forked from PGR/ascnet
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433301DialogEnableThe skies are pitch black, the chill of the night wind threatening to rob her of every last bit of warmth she has.
544301She reaches out her hand trying to catch a glimpse of the moonlight spilling over, yet her hand does nothing other than blocking her own sight.
7663011LamiaWell, doesn't seem like I stand any chance to win.1
877301Lamia lowers her hand and lies flat on the edge of the rooftop, knowing that she can try no more.
988301LamiaThis is bad. This is really bad. Really really bad...1
111010301???Can't you be quiet for a second?
1312123011LamiaI can't. You aren't the one who's about to die.1
151414301???What if I told you you don't need to die?
171616301With the sound of a machine running, the speaker who has been hiding in the shadows of the rubble appears on the rooftop and sits next to Lamia.
1918183011LamiaNo way. I'm not strong enough, and it doesn't matter whether I choose to fight them head-on or run away, Gabriel and the Polyphage will still catch up to me and devour me in the end.1
2221213011421As an Ascendant... Are you really scared of death?2
232222301LamiaI don't feel much, to be honest... Ascendants are usually driven by emotions stronger than their own lives, but wishes don't get fulfilled if we're dead.1
242323301421And you do have one such wish yourself, no? One that's so strong that not even death can deter you...2
252424301LamiaMaybe, but I'm not going to tell you, because you're probably just going to sell it as a piece of information.1
262525301LamiaBut I hate the idea of dying a meaningless death, so I'm just going to try a little harder to stay alive until...2
272626301LamiaHey! I almost fell for that... You're terrible!1
282727301421I didn't do anything. You were the one who kept talking.2
292828301421Back to what I was saying. If you fulfil my conditions, then I can help you walk away from Gabriel's war alive no matter who wins.2
302929301LamiaHmm... How do I know if you'll live up to your promise? We do, as a matter of fact, belong to different sides.1
313030301421I'm a dealer, and trust is of utmost importance in a deal.2
323131301421And you don't have a choice. Otherwise you wouldn't have come all the way to see me, no?2
333232301LamiaThis is super bad... Having to live under someone else's protection.1
343333301421This isn't too different from when you first started working for Luna.2
353434301LamiaUhh? How do you know something from so long ago?1
363535301421There is no secret here.2
383737301The little robot looks away from a silent Lamia at the surging Red Tide over the horizon in the distance.
393838301421Don't sweat it. The conditions aren't overly difficult.2
403939301421And you won't need to worry about Luna getting suspicious—if that's something you still worry about at all, that is.2
414040301Lamia...Are you always this pushy with women?1
424141301421It depends.2
434242301LamiaWell then... What should I do exactly?1