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433301The night after everything has ended—
544301With the rising of the moon, the crowd also ebbs back to their rooms.
655301Leaving only a lone silhouette in a mountain of materials, tinkering away at something.
766301???A little bit of this...
877301Click-clack. She ignites something as she mumbles. Then a brilliant flash of light zips past your eyes and explodes above the ocean...
988301...Illuminating the figure, revealing her as...
121111301KareninaWhat? Whatcha doing out here and so late?1
131212302I should be the one asking you that.13
141313301KareninaCan't you tell?! I'm experimenting with fireworks.1
151414301Karenina points at the supply crates with her thumb. They all seem to have firework symbols on them.
161515301KareninaThey got an entire workshop of explosives that pop off in nice and clean patterns 'ere. I might as well have a go at tinkering with 'em, so we can light 'em up in actual combat and—1
171616301KareninaBOOM goes the Corrupted!1
201918301KareninaWHAT? Why are ya looking at me like that? You wanna fight? And why aren't you asleep anyways?! What if your baby birds all come crying to ya, aye?!1
212019302Well... I finally got a break, so...20Just... kinda wanna take a walk around...20
232220301KareninaTsk. Too much free time, yeah? Then come help me find some mats.1
242321302What are you missing?22
252422301KareninaEthanol... Let me think...1
262523301AniZhuanchangBeginKareninaI think I saw an abandoned bar nearby—should have some of the stuff. Didn't check though since I was busy. Come now and go with me!1
282725301AniZhuanchangEndKarenina drags you into an abandoned bar...
292826301With the electricity fixed, the place now seems to be illuminated in a dim and moody glow. Some service bots have also regained function, and are now continuing their duties before the electricity outage.
302928301Service BotPlease... survey...
323130301Likely the result of abandonment, the voice modules of these service bots have heavily deteriorated through the ages. Most of the bot's words are muffled by crackling and static noises.
333232301Service BotPlease... why... dissatisfied...
353433301KareninaGet lost! Stop botherin' me!1
363534301Ignoring Karenina's shouts, the service bot totters before her to present her with a survey about different alcoholic beverages.1
3837353011KareninaUrgh! I said—GET LOST!1
393838301Her screams seem to have attracted the attention of even more service bots. They pile around her, asking for her to complete their survey.1
414040301Seeing the tightly packed questions on the survey screen, Karenina furrows her brows.1
424141301KareninaIt's ALL questions about your drinks?! I done never had no sip of your stuff!1
434242301Scanning around, she notices some freshly mixed drinks on the counter.
444344301KareninaOutta the way! I gotta at least try your blotters 'fore I fill in your surveys, yeah?!1
454446301She shoves the service bots before her aside, then stomps over to the counter for an iridescent drink with colors out of space. She gives it a cautious whiff.1
464547301KareninaSmells... alright, I guess?1
4847493011She gives it a gingerly sip—and spits, almost immediately, as if seeing Kamui cross-dress. A sickening miasma wafts past you, followed by Karenina's not-family-friendly curses. You learn a lot of new words.1
494850301She plonks the glass on the counter and grabs the service bot before her by what would be its collar.1
5150523011KareninaWHAT THE FLYING **** IS THIS SEWAGE SAUCE?! This is WORSE than battery acid!!!1
525153301KareninaYou sell even one glass o' this doo-doo and I'll eat my cannon!1
545356301Karenina's shouts seem to have incited the service bots to gather around her once more.
555457301KareninaWha...? What are y'all tryna do now?!1
565558301Service BotPlease... survey...
575659301KareninaJust go home—get scrapped—pray for better coding ya next life if you're mixin' this sorta junk-gunk!1
585760301Service BotPlease... survey...
595861301The service bots repeat themselves.
605962301Karenina...PAH! Fine! Happy now?!1
616063301Even knowing deep down that it is all pointless, Karenina still fills in the survey question by question. With that done, she squishes her finger on the submit button.
626164301Karenina...Huh? Survey records?1
636265301The icon on the bottom right of the screen seems to have drawn her attention. She taps on the icon, and the survey database pops up. The last survey is submitted a long, long time ago.
646366301Looks like the bar was abandoned shortly after the Great Retreat. The surveys with a long time interval between them all seem to come from visitors after the bar practically shut down.
656568301KareninaGet the guy who wrote this over here, and I'll force 20 barrels of it down their gullet!1
666669302Must be a prank by a visitor, huh...70
676770301KareninaA prank alright—But don't you serve-bots at least try it yourselves?! This is just nuke-juice!1
686871302These robots don't have taste modules.72
696972301KareninaTch. Clunky old models.1
707073301All of a sudden, the midnight chime rings in the bar. The service bots all pause.
717174301KareninaWhat now?!1
727275301Manager BotClosing hours... Today's sales... Quota unmet... Improvement required...
737377301With the announcement from the robot before the cashier, the other service bots quickly squirm behind the counter and begin looking for ingredients to mix drinks with.
747479301Service BotNew survey... received... Implementing suggestions...
757580301Pausing and beeping to analyze the new survey, the service bots incorporate Karenina's suggestions and begin mixing drinks.
767682301KareninaThat's what these tin-blobs' been doing before we got here?1
777783302Yeah.84And they will be too, after we leave.84
797984301KareninaThis happens bloody everywhere! Ugh! How many robots did humans leave behind before they took to the skies?!1
808085301KareninaThere's no customer to come, and yet they're here doing useless work!1
818187301Service BotPlease taste... New... recommendations... implemented... Please...1
828291301A decrepit-looking service bot mixes a drink and returns to Karenina.
838392301Karenina****** ****! It's always like this!1
848493302Let's leave.94
858594301Karenina perfunctorily answers you through her curses. She jostles the robots before her, parting the sea of bots to ruffle through the counter for her needed materials, then squeezes out from the clamor of requests.
868696301KareninaOi! Let's bunk!1
878797301AniZhuanchangBeginShe extends a hand toward you before you become bot-sandwich fillings. You take her hand, and she pulls you out of the robot pile. The two of you hastily escape from the bar.
8989102301AniZhuanchangEndBut the clamor and clatter of the bots can still be heard. Looking back, you see a horde of them bumbling out of the bar and chasing after you two.
909098302They're coming after us!104
9191104301KareninaMove faster! Bolt!1
9292105301The two of you return to where Karenina was messing with the fireworks, but the service bots are still after you.
9393106301Service BotPlease... taste-test...
9494107302Looks like we aren't getting away.109
95951093011AniZhuanchangBeginKareninaTch. A fight it is, then!1