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655301DialogEnable1NanamiWow, this place is massive! I didn't know there's a whoppin' fortress here on the sea!2
7663011WatanabeDon't rock the boat...3
8773011Seeing that he can't get Nanami to listen, Watanabe turns to the rest of you, who are sorting out equipment.
9883011Watanabe...Who put her on this op?3
1110103011LivNo idea how she even found us...1
1312123011NanamiI heeaarrd you! You guys are badmouthing Nanami, aren't you?2
141313302Sorry14We weren't doing anything of the sort
151414163011NanamiI'm still mad... but since it's you, Commandant... I'll let it slide!2
161515163011NanamiI heard it, though! Nanami reserves the right to punish Commandant 【kuroname】 how Nanami sees fit!2
171616301AniZhuanchangBegin1WatanabeShh, quiet down. We're almost there.3
191818301AniZhuanchangEnd1The speedboat comes to a halt next to a rock close to the fortress base.16
2221213011WatanabeHere is fine. Thank you.2
2322223011ForsakenWhat Watanabe-San asks, we fulfill!3
2423233011ForsakenYou were the one who put an end to our seventeen-year civil war, after all!3
2524243011WatanabeJust doing my job, son.2
2625253011WatanabeWe are all descendants of the soldiers in the old days. The dead don't hold grudges, so neither do we.2
2726263011WatanabeThose things that used to differentiate soldiers from each other... uniforms, titles, callsigns... they no longer exist.2
2827273011WatanabeThe soldiers of this era... we fight together, for a common cause.2
2928283011ForsakenWe descendants of the Forsaken shall work our hardest to achieve Mr. Watanabe's goal!3
302929301AniZhuanchangBegin1Watanabe...Hmm. Remember to come pick us up in two days.2
343333301AniZhuanchangEnd1LeeI thought it looked colossal from the distance. But now that we're getting closer—2
3534343011LeeThe size of it is truly intimidating...2
3635353011WatanabeWouldn't be a doomsday fortress built in the post-Pandemic Age if it didn't have a decent size.3
3736363011WatanabeIt's different from doomsday fortresses built during the world wars or the cold war era.3
3837373011WatanabeThe doomsday fortresses built during the Post-Pandemic Age were always designed so that the inhabitants never had to leave if they didn't want to. The owner probably spent lots of money on it.3
4039393011LivBut I don't see anyone in there.1
4241413011WatanabeYeah. In the fortress, people could have hidden away from the Punishing Virus...3
4342423011Watanabe...The only thing they couldn't hide from was conscription. Besides, the location of this fortress is perfect. With a pair of binoculars, you could surveil the entire bay.3
4544443011KareninaYeah. When times are tough, humans are worse than any calamity.1
4746463011WatanabeAnyway, we need to find a way inside.3
4848483011WatanabeFor an attacker to invade, they would first have to find the fortress' weak points in the counteractive corridors, which are riddled with hardpoints.3
4949493011AniZhuanchangBegin1WatanabeThe hardpoints should no longer be in use, but... expect lots of roaming Corrupted.3