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433301DialogEnable—Thou must needs another way pursue, if thou wouldst escape from out that savage wilderness.
655301The scenes in front of you have shifted again in a sway.
766301Like the end of a show when one scene replaces another, the old props are quietly removed, and the new set is hastily put up.
877301Fights that are doomed with failure, roads paved with corpses, flowers torn and shredded.
988301Everything is like a capriccio, taking a sharp downturn and bringing unfathomable cold and darkness.
1099301AniZhuanchangBeginTears and blood are splashed in front of your eyes, chilling you to the bone.
131212301AniZhuanchangEnd1Carrying the shard of the Hetero-Core, she keeps running forward.
141313301As long as she can get it back to Babylonia... She must send it back to Babylonia.
151414301The surviving Constructs are still waiting in the cabin. She must find rescue to take them out of this place.
161515301This time, she will not watch them die in front of her. She must hold on until reinforcements arrive.
171616301She can take any pain and pay any price.
181717301Still, she ends up being cornered. The frenzy Korolev is only one gate apart from her.
191818301She quickly lifts her hand and pierces the Hetero-Core shard right into her chest.
201919301Her action is so natural and fast, as if she has done it numerous times before.
212020301AniZhuanchangBeginOnce again, she is engulfed by the enormous shadow.
252424301All the remaining power of her frame is reserved for the Inver-Device. She starts to lose her senses as vital fluid leaks away.
272626301First, the smell. She no longer feels the smell of leaking vital fluid and the torn, burned bionic skin.
302929301Then, the hearing. The scratching sounds made by wandering Corrupted no longer make her tremble.
343333301Vision is the next. Everything becomes blurry in her blood-stained vision. She can only barely recognize the surroundings through the connection with the space station terminal.
353434301As her five senses are gradually stripped away, the pain deep in her M.I.N.D. becomes sharper than ever.
363535301Like a crucified god whose flesh and blood body had already been pecked away by vultures, only her soul remains in her body with nowhere to hide.
373636301She has lost track of time. No one knows how long she has waited.
383838301AniZhuanchangBeginChasing after the tempest, the familiar pink figure has come to her, awakening her from the darkness.
434343301AniZhuanchangEnd1AylaSelena... Thank goodness... You're alive.1
444444301It's Ayla.
464646301On the other side, a squad still fighting. Gray Raven is their name, and they are connected by a human commandant.
474747301The broken Construct learns the name of the human as she synchronizes with the data in the terminal.
505050301It seems to be the name of an important person, but she cannot recall who that person is.
515151301Somehow, she just feels the name is important. Very important.
525252301The stagnant mind starts to flow once again, pulling the thread in her M.I.N.D., reminding her of her incomplete mission.
535353301The voice module is completely destroyed. She can only make a strange, humming sound.
545454301She could only try her best to send all the data she has, along with the whole truth about the space station, to her trusted friend through the terminal.
555555301—Please help them.
5757573011AylaBut the comms device here isn't functioning...1
585858301—Help them.
595959301—If they step into the dead zone without knowing the truth, they would face the same ending that she had.
606060301Ayla...I see!1
616161301AylaWait for me. I'll be back soon.1
626262301AniZhuanchangBeginThe broken Construct makes an almost unnoticeable smile and closes her eyes.
656565301AniZhuanchangEndAfter what seems an eternity, she has gone through numerous long-lasting and painful cycles.
666666301She has long lost the sense of time. A sharp, momentary pain and an eternal, bone-grinding lasting pain feel the same to her.
676767301But before she falls into eternal sleep, a pair of hands have gathered her shattered consciousness.
686868301Has someone saved her?
696969301She feels her strength is slowly recovering and her five senses gradually return. Someone is holding her tightly in the arms.
707070301The firm, warm arms feel familiar yet detached, as if they had danced together with her in the depths of time, but also as if they had existed only in a fleeting dream.
717171301AniZhuanchangBeginSomeone is anxiously calling her name.
777777301AniZhuanchangEndShe slowly opens her eyes. Everything around her is shifting and changing. She has left that hellish space station and is now placed safely in the sleeping pod of a transport shuttle.
787878301Someone has been waiting at her side, holding her hand tightly.
797979301She wants to find the name that had reached her lips but could not be uttered. It should have been carefully preserved, but her rusted M.I.N.D. has eroded it away.
808080301She can see everything around her, but not the face of that person.
818181301She can hear all the sounds, but only cannot hear that person's call.
828282301She feels like she has fallen through a blanket of fog into the deep waters.
838383301But why?
848484301Doubt seizes and strangles her like a black serpent.
8888883011The slides of her past flash by one after another.
898989301The distant look across the stage in the glorious opera house. The close stare in the illuminated ball room.
909090301No matter how hard she tries to discern the faces in these memory fragments, it all ends in vain. The human's face is forever hidden behind the misty night, unable to be recognized.
919191301The truth is obvious, but she deliberately ignores it, indulging in what seems like happiness.
929292301Those scenes were scattered and shattered in the tempest, but she put them back together and cherished them...
939393301They are but illusions of a fleeting dream composed by her.
949494301Then she remembers the truth.
959595301—They have never really met.
989898301When she finally realizes this, everything in front of her dissipates abruptly.
9999993011AniZhuanchangBeginShe loses her support, descending into the endless abyss by her own weak gravity like a petal falling off the calyx.