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544301DialogEnableRosetta takes the CUB to the snowy forest nearby. Like most machines Rosetta is familiar with, CUBs will silently carry out the previous command unless given a new command.
655301—Just like how this CUB has been silently following Rosetta, unresponsive to other external interferences.
8773011RosettaOne more parameter to test. Time to collect data on its maximum speed.1
988301RosettaHere is the route. I'll observe it from here.1
1099301After setting the route, Rosetta stands on a snow-covered bluff.
121111301AniZhuanchangBeginReceiving the command, the CUB stirs its front hooves, kicking up the snow, then quickly gallops along the planned route.
151414301AniZhuanchangEndRosetta connects with the CUB to monitor the data and establishes a visual link with its visual module.
161515301Through the connection, Rosetta watches the snow fly by at blistering speed.
171616301As the CUB charges through the bush, snow falling from the trees is quickly swept off the frame without any chance to accumulate.
181717301—Just like how she ran in the past.
2019193011As the CUB advances along the route, a white figure suddenly dashes by a low-lying patch of bushes off to the side.
212020301Following it's alert protocol, the CUB slowly approaches the bushes.
222121301Rosetta is unable to discern anything from the various tracks found in the area. As the CUB gets closer, Rosetta subconsciously holds her breath.
232222301Right as the CUB cautiously checks the bushes, she sees a snow squirrel.
242323301The snow squirrel dashes in front of the CUB and climbs to the top of a tree carrying some kind of nut.
252424301Rosetta exhales quietly after confirming that everything is alright.
262525301The CUB watches the squirrel disappear into the treetops, then raises its legs as if to jump.
282727301After jumping once, then twice, the CUB continues galloping onward.1
292828301However, it no longer charges relentlessly through the branches and snow. Instead, it begins to prance briskly.1
302929301The visual module quickly shifts up and down as it jumps and lands.1
313030301As its speed begins to increase, the inertia extends its duration in the air with each jump.
363535301Gallop... Jump... Land... Gallop... Jump... Land...
383737301The CUB seems to be deliberately jumping as it makes its way forward.
393838301A thought long buried in Rosetta's M.I.N.D. quickly resurfaces.
403939301—The meaning behind jumping.
414040301It is the momentary thrill of breaking free from the surface—the thrill of freedom.
424141301Breaking free... Breaking free... Continuously breaking free from the surface's hold.
434242301A tall snow slope appears around the bend. Rather than stopping, the CUB increases speed.1
444343301It quickly ascends the snow slope and leaps high into the sky from its summit. The frame's exterior reflects a striking display of sunlight.1
454444301Landing on the other side of the snow slope, the CUB sees a group of snow-white figures.1
464545301Creatures that share a resemblance to the CUB's equine form.
4948483011RosettaHmm... Looks like we've accidentally stumbled into their neck of the woods.1
504949301A herd of horses is a rare sight to behold in the wilderness.
515050301They gather together and look at the CUB.
525151301After a few circles around the CUB, the horses slowly leave. But before they do, they turn to look back at it.
535252301RosettaIs that... an invitation?1
5655553011Right as Rosetta ponders their behavior, the CUB takes a step forward.
585757301The system issues a warning to indicate a deviation from the planned route, but the CUB continues to follow the horses.
595858301What starts off as a slow trot turns into an all-out gallop with the herd.
605959301It runs with the horses.
626161301The crisp sound of the horses' hooves crushing branches and the rushing wind through the snowy forest drowns out the CUB's warning system.
636262301Delicate snowflakes flutter in the dazzling sunlight.
646363301The CUB gallops with reckless abandon. Some kind of signal seems to be sprouting within it.
666565301After a long whistle, the horses surrounding the CUB gradually disappear.
676666301Rosetta uses her familiarity with the surrounding environment to rush toward the CUB.
686767301Her figure appears in the CUB's field of vision—the first person it saw after waking up from within the dark confines of the airdrop.
7473733011AsimovI'm done with the preparations. How's your progress?2
757474301Asimov's transmission cuts her off mid-sentence. She remains quiet for a moment before slowly opening her mouth.
767575301Rosetta...There were some deviations with the preset configurations, but I've collected all of the data.1
777676301AsimovI'll look into the deviations later. Right now, let's finish calibrating your frame.2
818080301Asimov promptly terminates the comms. The CUB stands there quietly facing Rosetta across the dense flurry of snowflakes.
838282301RosettaLet's get back.1
8483833011AniZhuanchangBeginReceiving the order, the CUB slowly walks up to Rosetta's side and continues back to the familiar darkness of the airdrop.