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Raw Blame History

433301Bexonidas is deep in thought.
555301The tendons of his finger are wound tight, suspended over his rifle's double-action trigger. Within a tenth of a second of receiving the order to fire, his trusty weapon will unleash the rage he's been saving up this entire time.
666301But yes, he's still deep in thought. The nine warriors next to him would have no idea what he was pondering in the moment.
777301They've all been through the same training, inherited blood and duty from their Forsaken predecessors. Like their forefathers, they are stoic, courageous instruments of death.
888301Bexonidas looks no different from the others if not for the insignia he wears on his shoulder, marking him as a Sergeant.
999301But Bexonidas has more responsibility on his shoulders than his nine brothers—he's the leader, after all.
101010301But at this very moment, the group is in a foxhole, far away from both their base and the fight, weapons trained on their enemies at all times—yet not allowed to fire.
111111301Their mission is simply to observe and guide the shells in.
121212301That's why, instead of shooting, Bexonidas is simply deep in thought.
151515301BexonidasWe're changing shifts in half an hour. Halam and I will take over. You and Castien can rest a bit at the bottom of the trench.
161616301GryphonHow's the motion sensor?
171717301BexonidasIt's as quiet as Lake Baikal at night. Nothing to worry about.
181818301GryphonIn that case, I'll go on patrol for a bit.
191919301Bexonidas...Not gonna stop you hogging the work.
202020301GryphonGryphon is used to Bexonidas going patrolling during his off time. In fact, he'd probably be surprised if Bexonidas actually decides to rest.
212121301Bexonidas has been squad leader for five years. For five years, he took care of all nine members of his team diligently and thoughtfully.
222222301Gryphon decides to discreetly extend his own shift and shorten Bexonidas'.
232323301Just like how Bexonidas takes care of other squad members, Gryphon and the others do their best to look out for Bexonidas as well.
242424301AniZhuanchangBegin...There's no need to tell each other about what they know. They're thinking the same thing.
252525301AniZhuanchangEndAfter checking the motion sensor once again and deeming it satisfactory, Bexonidas stands up from the temporary barricade.
262626301Command CentralCommand Central to 19-1.
272727301Bexonidas19-1 copies.
282929301Command CentralBut before that, there's one more mission you must complete...
293030301Bexonidas stands erect in the ravaging desert winds, radio in hand, expression frozen.
313232301Bexonidas...Roger. We'll get it done.
323333301Command CentralКто с мечом к нам придет,от меча и погибнет. (Those who come bearing swords, shall perish under them.)
333434301AniZhuanchangBeginBexonidasДА (Roger),Кто с мечом к нам придет,от меча и погибнет (Those who come bearing swords, shall perish under them.)
383939302What is it...40
4041413011LeeIncoming shortwave on your terminal.1
414242301Following Lee's finger, I see the flashing red signal on my personal terminal.
424343302Who could it be...44
434444301LeeUnfortunately, ID recognition doesn't work for shortwave messages.1
444545302All right, I see.46
454646302(Patch it through)47
464747301And here I thought you'd forgotten about this special channel.
474848301A familiar voice comes on the line, though you know it to be a composite from a simulation device.
484949301You still somehow detect a sense of relief.
505151301WatanabeHeard you guys are on a mission... so I thought I'd come see you.
515252302You heard?53
525454301...Always with the hidden meanings.
535555302You need something?56
545656301WatanabeI need your help. Or should I say... I need Gray Raven's help.
555757301WatanabeSome of my guys in the area got into some trouble.
565858301LeeWhat kind of trouble?1
575959301LeeIf there's a certain someone tagging along, thanks, but no...1
596161302Let him finish.62
606262301WatanabeThanks. I'll get to it.
616363301WatanabeThere's a doomsday defense line not far from your position. Two Forsaken squads are stationed there.
626464301WatanabeHowever, an unidentified force popped up recently and chased them out... or I should say, kicked them out.
636565301WatanabeThis force appears to utilize techniques that you're familiar with, so I would like your help with this.
656767301...Did something happen to the Nighter after that...?
666868301Guess we can't sit back and watch, even if Watanabe hadn't asked us for help.
676969302Let me think about it.70
687070301WatanabeThink fast.
697171301The connection is cut.
717373302AniZhuanchangBeginLet's pass it up the horn.74
767878301AniZhuanchangEnd1Hassen...Is that so?1
777979301HassenYour signal's breaking up, but since you want to extend your deployment, I'll just delay your outbound transport.1
788080302That's not what I...81
818383301The connection is cut.
8385853011LeeWe never asked to postpone the transportation craft schedule...1
848686302Look at it another way...87
858888301AniZhuanchangBeginLee...Is that so?1
889191301AniZhuanchangEnd1WatanabeYou came.1
909393301WatanabeI'll patch you through to the listening post1
939696301This is 19-1. Who is this, over?
949797301Watanabe19-1, this is Skyking actual.1
959898301Skyking? Could it be...
969999301WatanabeIt's me.1
97100100301Squad 19-1, Bexonidas reporting, sir!
98101101301WatanabeSkip the song and dance and give me a status report.1
1031061063011BexonidasRoger that.2
104107107301BexonidasSo far, allied artillery and landmines have divided enemies occupying the K-44 defense line into several small groups.2
105108108301BexonidasIf we hammer each group in their weak spots, we should be able to break through. The issue, however, is manpower...2
106109109301WatanabeWhat about the guys from Squadron 22? They're tasked to K-44 too.1
107110110301BexonidasThe guys from Squadron 22 have put every mortar they have into action, sir. They've been taking shifts, hammering the border day and night.2
108112112301WatanabeYou guys carry on with what you're doing.1
109113113301BexonidasGot it. 19-1 will continue our spotting mission.2
114118118301AniZhuanchangEnd1Watanabe...That's about it.1
115119119301WatanabeOf course, I won't make you guys do all the dirty work. I'll pitch in.1
1171211213011AniZhuanchangBeginWatanabeThe weakest link in is the Titan Trench nearby. We'll start there.1