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433301DialogEnableDespite your repeat requests to stay at the Forsaken headquarters, Watanabe still insists on departing as scheduled—and so the supply run that helps cover the data collecting mission is also coming to an end.
544301AniZhuanchangBeginFor some reason, Watanabe takes the wheel of the vehicle and drives.
766301AniZhuanchangEndWatanabeThe next part is up to you guys.
877301WatanabeI do feel more uncomfortable the closer we are to the Babylonian area.
988301WatanabeOh, right. There's something I want you to keep.
1099301Watanabe turns on the automatic pilot and turns to throw you a jacket.
111010301WatanabeThis jacket works much better in a desert than the uniform you're wearing.
121111301WatanabeWhat's with the face? Relax, it's just a jacket.
131212301WatanabeDo you have really good memories, or do you just hold a massive grudge?
141313302Huh, it doesn't come with mint leaves this time.14Can't it be both?15
15141416301Watanabe...Good memories, then.
161515301WatanabeI'll give you the mint leaves next time.
171616301WatanabeAnyway, stay alert. We're not far from the next outpost.
181717301WatanabeBy the way, the jacket comes with a Forsaken locator. It'll be more useful than mint leaves here.
191818302Are you tracking me?19You can have it back.20
20191921301WatanabeYou can't think that your people will let you go on a mission without some way to keep tabs on you?
212020301WatanabeOut of concern for your safety, just take it.
222121301WatanabeAs a field agent, you really should be more urgent and self-aware. You don't want to cause more trouble, do you?
232222301Inside the cockpit, Watanabe's voice sounds weary.
242323301As you look outside the window at the unending stretch of the gray-blue sky, you cannot tell if it is day or night.
252424301It is not bleakness but a real sense of expanse. After the outbreak of the Punishing Virus, this world no longer seems to be capable of drastic changes.
262525301And the only glittering lights you can see are the snowdrops that hit the glass.
333232302What... time is it?33
343333301DialogEnableYou hear Watanabe's voice as soon as the question comes into your mind.
3635353011WatanabeTime to wake up, 【kuroname】.1
383737301He stops the vehicle. Judging from the meter on the dashboard and looking with your own eyes, you are about one kilometer away from the outpost.
393838301Strange as it is, you can more or less guess why Watanabe would park the vehicle here.
403939301Regardless of your personal relationship, the world is still not big enough for both Babylonia and the Forsaken.
4241413011WatanabeAlmost time to say goodbye. This is as far as you can slack off, I'd say.1
434242302Aren't you coming along?43Time to say goodbye, indeed.44
44434345301WatanabeI don't think so.1
454444301WatanabeAt least you haven't forgotten where I stand.1
464545301WatanabeIt spells trouble if I approach the outpost, me being who I am. Not to mention... they are the ones who should be picking you up.1
474646301WatanabeI'll get off here and wait for my men. I'm familiar with this region, so you don't have to worry.1
484747301WatanabeUntil next time, 【kuroname】.1
494848301WatanabeGodspeed, friend.1
504949301Watanabe puts on his protective gears again. Before he gets off, he picks up the jacket again and throws it toward you.
515050302(Catch and wear it)51I won't throw it away.51
525151301WatanabeJust don't lose it before you're back on Babylonia. Of course, I'll appreciate it if you return it next time we meet.1
535252301WatanabeAnd it won't explode if it gets trashed. Consider it a token of camaraderie.1
555454301By the time the cockpit closes and the vehicle starts, the glass windows are covered with a thin layer of condensed vapor from the difference between the temperature inside and outside.
565555301As the vehicle moves away, Watanabe's figure in the rearview mirror also slowly fades away, disappearing into the night.
575656301The brief two-person journey has ended, and you are back on your own on an accident-free trip, just like the way it started.