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433301DialogEnableThe supply transfer has been arranged after the routine security check at the outpost to conceal the actual objective of this operation.
544301The desert in winter is still remarkably arid. The sea of yellow sand in front of you has not changed apart from the cooling weather.
655302How far have I traveled in this desert...6
766301Your vehicle raises a fog of dust as it glides through the desert, and the sand dispersed in the air like a fleeting cloud.
877301Today is New Year's Eve. Despite having no notion of festivities, you still feel odd traveling alone on this day.
988301SystemIncoming transmission—
1211113011CelicaHello? Don't tell me you've fallen asleep, 【kuroname】? Our tracking suggested that you've entered the safe area, but you should keep an eye out nonetheless.1
131212302I'm awake.13Keep an eye out?13
141313301CelicaI know we're working with the Forsaken for now, but you can never tell what sort of accidents could happen down there. Just be careful.1
151414302I will. Don't worry.15
161515301CelicaGood to hear that. After all, the Gray Ravens aren't by your side this time, and they're all worried sick...1
171616302Let them know I'm safe and sound, will you?17
181717301CelicaI will. Make sure to keep your comms open and keep tabs on the cruise control. You're about two kilometers from the meeting point. Safe travels!1
212020301As Celica's message ends, you are immediately connected with the Forsaken.
222121301It follows so swiftly that you cannot help but wonder if they have been trying to call you when Celica was occupying the line.
2524243011WatanabeYou're in Forsaken territory now, 【kuroname】. Maintain your speed. Our envoy will be meeting you at your nine o'clock.1
262525301WatanabeKeep to yourself. We don't need no attention.1
292828301You see a layer of white mist fogging up the window of the cockpit. The setting sun lingers on the golden horizon, and everything seems within reach.
302929301The visible heatwave rises from the sand, distorting and refracting light, and you can see the dunes transforming into a pot of molten gold.
313030301Your transport slowly enters the designated area. You can see the paved path ahead of you as your vehicle gradually stops bumping.
323131301The Forsaken soldiers stop your ride under Watanabe's lead.
333232301You have yet to enter the campsite proper, unlike what you were expecting. You can tell it is still quite a distance away just from the view on your ride.
343333301AniZhuanchangBeginUncertain about the current situation, you recall what Celica mentioned and prepare for any unforeseen arrangement.
373636301AniZhuanchangEnd1WatanabeYou're 47 minutes and 6 seconds late.1
383737302Have you been waiting here?38The journey here took a while...39
393939301WatanabeNot surprising. It's a rough neighborhood.1
404040301WatanabeSorry for not informing you beforehand, but we'll need you to stop here.1
414141301WatanabeFor the sake of both of our sides, I can't allow a Babylonia vessel to enter our camp directly. It's an inconvenient time—you'll understand once you arrive.1
424242301WatanabeBut you don't have to worry. No harm will come to you. The Forsaken does not forget the people who fought by our side.1
434343302I understand.44
444444301Watanabe nods and gestures to the soldiers around him, and a senior-looking guard walks up with a detection device.
4747473011Guard LeaderPardon me. Please raise your arms—2
484848301Your pistol, as well as your emergency fire starter kit, are both confiscated.
494949301Guard LeaderMy apologies. No fire-starting items are allowed in the camp, and... what is this?2
505050302A water bottle... obviously?51
515151301Guard LeaderWould you mind taking a sip in front of us now? If it's alcohol...2
525252301WatanabeEnough, no need to be so thorough. Babylonia's not gonna allow a commandant to drink on the job, and this one doesn't seem like the rule-breaking kind.1
535353301WatanabeHave you notified the folks in the camp?1
545454301Guard LeaderWe did. Although we do recognize the Gray Raven Commandant, there have been many newcomers in the camp...2
575757301AniZhuanchangBeginWatanabe does not answer you. He turns and signals everyone to follow him to the Forsaken base.
595959301AniZhuanchangEndUnlike the calm and quiet campsite you remembered, the one you are seeing is bustling—
606060301The military tents by the road have turned into various stalls, where the Forsaken members trade and exchange rare items and supplies.
616161301More surprisingly, you notice a large group of children running by the Forsaken headquarter, giggling.
6464643011Guard LeaderHey, kids! Stop running around in here! You're going to bring down the tent!1
656565301The children turn to make a funny face at the guard leader before disappearing into the crowd with a louder wave of laughter.
6666663026687Who are they?69There are kids here!70
696969713011WatanabeChildren of the Forsaken.1
7070703011WatanabeDon't be so surprised. This isn't our only camp, and we... are not the only ones forsaken.1
717171301WatanabeWe built a small shelter to the east of here after what happened with the ARU. The kids and the newcomers are staying there.1
727272301WatanabeThey should be the actual hope for the future... We couldn't abandon them.1
737373302That's why you were searching me so thoroughly...74
757575301Watanabe stops, giving a soldier that is sorting supplies some kind of order.
7777773011ZongMr. Watanabe! I'm sorry, the sorting is still ongoing. You might want to take this...1
8080803011Watanabe...Supplier. A supplier for now.2
818282301ZongAnd don't forget to answer your comms, Mr. Watanabe. You're about to be late for the call with the blue gentleman.1
828383301WatanabeYou don't have to remind me. I'll reply after this—and we aren't the ones who are late, to begin with.2
848585301The children who entered the campsite earlier are still hanging around. They shoot a glance at your side every once in a while, and Watanabe waves back with a warm, friendly smile, unlike his usual solemn self.
858686301But when he turns back at you, he looks exactly as he was.
8788883011WatanabeCough... 【kuroname】, let's talk business.1
888989301WatanabeI've only received a very vague report about this test. But before that... there's something else that I'm more curious about.1
909191301At Watanabe's cue, the Forsaken soldiers open the marked cache.
919292301The CUB for this testing immediately activates and hovers by Watanabe's side.
929393301Right now, it is just a polygon with red stripes on one side, looking quite ordinary.
9495953011WatanabeThis thing can... help in a fight? It looks so...1
969797301Watanabe activates its second stage with uncertainty.
979898301Its form expands and changes as it transforms to prepare for engagements. The animalistic features and coatings of the machine immediately catch the people's attention... and catch them off guard.
989999301Watanabe's doubtful gaze and the unexpected reveal have everyone on the scene turn silent.
1001011013011WatanabeI understand it's supposed to be a support unit, but isn't this design a little bit... excessive?1
101102102302...103There were... thoughts put into it.104
102103103105301WatanabeI assume there were specific... thoughts put into it?1
103104104301WatanabeIf you say so... I suppose there's no harm in it.1
104105105301WatanabeIf we're just talking about combat capabilities, it's indeed... quite...1
105106106301Watanabe frowns, excruciating, desperately trying to convince himself with his own argument.
107108108301SystemIncoming transmission—
1111121123011CelicaIs this a good time? Mind if I cut in?1
112113113301The silence is broken up by a call from Babylonia. As the comms connect, Watanabe reverts to his typical expression.
113114114301CelicaI know the commandant isn't exactly on time, but our tracking shows that 【kuroname】 has arrived. And it seems that Mr. Watanabe here has a lot to say about our CUB?1
114115115301CelicaBut we can table that for later—it's one of our proudest creations, after all. Asimov, it's your turn to do the talking.1
1161171173011Asimov...I don't have much to say, to be honest.1
117118118301The Chief Technician is apparently unfamiliar with an occasion like this, or maybe he simply does not care. He pays no attention to how restless he looks.
118120120301AsimovIt might just get a little uncomfortable during the connection. But that's what you get from connecting to the M.I.N.D., so just prepare yourselves.1
119121121301AsimovRegarding its appearance, we have commissioned experts from the WGAA to design it, so I swear it's more than competent. Don't worry.1
120122122302Is that true...123I guess looks can be deceiving.123
121123123301AsimovIn that case, I'll count on the old models—I mean, the role models of the Forsaken to carry out this test.1
1241261263011WatanabeThis is just standard fare. It's nothing to us.2
125127127301AsimovI can tell how battle-tested you all must be from the way you've been maintaining yourselves. I simply require data from older frames.1
126128128301Watanabe...It seems that Babylonia hasn't forgotten where this frame comes from.2
127129129301AsimovThat... is not for me to say. Do you want me to fetch Hassen for you?1
128130130301WatanabeThat won't be necessary.2
129131131301AsimovNo offense, but it's probably best that we keep this kind of collaboration a one-time event. Good luck.1
132134134301And the call ends there.
135138138301WatanabeDon't worry. They would have sent someone else if it was a trap.2
136139139301Facing his hesitant crew, Watanabe casually gives him a pat on the shoulder.
137140140301WatanabeFor my part, I trust 【kuroname】. We have to have more friends who've fought with us than enemies against us, right?2
1381411413011AniZhuanchangBeginWatanabeBut you, dear supplier, I do have a job for you before my men are done calibrating the machine.2