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433301DialogEnableOn that night, after Shrek starts snoring, Bella sneaks out of the room with a pack of cans and a bag of biscuits.
544301AniZhuanchangBeginBellaI remember a few of the teenagers on the west side still have some books. I can trade with them...
766301AniZhuanchangEndWhen the sky starts to light up, Bella returns to their temporary base with the rest of her supplies and a copy of Cardman Rider Genesis.
9883011BellaIt only cost a can. I don't think it's as rare as he thinks.1
1099301Bella looks at Shrek who is still sound asleep, then takes out an old pen and writes her favorite quote on the inside of the back cover.
121111301Earth has been stricken with innumerable disasters, and time has washed every one of them away. Live for tomorrow, because all will pass.—To Shrek
131212301She closes the book with satisfaction and wraps it up, so that it is ready for Shrek when he wakes up.
141313301But she does not know that Shrek has been woken up by her movements. He is only pretending to sleep.
151414301After Bella goes back to bed, Shrek takes out the book curiously and cheerfully reads to the end, then discovers the Bella-style quote on the back cover.
1716163011ShrekYikes... Give me a break.1
181717301He cannot help refuting so he picks up Bella's pen and writes a comment below the quote.
201919301Don't scribble those lies on a book for me! Who the heck still believes in hope on this forsaken planet?!
212020301He puts the book back in the package and returns to his blanket.
222121301AniZhuanchangBeginSince they have both stayed up for a part of the night, it is already noon when they finally wake up.
252424301AniZhuanchangEndWhen they pack up their things and are ready to leave, a group of unexpected visitors show up at their door.
2726263011Nameless TeenagerHey, auntie, my lackey says you got a lot of supplies here.1
2928283011BellaYou're too young to compete for supplies with me.1
3130303011The teenager sneers then walks to the hallway and whistles.
323131301Nameless TeenagerHey, brother, she says we're too young!1
333232301When he returns to the room with a smirk, Bella sees eight adults following him.
3534343011???Move in.1
373636301Although being outnumbered, Bella and Shrek are holding their own.
383737301After grappling with each other for a few minutes in the small room, Bella and Shrek have knocked out more than half of the intruders.
403939301Seeing that they will not win the fist fight, the teenager takes out a pistol and fires four shots at Bella.
414040301One shot misses, one shot hits his own companion, but the last two shots hit Bella.
454444301The bullets punctured her left abdomen and her thigh. The pain hits her fast and hard. Bella loses her strength and collapses.
4746463011Nameless TeenagerStop this guy. Let me slit her throat myself!1
494848301The teenager switches the pistol to his left hand and takes out a dagger with his right hand to stab Bella.
504949301Bella struggles and kicks the pistol out of his left hand, but the dagger pierces her right chest.
515050301The pistol flies up with an elegant arc. Shrek reacts quickly and catches it.
535252301He fires several shots at the intruders until he is the last one standing in the room.
545353301The teenager's right chest takes a hit but he is still conscious. He crouches on the ground and presses the dagger tightly against Bella's jugular.
5655553011Nameless TeenagerIf you get any closer, I'll kill her!1
5958583011Shrek...Let Bella go! Or else I'll make you pay!2
605959301The teenager sneers at Shrek's words and forces the dagger a little deeper into Bella's neck.
616060301Nameless TeenagerDo you think I'm scared of you? Give me my gun! And wrap up the supplies for me, too!1
626161301ShrekCan you even carry them? You're hurt pretty bad.2
636262301Nameless TeenagerHuh, if I don't get back soon, you'll have more visitors.1
656464301Nameless TeenagerWhat, are you scared now?1
666565301He chuckles smugly.
676666301Nameless TeenagerStalling isn't a bad idea either. As long as this woman is alive, you won't make a move on me.1
686767301Nameless TeenagerUnless you're hoping to transform into a Rider and save her like they do in manga, old man.1
696868301ShrekHave you read Cardman Rider, too?2
706969301Shrek lowers the pistol and pretends to let down his guard while chitchatting with the teenager.
717070301Nameless TeenagerWhat? Didn't the lady tell you? She came to us last night to trade supplies for the manga books we salvaged.1
727171301Nameless TeenagerSomeone told me that she was the one who took out the mob at the business district, so she definitely has a whole bunch of supplies on her hands.1
737272301Nameless TeenagerThat's why I sent a guy to follow her.1
747373301ShrekIf you've read Cardman Rider, then it'll be much easier to talk to you.2
757474301ShrekI'll let you in on a secret.2
767575301Nameless Teenager?1
777676301ShrekActually... I'm a Cardman Rider.2
787777301Nameless TeenagerHuh?1
807979301RImgBg1ShakeWhile the teenager is still stunned by his ridiculous words, Shrek lifts up the gun in the blink of an eye and fires the last shot at the teenager's chest before the dagger could go any further.
818080301Nameless Teenager...You...1
828181301AniZhuanchangBeginThe teenager loses consciousness before he could finish the sentence.
878686301AniZhuanchangEnd1ShrekBella! Are you alright?!2
888787301BellaI don't think so...1
898888301ShrekWe have to stop the bleeding!2
908989301BellaDon't bother... Nothing in our first aid kit can handle deep wounds like these, I'm...1
919090301Shrek looks down and sees blood pouring out of her right chest, left abdomen and thigh.
929191301ShrekNonsense! Didn't you say you'll never lose hope?!2
939292301Shrek scolds Bella as he dresses her wounds.
949393301BellaIf you stay alive... then there's still hope...1
959494301Her lips are pale from losing a substantial amount of blood. Shrek does not know what to say.
969595301ShrekNow's not the time to argue. More of them are coming. We can't stay here any longer.2
979696301AniZhuanchangBeginBut they cannot travel too far either. After thinking through the situation, he decides to carry Bella to the rooftop and hide her behind the scrap pile.
1009999301AniZhuanchangEndAfter that, Shrek quickly makes another two trips and finishes moving the supplies before more men enter the building.
101100100301Dark clouds slowly block the afternoon sun. A chilly wind swooshes across the rooftop. Shrek holds the shivering Bella tightly in his arms, trying to shield her away from the cold.
1041031033011BellaJust go without me... At least you'll be safe...1
105104104301ShrekStop that nonsense. And don't make me say it a third time!2
106105105301ShrekWe're the best team. Have you any idea how much more difficult it'll be for me to survive without you?!2
108107107301A muffled thunder in the distance resonates with the rumbling underground—signal of the Red Tide's arrival.
109108108301BellaMy apologies then...1
110109109301She sighs gently. Her body is turning blue with Shrek's pointless first aid treatment.
111110110301BellaBut... you must stay alive... As long as you keep going... you'll live to see the day when hope blooms...1
112111111301BellaSpring will return... Your favorite flowers will bloom again...1
113112112301ShrekDon't read me poems at a time like this!2
114113113301Though complaining, Shrek is already starting to choke up.
115114114301BellaThose aren't from the book. I've always known... You like using flower petals as bookmarks.1
116115115301BellaReal flowers are hard to come by these days...1
117116116301She gives him a strained smile.
118117117301BellaI wish I could live to see that day...1
119118118301Shrek is just about to say something when they hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
120119119301ShrekThey know we're here!2
121120120301Bella does not respond. She gives Shrek a steady gaze, signaling him to leave her and handle the crisis.
122121121301He opens his mouth without making a sound, then takes out the books from his backpack and lights up a small campfire with them next to Bella.
123122122301ShrekIt'll keep you warm for me.2
125124124301After those words, Shrek dashes toward the stairs with a dagger.
127126126301A lightning bolt pierces the clouds. Signs of an ominous storm is written all over the sky. The ground cracks with a roaring sound and the bright Red Tide gushes out.
128127127301Bella is fading away in front of the campfire made with manga books. She quietly watches it die down.
129128128301Bella...Shrek... You will live.1
130129129301BellaLet me explore... the unknown.1
1321311313011AniZhuanchangBeginShe smiles faintly at the direction where Shrek disappeared, then struggles to the edge of the rooftop and jumps down toward the Red Tide.