... You certainly did not expect that.
229232232302Speaking of which, where is Lee?233
230233233301???That's why you should hang the ribbons at different heights to look make them more natural and artistic!
231235235301AniZhuanchangBeginYou hear arguments from inside the lounge. They sound like Lee and... Ayla?
234238238301AniZhuanchangEnd1AylaAs a member of the WGAA, I will not accept such a poor imitation of proper decor!1
235239239301LeeI don't know much about decorating a birthday party, but if you want my help, you have to be specific about what you want instead of asking me to wriggle these ribbons around...2
236240240302You're here as well, Ayla.241
238242242301AylaOh, Gray Raven Commandant! Welcome to the birthday party!1
241246246302So... what are you two doing?247
243248248301LeeThe others wanted to throw you a birthday party, but they weren't sure what to do, so we asked Ayla to be the organizer...2
244250250302You really don't have to go overboard for me...251
245251251301AylaEveryone's birthday is special and worth commemorating—it was like that during the Golden Age, and it should be so now... during a time of uncertainty.1
246252252301Perhaps Ayla is right. When you cannot easily predict what tomorrow brings, you should cherish today.
247253253301AylaAccording to WGAA's records, people used to host parties this way in the past, celebrating their birthdays with their families.1
2502562563011LivRight... Birthdays used to be my favorite day of the year when I was younger.1
251257257301The past seems to flash through Liv's mind, her smile filled with nostalgia and a hint of sorrow.
252258258301LivI would be with my family. The night was warm and dusky, and the pie my mom prepared was fragrant and sweet—I still remember how it tasted, even after I became a Construct.1
253259259301LivPerhaps because my sense of taste has been modified, I can never make a pie that tastes like hers, no matter what... Otherwise, I can make one for you, Commandant.1
254260260301LivStill, I have prepared a cake for you and everyone, Commandant. I hope you will like it.1
255261261302I look forward to it.262
2572632633011LeeMurray would have been ecstatic if he knew you made a cake, Liv.1
2592652653011LivDoes Murray have a sweet tooth?1
2612672673011LeeA birthday-cake-tooth, technically. He's curious about them.1
262268268301LeeOur family wasn't exactly rich, but we still kept each other's birthdays in our mind. We would always try to prepare small gifts on those days.1
264270270301Lee talks about his past as he adheres the ribbons to the wall with great focus, making sure they are straight as an arrow.
2662722723011LivI feel like we never hear much about your past, Lee...1
267273273302That's true. I'm your commandant, but I've never really asked you about it.274
2692752753011Lee...That's alright. We don't have to bore you with the details. After all, you're the star today, Commandant...1
2712772773011LuciaI still remember my parents would always throw exciting parties on my birthdays, no matter what...1
272278278301LuciaJust like today, friends and family would gather, and I'd receive a lot of gifts like you do, Commandant.1
274280280301Lucia smiles and nods, looking at the pile of gifts to the side. Those are the gifts you have received on your way back.
275281281301LuciaEvery time I saw those gifts, I felt lucky to be born into such a large family, and I came into this world with all of their blessings...1
277283283301LuciaSo no matter how difficult things were, I decided that I couldn't give up that easily—not when I had their support.1
278284284301Lucia's fists slowly tighten as she nods.
279285285301LuciaAnd now, it isn't just the memories of the past supporting me. Commandant... and everyone... you're all part of my family now.1
280286286302I also think of all of you as family.287
281287287301As Lucia said—despite the hardships you have been through, you have not regretted becoming a commandant of Babylonia and Gray Raven. Becoming a part of a family.
283289289301As Lucia said—despite the many regrets you have had, you have not regretted becoming a commandant of Babylonia and Gray Raven. Becoming a part of a family.
284290290301Still, one thing continues to bother you...
285291291302How do you know it's my birthday today?292
286292292301As you recall, you have never told anyone when your birthday is, and you have never been asked to put down that information. Even you have almost forgotten about this date.
287293293301Lucia and Liv hesitate, seemingly unsure whether to tell you the truth. In the end, Lee reveals the truth.
2892952953011LeeWell, we have Vera to thank...1
296303303301AniZhuanchangEnd1LuciaVera... that is private information on the commandant. If you didn't obtain it through the proper channels, I'm afraid I have to ask you to return it to us.1
298305305301The three Gray Ravens have finally caught up to Vera, only to find her accompanied by the other two Cerberus members as she mockingly laughs at Lucia's request.
3003073073011VeraThat's funny. I personally don't have any classified info of your commandant on me. Does either of you?1
3043113113011No. 21I've not seen it.1
305312312301NoctisHa! You birdies want to blame us for misplacing your stuff?2
3083153153011LeeLucia, stop wasting your breath. This woman is beyond reason.1
310317317301Lee's arm reaches for his pocket. Noctis and No. 21 react immediately with a fighting stance, thinking Lee is drawing his gun.
3133203203011NoctisOh, you looking for a fight? I'm game!2
314321321301No. 21Kick his butt!1
316323323301Except Lee takes out a terminal instead of his pistol.
3183253253011LeeNot that I want to contact him for such trivial matters, but Murray is still your commandant, isn't he?1
319326326301LeeI know that guy. No doubt he'll order you to hand in the file to keep himself out of trouble.1
321328328301Vera's eyes widen, seemingly slightly surprised, but soon she bursts out laughing.
3233303303011VeraNot bad, I didn't expect you to be so tactful nowadays... but it's still funny since you have no idea who I got that file from.1
325332332301Vera slowly withdraws her smile as if contemplating something.
326333333301VeraIt's true that this is pretty useless to me...1
3303373373011LivIf that's the case, please return it to us...1
331338338301LuciaIf you hand it in, we won't look into how you got ahold of it.2
333340340301Vera seems to have thought of something interesting, and she smiles teasingly.
3353423423011VeraI spent quite a lot of effort to get it, and I got it fair and square... I can't just give it to you.1
3383453453011LeeEnough with your nonsense and name your price.2
340347347301VeraA small favor is all I ask of you. It's simple.1
341348348301With that, Vera throws the file in her hands to Lee. It has obviously been opened.
3443513513011LuciaHave you read what's inside...?1
347355355301Lee inspects what is inside the folder in case Vera is trying to pull some kind of trick on them.
3503583583011LuciaIs that... a date?1
352360360301LivThe day of birth of 【kuroname】... It's Commandant's birthday! And it's today!2
354362362301Vera snaps her fingers twice, reminding Gray Raven that she is not done speaking.
3563643643011VeraWhat I want you to do is throw a birthday party with Contructs that your commandant is friends with. The more you can find, the better.1
3583663663011Lee is not sure what he has just heard, and he looks at Vera perplexedly.
359367367301Lee...Is that it?1
3613693693011VeraYeah. What were you expecting...? Did you think I'd send you to assassinate someone? Relax, I can do those jobs myself.1
362370370301Vera grunts, not trying to hide how angry she is.
365375375301But Lee is still suspicious. He knows that Vera would never hand in something she owns that easily.
3673773773011LeeWhat exactly are you after? It can't be something as boring as a birthday party...1
3693793793011No. 21Birthday party isn't boring!1
370380380301Lee does not expect the quiet No. 21 to interrupt him and stare at him angrily.
372382382301No. 21A birthday is the date someone is born... It's important to celebrate this day for humans.1
373383383301No. 21 reveals a difficult expression, seemingly thinking and enduring something unsaid.
374384384301No. 21That was what the Gray Raven Commandant taught me, so the commandant must also really enjoy... birthday parties.1
376386386301Vera pats No. 21 on her head, smiling and looking intrigued.
3783883883011VeraNot bad. You've managed to shut Lee up.1
3843943943011No. 21I'm smart and well-spoken. Ten times smarter than Noctis, more or less.1
386396396301NoctisAbsurd! Why are we talking when we can be fighting?! How unnecessary!2
388398398301Vera looks at Gray Raven and sighs, waving her hand to beckon them to go.
390400400301AniZhuanchangBegin1VeraWhat are you still doing here? Sun's going down real soon...1
395405405301AniZhuanchangEndYou did not expect your birthday party to come with such a convoluted origin story... but you are glad that Gray Raven did not come to blow with Cerberus.
396406406302I didn't think my birthday would be classified...407
3984084083011LivCommandant, you don't pay too much attention to your privacy, do you...?1
400410410301Still, if it results in a party where you can briefly forget about fighting and work and instead spend time with others... you think that is acceptable.
401411411302But it seems like our short rest has already come to an end.412
402412412301The cutting screech of wheels braking hard approach from afar, and with that, a figure—technically two figures overlapping with each other—appears at the door to the lounge at incredible speed.
4044144143011NanamiEee-ya! Nanami Express—we live to deliver!1
4074184183011AylaCelica... are you okay?1
4094204203011Celica...Nanami! I almost died!1
411422422301Behind Nanami is Rosetta, withdrawing her propellers and landing, looking slightly frustrated.
4134244243011RosettaI'm sorry, Commandant... I couldn't keep them away long enough.1
414425425302It's alright.426
4174284283011NanamiYour propellers are super cool though, Rosy! Even I couldn't keep up during linear acceleration!2
420431431301Nanami holds out her hand, and Rosetta shakes it, smiling and looking slightly embarrassed.
421432432301RosettaNanami, your roller skates really impressed me with how you can traverse through difficult terrains. I never thought it was possible for Constructs to make that kind of maneuver.1
423434434301You are not sure why these two have developed an odd friendship after a race through Babylonia.
4254364363011CelicaRight, I almost forgot... You there! Commandant! Why did you keep running away when you saw me?! I have something important for you!1
426437437301In the end, you cannot escape your fate... That said, you have been prepared for that for a while now. You just feel bad that the efforts Lucia and the rest have spent are going to waste.
429440440302Relax. I'll be back as soon as I finish work.441
4314424423011CelicaWhat are you talking about... Aren't you on break today? I don't recall assigning you anything.1
432443443302Then what are you holding in your hands?444
433444444301CelicaThis folder? You must be kidding me... That was why you kept running?1
435446446301Realizing that, Celica slams the folder on the desk. A bunch of cards spills out from the folder, all with beautiful pictures or blessings written on them.
436447447301Liv picks up the cards, carefully looking through them.
4384494493011LivCommandant, these are all birthday cards for you! Look, even President Hassen and Commander Nikola have sent one...1
439450450302That was not what I imagined...451
4414524523011CelicaThe news of your birthday reached the Parliament and the HQ as well, so someone suggested sending you birthday cards. Call it a way to promote pop culture...1
4434544543011AylaHaha, I bet that was Chairman Allen.1
445456456301Chairman Allen is always forcefully persuasive on activities like this... No wonder the President and the Chief Commander were involved.
4474584583011CelicaAlthough Allen was the one who suggested it, we all sincerely want to thank you for all the impossible missions you've successfully completed. You've been protecting Babylonia. You've been protecting us.1
448459459301Celica grabs a card from the pile with a cute drawing on it and hands it to you. It is clearly signed with her name.
450461461301CelicaHappy birthday, Gray Raven Commandant! This is my gift for you.1
451462462302Thank you, Celica.463
452463463301You nod and take the card. It appears that work is going to be busy tomorrow.
454465465301Seemingly remembering something, Lee takes out his terminal and fiddles with it on the side.
455466466302What are you doing, Lee?
4574684683011LeeThe cards from Celica reminded me that we received messages from Forsaken and Akdilek earlier today as well.1
458469469301LeeWho knows, maybe they're also wishing you a happy birthday...1
460471471301AniZhuanchangBeginYou nod and gesture to Lee to open the message—although you are not sure how the news about your birthday reaches those two places.
464475475301AniZhuanchangEnd1WatanabeHey, are you filming?1
465476476301ZongSure thing! When have I ever screwed up?
466477477301WatanabeThen perhaps you're losing your mind—honestly, is it necessary for us to send that commandant a birthday message?1
467478478301ZongEh?! Boss, you're the one who always says Forsaken doesn't forget our friends. If it's a friend's birthday, it's only right for us to send our blessings even when we can't physically be there.
468479479301Watanabe does not seem to be able to refute Zong. He tries to say something, only to hold his words back, turning to the camera instead.
470482482301WatanabeIf this message is delivered to Babylonia on time, then it's still your birthday today...1
471483483301WatanabeBirthdays... are crucial to us Forsakens. It's likely that we will die on this land, alone and unknown. So we mourn the dead, and we celebrate the living.1
472484484301WatanabeSo, allow me to say this on behalf of all of us. Happy birthday.1
473485485301ZongOkay, perfect! What a wonderful speech, boss. It felt like you were speaking from your heart instead of the prompter.
475487487301WatanabeEnough with that crap. Is the recording done?1
476488488301ZongRelax. The recording will be automatically encrypted and sent to Gray Raven through a secured channel in just a second.
477489489301ZongOh, wait. I just discovered a problem...
478490490301WatanabeWhat is it?1
480492492301ZongIt seems to have recorded our conversation before and after the message as well... Hey, boss, chill! Put down your dagger first!
485497497301AniZhuanchangBeginIt seems that it is lively as ever where the Forsaken is... Next up should be the message from Akdilek.
489501501301AniZhuanchangEnd1SophiaHi, Commandant.
4925045043011ChangyuHas it started, Sophia?! Why didn't you call me?2
494506506301SophiaNot my problem that you're late.1
4985115113011JamilahTime is money. Don't you two have something to say instead of bickering?1
5015145143011SophiaOkay. We heard that it's your birthday today, Commandant. Happy birthday...2
503516516301ChangyuHow wonderful! I bet your birthday party must be filled with people... Unfortunately, we aren't free to go to Babylonia.1
505518518301SophiaAfter all, we have work to do, just like you.2
5085215213011JamilahAlright, I'll give you two days off on your birthdays next time. We'll ask the commandant to come down here as well.1
5115245243011SophiaWe can use the opportunity to sell our products... and bleed the commandant dry.2
513526526301ChangyuIt's over... Commandant, you've been marked.1
5215345343011BiancaLooks like the girl from Akdilek is all grown up...1
522535535302Bianca? When did you arrive?536
523536536301KareninaPerceptive as ever. We just arrived—so did everybody else.2
5275405403011KamuiCommandant, we meet again! Look, Capt., we're not too late!1
528541541301ChromeWe would have made it sooner if you didn't waste so much time on the way here...2
529542542301KamuiI was looking for Wanshi! That guy disappeared to who-knows-where after returning from a mission...1
530543543301At that moment, Liv carries a beautiful, delicate cake from the kitchen, drawing everyone's attention.
532545545301KamuiCapt.! Cake!1
5355485483011KareninaHe's so loud... But the cake does smell great. Did you make it yourself, Liv?1
5375505503011LivI did, and I put all my effort into it... Give it a taste, everyone!1
539553553302Well, I'll have to ask you to thank him for me.554
541555555301AniZhuanchangBegin1LivDon't worry. I've baked plenty! But... this one is special...1
544559559301AniZhuanchangBeginRight when Liv puts the cake on the table, the table shakes. A Construct in white crawls out underneath.
547562562301AniZhuanchangEnd1KamuiWanshi...?! How are you here?1
5495645643011WanshiI had training this morning. I worried that I'd miss the party if I napped, so... Yawn...1
550565565301Wanshi yawns, seemingly only half-awake.
5525675673011WanshiI smelled something nice and heard a familiar voice in my dream, so I woke up... Commandant, am I too late to wish you happy birthday?1
553568568302Of course not. Thank you.569
5555705703011LuciaWell, everyone's here! Let the party begins!1
557572572301You look around and find the tiny lounge packed with members from different teams and their colorful personalities. They are different, each of them, but their smiles are one and the same.
558573573301—If possible, you would pause the world and hold onto their smiles.
5605755753011AylaRight, Commandant, I have one more gift for you. I think you can make use of it.1
561576576302Is this...?577
562578578301AniZhuanchangBeginAylaCompared to digital data, a camera like this can turn memories into a photo that you can physically hold. I think it's beautiful that way.1
564580581301AniZhuanchangEndYou hold the camera up, pointing it toward the crowd in the room. Your finger is on the shutter, hoping to this moment into forever...
565581582302We're taking a photo! Look this way!583
5665825833011AniZhuanchangBeginHappy birthday, Commandant!