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211102Nameless IslandDay 3Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/CommonLogo/BgLogo1.png
877301DialogEnable1LivI've detected someone... or something with immense Punishing Virus concentration 1.3km south of here!1
988301LivThis level of concentration... It can't be a normal Corrupted...1
1099301LeeLet's go check it out.2
111010301The duo rushes toward the moving target as fast as they can, but they can only barely see the figure from behind.
151414301LeeSeems like my hunch was correct. Everything always leads back to them.2
171616301LeeBut Lucia and the commandant are our top priorities right now. Any readings yet?2
181717301LivYes. The commandant's signal is weak, but it's enough to get a reading on the coordinates.1
191818301Liv hands her terminal to Lee.
201919301LeeIf this is where they are...2
212020301LeeI can calculate our route. We'll have to take a slight detour, but at least we'll be fairly safe.2
222121301LeeLet's go save the commandant.2
262525301AniZhuanchangEndToday marks the third day stuck on this island.
272929301During this rare moment of free time while looking for Lucia, you take the opportunity to debug the terminal and repeatedly try to send signals to Lee and Liv.
283030301Soon after, the first ray of dawn brings an end to the fleeting summer night.
303232301The breaking sun pierces the clouds and reflects silver light on the sea.
313333301In your peripheral vision, you see a blue figure slowly emerge.
323434302Lucia!35(Run toward her)36
333535301Hearing you call out to her, she quickly comes over.
3537373011Seeing Lucia again, she is as silent as the mermaid princess in the story.1
363838302What's wrong?39
384040301Lucia forces a smile and shakes her head.
394141302You can't speak...?42
404242301She nods, then looks at you inquisitively.
414343302You want to know if I'm okay?44
424444301Lucia nods again.
434545302There have been a few bumps along the way, but I can still handle myself.
4547473011AttendantYour Highness!1
464848301Before you have time to say anything more to Lucia, the attendant appears at an inopportune time.
474949301AttendantAh, what a beautiful lady! Does thou wish to take her back to the palace, Your Highness?1
485050301It reads its lines in an exaggerated tone.
505252301DialogDisableYou return an inquisitive look at Lucia, but she shakes her head.
515353302...Now's not the time to fight?54
525454302Then I guess let's just follow the attendant back.55
535555301DialogEnableShe quietly follows you as the attendant leads you back to the palace.
545656301You quickly realize something is wrong with Lucia.
555757301Although Lucia has a high tolerance for pain, whenever the pain exceeds a certain threshold, she has a habit of gripping the handle of her blade more tightly than usual.
565858301Had it not been for your time fighting as comrades on the battlefield, you would have missed such a small detail.
575959302(Are you hurt?)60...Is it the tips of your feet?60
596161301This time, she doesn't nod. She just grimaces.
606363302I can carry you on my back.64
626565301DialogDisableShe looks at you with a worried expression and shakes her head. Seems like she wants you to conserve your stamina for this situation ahead.
636666302If you need to, deactivate your pain module.67
646767302We have a strong link as it is.68
656868302No need to worry about M.I.N.D. deviation.69
666969301DialogEnableYou and Lucia had a similar conversation long ago.
677070301Back then, Lucia deactivated her pain module to maintain her performance in the following battle.
687171301She still seems to be safe and sound, but no minor injury would make her act the way she is now.
697272301Lucia hesitates for a moment, then nods with a serious expression. She seems to understand your worries and is ready to face the potential battle ahead.
707373302Why did the island become like this?74
717474301Lucia points below the ocean surface.
727575302So there's an area underwater as well...76
737777302That's where the mastermind is?78
747878302Or should I say—79
758080301DialogEnableLucia nods.
768282301DialogDisableEven though you both are forced to play the tragic role of the prince and the mermaid princess, you two had already grown close over many years. Both of you can share a conversation at a glance.
778484302(Will defeating her get us out of this nightmare?)85
788585301DialogEnableAs you whisper to Lucia, she turns her back to the sea, then gestures at you with a pulling motion.
798686302You want to pull her out of hiding?87
808787301She nods firmly.
818888302We need a plan though.89
828989301Lucia points to herself.
839090302Leave it to you?91
849191301She nods again.
859292302You aren't going to do anything crazy, are you?
879494301AniZhuanchangBeginLucia smiles bitterly.
9199993011Anna...Should everything go according to plan, tomorrow shall be the day you and I be joined in matrimony.1
92100100302My prince, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.101...101
93101101301During this time, your cooperation has not caused any conflict with the Mini Bots.
94102102301However, they now begin to rush through the story as if having fulfilled some unknown parameters for continuing the story.
95103103301AnnaEver since the day that fate brought us together, I have given you my heart, Prince 【kuroname】.1
96104104301The Mini Bot who calls itself Anna recites its lines quietly.
97105105301The flashy ornaments hanging from its frame also look like clusters of pale hyacinths with its peaceful tone and temperament.
98106106301AnnaI recommend you go to bed early in preparation for tomorrow's ceremony.1
99107107301It curtsies gracefully.
100108108301AnnaWell then... Prince 【kuroname】, please excuse me.1
1031111113011After it turns and leaves, you look back at Lucia sitting at the corner of the dining table.
104112112301Holding a fork and knife, she casts a worried look at you.1
105113113301These days, the food provided by the Mini Bots had all been moldy and rotten. Aside from the purified water, you have hardly had anything to fill your stomach.
106114114301But Lucia's situation is far more dangerous than this.
107116116301If you express your worries to her, Lucia will only make you wait.
108117117301AniZhuanchangBeginThe only torturous moment from the story you can avoid is the mermaid princess's dance during the banquet dinner.
111120120301AniZhuanchangEnd1AttendantSince you cannot speak, why don't you dance for the prince?1
112121121302That won't be necessary.122
113122122301AttendantOnly then can the prince appreciate you and call you to his side.1
114123123302She can stay by my side without doing something like that.124I don't need someone to dance for me if they are in pain.124
1181271273011AnnaWe needn't obligate the maiden. Should you need someone to tie the bow on tonight's banquet, might I sing you a song, Your Highness?1
119128128302Thank you.129...129
120129129301AniZhuanchangBeginThe attendant becomes quiet. Following that, the banquet scene changes to Anna, the princess from a neighboring country, singing a song.
123132132301AniZhuanchangEnd1AttendantAre you tired?1
124133133302Not yet.134...134
125134134301AttendantIt's getting late. You should rest, Your Highness.
126135135302Very well.136...136
131140140301AniZhuanchangEndUnder the quiet gaze of Lucia, you leave the hall and walk to the bed, which seems especially gaudy in augmented reality.
132141141302(Close eyes)142
133142142301Before the attendant can recite more of its script, you quickly close your eyes.
134143143301AniZhuanchangBeginSeeing that you have fallen asleep, it tucks in the corner of the bed and turns to leave.
138148147301Before they stumbled upon this place, how long had the Mini Bots been waiting here on standby? You cannot seem to fathom such an answer.
139149148301Do they feel sadness just like humans?
142153153301AniZhuanchangEndYou sleep faintly in the heat. Unable to tell how much time had passed, you just vaguely see the moon rise and fall.
143154154301Before dawn, you hear quiet footsteps approach and stop outside the door.
144155155301Based on the gait, it appears to be an attendant.
147159159301There's a cool touch on your cheeks, dispelling a little summer heat.
148160160301AniZhuanchangBegin...It's Lucia.
151163161301AniZhuanchangEnd1You want to ask about her, but considering the attendant standing outside the door, you decide it is safer to continue pretending to sleep.
153165163301But at this moment, you hear the sound of a sharp blade slowly being pulled by your ear.
154166164301If you kill the prince, then your tail will return and you may go back to the sea.
156168166301Before this, you had heard that a Construct had defected.
157169167301Compared with endless fighting, there are also people who choose to cast aside their responsibilities after becoming a Construct in favor of a life as a wanderer.
158170168301Much like how the malicious actions of a small faction can further aggravate tensions, defectors also promote increased prejudice—this is the reason why the Purifying Force exists.
159171169301Now, will this happen to you?
161173171173301She trusts you wholeheartedly, so at this moment, you return the same degree of trust.
162174172301If she wants to exchange this for her freedom and voice...
164176174301The breeze from the sharp blade passes by your ear, and you feel a gentle blow to the chest.
165177175301Red liquid flows down from the wound as her hand trembles. However, you feel no pain...
166178176301Right at that moment, you realize Lucia's plan.
167179177302(Play along)178(Remain still)1182
168180178301You open your eyes and sit up in bed, clutching your wound.
1691811178302Lucia! You... betrayed...1179
1701821179301You recite your line and give Lucia a look of revenge.
17218411811183301Lucia's apprehension was already beyond words. Before she has time to explain, you pretend to fall back in bed and gradually lie there motionless.
1731851182301Even after another blow to the chest, you lie there motionless as if you had died peacefully in your sleep.
177189180301As if she has lost her strength, she kneels down slowly beside the bed and puts her forehead into the palms of her trembling hands.
179191182301After a while, you hear the attendant outside leave.
180192183301Lucia stands up and covers the cut on her wrist, then leaves the room.
182194185302AniZhuanchangBegin(Now's the time)186
186198189301AniZhuanchangEnd1Witch of the SeaWell done.1
187199190301Standing on the beach, her words carry a tone of sarcasm.
188200191301Witch of the SeaNext... Roland should be here shortly.1
189201192301Witch of the SeaAlthough it depends on you whether you can pass the filtering, I've gathered enough qualified people to meet his superior and begin the trial for ascension.1
193205196301Witch of the SeaWhen we were at the bottom of the sea, you asked me if there was anything I didn't tell you.1
194206197301Witch of the SeaThat's right. I've been helping Roland find suitable targets all along.1
195207198301Witch of the SeaSome people lose their way, some people detect an anomaly here, and some are caught by me from afar...1
196208199301Witch of the SeaHe only ever comes to collect the spoils and lend a hand safeguarding the island once I've captured prey. But alas, they never come back no matter who it is.1
197209200301Witch of the SeaI have no way of knowing if they pass—or die.1
199211202301Witch of the SeaOur game these days may have only been to buy time, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.1
200212203301Witch of the SeaMy long-cherished wish... will soon come true.1
201213204301She opens her hands as if to embrace the island.
202215206301Witch of the SeaI need the power to control the Punishing Virus in order to keep my companions on this island clean.1
203216207301Witch of the SeaFor now, we must rely on Roland to keep the Punishing concentration under control here, but soon I will be able to do so.1
204217208301Witch of the SeaWhen that time comes, I can return to my original place... and prove to Master that we will not become abominations.1
206219210301Witch of the SeaHmph... By that look on your face, you must think I've already lost my mind. Correct? If you find this so hard to believe, then... It only shows how lucky you are...1
207220211301Lucia shakes her head, but the Witch of the Sea does not understand her intent.
208221212301Witch of the SeaBeing unable to speak is quite the inconvenience. Since you have completed the terms of our agreement, I'll remove the device on your back.1
210223214301She walks behind Lucia and removes the thin artificial skin patch on her back with a simple authentication process.
211224215301Witch of the SeaYou may speak now.1
212225216301LuciaI'm not someone lucky enough to be spared from suffering and witnessing the despair of others. Still, seeing you here to bear everything alone... I feel sorry for you.2
213226217301Witch of the SeaI had no other choice.1
214227218301LuciaI don't blame you for the choices you made in the past...2
215228219301LuciaBut now... Staying here only to watch strangers die here on this island... You can only delay the inevitable. Nothing will change.2
216229220301Witch of the SeaOf course, I also thought about letting my companions return to the sealed underground facility while I go out and search for hope.1
217230221301Witch of the SeaBut as a corrupted machine, where else can I go besides here?1
219232223301LuciaThe world is not so optimistic, but it's not as hopeless as you think.2
220233224301Witch of the SeaOf course, humans are more willing to accept Constructs that share their resemblance.1
222235226301Lucia...Do you really think it's that idealistic?2
223236227301Witch of the Sea...?1
224237228301LuciaAfter I became a Construct, those people... They looked at me with disdain and fear.2
225238229301LuciaI heard them complain about having to spend more resources and cut down on other expenses in order to maintain the Construct army.2
226239230301LuciaWe fight to give hope to others, yet some people insist on staying in Babylonia is enough to prolong life. They say there's no need to take back Earth.2
227241232301LuciaNot to mention, people fear Constructs as a threat due to their single combat ability. Others feel it's unfair for Constructs to get a free pass to Babylonia.2
228242233301LuciaAnd the small number of defectors only serve to prove that their prejudices and fear aren't just fabricated out of thin air.2
229243234301LuciaThat being said, there's an increasing number of people like Commandant who put trust and hope in their comrades. So we can't stop moving forward.2
230244235301Witch of the SeaTrust in their comrades?1
231245236301She sneers.
232247238301Witch of the SeaI chose this path. I will carry on to the end no matter how many people I must sacrifice!1
233248239301Witch of the SeaAnd what qualifies you to preach to me about trust? You killed that human. You long betrayed this trust!1
234249242302(Open fire)243She's lived up to my trust.268
236251244301PanelActor1ShakeWitch of the SeaWhat?!1
237252245301A barrage of bullets accurately penetrates the defense barrier around the Witch of the Sea's core.
238253246301She looks in horror at the prince's dress on you, which is stained red but undamaged, and collapses on the beach.
239254247301Witch of the SeaYou were hiding nearby...1
240255248302I just got here.249
241256249301Witch of the SeaHow are you still alive? The attendant watched you die... It recorded everything...1
242257250301Witch of the SeaHmph... It was all just an act?1
243258251301Witch of the SeaEven with a sword pointed at you, unable to speak... you still played along seamlessly?1
245260253301Witch of the SeaSo... This is what trust really is.1
246261254301Witch of the SeaIf I had trusted him... a little more... Would I...1
247262255301??Tsk... Looks like I'm late.
249264257301Looking in the direction of the voice, you see a young man smirking nearby.
2512662593011Witch of the Sea...Roland...1
252267260301She stretches out her trembling hand as if pleading for help.
2542692623011RolandWe meet again, Gray Raven.1
2582732663011RolandAre you here all alone? How fortuitous.1
2592742673011AniZhuanchangBeginRolandWell, then. Let's begin.1
260275268301Witch of the SeaWhat?!
261276269301She looks in horror at the prince's dress on you, which is stained red but undamaged, and then stumbles back two steps.
262277270301Witch of the SeaYou're still alive? The attendant watched you die... It recorded everything...1
263278271302Lucia didn't hurt me at all.272
264279272301Witch of the SeaSomeone as powerful as her turns their blade against you, and you trust her? She obviously couldn't have told you her plan, though!1
265280273301LuciaI didn't have to. The commandant trusts me.2
266281274301Witch of the Sea...Hmph. Trust...1
267282275301Witch of the SeaIs this your... trust? Your... bond?1
268283276301Witch of the Sea...1
269284277301Witch of the SeaThe Witch of the Sea looks deep into the island as if recalling her past.1
270285278301Witch of the SeaIf I had been able to...1
271286279301Witch of the Sea...No. I have no way of knowing if he wanted to protect me—or destroy me.1
272287280301LuciaIt's not too late. Put everyone in the sealed facility underground and leave this place.2
273288281301LuciaYou're immune to the Punishing Virus. You might not be able to get near anyone, but there are things only you can do.2
274289282301LuciaAs long as we hurry and take back Earth, this island will return to its former glory.2
275290283301Witch of the Sea...Is that possible?1
276291284301Witch of the Sea...Then I'll...1
280295288301PanelActor1ShakeThe Witch of the Sea raises her hand and takes a step toward Lucia. But right as a glimmer of hope appears on her face, several shots come from behind...
2812962893011Witch of the Sea...!1
282297290301A barrage of bullets accurately penetrates the defense barrier around the Witch of the Sea's core. Before she can even say a word, she collapses onto the beach and loses control over her frame.
284299292301??Tsk... Looks like I'm late.
285300293301Looking in the direction of the voice, you see a young man smirking nearby.
2903052983011RolandWe meet again, Gray Raven.2
291306299301LuciaWhy'd you kill her?!1
292307300301RolandThink I'd just stand here and watch you brainwash her?2
293308301301RolandWhat a pity. I was planning on taking her away to contribute to our cause.2
294309302301RolandThis island's been a thorn in our side for too long. I'm tired of having to come here and tidy up the place.2
295310303301LuciaYou didn't want her to become an Ascendant?1
296311304301RolandIt's not that I didn't want to. She just wouldn't make the cut.2
297312305301LuciaYou made that promise to her even though you knew that!1
298313306301RolandPeople can still live on with false hope, can't they?2
299314307301RolandAnyway. What brings you here all alone, Gray Raven? How fortuitous.2
3003153083011AniZhuanchangBeginRolandWell, then. Let's begin.2