forked from PGR/ascnet
Fork 0

422 KiB
Raw Blame History

21131021Omniframes are Tank Omniframes
32131022Construct is Vanguard type
43131023Construct is Bio type
5413102123Universal Omniframe
651010750Commandant Level below 50
761010740Commandant Level below 40
871010510030202Complete Normal Story 3-6
981010510050202Complete Normal Story 5-6
10915110War Zone is now available
111015111Phantom Pain Cage is now available
12301101021011002Own Omniframe Lee: Palefire
13302101021021001Own Omniframe Lucia: Lotus
14303101021031001Own Omniframe Liv: Eclipse
15304101021041002Own Omniframe Bianca: Zero
16305101021051001Own Omniframe Nanami: Storm
17306101021061002Own Omniframe Kamui: Bastion
18307101021071002Own Omniframe Karenina: Blast
19308101021081002Own Omniframe Watanabe: Nightblade
20309101021021002Own Omniframe Lucia: Dawn
21310101021031002Own Omniframe Liv: Lux
22311101021061003Own Omniframe Kamui: Tenebrion
23312101021031003Own Omniframe Liv: Luminance
24313101021071003Own Omniframe Karenina: Ember
25314101021011003Own Omniframe Lee: Entropy
26315101021051003Own Omniframe Nanami: Pulse
27316101021021003Own Omniframe Lucia: Crimson Abyss
28317101021081003Own Omniframe Watanabe: Astral
29318101021091002Own Omniframe Ayla: Brilliance
30319101021041003Own Omniframe Bianca: Veritas
31320101021111002Own Omniframe Sophia: Silverfang
32321101021121002Own Omniframe Chrome: Arclight
33322101021021004Own Omniframe Lucia: Plume
34323101021131002Own Omniframe Vera: Rozen
35324101021511003Own Uniframe Camu: Crocotta
36325101021141003Own Omniframe Rosetta: Rigor
37326101021521003Own Uniframe Qu: Pavo
38327101021161002Own Omniframe Changyu: Qilin
39328101021171003Own Omniframe Luna: Laurel
40329101021181003Own Omniframe 2B
41330101021191003Own Omniframe 9S
42331101021201003Own Omniframe A2
43332101021211002Own Omniframe Wanshi: Hypnos
44333101021531003Own Uniframe Selena: Tempest
45334101021121003Own Omniframe Chrome: Glory
46335101021221002Own Omniframe No. 21: XXI
47336101021131003Own Omniframe Vera: Garnet
48337101021541003Own Uniframe Roland: Flambeau
49338101021031004Own Omniframe Liv: Empyrea
50339101021531004Own Omniframe Selena: Capriccio
51340101021551003Own Uniframe Pulao: Dragontoll
52341101021051004Own Omniframe Nanami: Starfarer
53342101021561003Own Uniframe Haicma: Starveil
54343101021071004Own Omniframe Karenina: Scire
55344101021571003Own Uniframe Noan: Arca
56345101021041004Own Omniframe Bianca: Stigmata
57346101021231002Own Omniframe Bambinata: Vitrum
58347101021011004Own Omniframe Lee: Hyperreal
59348101021091003Own Omniframe Ayla: Kaleido
60349101021021005Own Omniframe Alpha: Crimson Weave
61401111056210204Coating owned
6270011010513010116Complete all Lucia Interludes
6370021010513010216Complete all Liv Interludes
6470031010513010315Complete all Nanami Interludes
6570041010513010415Complete all Lee Interludes
6670051010513010516Complete all Karenina Interludes
6770061010513010615Complete all Watanabe Interludes
6870071010513010716Complete all Bianca Interludes
6970081010513010815Complete all Kamui Interludes
70104360001010140Reach Commandant Level 40
7110436001101011Recommended BP: 2500
7210436002101011Recommended BP: 3500
7310436003101011Recommended BP: 4500
7410436004101011Recommended BP: 6500
7510436005101011Recommended BP: 7000
76104360111010140Reach Commandant Level 40
7710436012101021081002Own Omniframe Watanabe: Nightblade
78104360131310380Watanabe: Nightblade reaches Lv.80
79104360141010510040203Clear Main Stage 4-7 once
8010436015131175Watanabe: Nightblade reaches Affection 5
8110436016131144Awaken Watanabe: Nightblade's Ultima Rank
8210436017131086200Have Watanabe: Nightblade reach 6200 BP
831043601817117152100010021000101210001022100010321000104Complete [Heart-Lock Trial] with a 3-star rating
84104360191010521000114Unlocks after clearing all stages of [Fragmented Memories]
85104360201110112011Unlocks Display Poses
86104360211010140Reach Commandant Level 40
8710436022101021021003Own Omniframe Lucia: Crimson Abyss
88104360231310380Lucia: Crimson Abyss reaches Lv.80
89104360241010511140105Clear Main Story Hidden Stage 14-5 once
9010436025131175Lucia: Crimson Abyss reaches Affection 5
9110436026131144Awaken Lucia: Crimson Abyss's Ultima Rank
9210436027131086200Have Lucia: Crimson Abyss reach 6200 BP
931043602817117152100020021000201210002022100020321000204Complete [Heart-Lock Trial] with a 3-star rating
94104360291010521000214Unlocks after clearing all stages of [Fragmented Memories]
95104360301110112021Unlocks Display Poses
96104360311010140Reach Commandant Level 40
9710436032101021051004Own Omniframe Nanami: Starfarer
98104360331310380Nanami: Starfarer reaches Lv.80
99104360341010515020222Clear Floating Record ER01-13 once
10010436035131175Nanami: Starfarer reaches Affection 5
10110436036131144Nanami: Starfarer reaches Ultima
10210436037131086200Nanami: Starfarer reaches 6200 in Battle Power
1031043603817117152100022021000221210002222100022321000224Complete all 3★ objectives in [Heart-Lock Trial]
104104360391010521000235Unlocks after clearing all stages of [Fragmented Memories]
105104360401110112031Unlocks Display Poses
106210001001810311081002Watanabe: Nightblade required
107210002001810311021003Lucia: Crimson Abyss required
108210003001810311051004Nanami: Starfarer must be depoyed
10980001010125Reach Commandant Level 25
11080011010135Reach Commandant Level 35
11180021010145Reach Commandant Level 45
11280031010155Reach Commandant Level 55
11380041010162Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.62
11480051010152Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.52
11580061010161Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.61
11680071010156Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.56
11780081010147Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.47
11810001101011Requires Commandant Lv.50
11910002111011999Requires 999 items
12010003101021021001Own the specified Omniframe
12110005101031Number of Constructs obtained, Parameter: Quantity
12210006131011Construct Gender, Parameter: Gender
12310007131021Construct Type, Parameter: Type
12410010181011Only use male Omniframes
125100111810231No Vanguard-type Constructs
126101151011510Unlocks after Amberia's death
127104501010530010405Clear Combat Supply AE-5
12810012011810311031001Liv: Eclipse required
12910012021810311051001Nanami: Storm required
13010013181041031001Cannot deploy Liv
131100141010140Requires Commandant Lv.40
132100151010510010202Must complete Stage 5-2
133100161310325Requires member Lv.25
13430001101011Requires Commandant Lv.1
13530002201021Must complete Dormitory 1F
13630003201022Must complete Dormitory 2F
1373005010151903700Owned B5 Pointy (duplicate purchases not allowed)
1383005110151902200Owned B5 Pokey (duplicate purchases not allowed)
1393005210151816000Owned Roland (duplicate purchases not allowed)
1403005310151815000Owned Nozzle (duplicate purchases not allowed)
1413005410151920300Owned Repairer (duplicate purchases not allowed)
1423005510151926700Owned Kemuri (duplicate purchases not allowed)
14330056101518130000Owned Roseblade (duplicate purchases not allowed)
14430057101518370000Owned Shark-speare (duplicate purchases not allowed)
145301012010111Requires Mainframe Lv.1
146302012010121Requires Generator Lv.1
147302022010123Requires Generator Lv.3
148302032010125Requires Generator Lv.5
149303012010131Requires Factory Lv.1
150303022010133Requires Factory Lv.3
151303032010135Requires Factory Lv.5
15230401101012Requires Commandant Lv.2
153304021010110Requires Commandant Lv.10
154304031010115Requires Commandant Lv.15
155304041010120Requires Commandant Lv.20
156304051010125Requires Commandant Lv.25
157304061010140Requires Commandant Lv.40
15831001201042Commission System reaches Lv.2
15931002201043Commission System reaches Lv.3
160311012010555Complete 5 missions for the WGAA
161311022010535Complete 5 missions for the Engineering Force
162311032010585Complete 5 missions for the Forsaken
1633120034002The dispatched members meet the commission's type recommendation
16431201340011031001The dispatched members include [Liv: Eclipse]
165312021010510170128Unlocks after clearing The Surviving Lucem (17-28)
16631203340011571003The dispatched members include [Noan: Arca]
167312041010515020324Unlocks after clearing Cinder Burns (ER02-24)
16831205340011121002The dispatched members include [Chrome: Arclight]
169312061010510200115Unlocks after clearing Across the Ruined Sea (20-15)
17031207340011551003The dispatched members include [Pulao: Dragontoll]
17131901201042Commission Terminal reaches Lv.2
17231902201043Commission Terminal reaches Lv.3
17331903201044Commission Terminal reaches Lv.4
17431904201045Commission Terminal reaches Lv.5
17531905201046Commission Terminal reaches Lv.6
17631906201047Commission Terminal reaches Lv.7
17731907201048Commission Terminal reaches Lv.8
17831908201049Commission Terminal reaches Lv.9
179319092010410Commission Terminal reaches Lv.10
1801000001010510010204Complete Normal Story 1-8
1811000011010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12
1821000021010510010104Complete Normal Story 1-4
1831001021010510020304Complete Normal Story 2-12
1841001031010511010106Complete Hidden Story 1-6
1851001041010510030304Complete Normal Story 3-12
1861001051010511020106Complete Hidden Story 2-6
1871001061010510040304Complete Normal Story 4-12
1881001071010511030106Complete Hidden Story 3-6
1891001081010510050304Complete Normal Story 5-12
1901001091010511040106Complete Hidden Story 4-6
1911001101010510060304Complete Normal Story 6-12
1921001111010511050106Complete Hidden Story 5-6
1931001121010510070304Complete Normal Story 7-12
1941001131010511060106Complete Hidden Story 6-6
1951002021010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12
1961002031010510020304Complete Normal Story 2-12
1971002041010510030304Complete Normal Story 3-12
1981002051010510040104Complete Normal Story 4-4
1991002061010510040404Complete Normal Story 4-16
2001002071010510050304Complete Normal Story 5-12
2011002081010510060204Complete Normal Story 6-8
2021002091010510070104Complete Normal Story 7-4
2031002101010510070404Complete Normal Story 7-16
2041002111010510080304Complete Normal Story 8-12
2051002121010511060106Complete Hidden Story 6-8
2061002131010511080106Complete Hidden Story 8-4
2071003021010510020104Complete Normal Story 2-4
2081003031010510020404Complete Normal Story 2-16
2091003041010510030404Complete Normal Story 3-16
2101003051010510040204Complete Normal Story 4-8
2111003061010510050104Complete Normal Story 5-4
2121003071010510050404Complete Normal Story 5-16
2131003081010510060304Complete Normal Story 6-12
2141003091010510070204Complete Normal Story 7-8
2151003101010510080104Complete Normal Story 8-4
2161003111010510080404Complete Normal Story 8-16
2171003121010511060106Complete Hidden Story 6-8
2181003131010511080106Complete Hidden Story 8-4
2191004021010510010404Complete Normal Story 1-16
2201004031010511010106Complete Hidden Story 1-8
2211004041010511010106Complete Hidden Story 1-16
2221004051010511010106Complete Hidden Story 2-8
2231004061010511020106Complete Hidden Story 2-16
2241004071010511030106Complete Hidden Story 3-8
2251004081010511030106Complete Hidden Story 3-16
2261004091010511040106Complete Hidden Story 4-6
2271004101010511040106Complete Hidden Story 4-16
2281004111010511050106Complete Hidden Story 5-8
2291004121010511070106Complete Hidden Story 7-8
2301004131010511080106Complete Hidden Story 8-16
2311005011010510010203Complete Normal Story 1-7
2321006011010510120111Complete Normal Story 12-11
2331007011010515010120Clear Extra Story EX01-20
2341008011010515020118Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-18
2351008111010510130200Clear Chapter 1 Stage 1 on Normal
2361008121010510130171Clear Chapter 1 Stage 2 on Normal
2371008131010510130172Clear Chapter 1 Stage 3 on Normal
2381008141010510130201Clear Chapter 1 Stage 4 on Normal
2391008151010510130202Clear Chapter 1 Stage 5 on Normal
2401008161010510130203Clear Chapter 1 Stage 6 on Normal
2411008171010510130173Clear Chapter 1 Stage 7 on Normal
2421008181010510130204Clear Chapter 1 Stage 8 on Normal
2431008191010510130174Clear Chapter 1 Stage 9 on Normal
2441008201010510130205Clear Chapter 1 Stage 10 on Normal
2451008211010510130206Clear Chapter 2 Stage 1 on Normal
2461008221010510130207Clear Chapter 2 Stage 2 on Normal
2471008231010510130208Clear Chapter 2 Stage 3 on Normal
2481008241010510130175Clear Chapter 2 Stage 4 on Normal
2491008251010510130209Clear Chapter 2 Stage 5 on Normal
2501008261010510130210Clear Chapter 2 Stage 6 on Normal
2511008271010510130176Clear Chapter 2 Stage 7 on Normal
2521008281010510130211Clear Chapter 2 Stage 8 on Normal
2531008291010510130212Clear Chapter 2 Stage 9 on Normal
2541008301010510130213Clear Chapter 2 Stage 10 on Normal
2551008311010510130214Clear Chapter 2 Stage on Normal
2561008321010510130215Clear Chapter 2 Stage 12 on Normal
2571008331010510130177Clear Chapter 2 Stage 13 on Normal
2581008341010510130216Clear Chapter 2 Stage 14 on Normal
2591008351010510130217Clear Chapter 3 Stage 1 on Normal
2601008361010510130218Clear Chapter 3 Stage 2 on Normal
2611008371010510130178Clear Chapter 3 Stage 3 in Regular Mode
2621008381010510130219Clear Chapter 3 Stage 4 in Regular Mode
2631008391010510130220Clear Chapter 3 Stage 5 in Regular Mode
2641008401010510130179Clear Chapter 3 Stage 6 in Regular Mode
2651008411010510130221Clear Chapter 3 Stage 7 in Regular Mode
2661008421010510130180Clear Chapter 3 Stage 8 in Regular Mode
2671008431010510130181Clear Chapter 3 Stage 9 in Regular Mode
2681008441010510130222Clear Chapter 3 Stage 10 in Regular Mode
2691008451010510130223Clear Chapter 3 Stage 11 in Regular Mode
2701008461010510130224Clear Chapter 3 Stage 12 in Regular Mode
2711008471010510130225Clear Chapter 3 Stage 13 in Regular Mode
2721008481010510130226Clear Chapter 3 Stage 14 in Regular Mode
2731008491010510130227Clear Chapter 3 Stage 15 in Regular Mode
2741008501010510130228Clear Chapter 3 Stage 16 in Regular Mode
2751008511010510130229Clear Chapter 3 Stage 17 in Regular Mode
2761008521010510130230Clear Chapter 3 Stage 18 in Regular Mode
2771008531010510130231Clear Chapter 3 Stage 19 in Regular Mode
2781008541010510130182Clear Chapter 3 Stage 20 in Regular Mode
2791008551010510130232Clear Chapter 3 Stage 21 in Regular Mode
2801008561010510130233Clear Chapter 4 Stage 1 on Normal
2811008571010510130234Clear Chapter 4 Stage 2 on Normal
2821008581010510130235Clear Chapter 4 Stage 3 on Normal
2831008591010510130236Clear Chapter 4 Stage 4 on Normal
2841008601010510130237Clear Chapter 4 Stage 5 on Normal
2851008611010510130238Clear Chapter 4 Stage 6 on Normal
2861008621010510130183Clear Chapter 4 Stage 7 on Normal
2871008631010510130239Clear Chapter 4 Stage 8 on Normal
2881008641010510130240Clear Chapter 4 Stage 9 on Normal
2891008651010510130184Clear Chapter 4 Stage 10 on Normal
2901008661010510130241Clear Chapter 4 Stage 11 on Normal
2911008671010510130185Clear Chapter 4 Stage 12 on Normal
2921008681010510130186Clear Chapter 4 Stage 13 on Normal
2931009011010530110114Stay tuned
2941010011010510140115Clear Normal Story Mission 14-15
2951011011010510150117Clear Normal Story Mission 15-17
2961012011010515010613Clear Extra Story Mission EX05-12
2971013011010510160115Clear Normal Story Mission 16-15
298109000131032Member reaches Lv.2
2991100001310310Member reaches Lv.10
3001100011310320Member reaches Lv.20
3011100021310330Member reaches Lv.30
3021100031310340Member reaches Lv.40
3031100041310345Member reaches Lv.45
3041100051310350Member reaches Lv.50
3051100061310355Member reaches Lv.55
3061100071310360Member reaches Lv.60
3071100081310365Member reaches Lv.65
3081100091310370Member reaches Lv.70
3091100101310375Member reaches Lv.75
3101100111310380Member reaches Lv.80
31112000010101200Event is not available yet.
31220000010101200Not yet available
3132000011010512021201Clear Stronghold Chapter 2
3142000021010512050402Clear Stronghold Chapter 5
3152000031010512080402Clear Stronghold Chapter 8
3162000101010512011601Clear Stronghold Chapter 1
3172000111010512021201Clear Stronghold Chapter 2
3182000121010512030802Clear Stronghold Chapter 3
3192000131010512040401Clear Stronghold Chapter 4
3202000141010512050402Clear Stronghold Chapter 5
3212000151010512060402Clear Stronghold Chapter 6
3222000161010512070402Clear Stronghold Chapter 7
3232000171010512080402Clear Stronghold Chapter 8
3243000011810512Dispatch at least 2 Omniframes of the same type
32530000218106102Dispatch at least 2 Omniframes with BP no less than 10
3263000031810712Have 2 Constructs at rank 1 or above in the team
32730000418108102Dispatch at least 2 Omniframes of Lv.10 or above
3283000051810912Have 2 Constructs with gender 1 in the team
3293000061811010310011Liv: Eclipse required
3304000018108101Have 1 Lv.10 member in the team
3314000118108202Have 2 Lv.20 members in the team
3324000218108303Have 3 Lv.30 members in the team
3334000318108401Have 1 Lv.40 member in the team
3344000418108502Have 2 Lv.50 members in the team
3354000518108603Have 3 Lv.60 members in the team
3364000618108101Have 1 Lv.10 member in the team
3374000718108202Have 2 Lv.20 members in the team
3384000818108303Have 3 Lv.30 members in the team
3394000918108401Have 1 Lv.40 member in the team
3404001018108502Have 2 Lv.50 members in the team
3414001118108603Have 3 Lv.60 members in the team
342400121810721Have 1 A-Rank Omniframe on the team
343400131810732Have 2 S-Rank Omniframes on the team
344400141810743Have 3 SS-Rank Omniframes on the team
345400151810751Have 1 SSS-Rank Omniframe on the team
346400161810742Have 2 SS-Rank Omniframes on the team
347400171810733Have 3 S-Rank Omniframes on the team
348400181810511Dispatch 1 Tank Omniframe
349400191810522Dispatch 2 Vanguard-type Constructs
350400201810533Dispatch 3 Bio-type Constructs
351400211811010310011Liv: Eclipse required
352400221810911Dispatch 1 female Construct
353400231810912Dispatch 2 female Constructs
354400241810913Dispatch 3 female Constructs
355400251810921Dispatch 1 male Construct
356400261810922Dispatch 2 male Constructs
357400271810923Dispatch 3 male Constructs
3584002818108102Requires member Lv.10
3594002918108202Requires member Lv.20
3604003018108302Requires member Lv.30
3614003118108402Requires member Lv.40
3624003218108502Requires member Lv.50
3634003318108602Requires member Lv.60
3644003418108702Requires member Lv.70
3654003518108802Requires member Lv.80
366400361810511Dispatch 1 Tank Omniframe
367400371810512Dispatch 2 Tank Omniframes
368400381810513Dispatch 3 Tank Omniframes
369400391810521Dispatch 1 Vanguard-type Construct
370400401810522Dispatch 2 Vanguard-type Constructs
371400411810523Dispatch 3 Vanguard-type Constructs
372400421810531Dispatch 1 Bio-type Construct
373400431810532Dispatch 2 Bio-type Constructs
374400441810533Dispatch 3 Bio-type Constructs
375400451811010110011Lee: Palefire required
376400461811010210011Lucia: Lotus required
377400471811010310011Liv: Eclipse required
378400481811010410011Bianca: Zero required
379400491811010510011Nanami: Storm required
380400501811010610011Kamui: Bastion required
381400511811010710011Karenina: Blast required
382400521811010810011Watanabe: Nightblade required
383400531811010210021Lucia: Dawn required
384400541811010310021Liv: Lux required
385400551811010710021Karenina: Ember required
386400561811010310031Liv: Luminance required
38750000131035Member reaches Lv.5
388500011310310Member reaches Lv.10
389500021310315Member reaches Lv.15
390500031310320Member reaches Lv.20
391500041310325Member reaches Lv.25
392500051310330Member reaches Lv.30
393500061310335Member reaches Lv.35
394500071310340Member reaches Lv.40
395500081310345Member reaches Lv.45
396500091310350Member reaches Lv.50
397500101310355Member reaches Lv.55
398500111310360Member reaches Lv.60
399500121310365Member reaches Lv.65
400500131310370Member reaches Lv.70
401500141310375Member reaches Lv.75
402500151310380Member reaches Lv.80
4031001131031Reach Lv.1
4041002131032Reach Lv.2
4051003131036Reach Lv.6
40610041310310Reach Lv.10
40710051310314Reach Lv.14
40810061310318Reach Lv.18
40910071310322Reach Lv.22
41010081310326Reach Lv.26
41110091310330Reach Lv.30
41210101310334Reach Lv.34
41310111310338Reach Lv.38
41410121310342Reach Lv.42
41510131310346Reach Lv.46
41610141310350Reach Lv.50
41710151310354Reach Lv.54
41810161310358Reach Lv.58
41910171310362Reach Lv.62
42010181310366Reach Lv.66
4211101131031Reach Lv.1
4221102131034Reach Lv.4
4231103131038Reach Lv.8
42411041310312Reach Lv.12
42511051310316Reach Lv.16
42611061310320Reach Lv.20
42711071310324Reach Lv.24
42811081310328Reach Lv.28
42911091310332Reach Lv.32
43011101310336Reach Lv.36
43111111310340Reach Lv.40
43211121310344Reach Lv.44
43311131310348Reach Lv.48
43411141310352Reach Lv.52
43511151310356Reach Lv.56
43611161310360Reach Lv.60
43711171310364Reach Lv.64
43811181310368Reach Lv.68
4391201131031Reach Lv.1
4401202131036Reach Lv.6
44112031310310Reach Lv.10
44212041310314Reach Lv.14
44312051310318Reach Lv.18
44412061310322Reach Lv.22
44512071310326Reach Lv.26
44612081310330Reach Lv.30
44712091310334Reach Lv.34
44812101310338Reach Lv.38
44912111310342Reach Lv.42
45012121310346Reach Lv.46
45112131310350Reach Lv.50
45212141310354Reach Lv.54
45312151310358Reach Lv.58
45412161310362Reach Lv.62
45512171310366Reach Lv.66
45612181310370Reach Lv.70
4571301131031Reach Lv.1
4581302131038Reach Lv.8
45913031310312Reach Lv.12
46013041310316Reach Lv.16
46113051310320Reach Lv.20
46213061310324Reach Lv.24
46313071310328Reach Lv.28
46413081310332Reach Lv.32
46513091310336Reach Lv.36
46613101310340Reach Lv.40
46713111310344Reach Lv.44
46813121310348Reach Lv.48
46913131310352Reach Lv.52
47013141310356Reach Lv.56
47113151310360Reach Lv.60
47213161310364Reach Lv.64
47313171310368Reach Lv.68
47413181310372Reach Lv.72
4751401131031Reach Lv.1
47614021310310Reach Lv.10
47714031310314Reach Lv.14
47814041310318Reach Lv.18
47914051310322Reach Lv.22
48014061310326Reach Lv.26
48114071310330Reach Lv.30
48214081310334Reach Lv.34
48314091310338Reach Lv.38
48414101310342Reach Lv.42
48514111310346Reach Lv.46
48614121310350Reach Lv.50
48714131310354Reach Lv.54
48814141310358Reach Lv.58
48914151310362Reach Lv.62
49014161310366Reach Lv.66
49114171310370Reach Lv.70
49214181310374Reach Lv.74
4931501131031Reach Lv.1
49415021310312Reach Lv.12
49515031310316Reach Lv.16
49615041310320Reach Lv.20
49715051310324Reach Lv.24
49815061310328Reach Lv.28
49915071310332Reach Lv.32
50015081310336Reach Lv.36
50115091310340Reach Lv.40
50215101310344Reach Lv.44
50315111310348Reach Lv.48
50415121310352Reach Lv.52
50515131310356Reach Lv.56
50615141310360Reach Lv.60
50715151310364Reach Lv.64
50815161310368Reach Lv.68
50915171310372Reach Lv.72
51015181310376Reach Lv.76
5111601131031Reach Lv.1
51216021310314Reach Lv.14
51316031310318Reach Lv.18
51416041310322Reach Lv.22
51516051310326Reach Lv.26
51616061310330Reach Lv.30
51716071310334Reach Lv.34
51816081310338Reach Lv.38
51916091310342Reach Lv.42
52016101310346Reach Lv.46
52116111310350Reach Lv.50
52216121310354Reach Lv.54
52316131310358Reach Lv.58
52416141310362Reach Lv.62
52516151310366Reach Lv.66
52616161310370Reach Lv.70
52716171310374Reach Lv.74
52816181310378Reach Lv.78
5291701131031Reach Lv.1
53017021310316Reach Lv.16
53117031310320Reach Lv.20
53217041310324Reach Lv.24
53317051310328Reach Lv.28
53417061310332Reach Lv.32
53517071310336Reach Lv.36
53617081310340Reach Lv.40
53717091310344Reach Lv.44
53817101310348Reach Lv.48
53917111310352Reach Lv.52
54017121310356Reach Lv.56
54117131310360Reach Lv.60
54217141310364Reach Lv.64
54317151310368Reach Lv.68
54417161310372Reach Lv.72
54517171310376Reach Lv.76
54617181310380Reach Lv.80
54718001310510Omniframes are Rank B Omniframes
54818011310520Omniframes reach Rank A
54918021310530Omniframes reach Rank S
55018031310540Omniframes reach Rank SS
55118041310550Omniframes reach Rank SSS
55218051310560Omniframes reach Rank SSS+
5535000101015Reach Commandant Level 5
55450011010140Reach Commandant Level 40
55550021010155Reach Commandant Level 55
55650031010170Reach Commandant Level 70
55750041010120Reach Commandant Level 20
55860001010115Reach Commandant Level 15
55960011010138Reach Commandant Level 38
56060021010145Reach Commandant Level 45
56160031010147Reach Commandant Level 47
56260041010149Reach Commandant Level 49
56360051010151Reach Commandant Level 51
56460061010153Reach Commandant Level 53
56560071010155Reach Commandant Level 55
5666008101021061002Unlock Omniframe - Kamui: Bastion to activate
5676009101021091002Unlock Omniframe - Ayla: Brilliance to activate
5686102101021021003Unlock Omniframe - Lucia: Crimson Abyss to activate
5696103101021081003Unlock Omniframe - Watanabe: Astral to activate
5706104101021041003Unlock Omniframe - Bianca: Veritas to activate
5716105101021111002Unlock Omniframe - Sophia: Silverfang to activate
5726106101021121002Unlock Omniframe - Chrome: Arclight to activate
5736107101021021004Unlock Omniframe - Lucia: Plume to activate
5746108101021131002Unlock Omniframe - Vera: Rozen to activate
5756109101021511003Unlock Uniframe - Camu: Crocotta to activate
5766110101021141003Unlock Omniframe - Rosetta: Rigor to activate
5776111101021521003Unlock Uniframe - Qu: Pavo to activate
5786112101021161002Unlock Omniframe - Changyu: Qilin to activate
5796113101021171003Unlock Omniframe - Luna: Laurel to activate
5806114101021531003Unlock Uniframe - Selena: Tempest to activate
5816115101021211002Unlock Omniframe - Wanshi: Hypnos to activate
5826116101021121003Unlock Omniframe - Chrome: Glory to activate
5836117101021221002Unlock Omniframe - No. 21: XXI to activate
5846118101021131003Unlock Omniframe - Vera: Garnet to activate
5856119101021541003Unlock Uniframe - Roland: Flambeau to activate
5866120101021031004Unlock Omniframe - Liv: Empyrea to activate
5876121101021531004Unlock Omniframe - Selena: Capriccio to activate
5886122101021551003Unlock Uniframe - Pulao: Dragontoll to activate
5896123101021231002Unlock Omniframe - Bambinata: Vitrum to activate
59072001310380Lucia: Dawn reaches Lv.80
59172011010152Reach Commandant Level 52.
5927202131161553289[Dragon Claw Spin] reaches Lv.9.
59372031311615532818[Dragon Claw Spin] reaches Lv.18.
5947204131161553299[Whirlwind Strike] reaches Lv.9.
59572051311615532918[Whirlwind Strike] reaches Lv.18.
59672060(7203&7205)Both [Dragon Claw Spin] and [Whirlwind Strike] reach Lv.18.
5977207131161543289[Tango Chainblade] reaches Lv.9.
59872081311615432818[Tango Chainblade] reaches Lv.18.
5997209131161543299[Curtain Call] reaches Lv.9.
60072101311615432918[Curtain Call] reaches Lv.18.
60172110(7208&7210)Both [Tango Chainblade] and [Curtain Call] reach Lv.18.
6027212131161563289[CA - Diamond Dust] reaches Lv.9
60372131311615632818[CA - Diamond Dust] reaches Lv.18
6047214131161563299[EX - Glacial Burial] reaches Lv.9
60572151311615632918[EX - Glacial Burial] reaches Lv.18
60672160(7213&7215)[CA - Diamond Dust] and [EX - Glacial Burial] both reach Lv.18
6077217131161513289[Predator's Charge] reaches Lv.9
60872181311615132818[Predator's Charge] reaches Lv.18
6097219131161513299[Fatal Shadow] reaches Lv.9
61072201311615132918[Fatal Shadow] reaches Lv.18
61172210(7218&7220)[Predator's Charge] and [Fatal Shadow] both reach Lv.18
6127222131161573289[Fang-shattering Wolf] reaches Lv.9
61372231311615732818[Fang-shattering Wolf] reaches Lv.18
6147224131161573299[Voltaic Burst] reaches Lv.9
61572251311615732918[Voltaic Burst] reaches Lv.18
61672260(7223&7225)Both [Fang-shattering Wolf] and [Voltaic Burst] reach Lv.18
6177227131161523289[Viridescent Gust] reaches Lv.9
61872281311615232818[Viridescent Gust] reaches Lv.18
6197229131161523299[Severed Sky] reaches Lv.9
62072301311615232918[Severed Sky] reaches Lv.18
62172310(7228&7230)Both [Viridescent Gust] and [Severed Sky] reach Lv.18
6227300131161553281[Dragon Claw Spin] reaches Lv.1.
6237301131161553291[Whirlwind Strike] reaches Lv.1.
6247302131161543281[Tango Chainblade] reaches Lv.1.
6257303131161543291[Curtain Call] reaches Lv.1.
62673040(7300&7301)Both [Dragon Claw Spin] and [Whirlwind Strike] reach Lv.1.
62773050(7302&7303)Both [Tango Chainblade] and [Curtain Call] reach Lv.1.
62873061310380Lee: Palefire reaches Lv.80
6297307131161513281[Predator's Charge] reaches Lv.1
6307308131161513291[Fatal Shadow] reaches Lv.1
6317309131161563281[CA - Eyes of Death] reaches Lv.1
6327310131161563291[EX - Glacial Burial] reaches Lv.1
63373110(7307&7308)[Predator's Charge] and [Fatal Shadow] both reach Lv.1
63473120(7309&7310)[CA - Eyes of Death] and [EX - Glacial Burial] both reach Lv.1
63573131310380Liv: Luminance reaches lv.80
63673141310380Watanabe: Astral reaches Lv.80
6377315131161523281[Viridescent Gust] reaches Lv.1
6387316131161523291[Severed Sky] reaches Lv.1
63973170(7315&7316)Both [Viridescent Gust] and [Severed Sky] reach Lv.1
6407318131161573281[Fang-shattering Wolf] reaches Lv.1
6417319131161573291[Voltaic Burst] reaches Lv.1
64273200(7318&7319)Both [Fang-shattering Wolf] and [Voltaic Burst] reach Lv.1
64373211310380Rosetta: Rigor reaches Lv.80
6447322131161533289[Modulated Timbre] reaches Lv.9
64573231311615332818[Modulated Timbre] reaches Lv.18
6467324131161533299[Hymn to Muse] reaches Lv.9
64773251311615332918[Hymn to Muse] reaches Lv.18
64873260(7323&7325)[Modulated Timbre] and [Hymn to Muse] reach Lv.18
64973271310380Vera: Rozen reaches Lv.80
6501810800118108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6511810800218108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6521810800318108101Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.10
6531810800418108101Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.10
6541810800518108101Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.10
6551810800618108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6561810800718108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6571810800818108101Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.10
6581810800918108101Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.10
6591810801018108301Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.30
6601810801118108231Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.23
6611810801218108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6621810801318108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6631810801418108301Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.30
6641810801518108231Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.23
6651810801618108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6661810801718108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6671810801818108301Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.30
6681810801918108231Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.23
6691810802018108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6701810802118108151Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.15
6711810802218108401Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.40
6721810802318108301Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.30
6731810802418108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6741810802518108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6751810802618108401Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.40
6761810802718108301Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.30
6771810802818108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6781810802918108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6791810803018108401Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.40
6801810803118108301Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.30
6811810803218108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6821810803318108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6831810803418108401Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.40
6841810803518108301Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.30
6851810803618108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
6861810803718108201Dispatch Omniframes that reach Lv.20
687181060011810616001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1600 BP
688181060021810612001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1200 BP
689181060031810610001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1000 BP
69018106004181066001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 600 BP
691181060051810620001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 2000 BP
692181060061810616001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1600 BP
693181060071810612001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1200 BP
69418106008181068001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 800 BP
695181060091810628001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 2800 BP
696181060101810622001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 2200 BP
697181060111810616001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1600 BP
698181060121810610001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1000 BP
699181060131810628001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 2800 BP
700181060141810622001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 2200 BP
701181060151810616001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1600 BP
702181060161810610001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1000 BP
703181060171810640001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 4000 BP
704181060181810632001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 3200 BP
705181060191810624001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 2400 BP
706181060201810616001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1600 BP
707181060211810640001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 4000 BP
708181060221810632001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 3200 BP
709181060231810624001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 2400 BP
710181060241810616001Dispatch Omniframes that reach 1600 BP
711181090011810911Dispatch 1 female Omniframe
712181090021810911Dispatch 1 female Omniframe
713181090031810921Dispatch 1 male Omniframe
714181090041810921Dispatch 1 male Omniframe
715181090051810911Dispatch 1 female Omniframe
716181090061810911Dispatch 1 female Omniframe
717181090071810921Dispatch 1 male Omniframe
718181090081810921Dispatch 1 male Omniframe
719181090091810911Dispatch 1 female Omniframe
720181090101810911Dispatch 1 female Omniframe
721181090111810922Dispatch 2 male Omniframes
722181090121810922Dispatch 2 male Omniframes
723181090131810912Dispatch 2 female Omniframes
724181090141810912Dispatch 2 female Omniframes
725181090151810922Dispatch 2 male Omniframes
726181090161810922Dispatch 2 male Omniframes
727181090171810912Dispatch 2 female Omniframes
728181090181810912Dispatch 2 female Omniframes
729181090191810922Dispatch 2 male Omniframes
730181090201810922Dispatch 2 male Omniframes
731181100011811010210011Dispatch Lucia: Lotus
732181100021811010210011Dispatch Lucia: Lotus
733181100031811010310011Dispatch Liv: Eclipse
734181100041811010310011Dispatch Liv: Eclipse
735181100051811010510011Dispatch Nanami: Storm
736181100061811010510011Dispatch Nanami: Storm
737181100071811010110021Dispatch Lee: Palefire
738181100081811010110021Dispatch Lee: Palefire
739181100091811010410021Dispatch Bianca: Zero
740181100101811010610021Dispatch Kamui: Bastion
741181100111811010710021Dispatch Liv: Luminance
742181100121811010810021Dispatch Liv: Luminance
743181100131811010210021Dispatch Lucia: Lotus
744181100141811010310021Dispatch Liv: Eclipse
745181100151811010610031Dispatch Kamui: Tenebrion
746181100161811010310031Dispatch Liv: Eclipse
747181050011810511Dispatch 1 Attacker Omniframe
748181050021810511Dispatch 1 Attacker Omniframe
749181050031810521Dispatch 1 Tank Omniframe
750181050041810531Dispatch 1 Support Omniframe
751181050051810511Dispatch 1 Attacker Omniframe
752181050061810511Dispatch 1 Attacker Omniframe
753181050071810521Dispatch 1 Tank Omniframe
754181050081810531Dispatch 1 Support Omniframe
755181050091810511Dispatch 1 Attacker Omniframe
756181050101810511Dispatch 1 Attacker Omniframe
757181050111810521Dispatch 1 Tank Omniframe
758181050121810531Dispatch 1 Support Omniframe
759181070011810722Dispatch 2 A-Rank Omniframes
760181070021810722Dispatch 2 A-Rank Omniframes
761181070031810722Dispatch 2 A-Rank Omniframes
762181070041810722Dispatch 2 A-Rank Omniframes
763181070051810732Dispatch 2 S-Rank Omniframes
764181070061810732Dispatch 2 S-Rank Omniframes
765181070071810732Dispatch 2 S-Rank Omniframes
766181070081810732Dispatch 2 S-Rank Omniframes
76760000131031Member reaches Lv.1
768600011310310Member reaches Lv.10
769600021310314Member reaches Lv.14
770600031310318Member reaches Lv.18
771600041310322Member reaches Lv.22
772600051310326Member reaches Lv.26
773600061310330Member reaches Lv.30
774600071310334Member reaches Lv.34
775600081310338Member reaches Lv.38
776600091310342Member reaches Lv.42
777600101310346Member reaches Lv.46
778600111310350Member reaches Lv.50
779600121310354Member reaches Lv.54
780600131310358Member reaches Lv.58
781600141310362Member reaches Lv.62
782600151310366Member reaches Lv.66
783600161310370Member reaches Lv.70
784600171310374Member reaches Lv.74
78560100131031Member reaches Lv.1
786601011310312Member reaches Lv.12
787601021310316Member reaches Lv.16
788601031310320Member reaches Lv.20
789601041310324Member reaches Lv.24
790601051310328Member reaches Lv.28
791601061310332Member reaches Lv.32
792601071310336Member reaches Lv.36
793601081310340Member reaches Lv.40
794601091310344Member reaches Lv.44
795601101310348Member reaches Lv.48
796601111310352Member reaches Lv.52
797601121310356Member reaches Lv.56
798601131310360Member reaches Lv.60
799601141310364Member reaches Lv.64
800601151310368Member reaches Lv.68
801601161310372Member reaches Lv.72
802601171310376Member reaches Lv.76
80360200131031Member reaches Lv.1
804602011310314Member reaches Lv.14
805602021310318Member reaches Lv.18
806602031310322Member reaches Lv.22
807602041310326Member reaches Lv.26
808602051310330Member reaches Lv.30
809602061310334Member reaches Lv.34
810602071310338Member reaches Lv.38
811602081310342Member reaches Lv.42
812602091310346Member reaches Lv.46
813602101310350Member reaches Lv.50
814602111310354Member reaches Lv.54
815602121310358Member reaches Lv.58
816602131310362Member reaches Lv.62
817602141310366Member reaches Lv.66
818602151310370Member reaches Lv.70
819602161310374Member reaches Lv.74
820602171310378Member reaches Lv.78
82160300131031Member reaches Lv.1
822603011310316Construct reaches Lv.16 and evolves to S-rank
823603021310320Construct reaches Lv.20 and evolves to S-rank
824603031310324Construct reaches Lv.24 and evolves to S-rank
825603041310328Construct reaches Lv.28 and evolves to S-rank
826603051310332Construct reaches Lv.32 and evolves to S-rank
827603061310336Construct reaches Lv.36 and evolves to S-rank
828603071310340Construct reaches Lv.40 and evolves to S-rank
829603081310344Construct reaches Lv.44 and evolves to S-rank
830603091310348Construct reaches Lv.48 and evolves to S-rank
831603101310352Construct reaches Lv.52 and evolves to S-rank
832603111310356Construct reaches Lv.56 and evolves to S-rank
833603121310360Construct reaches Lv.60 and evolves to S-rank
834603131310364Construct reaches Lv.64 and evolves to S-rank
835603141310368Construct reaches Lv.68 and evolves to S-rank
836603151310372Construct reaches Lv.72 and evolves to S-rank
837603161310376Construct reaches Lv.76 and evolves to S-rank
838603171310380Construct reaches Lv.80 and evolves to S-rank
839605011310316Member reaches Lv.16
840605021310320Member reaches Lv.20
841605031310324Member reaches Lv.24
842605041310328Member reaches Lv.28
843605051310332Member reaches Lv.32
844605061310336Member reaches Lv.36
845605071310340Member reaches Lv.40
846605081310344Member reaches Lv.44
847605091310348Member reaches Lv.48
848605101310352Member reaches Lv.52
849605111310356Member reaches Lv.56
850605121310360Member reaches Lv.60
851605131310364Member reaches Lv.64
852605141310368Member reaches Lv.68
853605151310372Member reaches Lv.72
854605161310376Member reaches Lv.76
855605171310380Member reaches Lv.80
856604001110210110024Awaken Palefire's Ultima Rank
857604011110210210014Awaken Lotus's Ultima Rank
858604021110210310014Awaken Eclipse's Ultima Rank
859604031110210410024Awaken Zero's Ultima Rank
860604041110210510014Awaken Storm's Ultima Rank
861604051110210610024Awaken Bastion' Ultima Rank
862604061110210710024Awaken Blast's Ultima Rank
863604071110210810024Awaken Nightblade's Ultima Rank
864604081110210210024Awaken Dawn's Ultima Rank
865604091110210310024Awaken Lux's Ultima Rank
866604101110210310034Awaken Luminance's Ultima Rank
867604111110210610034Awaken Tenebrion's Ultima Rank
868604121110210110034Awaken Entropy's Ultima Rank
869604131110210710034Awaken Ember's Ultima Rank
870604141110210510034Awaken Pulse's Ultima Rank
871604151110210210034Awaken Crimson Abyss' Ultima Rank
872604161110210910024Awaken Brilliance's Ultima Rank
873604171110210810034Awaken Astral's Ultima Rank
874604181110211110024Awaken Silverfang's Ultima Rank
875604191110210410034Awaken Veritas' Ultima Rank
876604201110211210024Awaken Arclight's Ultima Rank
877604211110210210044Awaken Plume's Ultima Rank
878604221110211310024Awaken Rozen's Ultima Rank
879604231110215110034Awaken Crocotta's Ultima Rank
880604241110211410034Awaken Rigor's Ultima Rank
881604251110215210034Awaken Pavo's Ultima Rank
882604261110211610024Awaken Qilin's Ultima Rank
883604271110211710034Awaken Laurel's Ultima Rank
884604281110211810034Awaken 2B's Ultima Rank
885604291110211910034Awaken 9S' Ultima Rank
886604301110212010034Awaken A2's Ultima Rank
887604311110212110024Awaken Hypnos' Ultima Rank
888604321110215310034Awaken Tempest's Ultima Rank
889604331110211210034Awaken Glory's Ultima Rank
890604341110212210024XXI leveled up to Ultima Awaken
891604351110211310034Awaken Garnet's Ultima Rank
892604361110215410034Awaken Flambeau's Ultima Rank
893604371110210310044Awaken Empyrea's Ultima Rank
894604381110215310044Awaken Capriccio's Ultima Rank
895604391110215510034Awaken Dragontoll's Ultima Rank
896604401110210510044Awaken Starfarer's Ultima Rank
897604411110215610034Awaken Starveil's Ultima Rank
898604421110210710044Awaken Scire's Ultima Rank
899604431110215710034Awaken Arca's Ultima Rank
900604441110210410044Awaken Stigmata's Ultima Rank
901604451110212310024Awaken Vitrum's Ultima Rank
902604461110210110044Awaken Hyperreal's Ultima Rank
903604471110210910034Awaken Kaleido's Ultima Rank
904604481110210210054Awaken Crimson Weave's Ultima Rank
953610011310510Omniframes are Rank B Omniframes
954610021310520Omniframes reach Rank A
955610031310530Omniframes reach Rank S
956610041310540Omniframes reach Rank SS
957610051310550Omniframes reach Rank SSS
958610061310560Omniframes reach Rank SSS+
959610071310510Uniframes are Rank B Uniframes
960610081310520Uniframes reach Rank A
961610091310530Uniframes reach Rank S
962610101310540Uniframes reach Rank SS
963610111310550Uniframes reach Rank SSS
964610121310560Uniframes reach Rank SSS+
965613011310530Construct reaches Lv.16 and evolves to S-rank
966613021310530Construct reaches Lv.20 and evolves to S-rank
967613031310530Construct reaches Lv.24 and evolves to S-rank
968613041310530Construct reaches Lv.28 and evolves to S-rank
969613051310530Construct reaches Lv.32 and evolves to S-rank
970613061310530Construct reaches Lv.36 and evolves to S-rank
971613071310530Construct reaches Lv.40 and evolves to S-rank
972613081310530Construct reaches Lv.44 and evolves to S-rank
973613091310530Construct reaches Lv.48 and evolves to S-rank
974613101310530Construct reaches Lv.52 and evolves to S-rank
975613111310530Construct reaches Lv.56 and evolves to S-rank
976613121310530Construct reaches Lv.60 and evolves to S-rank
977613131310530Construct reaches Lv.64 and evolves to S-rank
978613141310530Construct reaches Lv.68 and evolves to S-rank
979613151310530Construct reaches Lv.72 and evolves to S-rank
980613161310530Construct reaches Lv.76 and evolves to S-rank
981613171310530Construct reaches Lv.80 and evolves to S-rank
9826200113105100Evolve to Rank B
9836200213105200Evolve to Rank A
9846200313105300Evolve to Rank S
9856200413105305Evolve to Rank S5
9866200513105400Evolve to Rank SS
9876200613105403Evolve to Rank S3
9886200713105500Evolve to Rank SSS
9896200813105503Evolve to Rank SSS3
9906200913105506Evolve to Rank SSS6
9916201013105600Evolve to Rank SSS+
9927000010101200Not available yet
993700011010510010203Complete Normal Story 1-7
994700021010510010302Complete Normal Story 1-10
995700031010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12
996700041010510020103Complete Normal Story 2-3
997700051010510020104Complete Normal Story 2-4
998700061010510020204Complete Normal Story 2-8
999700071010510020301Complete Normal Story 2-9
1000700081010510020303Complete Normal Story 2-11
1001700091010510020304Complete Normal Story 2-12
1002700101010511010105Complete Hidden Story 1-5
1003700111010510030101Complete Normal Story 3-1
1004700121010510030103Complete Normal Story 3-3
1005700131010150Reach Commandant Level 50
1006700141010510030204Complete Normal Story 3-8
1007700151010510030302Complete Normal Story 3-10
1008700161010511020101Complete Hidden Story 2-1
10097001710101200Complete Hidden Story 2-4
1010700181010510040102Complete Normal Story 4-2
1011700191010510040204Complete Normal Story 4-8
1012700201010510050203Complete Normal Story 5-7
1013700211010160Reach Commandant Level 60
1014700221010165Reach Commandant Level 65
1015700231010510030304Complete Normal Story 3-12
1016701011010510010102Complete Normal Story 1-2
1017701021010510010103Complete Normal Story 1-3
1018701031010510010104Complete Normal Story 1-4
1019701041010510010202Complete Normal Story 1-6
1020701051010510010204Complete Normal Story 1-8
1021701061010510020101Complete Normal Story 2-1
1022701071010510020201Complete Normal Story 2-5
1023701081010510020202Complete Normal Story 2-6
1024701091010511010102Complete Hidden Story 1-2
1025701101010510030203Complete Normal Story 3-7
1026701111010510020102Complete Normal Story 2-2
1027701121010510030102Complete Normal Story 3-2
1028701131010512020303Clear Stronghold Chapter 2
1029701141010512030303Clear Stronghold Chapter 3
1030701151010512040303Clear Stronghold Chapter 4
1031701161010512050303Clear Stronghold Chapter 5
1032701171010512060303Clear Stronghold Chapter 6
1033701181010512070303Clear Stronghold Chapter 7
1034701191010512010302Clear Stronghold Chapter 1
1035701201010512090303Clear Stronghold Chapter 9
1036701211010512100304Clear Stronghold Chapter 10
1037701221010512110304Clear Stronghold Chapter 11
1038701231010512120304Clear Stronghold Chapter 12
1039701241010512010302Clear Stronghold Ch.1
10406000071011910009Find data record [X-779] while exploring [Redundant Block 22-16].
10416000081011911000Explore in [Redundant Block 22-16] and follow the guide to active the event of [Eden's Falling]
10426000091011910000Enter [Babylonia]
10436010001010140Unlocked when Commandant Level reached 40
10446010011011911001Unlocked after watching the initial story
10456010021011913002Unlocked after completing the main story of [Parliament Square]
10466010031011913003Follow the guide to complete the mission
10476010041011911004Follow the guide to complete the mission
10486010051011911005Follow the guide to complete the mission
10496010061011911006Follow the guide to complete the mission
10506010071011911007Unlocked after completing the main story of [Eden 16-B]
10516010081011913008Follow the guide to complete the mission
10526010091011911009Unlocked after completing the main story of [Dominick Memorial Park]
10536010101011911010Follow the guide to complete the mission
10546010111011913011Follow the guide to complete the mission
10556010121011911012Unlocked after completing the main story of [Babylonia]
105662110110119211001Head to [Eden 16-B Leisure Module] Lv.2 Area to activate the [Invader] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
105762110210119211002Head to [Dominik Memorial Park] Floor 1 and discover the [Awakening of Heart 2] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
105862110310119211003Head to [Babylonia Bridge] Floor 2 and discover the [Awakening of Heart 3] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
105962110410119211004Head deeper into [Babylonia Bridge] Floor 2 and discover the [Awakening of Heart 4] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106062110510119211005Head to [Dominik Memorial Park] Floor 4 and discover the [Awakening of Heart 5] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106162110610119211006Head deeper into [Dominik Memorial Park] Floor 4 and discover the [Awakening of Heart 6] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106262120110119212001Head to [Tactical Bridge] Lv.2 Area to activate the [Scarab] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106362120210119212002Head to [Parliament Square] Floor 2 and discover [The Hidden 2] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106462120310119212003Head to [Dominik Memorial Park] Floor 3 and discover [The Hidden 3] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106562120410119212004Head to [Dominik Memorial Park] Floor 4 and discover [The Hidden 4] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106662120510119212005Head deeper into [Dominik Memorial Park] Floor 4 and discover [The Hidden 5] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106762130110119213001Head to [Parliament Square] Floor 2 and discover the [Traveler] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106862130210119213002Head to [Parliament Square] Floor 2 and discover the [World's End 2] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
106962130310119213003Head to [Babylonia Bridge] Floor 3 and discover the [World's End 3] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107062130410119213004Head to [Parliament Square] Floor 3 and discover the [World's End 4] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107162310110119231001Head to [Outer City Ruins] to talk about [Ruolin] with Bridget from [Support Force] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107262310210119231002Head to [B01 Industrial Sector] Floor 3 and discover the [Memory 2] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107362310310119231003Head to [Safe Zone] and discover [Additional Review] to reveal Memory 3 in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107462320110119232001Head deeper into [Core Area] Power Room to discover the [Spread] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107562320210119232002Head to [Core Area] Floor 3 and discover the [Tide Direction 2] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107662320310119232003Head to [B01 Junction Corridor] Floor 4 and discover the [Tide Direction 3] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107762320410119232004Head deeper into [B01 Junction Corridor] Floor 4 and discover the [Tide Direction 4] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107862210210119221002Head to [Zone B Business District Ruins] Block 2 and discover the [Blood Well] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
107962220110119222001Head to [Zone C Abandoned Factory] Operation Zone and discover the [Unknown Heaven] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108062220210119222002Head to [Zone C Abandoned Factory] Operation Zone and discover the [Bandwagon Effect] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108162220310119222003Head to [Zone C Abandoned Factory] Operation Zone and discover the [Burn It All] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108262220410119222004Head to [Zone C Abandoned Factory] Operation Zone and discover the [Voiceless Self] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108362410110119241001Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Area and discover the [Against the Light] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108462410210119241002Head to [Underground Junction] and discover the [Gnawing Away] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108562420110119242001Head to [Polyphage Left Hand] Lv.2 Area and discover the [Trading] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108662420210119242002Head to [Polyphage Left Hand] Lv.2 Area and discover the [Requirement] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108762430210119243002Head to [Polyphage Core] Lv.3 Area and discover the [Pray] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108862430310119243003Head to [Polyphage Core] Lv.2 Area and discover the [Faith Praises] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
108962440110119244001Head to [Polyphage Core] Lv.3 Area and discover the [Backstage] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
109062440210119244002Head to [Polyphage Core] Lv.2 Area and discover the [Plan] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
10916020001011920000Head to [Support Area] to complete [Enhance Inverse] task
10926020011011921001Unlocked after completing the main story of [Support Area]
10936020021011921002Head to [Forgotten Street—Residential Quarters] to complete [Enemies in Sight] task
10946020031011921003Head to [Forgotten Street—Residential Quarters] to complete [Collect Data] event
10956028031011921083Head to [Forgotten Street—Residential Quarters] to complete [Undefeated] event
10966028041011921084Head to [Forgotten Street—Residential Quarters] to complete [Alternate Route] event
10976020041011923004Head to [Forgotten Street—Residential Quarters] to complete [Crimson Tide] event
10986020051011921005Head to [Forgotten Street—Dusted Hotel] to investigate
10996020061011921006Head to [Forgotten Street—Dusted Hotel] to complete [Messy Footprints] event
11006020071011921007Head to [Forgotten Street—Dusted Hotel] to complete [Key Card] event
11016020081011921008Head to [Forgotten Street—Dusted Hotel] to complete [Collapsed Hidden Door] event
11026020091011921009Head to [Forgotten Street—Dusted Hotel] to complete [Data Chip] event
11036020101011925010Head to [Forgotten Street—Dusted Hotel] to unlock Blockade 2
11046020111011921011Unlocked after completing the main story of [Area A Forgotten Streets]
11056020121011926012Move to [Area B Relic of Business Park No. 35—Block 1]
11066020131011921013Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 1] to find [Search Clue 1] event
11076028131011921813Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 1] to find [Search Clue 2] event
11086028141011921814Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 1] to find [Search Clue 3] event
11096028151011921815Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 2] to find [Search Route C] event
11106020141011923014Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 1] to find key clues
11116020151011921015Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 2] to find [Trace Evidence] event
11126020161011921016Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 2] to find [Plunder & Sacrifice] event
11136028161011921816Head to [Relic of Business Park in Sector B]—Block 2 to find [Remaining Data] event
11146028171011921817Head to [Relic of Business Park in Sector B]—Block 2 to find [Reminiscing Past] event
11156028181011921818Head to [Relic of Business Park in Sector B]—Block 2 to find [Corner's Glimpse] event
11166020171011921017Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 2] to find [Past & Future] event
11176020181011921018Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 3] to complete [Waste Materials] event
11186020191011921019Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 3] to complete [A Tiny Hope] event
11196020201011921020Unlocked after completing the main story of [ of Business Park in Sector B]
11206020211011926021Head to [C-07 Abandoned Chemical Plant—Entrance]
11216020221011924022Head to [C-07 Abandoned Chemical Plant—Entrance] to obtain items of Blockade 1
11226020231011921023Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Entrance] to complete [Vacant Rooms] event
11236020241011921024Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Entrance] to complete [Protective Equipment] event
11246020251011921025Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Entrance] to complete [Past Records] event
11256020261011921026Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Entrance] to find the entrance of the abandoned chemical plant
11266020271011921027Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to find the past memories
11276020281011921028Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to complete [Search Clues] event
11286020291011921029Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to complete [Cross Red Tide] event
11296020301011921030Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to complete [Protective Equipment] event
11306020311011921031Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to complete [Memory Fragment] event
11316020321011921032Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to complete [Deja-vu] event
11326020331011923033Head to [Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operational Zone] to fight against Alpha
11336020341011921034Unlocked after completing the main story of [Deserted Ruins]
11346040001011940000Enter the [Polyphage Abyss] area to explore
11356040011011941001Unlocked after completing the main story of [Underground Junction]
11366040021011941001Unlocked after completing the main story of [Underground Junction]
11376040031011941003Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Audio Analysis] event
11386048031011941803Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Lamia's Gift] event
11396040041011941004Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Search for Lamia] event
11406040051011941005Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Hetero-Creature] event
11416040061011943006Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Cannibalism] event
11426040071011941007Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Broken Cable] event
11436040081011941008Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Chase of Fleeing Lamia] event
11446040091011941009Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Sudden Assault] event
11456040101011941010Head to [Shattered Valley] Open Land to complete [Roaring Polyphage] event
11466040111011943011Unlocked after completing the main story of [Shattered Valley]
11476048121011941812Head to [Polyphage Left Hand] Lv. 1 Area to complete [Sisters] event
11486048131011941813Head to [Polyphage Left Hand] Lv. 1 Area to complete [Break the Siege] event
11496048141011941814Head to [Polyphage Left Hand] Lv. 1 Area to complete [Encirclement] event
11506048151011941815Head to [Polyphage Left Hand] Lv. 1 Area to complete [Damage Safeguard] event
11516040121011943012Unlocked after completing the main story of [Polyphage Left Hand]
11526048161011941816Head to [Polyphage Core] Lv. 1 Area to complete [Wild Shaking] event
11536048171011941817Head to [Polyphage Core] Lv. 1 Area to complete [Skyfall Shadow] event
11546040131011943013Unlocked after completing the main story of [Polyphage Core]
11556030001011930000Head to [Underground Cavern] for exploration
11566030011011931001Unlocked after completing the main story of [Outer Ruin City]
11576030021011931002Follow the guide to complete the mission
11586030031011933003Follow the guide to complete the mission
11596030041011931004Follow the guide to complete the mission
11606030051011931005Follow the guide to complete the mission
11616030061011933006Unlocked after completing the main story of [B01 Industrial Sector]
11626030071011933007Follow the guide to complete the mission
11636030081011931008Follow the guide to complete the mission
11646030091011931009Follow the guide to complete the mission
11656030101011931010Unlocked after completing the main story of [B01 Connecting Corridor]
11666030111011931011Follow the guide to complete the mission
11676030121011931012Unlocked after completing the main story of [Core Area]
11686030131011931013Follow the guide to complete the mission
11696030141011933013Follow the guide to complete the mission
11706030151011933015Follow the guide to complete the mission
11716030161011931016Unlocked after completing the main story of [Underground Cavern]
11726039011012630230223022042Head to [B01 Industrial Sector] Area 2 to find [Curtain] event
11736039021012630330313031041Head to [B01 Junction Corridor] Area 1 to find [Test] event
11746039031012630330323032031Head to [B01 Junction Corridor] Area 2 to find [Fury of the Agent] event
11756039041012630530513051041Head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 1 to find [Face the Past] event
11766039051012630530513051042Head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 1 to find [Shards of Remorse 1] event
11776039061012630530523052041Head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 2 to find [Shards of Betrayal 1] event
11786039071012630530523052042Head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 2 to find [Shards of Betrayal 2] event
11796039101013910010011001051Never completed [Record: X-779]
118060900110119300001Side Test
11816300010(84101301|600009)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or enter [Babylonia] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11826300020(84101302|601002)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Parliament Square] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
11836300030(84101303|601003)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11846300040(84101304|601004)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11856300050(84101305|601005)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11866300060(84101306|601007)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Eden 16-B] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
11876300070(84101307|601008)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11886300080(84101308|601009)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Dominick Memorial Park] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
11896300090(84101309|601011)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11906300100(84101310|601012)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Babylonia] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
11916300110(84101311|602000)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Support Area] and complete the [Enhance Inverse] mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11926300120(84101312|602001)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Support Area] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
11936300130(84101313|602003)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Forgotten Street—Residential Quarters] and complete the [Collect Data] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11946300140(84101314|602004)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Forgotten Street—Residential Quarters] and complete the [Crimson Tide] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11956300150(84101315|602005)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Forgotten Street—Dusted Hotel] to investigate in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11966300160(84101316|602011)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Zone A Forgotten Streets] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
11976300170(84101317|602014)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Business District Ruins—Block 1] and discover the vital clues in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11986300180(84101318|602016)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Business District Ruins—Block 2] and complete the [Plunder & Sacrifice] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
11996300190(84101319|602017)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Business District Ruins—Block 2] and discover the [Past & Future] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12006300200(84101320|602020)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Zone B Business District Ruins] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12016300210(84101321|602026)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Abandoned Factory—Entrance] and discover the entrance to the factory in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12026300220(84101322|602032)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Abandoned Factory—Operation Zone] and complete the [Deja Vu] event <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12036300230(84101323|602033)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Abandoned Factory—Operation Zone] and fight Alpha in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12046300240(84101324|602034)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Deserted Ruins] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12056300250(84101325|603000)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Underground Cavern] to explore in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12066300260(84101326|603001)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Outer City Ruins] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12076300270(84101327|603003)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12086300280(84101328|603901)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [B01 Industrial Sector] Area 2 and discover the [Curtain] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12096300290(84101329|603005)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12106300300(84101330|603006)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [B01 Industrial Sector] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12116300310(84101331|603902)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [B01 Junction Corridor] Area 1 and discover the [Test] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12126300320(84101332|603007)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12136300330(84101333|603903)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [B01 Junction Corridor] Area 2 and discover the [Fury of the Agent] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12146300340(84101334|603008)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12156300350(84101335|603009)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12166300360(84101336|603010)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [B01 Connecting Corridor] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12176300370(84101337|603011)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12186300380(84101338|603012)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Core Area] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12196300390(84101339|603904)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 1 and discover the [Face the Past] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12206300400(84101340|603905)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 1 and discover the [Shards of Remorse 1] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12216300410(84101341|603013)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12226300420(84101342|603906)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 2 and discover the [Shards of Betrayal 1] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12236300430(84101343|603907)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Deep M.I.N.D.] Area 2 and discover the [Shards of Betrayal 2] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12246300440(84101344|603015)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or follow the guide to complete the mission in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12256300450(84101345|603016)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Underground Cavern] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12266300460(84101346|604001)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Underground Junction] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12276300470(84101347|604002)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Underground Junction] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12286300480(84101348|604003)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Shattered Valley] Open Area and complete the [Audio Analysis] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12296300490(84101349|604004)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Breaking Platform] Open Area and complete the [Search for Lamia] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12306300500(84101350|604004)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Breaking Platform] Open Area and complete the [Search for Lamia] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12316300510(84101351|604005)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Shattered Valley] Open Area and complete the [Hetero-Creature] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12326300520(84101352|604006)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Shattered Valley] Open Area and complete the [Cannibalism] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12336300530(84101353|604007)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Shattered Valley] Open Area and complete the [Broken Cable] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12346300540(84101354|604009)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Shattered Valley] Open Area and complete the [Ambush] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12356300550(84101355|604011)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Shattered Valley] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12366300560(84101356|604812)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or head to [Polyphage Left Hand] Lv.1 Area and complete the [Sisters] event in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color>
12376300570(84101357|604012)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Polyphage Left Hand] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12386300580(84101358|604013)Clear the associated stage in <color=#FFE002>Regular Mode</color> or complete the main story of [Polyphage Core] in <color=#FFE002>Exploration Mode</color> to unlock
12397701001010510010202Complete Normal Story 1-6 to unlock
1240770200101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
12417703001010510010204Complete Normal Story 1-8 to unlock
12427703011010510010104Complete Normal Story 1-4 to unlock
12437704001010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12 to unlock
12447704011010140Unlocked at Commandant Lv.40
12457704021010510010204Complete Normal Story 1-8 to unlock
12467704031010135Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.35
12477704041010135Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.35
12487705001010510010302Complete Normal Story 1-10 to unlock
12497706001010510030202Complete Normal Story 3-6 to unlock
12507707001010510030201Complete Normal Story 3-5 to unlock
12517707101010510040201Complete Normal Story 4-5 to unlock
125277080010101200Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.200
12537709001010510040102Complete Normal Story 4-2 to unlock
12547710001010510020103Complete Normal Story 2-3 to unlock
12557711001010510020103Complete Normal Story 2-3 to unlock
125677120010101200Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.200
12577713001010510030203Complete Normal Story 3-7 to unlock
12587714001010510020304Complete Normal Story 2-12 to unlock
12597715001010160Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.60
12607715011010943000Have more than 4 Omniframes above 3000 BP activated
126177160010101200Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.200
12627717001010510050203Complete Normal Story 5-7 to unlock
12637718001010510040204Complete Normal Story 4-8 to unlock
12647718011010510030304Complete Normal Story 3-12 to unlock
12657719001010150Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.50
12667720001010150Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.50
12677721001010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
12687722001010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
12697722501010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
12707722601010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
12717722701010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
12727722801010160Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.60
12737722901010155Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.55
1274772300101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
12757723101010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
1276772400101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
12777723201010150Unlocked at Commandant Lv.50
12787725001010510020102Complete Normal Story 2-2 to unlock
12797726001010510020204Complete Normal Story 2-8 to unlock
12807727001010510020201Complete Normal Story 2-5 to unlock
12817728001010510020102Complete Normal Story 2-2 to unlock
12827729001010511010105Complete Hidden Story 1-5 to unlock
12837730001010510020301Complete Normal Story 2-9 to unlock
12847731001010510020204Complete Normal Story 2-8 to unlock
12857732001010510020202Complete Normal Story 2-6 to unlock
12867733001010510020201Complete Normal Story 2-5 to unlock
12877734001010511020101Complete Hidden Story 2-1 to unlock
1288773500101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
1289773600101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
1290773700101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
1291773800101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
1292773900101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
1293774000101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
12947741001010510020303Complete Normal Story 2-11 to unlock
12957742001010510030204Complete Normal Story 3-8 to unlock
12967743001010165Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.65
12977743011010953000Have more than 5 Omniframes above 3000 BP activated
12987744001010510030103Complete Normal Story 3-3 to unlock
12997745001010510020104Complete Normal Story 2-4 to unlock
13007745011010510010204Complete Normal Story 1-8 to unlock
13017746001010510060304Complete Normal Story 6-12 to unlock
130277770010101200Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.200
13037748001010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
13047747001010142Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.42
13057749001010170Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.70
13067750001010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
13077751001010140Unlocked at Commandant Lv.40
13087752001111714000002Unlocked scene [Peaceful Courtyard]
13097753001010170Unlocked at Commandant Lv.70
13107754001010140Unlocked at Commandant Lv.40
13117755001010140Unlocked at Commandant Lv.40
13127756001010152Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.52
13137757001010152Unlocked at Commandant Lv.52
13147758001010511080106Complete Hidden Story 8-6 to unlock
13157759001111714000005Must unlock the scene [Daydream Believer]
1316850000101011Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.1
13178501011010510010102Complete Normal Story 1-2 to unlock
13188501021010510010102Complete Normal Story 1-2 to unlock
13198501031010510010102Complete Normal Story 1-2 to unlock
13208502011010510010103Complete Normal Story 1-3 to unlock
13218502021010510010103Complete Normal Story 1-3 to unlock
13228502031010510010103Complete Normal Story 1-3 to unlock
13238503011010510010104Complete Normal Story 1-4 to unlock
13248504011010510010202Complete Normal Story 1-6 to unlock
13258505011010510010204Complete Normal Story 1-8 to unlock
13268506021010510010301Complete Normal Story 1-9 to unlock
13278506031010510010301Complete Normal Story 1-9 to unlock
13288507011010510010302Complete Normal Story 1-10 to unlock
13298508001010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12 to unlock
13308508011010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12 to unlock
13318508021010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12 to unlock
13328508031010510010304Complete Normal Story 1-12 to unlock
13338509011010510020101Complete Normal Story 2-1 to unlock
13348509311010510020102Complete Normal Story 2-2 to unlock
13358510011010510020103Complete Normal Story 2-3 to unlock
13368511011010510020104Complete Normal Story 2-4 to unlock
13378512011010510020201Complete Normal Story 2-5 to unlock
13388513011010510020202Complete Normal Story 2-6 to unlock
13398514011010510020204Complete Normal Story 2-8 to unlock
13408515011010510020301Complete Normal Story 2-9 to unlock
13418516011010510020303Complete Normal Story 2-11 to unlock
13428517011010510020304Complete Normal Story 2-12 to unlock
13438518011010511010102Complete Hidden Story 1-2 to unlock
13448519011010511010105Complete Hidden Story 1-5 to unlock
13458520011010510030101Complete Normal Story 3-1 to unlock
13468520311010510030102Complete Normal Story 3-2 to unlock
13478521011010510030103Complete Normal Story 3-3 to unlock
13488522011010150Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.50
13498523011010510030203Complete Normal Story 3-7 to unlock
13508524011010510030204Complete Normal Story 3-8 to unlock
13518525011010510030302Complete Normal Story 3-10 to unlock
13528526011010511020101Complete Hidden Story 2-1 to unlock
13538527011010510040102Complete Normal Story 4-2 to unlock
13548527311010510040201Complete Normal Story 4-5 to unlock
13558528011010510040204Complete Normal Story 4-8 to unlock
13568529011010510050203Complete Normal Story 5-7 to unlock
13578529311010510060304Complete Normal Story 6-12 to unlock
13588529611010152Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.52
13598529911010530010405Clear Combat Supply AE-5 to unlock
136010010100101011Recommended BP: 140
136110010101101011Recommended BP: 144
136210010102101011Recommended BP: 148
136310010103101011Recommended BP: 152
136410010104101011Recommended BP: 180
136510010105101011Recommended BP: 190
136610010106101011Recommended BP: 200
136710010107101011Recommended BP: 210
136810010108101011Recommended BP: 250
136910010109101011Recommended BP: 260
137010010110101011Recommended BP: 270
137110010111101011Recommended BP: 280
137210010112101011Recommended BP: 500
137310010113101011Recommended BP: 510
137410010114101011Recommended BP: 520
137510010115101011Recommended BP: 530
137610010116101011Recommended BP: 600
137710010117101011Recommended BP: 610
137810010118101011Recommended BP: 620
137910010119101011Recommended BP: 630
138010010120101011Recommended BP: 700
138110010121101011Recommended BP: 710
138210010122101011Recommended BP: 720
138310010123101011Recommended BP: 730
138410010124101011Recommended BP: 1200
138510010125101011Recommended BP: 1210
138610010126101011Recommended BP: 1220
138710010127101011Recommended BP: 1230
138810010128101011Recommended BP: 1300
138910010129101011Recommended BP: 1310
139010010130101011Recommended BP: 1320
139110010131101011Recommended BP: 1330
139210010132101011Recommended BP: 1400
139310010133101011Recommended BP: 1410
139410010134101011Recommended BP: 1420
139510010135101011Recommended BP: 1430
139610010136101011Recommended BP: 1700
139710010137101011Recommended BP: 1710
139810010138101011Recommended BP: 1720
139910010139101011Recommended BP: 1730
140010010140101011Recommended BP: 1800
140110010141101011Recommended BP: 1810
140210010142101011Recommended BP: 1820
140310010143101011Recommended BP: 1830
140410010144101011Recommended BP: 1900
140510010145101011Recommended BP: 1910
140610010146101011Recommended BP: 1920
140710010147101011Recommended BP: 1930
140810010148101011Recommended BP: 2200
140910010149101011Recommended BP: 2210
141010010150101011Recommended BP: 2220
141110010151101011Recommended BP: 2230
141210010152101011Recommended BP: 2300
141310010153101011Recommended BP: 2310
141410010154101011Recommended BP: 2320
141510010155101011Recommended BP: 2330
141610010156101011Recommended BP: 2400
141710010157101011Recommended BP: 2410
141810010158101011Recommended BP: 2420
141910010159101011Recommended BP: 2430
142010010160101011Recommended BP: 2700
142110010161101011Recommended BP: 2710
142210010162101011Recommended BP: 2720
142310010163101011Recommended BP: 2730
142410010164101011Recommended BP: 2800
142510010165101011Recommended BP: 2810
142610010166101011Recommended BP: 2820
142710010167101011Recommended BP: 2830
142810010168101011Recommended BP: 2900
142910010169101011Recommended BP: 2910
143010010170101011Recommended BP: 2920
143110010171101011Recommended BP: 2930
143210010172101011Recommended BP: 3200
143310010173101011Recommended BP: 3210
143410010174101011Recommended BP: 3220
143510010175101011Recommended BP: 3230
143610010176101011Recommended BP: 3300
143710010177101011Recommended BP: 3310
143810010178101011Recommended BP: 3320
143910010179101011Recommended BP: 3330
144010010180101011Recommended BP: 3400
144110010181101011Recommended BP: 3410
144210010182101011Recommended BP: 3420
144310010183101011Recommended BP: 3430
144410010184101011Recommended BP: 3700
144510010185101011Recommended BP: 3710
144610010186101011Recommended BP: 3720
144710010187101011Recommended BP: 3730
144810010188101011Recommended BP: 3800
144910010189101011Recommended BP: 3810
145010010190101011Recommended BP: 3820
145110010191101011Recommended BP: 3830
145210010192101011Recommended BP: 3900
145310010193101011Recommended BP: 3910
145410010194101011Recommended BP: 3920
145510010195101011Recommended BP: 3930
148811010100101011Recommended BP: 900
148911010101101011Recommended BP: 925
149011010102101011Recommended BP: 950
149111010103101011Recommended BP: 1000
149211010104101011Recommended BP: 1025
149311010105101011Recommended BP: 1050
149411010106101011Recommended BP: 630
149511010107101011Recommended BP: 635
149611010108101011Recommended BP: 900
149711010109101011Recommended BP: 905
149811010110101011Recommended BP: 910
149911010111101011Recommended BP: 915
150011010112101011Recommended BP: 920
150111010113101011Recommended BP: 925
150211010114101011Recommended BP: 930
150311010115101011Recommended BP: 935
150411010116101011Recommended BP: 1200
150511010117101011Recommended BP: 1205
150611010118101011Recommended BP: 1210
150711010119101011Recommended BP: 1215
150811010120101011Recommended BP: 1220
150911010121101011Recommended BP: 1225
151011010122101011Recommended BP: 1230
151111010123101011Recommended BP: 1235
151211010124101011Recommended BP: 1500
151311010125101011Recommended BP: 1505
151411010126101011Recommended BP: 1510
151511010127101011Recommended BP: 1515
151611010128101011Recommended BP: 1520
151711010129101011Recommended BP: 1525
151811010130101011Recommended BP: 1530
151911010131101011Recommended BP: 1535
152011010132101011Recommended BP: 1800
152111010133101011Recommended BP: 1805
152211010134101011Recommended BP: 1810
152311010135101011Recommended BP: 1815
152411010136101011Recommended BP: 1820
152511010137101011Recommended BP: 1825
152611010138101011Recommended BP: 1830
152711010139101011Recommended BP: 1835
152811010140101011Recommended BP: 2100
152911010141101011Recommended BP: 2105
153011010142101011Recommended BP: 2110
153111010143101011Recommended BP: 2115
153211010144101011Recommended BP: 2120
153311010145101011Recommended BP: 2125
153411010146101011Recommended BP: 2130
153511010147101011Recommended BP: 2135
153611010148101011Recommended BP: 2300
153711010149101011Recommended BP: 2305
153811010150101011Recommended BP: 2310
153911010151101011Recommended BP: 2315
154011010152101011Recommended BP: 2320
154111010153101011Recommended BP: 2325
154211010154101011Recommended BP: 2330
154311010155101011Recommended BP: 2335
154411010156101011Recommended BP: 2500
154511010157101011Recommended BP: 2505
154611010158101011Recommended BP: 2510
154711010159101011Recommended BP: 2515
154811010160101011Recommended BP: 2520
154911010161101011Recommended BP: 2525
155011010162101011Recommended BP: 2530
155111010163101011Recommended BP: 2535
155211010164101011Recommended BP: 2700
155311010165101011Recommended BP: 2705
155411010166101011Recommended BP: 2710
155511010167101011Recommended BP: 2715
155611010168101011Recommended BP: 2720
155711010169101011Recommended BP: 2725
155811010170101011Recommended BP: 2730
155911010171101011Recommended BP: 2735
156011010172101011Recommended BP: 2900
156111010173101011Recommended BP: 2905
156211010174101011Recommended BP: 2910
156311010175101011Recommended BP: 2915
156411010176101011Recommended BP: 2920
156511010177101011Recommended BP: 2925
156611010178101011Recommended BP: 2930
156711010179101011Recommended BP: 2935
156811010180101011Recommended BP: 3100
156911010181101011Recommended BP: 3105
157011010182101011Recommended BP: 3110
157111010183101011Recommended BP: 3115
157211010184101011Recommended BP: 3120
157311010185101011Recommended BP: 3125
157411010186101011Recommended BP: 3130
157511010187101011Recommended BP: 3135
157611010188101011Recommended BP: 3300
157711010189101011Recommended BP: 3305
157811010190101011Recommended BP: 3310
157911010191101011Recommended BP: 3315
158011010192101011Recommended BP: 3320
158111010193101011Recommended BP: 3325
158211010194101011Recommended BP: 3330
158311010195101011Recommended BP: 3335
158411010196101011Recommended BP: 3550
158511010197101011Recommended BP: 3555
158611010198101011Recommended BP: 3560
158711010199101011Recommended BP: 3565
158811010200101011Recommended BP: 3570
158911010201101011Recommended BP: 3575
159011010202101011Recommended BP: 3580
159111010203101011Recommended BP: 3585
159211010204101011Recommended BP: 3800
159311010205101011Recommended BP: 3805
159411010206101011Recommended BP: 3810
159511010207101011Recommended BP: 3815
159611010208101011Recommended BP: 3820
159711010209101011Recommended BP: 3825
159811010210101011Recommended BP: 3830
159911010211101011Recommended BP: 3835
160011010212101011Recommended BP: 4050
160111010213101011Recommended BP: 4055
160211010214101011Recommended BP: 4060
160311010215101011Recommended BP: 4065
160411010216101011Recommended BP: 4070
160511010217101011Recommended BP: 4075
160611010218101011Recommended BP: 4080
160711010219101011Recommended BP: 4085
160811010220101011Recommended BP: 4300
160911010221101011Recommended BP: 4305
161011010222101011Recommended BP: 4310
161111010223101011Recommended BP: 4315
161211010224101011Recommended BP: 4320
161311010225101011Recommended BP: 4325
161411010226101011Recommended BP: 4330
161511010227101011Recommended BP: 4335
161630010101101011Recommended BP: 400
161730010102101011Recommended BP: 1200
161830010103101011Recommended BP: 2000
161930010104101011Recommended BP: 3400
162030006205101011Recommended BP: 6500
162130006505101011Recommended BP: 7000
162230006605101011Recommended BP: 6500
162330070111101011Recommended BP: 560
162430070112101011Recommended BP: 960
162530070113101011Recommended BP: 1280
162630070114101011Recommended BP: 1520
162730070115101011Recommended BP: 1760
162830070116101011Recommended BP: 2000
162930070117101011Recommended BP: 2240
163030070118101011Recommended BP: 2560
163130070119101011Recommended BP: 2880
163230070120101011Recommended BP: 3200
163330070121101011Recommended BP: 825
163430070122101011Recommended BP: 1275
163530070123101011Recommended BP: 1800
163630070124101011Recommended BP: 2025
163730070125101011Recommended BP: 2500
163830070126101011Recommended BP: 2550
163930070127101011Recommended BP: 3200
164030070128101011Recommended BP: 3225
164130070129101011Recommended BP: 3600
164230070130101011Recommended BP: 4000
164330070131101011Recommended BP: 1075
164430070132101011Recommended BP: 1625
164530070133101011Recommended BP: 2025
164630070134101011Recommended BP: 2300
164730070135101011Recommended BP: 2850
164830070136101011Recommended BP: 2875
164930070137101011Recommended BP: 3450
165030070138101011Recommended BP: 4100
165130070139101011Recommended BP: 4350
165230070140101011Recommended BP: 4900
165330070141101011Recommended BP: 1875
165430070142101011Recommended BP: 2050
165530070143101011Recommended BP: 2300
165630070144101011Recommended BP: 2600
165730070145101011Recommended BP: 3225
165830070146101011Recommended BP: 3250
165930070147101011Recommended BP: 3900
166030070148101011Recommended BP: 4650
166130070149101011Recommended BP: 4925
166230070150101011Recommended BP: 5550
166330070151101011Recommended BP: 5450
166430070152101011Recommended BP: 6150
166530070153101011Recommended BP: 6400
166630070154101011Recommended BP: 6400
166730070155101011Recommended BP: 6650
166830070156101011Recommended BP: 6875
166930070157101011Recommended BP: 7150
167030070158101011Recommended BP: 7375
167130070159101011Recommended BP: 7675
167230070160101011Recommended BP: 7675
167330070161101011Recommended BP: 6050
167430070162101011Recommended BP: 6400
167530070163101011Recommended BP: 6650
167630070164101011Recommended BP: 6675
167730070165101011Recommended BP: 6900
167830070166101011Recommended BP: 7150
167930070167101011Recommended BP: 7425
168030070168101011Recommended BP: 7675
168130070169101011Recommended BP: 8000
168230070170101011Recommended BP: 8000
168330070171101011Recommended BP: 4000
168430070181101011Recommended BP: 5300
168530070191101011Recommended BP: 6300
168630070201101011Recommended BP: 3000
168730070211101011Recommended BP: 4800
168830070221101011Recommended BP: 6500
1689400610011310350Member Lv.50
1690400610021310365Member Lv.65
1691400610031310380Member Lv.80
1692400610041310350Member Lv.50
1693400610051310365Member Lv.65
1694400610061310380Member Lv.80
1695400610071310350Member Lv.50
1696400610081310365Member Lv.65
1697400610091310380Member Lv.80
1698400610101310350Member Lv.50
1699400610111310365Member Lv.65
1700400610121310380Member Lv.80
1701400610131310350Member Lv.50
1702400610141310365Member Lv.65
1703400610151310380Member Lv.80
1704400610161310350Member Lv.50
1705400610171310365Member Lv.65
1706400610181310380Member Lv.80
1707400610191310350Member Lv.50
1708400610201310365Member Lv.65
1709400610211310380Member Lv.80
1710400610221310350Member Lv.50
1711400610231310365Member Lv.65
1712400610241310380Member Lv.80
1713400610251310350Member Lv.50
1714400610261310365Member Lv.65
1715400610271310380Member Lv.80
1716400610281310350Member Lv.50
1717400610291310365Member Lv.65
1718400610301310380Member Lv.80
1719400610311310350Member Lv.50
1720400610321310365Member Lv.65
1721400610331310380Member Lv.80
1722400610341310350Member Lv.50
1723400610351310365Member Lv.65
1724400610361310380Member Lv.80
1725400610371310350Member Lv.50
1726400610381310365Member Lv.65
1727400610391310380Member Lv.80
1728400610401310350Member Lv.50
1729400610411310365Member Lv.65
1730400610421310380Member Lv.80
1731400610431310350Member Lv.50
1732400610441310365Member Lv.65
1733400610451310380Member Lv.80
1734400610461310350Member Lv.50
1735400610471310365Member Lv.65
1736400610481310380Member Lv.80
1737400610491310350Member Lv.50
1738400610501310365Member Lv.65
1739400610511310380Member Lv.80
1740400610521310350Member Lv.50
1741400610531310365Member Lv.65
1742400610541310380Member Lv.80
1743400610551310350Member Lv.50
1744400610561310365Member Lv.65
1745400610571310380Member Lv.80
1746400610581310350Member Lv.50
1747400610591310365Member Lv.65
1748400610601310380Member Lv.80
1749400610611310350Member Lv.50
1750400610621310365Member Lv.65
1751400610631310380Member Lv.80
1752400610641310350Member Lv.50
1753400610651310365Member Lv.65
1754400610661310380Member Lv.80
1755400610671310350Member Lv.50
1756400610681310365Member Lv.65
1757400610691310380Member Lv.80
1758400610701310350Member Lv.50
1759400610711310365Member Lv.65
1760400610721310380Member Lv.80
1761400610731310350Member Lv.50
1762400610741310365Member Lv.65
1763400610751310380Member Lv.80
1764400610761310350Member Lv.50
1765400610771310365Member Lv.65
1766400610781310380Member Lv.80
1767400610791310350Member Lv.50
1768400610801310365Member Lv.65
1769400610811310380Member Lv.80
1770400610821310350Member Lv.50
1771400610831310365Member Lv.65
1772400610841310380Member Lv.80
1773400610851310350Member Lv.50
1774400610861310365Member Lv.65
1775400610871310380Member Lv.80
1776400610881310350Member Lv.50
1777400610891310365Member Lv.65
1778400610901310380Member Lv.80
1779400610911310350Member Lv.50
1780400610921310365Member Lv.65
1781400610931310380Member Lv.80
1782400610941310350Member Lv.50
1783400610951310365Member Lv.65
1784400610961310380Member Lv.80
1785400610971310350Member Lv.50
1786400610981310365Member Lv.65
1787400610991310380Member Lv.80
1788400611001310350Member Lv.50
1789400611011310365Member Lv.65
1790400611021310380Member Lv.80
1791400611031310350Member Lv.50
1792400611041310365Member Lv.65
1793400611051310380Member Lv.80
1794400611061310350Member Lv.50
1795400611071310365Member Lv.65
1796400611081310380Member Lv.80
1797400611091310335Member Lv.35
1798400611101310335Member Lv.35
1799400611111310335Member Lv.35
1800400611121310335Member Lv.35
1801400611131310335Member Lv.35
1802400611141310335Member Lv.35
1803400611151310335Member Lv.35
1804400611161310335Member Lv.35
1805400611171310335Member Lv.35
1806400611181310335Member Lv.35
1807400611191310335Member Lv.35
1808400611201310335Member Lv.35
1809400611211310335Member Lv.35
1810400611221310335Member Lv.35
1811400611231310335Member Lv.35
1812400611241310335Member Lv.35
1813400611251310335Member Lv.35
1814400611261310335Member Lv.35
1815400611271310335Member Lv.35
1816400611281310335Member Lv.35
1817400611291310335Member Lv.35
1818400611301310335Member Lv.35
1819400611311310335Member Lv.35
1820400611321310335Member Lv.35
1821400611331310335Member Lv.35
1822400611341310335Member Lv.35
1823400611351310335Member Lv.35
1824400611361310335Member Lv.35
1825400611371310335Member Lv.35
1826400611381310335Member Lv.35
1827400611391310335Member Lv.35
1828400611401310335Member Lv.35
1829400611411310335Member Lv.35
1830400611421310335Member Lv.35
1831400611431310335Member Lv.35
1832400611441310335Member Lv.35
1833400611451310335Member Lv.35
1834400611461310335Member Lv.35
1835400611471310335Member Lv.35
1836400611481310335Member Lv.35
1837400611491310335Member Lv.35
1838400611501310335Member Lv.35
1839400611511310335Member Lv.35
1840400611521310335Member Lv.35
1841400611531310335Member Lv.35
1842400611541310335Member Lv.35
1843400611551310335Member Lv.35
1844400611561310335Member Lv.35
184540062001131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
184640062002131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
184740062003131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
184840062004131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
184940062005131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
185040062006131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
185140062007131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
185240062008131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
185340062009131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
185440062010131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
185540062011131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
185640062012131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
185740062013131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
185840062014131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
185940062015131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
186040062016131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
186140062017131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
186240062018131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
186340062019131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
186440062020131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
186540062021131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
186640062022131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
186740062023131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
186840062024131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
186940062025131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
187040062026131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
187140062027131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
187240062028131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
187340062029131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
187440062030131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
187540062031131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
187640062032131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
187740062033131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
187840062034131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
187940062035131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
188040062036131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
188140062037131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
188240062038131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
188340062039131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
188440062040131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
188540062041131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
188640062042131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
188740062043131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
188840062044131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
188940062045131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
189040062046131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
189140062047131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
189240062048131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
189340062049131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
189440062050131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
189540062051131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
189640062052131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
189740062053131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
189840062054131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
189940062055131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
190040062056131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
190140062057131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
190240062058131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
190340062059131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
190440062060131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
190540062061131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
190640062062131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
190740062063131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
190840062064131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
190940062065131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
191040062066131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
191140062067131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
191240062068131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
191340062069131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
191440062070131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
191540062071131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
191640062072131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
191740062073131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
191840062074131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
191940062075131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
192040062076131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
192140062077131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
192240062078131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
192340062079131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
192440062080131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
192540062081131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
192640062082131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
192740062083131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
192840062084131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
192940062085131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
193040062086131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
193140062087131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
193240062088131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
193340062089131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
193440062090131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
193540062091131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
193640062092131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
193740062093131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
193840062094131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
193940062095131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
194040062096131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
194140062097131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
194240062098131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
194340062099131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
194440062100131082500Member reaches 2500 BP
194540062101131084000Member reaches 4000 BP
194640062102131085500Member reaches 5500 BP
194740062103131082500Member BP reaches 2500
194840062104131084000Member BP reaches 4000
194940062105131085500Member BP reaches 5500
195040062106131082500Member BP reaches 2500
195140062107131084000Member BP reaches 4000
195240062108131085500Member BP reaches 5500
195340062109131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
195440062110131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
195540062111131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
195640062112131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
195740062113131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
195840062114131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
195940062115131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
196040062116131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
196140062117131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
196240062118131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
196340062119131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
196440062120131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
196540062121131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
196640062122131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
196740062123131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
196840062124131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
196940062125131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
197040062126131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
197140062127131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
197240062128131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
197340062129131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
197440062130131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
197540062131131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
197640062132131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
197740062133131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
197840062134131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
197940062135131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
198040062136131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
198140062137131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
198240062138131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
198340062139131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
198440062140131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
198540062141131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
198640062142131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
198740062143131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
198840062144131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
198940062145131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
199040062146131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
199140062147131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
199240062148131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
199340062149131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
199440062150131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
199540062151131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
199640062152131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
199740062153131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
199840062154131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
199940062155131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
200040062156131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
200140062157131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
200240062158131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
200340062159131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
200440062160131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
200540062161131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
200640062162131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
200740062163131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
200840062164131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
200940062165131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
201040062166131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
201140062167131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
201240062168131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
201340062169131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
201440062170131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
201540062171131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
201640062172131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
201740062173131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
201840062174131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
201940062175131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
202040062176131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
202140062177131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
202240062178131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
202340062179131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
202440062180131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
202540062181131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
202640062182131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
202740062183131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
202840062184131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
202940062185131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
203040062186131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
203140062187131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
203240062188131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
203340062189131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
203440062190131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
203540062191131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
203640062192131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
203740062193131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
203840062194131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
203940062195131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
204040062196131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
204140062197131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
204240062198131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
204340062199131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
204440062200131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
204540062201131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
204640062202131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
204740062203131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
204840062204131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
204940062205131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
205040062206131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
205140062207131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
205240062208131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
205340062209131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
205440062210131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
205540062211131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
205640062212131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
205740062213131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
205840062214131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
205940062215131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
206040062216131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
206140062217131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
206240062218131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
206340062219131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
206440062220131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
206540062221131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
206640062222131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
206740062223131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
206840062224131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
206940062225131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
207040062226131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
207140062227131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
207240062228131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
207340062229131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
207440062230131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
207540062231131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
207640062232131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
207740062233131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
207840062234131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
207940062235131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
208040062236131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
208140062237131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
208240062238131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
208340062239131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
208440062240131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
208540062241131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
208640062242131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
208740062243131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
208840062244131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
208940062245131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
209040062246131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
209140062247131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
209240062248131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
209340062249131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
209440062250131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
209540062251131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
209640062252131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
209740062253131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
209840062254131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
209940062255131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
210040062256131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
210140062257131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
210240062258131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
210340062259131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
210440062260131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
210540062261131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
210640062262131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
210740062263131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
210840062264131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
210940062265131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
211040062266131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
211140062267131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
211240062268131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
211340062269131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
211440062270131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
211540062271131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
211640062272131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
211740062273131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
211840062274131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
211940062275131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
212040062276131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
212140062277131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
212240062278131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
212340062279131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
212440062280131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
212540062281131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
212640062282131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
212740062283131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
212840062284131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
212940062285131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
213040062286131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
213140062287131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
213240062288131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
213340062289131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
213440062290131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
213540062291131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
213640062292131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
213740062293131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
213840062294131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
213940062295131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
214040062296131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
214140062297131081800Member reaches 1800 BP
214240062298131083500Member reaches 3500 BP
214340062299131085000Member reaches 5000 BP
214440062300131086500Member reaches 6500 BP
21454006300113109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21464006300213109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21474006300313109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21484006300413109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21494006300513109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21504006300613109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21514006300713109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21524006300813109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21534006300913109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21544006301013109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21554006301113109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21564006301213109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21574006301313109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21584006301413109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21594006301513109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21604006301613109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21614006301713109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21624006301813109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21634006301913109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21644006302013109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21654006302113109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21664006302213109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21674006302313109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21684006302413109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21694006302513109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21704006302613109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21714006302713109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21724006302813109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21734006302913109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21744006303013109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21754006303113109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21764006303213109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21774006303313109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21784006303413109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21794006303513109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21804006303613109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21814006303713109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21824006303813109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21834006303913109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21844006304013109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21854006304113109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21864006304213109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21874006304313109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21884006304413109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21894006304513109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21904006304613109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21914006304713109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
21924006304813109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skills x12
2193400640011311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2194400640021311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2195400640031311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2196400640041311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2197400640051311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2198400640061311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2199400640071311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2200400640081311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2201400640091311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2202400640101311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2203400640111311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2204400640121311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2205400640131311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2206400640141311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2207400640151311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2208400640161311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2209400640171311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2210400640181311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2211400640191311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2212400640201311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2213400640211311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2214400640221311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2215400640231311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2216400640241311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2217400640251311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2218400640261311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2219400640271311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2220400640281311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2221400640291311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2222400640301311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2223400640311311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2224400640321311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2225400640331311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2226400640341311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2227400640351311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2228400640361311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2229400640371311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2230400640381311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2231400640391311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2232400640401311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2233400640411311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2234400640421311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2235400640431311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2236400640441311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2237400640451311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2238400640461311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2239400640471311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
2240400640481311812Equip Hypertuned Resonance Skill x12
22414000631321101Claim Monthly Pass?
22424000631421102Complete 1st recharge?
2243300201011811111Max unit: 1
2244300201021811111Max unit: 1
2245300201031811111Max unit: 1
2246300201041811111Max unit: 1
2247300201051811111Max unit: 1
2248300201061811111Max unit: 1
2249300201071811121Max unit: 2
2250300201081811121Max unit: 2
2251300201091811111Max unit: 1
2252300201101811111Max unit: 1
2253300201111811111Max unit: 1
2254300201121811121Max unit: 2
2255300201131811121Max unit: 2
2256300201141811121Max unit: 2
2257300201151811121Max unit: 2
2258300201161811121Max unit: 2
2259300202011811111Max unit: 1
2260300202021811111Max unit: 1
2261300202031811111Max unit: 1
2262300202041811111Max unit: 1
2263300202051811111Max unit: 1
2264300202061811121Max unit: 2
2265300202071811111Max unit: 1
2266300202081811111Max unit: 1
2267300202091811121Max unit: 2
2268300202101811121Max unit: 2
2269300202111811121Max unit: 2
2270300202121811121Max unit: 2
2271300202131811121Max unit: 2
2272300202141811121Max unit: 2
2273300202151811121Max unit: 2
2274300202161811121Max unit: 2
2275300203011811111Max unit: 1
2276300203021811111Max unit: 1
2277300203031811111Max unit: 1
2278300203041811111Max unit: 1
2279300203051811111Max unit: 1
2280300203061811121Max unit: 2
2281300203071811111Max unit: 1
2282300203081811121Max unit: 2
2283300203091811111Max unit: 1
2284300203101811111Max unit: 1
2285300203111811111Max unit: 1
2286300203121811111Max unit: 1
2287300203131811111Max unit: 1
2288300203141811111Max unit: 1
2289300203151811111Max unit: 1
2290300203161811111Max unit: 1
2291300204011811111Max unit: 1
2292300204021811111Max unit: 1
2293300204031811111Max unit: 1
2294300204041811111Max unit: 1
2295300204051811111Max unit: 1
2296300204061811111Max unit: 1
2297300204071811111Max unit: 1
2298300204081811111Max unit: 1
2299300204091811111Max unit: 1
2300300204101811111Max unit: 1
2301300204111811111Max unit: 1
2302300204121811111Max unit: 1
2303300204131811111Max unit: 1
2304300204141811111Max unit: 1
2305300204151811111Max unit: 1
2306300204161811111Max unit: 1
2307300001011811112Min unit: 1
2308300001021811131Max unit: 3
2309300001031811111Max unit: 1
2310150201151811111Max unit: 1
2311150201161811111Max unit: 1
2312150201171811111Max unit: 1
231390011010510050304Prerequisite: Normal Story 5-12
231490021010511050106Prerequisite: Hidden Story 5-6
231590031010511070106Prerequisite: Hidden Story 7-6
231691011010511030106Prerequisite: Hidden Story 3-6
231791021010510060304Prerequisite: Normal Story 6-12
231891031010510080304Prerequisite: Normal Story 8-12
231992011010510030202Prerequisite: Normal Story 3-6
232092021010511020106Prerequisite: Hidden Story 2-6
232192031010510070304Prerequisite: Normal Story 7-12
232294011010510040304Prerequisite: Normal Story 4-12
232394021010511040106Prerequisite: Hidden Story 4-6
232494031010511060106Prerequisite: Hidden Story 6-6
232595011010120Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.20
232695021010130Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.30
232795031010140Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.40
232830100801101021021001Unlock Omniframe - Lucia: Lotus
232930100802101021031001Unlock Omniframe - Liv: Eclipse
233030100803101021051001Unlock Omniframe - Nanami: Storm
233130100804101021011002Unlock Omniframe - Lee: Palefire
233230100805101021071002Unlock Omniframe - Karenina: Blast
233330100806101021041002Unlock Omniframe - Bianca: Zero
233430100807101021081002Unlock Omniframe - Watanabe: Nightblade
233530100808101021061002Unlock Omniframe - Kamui: Bastion
233630100809101021021002Unlock Omniframe - Lucia: Dawn
233730100810101021031002Unlock Omniframe - Liv: Lux
233830100811101021061003Unlock Omniframe - Kamui: Tenebrion
233930100812101021031003Unlock Omniframe - Liv: Luminance
234030100813101021011003Unlock Omniframe - Lee: Entropy
234130100814101021071003Unlock Omniframe - Karenina: Ember
234230100815101021051003Unlock Omniframe - Nanami: Pulse
234330100816101021021003Unlock Omniframe - Lucia: Crimson Abyss
234430100817101021091002Unlock Omniframe - Ayla: Brilliance
234530100818101021081003Unlock Omniframe - Watanabe: Astral
234630100819101021041003Unlock Omniframe - Bianca: Veritas
234730100820101021111002Unlock Omniframe - Sophia: Silverfang
234830100821101021121002Unlock Omniframe - Chrome: Arclight
234930100822101021021004Unlock Omniframe - Lucia: Plume
235030100823101021511003Unlock Uniframe - Camu: Crocotta
235130100824101021131002Unlock Omniframe - Vera: Rozen
235230100825101021141003Unlock Omniframe - Rosetta: Rigor
235330100826101021161002Unlock Omniframe - Changyu: Qilin
235430100827101021521003Unlock Uniframe - Qu: Pavo
235530100832101021171003Unlock Omniframe - Luna: Laurel
235630100833101021201003Unlock Omniframe - A2
235730100834101021181003Unlock Omniframe - 2B
235830100835101021191003Unlock Omniframe - 9S
235930100836101021211002Unlock Omniframe - Wanshi: Hypnos
236030100837101021531003Unlock Uniframe - Selena: Tempest
236130100838101021121003Unlock Omniframe - Chrome: Glory
236230100839101021221002Unlock Omniframe - No. 21: XXI
236330100840101021131003Unlock Omniframe - Vera: Garnet
236430100841101021541003Unlock Uniframe - Roland: Flambeau
236530100842101021031004Unlock Omniframe - Liv: Empyrea
236630100843101021531004Unlock Omniframe - Selena: Capriccio
2367555101101Obtain Medal 1?
2368556101102Obtain Medal 2?
2369557101103Obtain Medal 3?
2370558101104Obtain Medal 4?
2371559101105Obtain Medal 5?
2372888888101011Reach Commandant Level 1
23738888891010510010101Complete Normal Story 1-1
2374888890101012Reach Commandant Level 2
237561000111103Ask if player wants to claim 1st recharge reward
237660111107161Ask if player has a B-Rank or higher Construct at SSS+ rank
237760211107163Ask if player has a rank S or higher Construct at SSS+ rank
237860311107163Ask if player has a rank S or higher Construct at SSS+ rank
23796110104111056110104Coating owned
23806110105111056110105Coating owned
23816610105111056610105Coating owned
23826810104111056810104Coating owned
23836610304111056610304Coating owned
23846110304111056110304Coating owned
23856710305111056710305Coating owned
23866710104111056710104Coating owned
23876710304111056710304Coating owned
23886410104111056410104Coating owned
23896610104111056610104Coating owned
23906210204111056210204Coating owned
23916110305111056110305Coating owned
23926210105111056210105Coating owned
23936310105111056310105Coating owned
23946310204111056310204Coating owned
23956310205111056310205Coating owned
23966210205111056210205Coating owned
23976210206111056210206Coating owned
23986510304111056510304Coating owned
23996510305111056510305Coating owned
24006310106111056310106Coating owned
24016310305111056310305Coating owned
24026510306111056510306Coating owned
24036510104111056510104Coating owned
24046310107111056310107Coating owned
24056210304111056210304Coating owned
24066210305111056210305Coating owned
24076810304111056810304Coating owned
24086810305111056810305Coating owned
24096910104111056910104Coating owned
24106910105111056910105Coating owned
24116610305111056610305Coating owned
24126710105111056710105Coating owned
24136410302111056410302Coating owned
24146410303111056410303Coating owned
24156410304111056410304Coating owned
24166000102111056000102Coating owned
24176000103111056000103Coating owned
24186000104111056000104Coating owned
24196000105111056000105Coating owned
24206000204111056000204Coating owned
24216000304111056000304Coating owned
24226000404111056000404Coating owned
24236000504111056000504Coating owned
24246000604111056000604Coating owned
24256000704111056000704Coating owned
24266000804111056000804Coating owned
24276210404111056210404Coating owned
24286310306111056310306Coating owned
24296110306111056110306Coating owned
24306710306111056710306Coating owned
24316210306111056210306Coating owned
24326000205111056000205Coating owned
24336610306111056610306Coating owned
24346410306111056410306Coating owned
24356210307111056210307Coating owned
24366000705111056000705Coating owned
24376000505111056000505Coating owned
24386001304111056001304Coating owned
24396001204111056001204Coating owned
24406001404111056001404Coating owned
24416410305111056410305Coating owned
24426000805111056000805Coating owned
24436001504111056001504Coating owned
24446001305111056001305Coating owned
24456210405111056210405Coating owned
24466510307111056510307Coating owned
24476001604111056001604Coating owned
24486001704111056001704Coating owned
24496001405111056001405Coating owned
24506001904111056001904Coating owned
24516710307111056710307Coating owned
24526710308111056710308Coating owned
24536002004111056002004Coating owned
24546610307111056610307Coating owned
24556410307111056410307Coating owned
24566002104111056002104Coating owned
24576110307111056110307Coating owned
24586002204111056002204Coating owned
24596002304111056002304Coating owned
24606001705111056001705Coating owned
24616002404111056002404Coating owned
24626810306111056810306Coating owned
24636002504111056002504Coating owned
24646001805111056001805Coating owned
24656001605111056001605Coating owned
24666002604111056002604Coating owned
24676002704111056002704Coating owned
24686002804111056002804Coating owned
24696000806111056000806Coating owned
24706001905111056001905Coating owned
24716002904111056002904Coating owned
24726002505111056002505Coating owned
24736002305111056002305Coating owned
24746002005111056002005Coating owned
24756310206111056310206Coating owned
2476304991010150Reach Commandant Level 50
247730500111064Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-2 Terminal
247830501111065Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-3 Driven by Instinct
247930502111066Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-4 Good Samaritan
248030503111067Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-5 Trespassing
248130504111068Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-6 Traps
248230505111069Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-7 Final Warning
2483305061110610Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-8 Take Caution
2484305071110611Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-10 A Twisted Hobby
2485305081110612Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-11 Loyalty
2486305091110613Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 3-12 A New Seed
2487305101110614Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-1 Night Escape
2488305111110615Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-2 Elimination
2489305121110616Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-3 Broken Chain
2490305131110617Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-4 Zack
2491305141110618Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-5 Raging Sand
2492305151110619Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-6 Panic Dive
2493305161110620Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-7 Forsaken
2494305171110621Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-8 Reinforcement
2495305181110622Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-9 None Shall Pass
2496305191110623Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-10 Silent Night
2497305201110624Prerequisite: Nightmare Stage 4-11 Noises
249840000022001688888111Lee gets 688888 Cogs from New Year Present
249940000122001688888112Liv gets 688888 Cogs from New Year Present
250040000222001688888113Kamui gets 688888 Cogs from New Year Present
250140000322001688888114Lucia gets 688888 Cogs from New Year Present
250240000422001688888115Nanami gets 688888 Cogs from New Year Present
250340000522001688888116Celica gets 688888 Cogs from New Year Present
250440000622001688888117Karenina gets 688888 Cogs from New Year Present
25054100001810511Deploy 1 Attacker Omniframe
25064100011810531Deploy 1 Support Omniframe
25074100021810521Deploy 1 Tank Omniframe
25084100031810630001Deploy 1 member with 3,000 BP
250941000418108401Deploy 1 Omniframe of Lv.40 or above
25104100051810311021001105100110610021071002108100210210021061003107100310510031021003108100310910021011003112100210210041131002114100311410031041004Deploy melee Omniframes
2511410006181031101100210210011021002103100210510031061003107100210710031081003104100311110021121002102100411310021161002117100312110021031004122100211310031121003153100410510041071004123100210110041091003Deploy Omniframes with Elemental Stats
25124100071810311011002103100110410021031002103100310410031111002121100212210021031004Deploy ranged Omniframes
25134100081810640001Deploy 1 member with 4,000 BP
25144100091811213Deploy 1 Uniframe
25154100101811221Deploy 1 Uniframe
25164100111811212Deploy 2 Omniframes
25174100121811222Deploy 2 Uniframes
2518410013181033101100210210011021002103100210510031061003107100210710031081003104100311110021121002102100411310021161002117100312110021031004122100211310031121003153100410510041071004Deploy 3 Omniframes with Elemental Stats
25194100141810660001Deploy 1 member with 6,000 BP
252041001518103110310041531004Deploy 1 Amplifier Omniframe
2521410016181031103100110410021051001106100210810021031003102100310910021141003152100311810031191003120100315510031011003104100415510031041004Deploy 1 non-Elemental Frame in the team.
252271001311310110021011003Valentine's Message: Lee
2523710113113103100110310031031002Valentine's Message: Liv
252471021311310610021061003Valentine's Message: Kamui
252571031311310210011021002Valentine's Message: Lucia
252671041311310510011051003Valentine's Message: Nanami
25277105131131041002Valentine's Message: Bianca
252871061311310710021071003Valentine's Message: Karenina
25297107131131091002Valentine's Message: Ayla
253071081311310810031081002Valentine's Message: Watanabe
25317109131131021003Valentine's Message: Lucia
25324200011110930000105180Clear Hell in 180s
25334200021110930000205180Clear Hell in 180s
25344200031110930000305180Clear Hell in 180s
25354200041110930000405180Clear Hell in 180s
25364200051110930000505180Clear Hell in 180s
25374200061110930000605180Clear Hell in 180s
25384200071110930000705180Clear Hell in 180s
25394200081110930000805180Clear Hell in 180s
25404200091110930000905180Clear Hell in 180s
25414200101110930000910180Clear Hell in 180s
25424200111110930000915180Clear Hell in 180s
25434200121110930001005180Clear Hell in 180s
25444200131110930001205180Clear Hell in 180s
25454200141110930001305180Clear Hell in 180s
2546300901111083Reach Eternal Throne Lv.3
2547300902111088Reach Eternal Throne Lv.8
25483009031110812Reach Eternal Throne Lv.12
25493009041110818Reach Eternal Throne Lv.18
25503009051110822Reach Eternal Throne Lv.22
25513009061010530090512Clear Abyss Mode stage once
2552300907111081Reach Eternal Throne Lv.1
2553300908111082Reach Eternal Throne Lv.2
2554300909111082Reach Eternal Throne Lv.2
2555301001111082Reach Authority Lv.2
2556301002111088Reach Authority Lv.8
25573010031110813Reach Authority Lv.13
25583010041110817Reach Authority Lv.17
25593010051110820Reach Authority Lv.20
25603010061010530090541Clear Abyss Mode stage once
25663012011110825Upgrade to Lv.25
2567800000301011Kill more than 1 enemy
2568800001301013Kill more than 5 enemies
2569800002301015Kill more than 10 enemies
2570800003301017Unlocks after defeating 7 enemies
25718000043010110Unlocks after defeating 10 enemies
25728000053010115Unlocks after defeating 15 enemies
25738000063010120Unlocks after defeating 20 enemies
25748000073010130Unlocks after defeating 30 enemies
25758000083010150Unlocks after defeating 50 enemies
257680000910101200Hidden. To be released later
257781000031101Unlocks after obtaining this weapon
2578810001311025Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.5
25798100023110210Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.10
25808100033110215Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.15
25818100043110220Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.20
25828100053110225Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.25
25838100063110230Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.30
25848100073110235Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.35
25858100083110240Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.40
25868100093110245Unlocks after upgrading this weapon to Lv.45
2587810010311031Unlocks after overclocking this weapon 1 time
2588810011311032Unlocks after overclocking this weapon 2 times
2589810012311033Unlocks after overclocking this weapon 3 times
2590810013311034Unlocks after overclocking this weapon 4 times
2591811001311061Unlocks after obtaining 1 Memory of a set
2592811002311062Unlocks after obtaining 2 Memories of a set
2593811003311063Unlocks after obtaining 3 Memories of a set
2594811004311064Unlocks after obtaining 4 Memories of a set
2595811005311065Unlocks after obtaining 5 Memories of a set
2596811006311066Unlocks after obtaining 6 Memories of a set
2597811007311045Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.5
25988110083110410Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.10
25998110093110415Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.15
26008110103110420Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.20
26018110113110425Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.25
26028110123110430Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.30
26038110133110435Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.35
26048110143110440Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.40
26058110153110445Unlocks after upgrading any Memory of a set to Lv.45
2606811016311051Unlocks after overclocking a Memory of a set 1 time
2607811017311052Unlocks after overclocking a Memory of a set 2 times
2608811018311053Unlocks after overclocking a Memory of a set 3 times
2609811019311054Unlocks after overclocking a Memory of a set 4 times
2610812034131196002505Must use the Coating <color=#C14F38>Snow Petals</color>
26118120351018214000005Must use the scene <color=#C14F38>Daydream Believer</color>
261281203613120600250514000005Must use the Coating <color=#C14F38>Snow Petals</color> and the scene <color=#C14F38>Daydream Believer</color> at the same time
26138410011010514010133Clear all stages
26148410021010180Commandant reaches Lv.80
2615841003151022001Clear all stages in this area
26168410111010514010234Clear all stages
26178410121010180Commandant reaches Lv.80
2618841013151022002Clear all stages in this area
26198410211010514010334Clear all stages
26208410221010180Commandant reaches Lv.80
2621841023151022003Clear all stages in this area
26228410311010514010434Clear all stages
26238410321010180Commandant reaches Lv.80
2624841033151022004Clear all stages in this area
2625841043151022005Clear all stages in this area
2626841053151022006Clear all stages in this area
2627841063151022007Clear all stages in this area
2628841073151022008Clear all stages in this area
26298411011510813001Clear the current area
26308411021510813002Clear the current area
26318411031510813003Clear the current area
26328411041510813004Clear the current area
26338411051510813005Clear the current area
26348411061510813006Clear the current area
2635841107151081300130023003300430053006Clear the current area
26368412002010851Any member reaches Infinitas Awakening
2637841201131145Member completed Infinitas Awakening
2638841202131145Member completed Infinitas Awakening
2639841203131145Member completed Infinitas Awakening
2640841204131145Member completed Infinitas Awakening
2641841205131145Member completed Infinitas Awakening
2642841206131145Member completed Infinitas Awakening
26438412071010190Commandant reaches Lv.90
26448420011310380A member reaches Lv.80
2645842002131085500A member reaches 5500 BP
264684200313109612Equip 6★ Resonance Skill x12
26478420111310380A member reaches Lv.80
2648842012131085600A member reaches 5600 BP
2649842013131144[Member] leveled up to Ultima Awaken
26508420211310380A member reaches Lv.80
2651842022131085800A member reaches 5800 BP
2652842023131144[Member] leveled up to Ultima Awaken
26538420311310380A member reaches Lv.80
2654842032131086000A member reaches 6000 BP
2655842033131144[Member] leveled up to Ultima Awaken
2656842043131144[Member] leveled up to Ultima Awaken
2657842053131144[Member] leveled up to Ultima Awaken
2658842063131144[Member] leveled up to Ultima Awaken
2659842073131144[Member] leveled up to Ultima Awaken
26618430011810655001Unlocks after all members reach 5500 BP
26628430021810655002Unlocks after all members reach 5500 BP
26638430031810655003Unlocks after all members reach 5500 BP
26648430041810650001Unlocks after all members reach 5000 BP
26658430051810650002Unlocks after all members reach 5000 BP
26668430061810650003Unlocks after all members reach 5000 BP
26678430071810665003Unlocks after all members reach 6500 BP
266884400110101120Commandant reaches Lv.120
2669844002101171Honor Rank 1
26708450011010140Commandant Level reached 40
267184501010101120Unlocked when Commandant Level reached 120
2672845020101231Player is currently on Return Missions
267385000115103130050013Collect 3 Crimson Love
267485000215103130050016Collect 6 Crimson Love
2675850003151031300500110Collect 10 Crimson Love
26768500041010510040304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-12
267785000615105200001051Clear Co-op [Event] Osiris Overclock - Easy
267885000715105200001052Clear Co-op [Event] Osiris Overclock - Elite
267985000815105200001053Clear Co-op [Event] Osiris Overclock - Nightmare
2680850009111151012Unlocks after clearing Stronghold Chapter 12
268185001315105200005051Clear Co-op [Event] Gabriel Overclock - Easy
268285001415105200005052Clear Co-op [Event] Gabriel Overclock - Elite
268385001515105200005053Clear Co-op [Event] Gabriel Overclock - Nightmare
26848500161011262Get 11 stars from Park Parade stages
26858500171011263Get 13 stars from Park Parade stages
26868500181011264Get 15 stars from Park Parade stages
268785001915105200005041Clear Co-op [Event] Gabriel Berserk - Easy
2688850020101132000050420000505Clear Co-op [Event] Gabriel in Berserk or higher difficulty
268985002415103130053013Collect 3 Tokarev Tower Badges
269085002515103130053016Collect 6 Tokarev Tower Badges
2691850026151031300530110Collect 10 Tokarev Tower Badges
269285002715103130053023Collect 3 Sand Tower Badges
269385002815103130053026Collect 6 Sand Tower Badges
2694850029151031300530210Collect 10 Sand Tower Badges
269585003315103130057008Collect 8 Border Certificates
2696850034151031300570016Collect 16 Border Certificates
2697850035151031300570024Collect 24 Border Certificates
26988500421011272Get 11 stars from Karma Tidal Stages
26998500431011273Get 13 stars from Karma Tidal stages
27008500441011274Get 15 stars from Karma Tidal stages
270185004515103130059005Collect 3 x
2702850046151031300590010Collect 6 x
2703850047151031300590020Collect 9 x
2704850048111165160Unlocks after completing 160 locations in Book of Toro
270585004915103130060001600Accumulate 1600 Trial Points
270685005015103130060001800Accumulate 1800 Trial Points
270785005115103130060002000Accumulate 2000 Trial Points
27088500551011282Get 11 stars from Kowloong Theater stages
27098500561011283Get 13 stars from Kowloong Theater stages
27108500571011284Get 15 stars from Kowloong Theater stages
2711850058151031300630010Collect 10 Video Tapes
2712850059151031300630020Collect 20 Video Tapes
2713850060151031300630035Collect 35 Video Tapes
271485006115103130062005Collect 5 Computing Units
271585006215103130062006Collect 6 Computing Units
2716850063151031300620010Collect 10 Computing Units
2717850064151031300570110Collect 10 False Words Certificates
2718850065151031300570120Collect 20 False Words Certificates
2719850066151031300570130Collect 30 False Words Certificates
272085006715103130008004Graduates reach 4 persons
272185006815103130008009Graduates reach 9 persons
27228500691011292Get 11 stars from Simulated Torrent stages
27238500701011293Get 13 stars from Simulated Torrent stages
27248500711011294Get 15 stars from Simulated Torrent stages
272585007515103130070002Collect 2 War-Experienced Ribbons
272685007615103130070004Collect 4 War-Experienced Ribbons
272785007715103130070005Collect 5 War-Experienced Ribbons
272899002515103130130051Obtain Prayer x1
272999002615103130130052Obtain Prayer x2
273099002715103130130053Obtain Prayer x3
273199003715103130150012Obtain 2
273299003815103130150013Obtain 3
273399003915103130150014Obtain 4
273499004315103130150042Obtain 2
273599004415103130150043Obtain 3
273699004515103130150044Obtain 4
273799004615103130150022Obtain 2
273899004715103130150023Obtain 3
273999004815103130150025Obtain 5
274399005215103130160022Obtain 2
274499005315103130160023Obtain 3
274599005415103130160024Obtain 4
274699005515103130160012Obtain 2
274799005615103130160013Obtain 3
274899005715103130160014Obtain 4
275299006115103130170023Obtain 3
275399006215103130170026Obtain 6
2754990063151031301700210Obtain 10
275599006415103130170032Obtain 2
275699006515103130170033Obtain 3
275799006615103130170034Obtain 4
275899006715103130180012Obtain 2
275999006815103130180013Obtain 3
276099006915103130180014Obtain 4
276199007015103130180022Obtain 2
276299007115103130180023Obtain 3
276399007215103130180024Obtain 4
276499007315103130180032Obtain 2
276599007415103130180033Obtain 3
276699007515103130180034Obtain 4
276799007615103130190022Obtain 2
276899007715103130190023Obtain 3
276999007815103130190025Obtain 5
277099008215103130190042Obtain 2
277199008315103130190043Obtain 3
277299008415103130190044Obtain 4
277399008515103130190013Obtain 3
277499008615103130190015Obtain 5
277599008715103130190017Obtain 7
277699008815103130191012Obtain 2
277799008915103130191013Obtain 3
277899009015103130191014Obtain 4
277999009115103130191022Obtain 2
278099009215103130191023Obtain 3
278199009315103130191024Obtain 4
278299009415103130191032Obtain 2
278399009515103130191033Obtain 3
278499009615103130191034Obtain 4
278599009715103130192012Obtain 2
278699009815103130192013Obtain 3
278799009915103130192015Obtain 5
278899010015103130192032Obtain 2
278999010115103130192033Obtain 3
279099010215103130192062Obtain 2
279199010315103130192063Obtain 3
279299010415103130192064Obtain 4
279399010515103130193022Obtain 2
279499010915103130193042Obtain 2
279599011015103130193043Obtain 3
279699011115103130193044Obtain 4
279799011215103130194032Obtain 2
279899011315103130194033Obtain 3
279999011415103130194035Obtain 5
280099011515103130194072Obtain 2
280199011615103130194073Obtain 3
280299011715103130194074Obtain 4
280399011815103130194062Obtain 2
280499011915103130194063Obtain 3
280599012015103130194064Obtain 4
280699012115103130194052Obtain 2
280799012215103130194053Obtain 3
2808841001011010510010101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-1
2809841001021010510010102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-2
2810841001031010510010103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-3
2811841001041010510010104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-4
2812841001051010510010201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-5
2813841001061010510010202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-6
2814841001071010510010203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-7
2815841001081010510010204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-8
2816841001091010510010301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-9
2817841001101010510010302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-10
2818841001111010510010303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-11
2819841001121010510010304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 1-12
2820841002011010510020101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-1
2821841002021010510020102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-2
2822841002031010510020103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-3
2823841002041010510020104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-4
2824841002051010510020201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-5
2825841002061010510020202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-6
2826841002071010510020203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-7
2827841002081010510020204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-8
2828841002091010510020301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-9
2829841002101010510020302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-10
2830841002111010510020303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-11
2831841002121010510020304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 2-12
2832841003011010510030101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-1
2833841003021010510030102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-2
2834841003031010510030103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-3
2835841003041010510030104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-4
2836841003051010510030201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-5
2837841003061010510030202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-6
2838841003071010510030203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-7
2839841003081010510030204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-8
2840841003091010510030301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-9
2841841003101010510030302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-10
2842841003111010510030303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-11
2843841003121010510030304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 3-12
2844841004011010510040101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-1
2845841004021010510040102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-2
2846841004031010510040103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-3
2847841004041010510040104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-4
2848841004051010510040201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-5
2849841004061010510040202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-6
2850841004071010510040203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-7
2851841004081010510040204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-8
2852841004091010510040301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-9
2853841004101010510040302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-10
2854841004111010510040303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-11
2855841004121010510040304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-12
2856841005011010510050101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-1
2857841005021010510050102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-2
2858841005031010510050103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-3
2859841005041010510050104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-4
2860841005051010510050201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-5
2861841005061010510050202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-6
2862841005071010510050203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-7
2863841005081010510050204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-8
2864841005091010510050301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-9
2865841005101010510050302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-10
2866841005111010510050303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-11
2867841005121010510050304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 5-12
2868841006011010510060101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-1
2869841006021010510060102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-2
2870841006031010510060103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-3
2871841006041010510060104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-4
2872841006051010510060201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-5
2873841006061010510060202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-6
2874841006071010510060203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-7
2875841006081010510060204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-8
2876841006091010510060301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-9
2877841006101010510060302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-10
2878841006111010510060303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-11
2879841006121010510060304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 6-12
2880841007011010510070101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-1
2881841007021010510070102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-2
2882841007031010510070103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-3
2883841007041010510070104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-4
2884841007051010510070201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-5
2885841007061010510070202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-6
2886841007071010510070203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-7
2887841007081010510070204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-8
2888841007091010510070301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-9
2889841007101010510070302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-10
2890841007111010510070303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-11
2891841007121010510070304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 7-12
2892841008011010510080101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-1
2893841008021010510080102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-2
2894841008031010510080103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-3
2895841008041010510080104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-4
2896841008051010510080201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-5
2897841008061010510080202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-6
2898841008071010510080203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-7
2899841008081010510080204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-8
2900841008091010510080301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-9
2901841008101010510080302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-10
2902841008111010510080303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-11
2903841008121010510080304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 8-12
2904841009011010510090101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-1
2905841009021010510090102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-2
2906841009031010510090103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-3
2907841009041010510090104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-4
2908841009051010510090201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-5
2909841009061010510090202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-6
2910841009071010510090203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-7
2911841009081010510090204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-8
2912841009091010510090301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-9
2913841009101010510090302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-10
2914841009111010510090303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-11
2915841009121010510090304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-12
2916841009131010510090401Unlocks after clearing Main Story 9-13
2917841010011010510100101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-1
2918841010021010510100102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-2
2919841010031010510100103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-3
2920841010041010510100104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-4
2921841010051010510100201Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-5
2922841010061010510100202Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-6
2923841010071010510100203Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-7
2924841010081010510100204Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-8
2925841010091010510100301Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-9
2926841010101010510100302Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-10
2927841010111010510100303Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-11
2928841010121010510100304Unlocks after clearing Main Story 10-12
2929841011011010510110101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-1
2930841011021010510110102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-2
2931841011031010510110103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-3
2932841011041010510110104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-4
2933841011051010510110105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-5
2934841011061010510110106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-6
2935841011071010510110107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-7
2936841011081010510110108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-8
2937841011091010510110109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-9
2938841011101010510110112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-10
2939841011111010510110113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-11
2940841011121010510110111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 11-12
2941841012011010510120101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-1
2942841012021010510120102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-2
2943841012031010510120103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-3
2944841012041010510120104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-4
2945841012051010510120105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-5
2946841012061010510120106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-6
2947841012071010510120107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-7
2948841012081010510120108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-8
2949841012091010510120109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-9
2950841012101010510120110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-10
2951841012111010510120111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-11
2952841012121010510120112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-12
2953841012131010510120113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-13
2954841012141010510120114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-14
2955841012151010510120115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-15
2956841012161010510120116Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-16
2957841012171010510120117Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-17
2958841012181010510120118Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-18
2959841012191010510120119Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-19
2960841012201010510120120Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-20
2961841012211010510120121Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-21
2962841012221010510120122Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-22
2963841012231010510120123Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-23
2964841012241010510120124Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-24
2965841012251010510120125Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-25
2966841012261010510120126Unlocks after clearing Main Story 12-26
2967841013011010510130200Clear Decision Altitude in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2968841013021010510130171Clear A Familiar Sight in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2969841013031010510130172Clear Unexpected Bolt in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2970841013041010510130201Clear Fake Friendship in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2971841013051010510130202Clear Profile of Bait in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2972841013061010510130203Clear Fragile Relationship in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2973841013071010510130173Clear Breaking a Deadlock in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2974841013081010510130204Clear Shutting in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2975841013101010510130205Clear S.S.D.D in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2976841013111010510130206Clear Enhanced Inverse in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2977841013121010510130207Clear Restore Clue in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2978841013131010510130208Clear Enemies in Sight in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2979841013141010510130175Clear Crimson Tide in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2980841013151010510130209Clear Shades of the Past in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2981841013161010510130210Clear Piper in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2982841013171010510130176Clear Hetero-Creature in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2983841013181010510130211Clear Plunder & Sacrifice in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2984841013191010510130212Clear Past & Future in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2985841013201010510130213Clear Blood Link in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2986841013211010510130214Clear Continue Forward in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2987841013221010510130215Clear Full of Thorns in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2988841013231010510130177Clear We Were Here in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2989841013241010510130216Clear Shattered Shards in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2990841013251010510130217Clear City of Fakes in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2991841013261010510130218Clear Red Tide's Guidance in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2992841013271010510130178Clear Welcoming Ceremony in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2993841013281010510130219Clear Curtain in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2994841013291010510130220Clear Unexpected Support in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2995841013301010510130179Clear Ascension Secrets in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2996841013311010510130221Clear Test in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2997841013321010510130180Clear Question in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2998841013331010510130181Clear Fury of the Agent in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
2999841013341010510130222Clear Master of Ceremony in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3000841013351010510130223Clear Cross the Bridge in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3001841013361010510130224Clear Huaxu's Projection in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3002841013371010510130225Clear Visitor in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3003841013381010510130226Clear Crimson Resolve in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3004841013391010510130227Clear Divergence Point in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3005841013401010510130228Clear Sealed Past in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3006841013411010510130229Clear Shards of Remorse in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3007841013421010510130230Clear Chaotic Memories in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3008841013431010510130231Clear Lost Heart in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3009841013441010510130182Clear Lucia in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3010841013451010510130232Clear To the Future in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3011841013461010510130233Clear Polyphage Abyss in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3012841013471010510130234Clear A Perfect Disguise? in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3013841013481010510130235Clear Audio Analysis in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3014841013491010510130236Clear Mermaid's Gift in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3015841013501010510130237Clear Mermaid Caught Up in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3016841013511010510130238Clear Horrifying Marks in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3017841013521010510130183Clear Cannibalism in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3018841013531010510130239Clear Resolve in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3019841013541010510130240Clear Mermaid's Purpose in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3020841013551010510130184Clear Huge Threat in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3021841013561010510130241Clear Confession in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3022841013571010510130185Clear Race Against Time in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3023841013581010510130186Clear Awake and Destroy in <color=#FFE002>Regular mode</color>
3024841014011010510140101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-1
3025841014021010510140102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-2
3026841014031010510140103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-3
3027841014041010510140104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-4
3028841014051010510140105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-5
3029841014061010510140106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-6
3030841014071010510140107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-7
3031841014081010510140108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-8
3032841014091010510140109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-9
3033841014101010510140110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-10
3034841014111010510140111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-11
3035841014121010510140112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-12
3036841014131010510140113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-13
3037841014141010510140114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-14
3038841014151010510140115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 14-15
3039841015011010510150101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-1
3040841015021010510150102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-2
3041841015031010510150103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-3
3042841015041010510150104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-4
3043841015051010510150105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-5
3044841015061010510150106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-6
3045841015071010510150107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-7
3046841015081010510150108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-8
3047841015091010510150109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-9
3048841015101010510150110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-10
3049841015111010510150111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-11
3050841015121010510150112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-12
3051841015131010510150113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-13
3052841015141010510150114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-14
3053841015151010510150115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-15
3054841015161010510150116Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-16
3055841015171010510150117Unlocks after clearing Main Story 15-17
3056841016011010510160101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-1
3057841016021010510160102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-2
3058841016031010510160103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-3
3059841016041010510160104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-4
3060841016051010510160105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-5
3061841016061010510160106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-6
3062841016071010510160107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-7
3063841016081010510160108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-8
3064841016091010510160109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-9
3065841016101010510160110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-10
3066841016111010510160111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-11
3067841016121010510160112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-12
3068841016131010510160113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-13
3069841016141010510160114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-14
3070841016151010510160115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 16-15
3071841017001010510170100Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-0
3072841017011010510170101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-1
3073841017021010510170102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-2
3074841017031010510170103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-3
3075841017041010510170104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-4
3076841017051010510170105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-5
3077841017061010510170106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-6
3078841017071010510170107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-7
3079841017081010510170108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-8
3080841017091010510170109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-9
3081841017101010510170110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-10
3082841017111010510170111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-11
3083841017121010510170112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-12
3084841017131010510170113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-13
3085841017141010510170114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-14
3086841017151010510170115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-15
3087841017161010510170116Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-16
3088841017171010510170117Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-17
3089841017181010510170118Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-18
3090841017191010510170119Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-19
3091841017201010510170120Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-20
3092841017211010510170121Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-21
3093841017221010510170122Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-22
3094841017231010510170123Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-23
3095841017241010510170124Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-24
3096841017251010510170126Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-25
3097841017261010510170127Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-26
3098841017271010510170125Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-27
3099841017281010510170128Unlocks after clearing Main Story 17-28
310084101750170003Complete Ending I of Recitativo di Fantasia
310184101751170008Complete Ending II of Recitativo di Fantasia
3102841017521700014Complete Ending III of Recitativo di Fantasia
3103841017531700020Complete Ending IV of Recitativo di Fantasia
3104841017541700026Complete Ending V of Recitativo di Fantasia
3105841017551700014Recitativo di Fantasia reaches Ending III: Walking on the Truth
310684101756170003Recitativo di Fantasia reaches Ending I: Unfinished Epilogue
310784101757170006Clear Recitativo Di Fantasia Scene 3 for the second time
310884101758170008Recitativo di Fantasia reaches Ending II: Death of the Piper
3109841017591700026Recitativo di Fantasia reaches Ending V: In the Name of Iris
3110841017601700020Recitativo di Fantasia reaches Ending IV: Peony and Iris
3111841017711010515020121Clear Floating Record ER00-1 to unlock
3112841017721010515020122Clear Floating Record ER00-2 to unlock
3113841017731010515020123Clear Floating Record ER00-3 to unlock
3114841017741010515020124Clear Floating Record ER00-4 to unlock
3115841017751010515020125Clear Floating Record ER00-5 to unlock
3116841017761010515020126Clear Floating Record ER00-6 to unlock
3117841017771010515020127Clear Floating Record ER00-7 to unlock
3118841017781010515020128Clear Floating Record ER00-8 to unlock
3119841017791010515020129Clear Floating Record ER00-9 to unlock
3120841017801010515020130Clear Floating Record ER00-10 to unlock
3121841018011010510180101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-1
3122841018021010510180102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-2
3123841018031010510180103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-3
3124841018041010510180104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-4
3125841018051010510180105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-5
3126841018061010510180106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-6
3127841018071010510180107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-7
3128841018081010510180108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-8
3129841018091010510180109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-9
3130841018101010510180110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-10
3131841018111010510180111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-11
3132841018121010510180112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-12
3133841018131010510180113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-13
3134841018141010510180114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-14
3135841018151010510180115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-15
3136841018161010510180116Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-16
3137841018171010510180117Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-17
3138841018181010510180118Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-18
3139841018191010510180119Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-19
3140841018201010510180120Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-20
3141841018211010510180121Unlocks after clearing Main Story 18-21
3142841019011010515020210Clear Floating Record ER01-1 to unlock
3143841019021010515020211Clear Floating Record ER01-2 to unlock
3144841019031010515020212Clear Floating Record ER01-3 to unlock
3145841019041010515020213Clear Floating Record ER01-4 to unlock
3146841019051010515020214Clear Floating Record ER01-5 to unlock
3147841019061010515020215Clear Floating Record ER01-6 to unlock
3148841019071010515020216Clear Floating Record ER01-7 to unlock
3149841019081010515020217Clear Floating Record ER01-8 to unlock
3150841019091010515020218Clear Floating Record ER01-9 to unlock
3151841019101010515020219Clear Floating Record ER01-10 to unlock
3152841019111010515020220Clear Floating Record ER01-11 to unlock
3153841019121010515020221Clear Floating Record ER01-12 to unlock
3154841019131010515020222Clear Floating Record ER01-13 to unlock
3155841019141010515020223Clear Floating Record ER01-14 to unlock
3156841020011010510190101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-1
3157841020021010510190102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-2
3158841020031010510190103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-3
3159841020041010510190104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-4
3160841020051010510190105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-5
3161841020061010510190106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-6
3162841020071010510190107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-7
3163841020081010510190108Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-8
3164841020091010510190109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-9
3165841020101010510190110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-10
3166841020111010510190111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-11
3167841020121010510190112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-12
3168841020131010510190113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-13
3169841020141010510190114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-14
3170841020151010510190115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-15
3171841020161010510190116Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-16
3172841020171010510190117Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-17
3173841020181010510190118Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-18
3174841020191010510190119Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-19
3175841020201010510190120Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-20
3176841020211010510190121Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-21
3177841020221010510190122Unlocks after clearing Main Story 19-22
3178841021011010515020301Clear Floating Record ER02-1 to unlock
3179841021021010515020302Clear Floating Record ER02-2 to unlock
3180841021031010515020303Clear Floating Record ER02-3 to unlock
3181841021041010515020304Clear Floating Record ER02-4 to unlock
3182841021051010515020305Clear Floating Record ER02-5 to unlock
3183841021061010515020306Clear Floating Record ER02-6 to unlock
3184841021071010515020307Clear Floating Record ER02-7 to unlock
3185841021081010515020308Clear Floating Record ER02-8 to unlock
3186841021091010515020309Clear Floating Record ER02-9 to unlock
3187841021101010515020310Clear Floating Record ER02-10 to unlock
3188841021111010515020311Clear Floating Record ER02-11 to unlock
3189841021121010515020312Clear Floating Record ER02-12 to unlock
3190841021131010515020313Clear Floating Record ER02-13 to unlock
3191841021141010515020314Clear Floating Record ER02-14 to unlock
3192841021151010515020315Clear Floating Record ER02-15 to unlock
3193841021161010515020316Clear Floating Record ER02-16 to unlock
3194841021171010515020317Clear Floating Record ER02-17 to unlock
3195841021181010515020318Clear Floating Record ER02-18 to unlock
3196841021191010515020319Clear Floating Record ER02-19 to unlock
3197841021201010515020320Clear Floating Record ER02-20 to unlock
3198841021211010515020321Clear Floating Record ER02-21 to unlock
3199841021221010515020322Clear Floating Record ER02-22 to unlock
3200841021231010515020323Clear Floating Record ER02-23 to unlock
3201841021241010515020324Clear Floating Record ER02-24 to unlock
3202841022011010510200101Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-1
3203841022021010510200102Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-2
3204841022031010510200103Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-3
3205841022041010510200104Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-4
3206841022051010510200105Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-5
3207841022061010510200106Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-6
3208841022071010510200107Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-7
3209841022081010510200109Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-8
3210841022091010510200110Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-9
3211841022101010510200111Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-10
3212841022111010510200112Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-11
3213841022121010510200113Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-12
3214841022131010510200114Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-13
3215841022141010510200115Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-14
3216841022151010510010003Unlocks after clearing Main Story 20-14
3217841022161010530130409Unlocks after clearing Slumberland Stage 2
3218841022171010530130410Unlocks after clearing Slumberland Stage 3
3219841023011010515020401Clear Floating Record ER03-1 to unlock
3220841023021010515020402Clear Floating Record ER03-2 to unlock
3221841023031010515020403Clear Floating Record ER03-3 to unlock
3222841023041010515020404Clear Floating Record ER03-4 to unlock
3223841023051010515020405Clear Floating Record ER03-5 to unlock
3224841023061010515020406Clear Floating Record ER03-6 to unlock
3225841023071010515020407Clear Floating Record ER03-7 to unlock
3226841023081010515020408Clear Floating Record ER03-8 to unlock
3227841023091010515020409Clear Floating Record ER03-9 to unlock
3228841023101010515020410Clear Floating Record ER03-10 to unlock
3229841023111010515020411Clear Floating Record ER03-11 to unlock
3230841023121010515020412Clear Floating Record ER03-12 to unlock
3231841023131010515020413Clear Floating Record ER03-13 to unlock
3232841024511010510210114Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-13
3233841024521010510210214Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-13
3234841024531010510210216Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-14
3235841024541010510210218Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-15
3236841024551010510210115Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Mutate) 0-1
3237841024561010510210117Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Mutate) 2-1
3238841024571010510210119Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Mutate) 5-1
3239841024581010510210121Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Mutate) 8-1
3240841024591010521000110Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Watanabe No.1
3241841024601010521000111Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Watanabe No.2
3242841024611010521000112Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Watanabe No.3
3243841024621010521000113Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Watanabe No.4
3244841024631010521000114Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Watanabe No.5
3245841024641010521000210Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Alpha No.1
3246841024651010521000211Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Alpha No.2
3247841024661010521000212Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Alpha No.3
3248841024671010521000213Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Alpha No.4
3249841024681010521000214Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Alpha No.5
3250841024691010510210101Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-01
3251841024701010510210102Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-02
3252841024711010510210103Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-03
3253841024721010510210104Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-04
3254841024731010510210106Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-06
3255841024741010510210107Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-07
3256841024751010510210108Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-08
3257841024761010510210109Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-09
3258841024771010510210110Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-10
3259841024781010510210111Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-11
3260841024791010510210112Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-12
3261841024801010510210113Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-13
3262841024811010510210220Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-16
3263841024821010510210122Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-17
3264841024831010510210123Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-18
3265841024841010510210124Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 21-19
3266841025011010510220214Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-20
3267841025021010510220314Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-20
3268841025031010510220100Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-00
3269841025041010510220101Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-01
3270841025051010510220102Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-02
3271841025061010510220103Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-03
3272841025071010510220104Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-04
3273841025081010510220105Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-05
3274841025091010510220106Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-06
3275841025101010510220206Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-07
3276841025111010510220107Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-08
3277841025121010510220108Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-09
3278841025131010510220109Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-10
3279841025141010510220209Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-11
3280841025151010510220110Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-12
3281841025161010510220111Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-13
3282841025171010510220112Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-14
3283841025181010510220113Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-16
3284841025191010510220313Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-18
3285841025201010510220114Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-19
3286841025211010510220414Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-20
3287841025221010510220115Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-21
3288841025231010510220215Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-22
3289841025241010510220116Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-23
3290841025251010510220117Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-24
3291841025261010510220118Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-25
3292841025271010510220119Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-26
3293841025281010510220120Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-27
3294841025291010510220121Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 22-28
3295841025301010510230101Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-01
3296841025311010510230102Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-02
3297841025321010510230103Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-03
3298841025331010510230104Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-04
3299841025341010510230105Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-05
3300841025351010510230106Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-06
3301841025361010510230107Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-07
3302841025371010510230108Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-08
3303841025381010510230109Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-09
3304841025391010510230110Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-10
3305841025401010510230111Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-11
3306841025411010510230112Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-12
3307841025421010510230113Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-13
3308841025431010510230114Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-14
3309841025441010510230115Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-15
3310841025451010510230116Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-16
3311841025461010510230117Unlocks after clearing Main Story (Normal) 23-17
3312841025471010521000231Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Nanami No.1
3313841025481010521000232Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Nanami No.2
3314841025491010521000233Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Nanami No.3
3315841025501010521000234Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Nanami No.4
3316841025511010521000235Unlocks after clearing Side Story Arcade Anima: Nanami No.5
3317842001011010511010101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 1-1
3318842001021010511010102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 1-2
3319842001061010511010106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 1-6
3320842002011010511020101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 2-1
3321842002021010511020102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 2-2
3322842002031010511020103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 2-3
3323842002061010511020106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 2-6
3324842003011010511030101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 3-1
3325842003021010511030102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 3-2
3326842003031010511030103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 3-3
3327842003041010511030104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 3-4
3328842003061010511030106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 3-6
3329842004011010511040101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 4-1
3330842004021010511040102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 4-2
3331842004031010511040103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 4-3
3332842004041010511040104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 4-4
3333842004051010511040105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 4-5
3334842004061010511040106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 4-6
3335842005011010511050101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 5-1
3336842005021010511050102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 5-2
3337842005031010511050103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 5-3
3338842005041010511050104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 5-4
3339842005051010511050105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 5-5
3340842005061010511050106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 5-6
3341842006011010511060101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 6-1
3342842006021010511060102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 6-2
3343842006031010511060103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 6-3
3344842006041010511060104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 6-4
3345842006051010511060105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 6-5
3346842006061010511060106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 6-6
3347842007011010511070101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 7-1
3348842007021010511070102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 7-2
3349842007031010511070103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 7-3
3350842007041010511070104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 7-4
3351842007051010511070105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 7-5
3352842007061010511070106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 7-6
3353842008011010511080101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 8-1
3354842008021010511080102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 8-2
3355842008031010511080103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 8-3
3356842008041010511080104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 8-4
3357842008051010511080105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 8-5
3358842008061010511080106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 8-6
3359842009011010511090101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 9-1
3360842009021010511090102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 9-2
3361842009031010511090103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 9-3
3362842010011010511100101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 10-1
3363842010021010511100102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 10-2
3364842010031010511100103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 10-3
3365842010041010511100104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 10-4
3366842010051010511100105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 10-5
3367842010061010511100106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 10-6
3368842011001010511110100Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 11-1
3369842011011010511110101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 11-1
3370842011021010511110102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 11-2
3371842011031010511110105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 11-3
3372842011041010511110103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 11-4
3373842011051010511110104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 11-5
3374842012011010511120101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 12-1
3375842012021010511120102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 12-2
3376842012031010511120103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 12-3
3377842012041010511120104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 12-4
3378842012051010511120105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 12-5
3379842012061010511120106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 12-6
3380842012071010511120107Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 12-7
3381842014011010511140101Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-1
3382842014021010511140102Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-2
3383842014031010511140103Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-3
3384842014041010511140104Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-4
3385842014051010511140105Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-5
3386842014061010511140106Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-6
3387842014071010511140107Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-7
3388842014081010511140108Unlocks after clearing Main Hidden Story 14-8
3389842015011010511150101Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-1
3390842015021010511150102Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-2
3391842015031010511150103Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-3
3392842015041010511150104Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-4
3393842015051010511150105Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-5
3394842015061010511150106Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-6
3395842015071010511150107Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-7
3396842015081010511150108Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 15-8
3397842016011010511160101Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-1
3398842016021010511160102Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-2
3399842016031010511160103Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-3
3400842016041010511160104Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-4
3401842016051010511160105Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-5
3402842016061010511160106Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-6
3403842016071010511160107Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-7
3404842016081010511160108Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-8
3405842016091010511160109Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-9
3406842016101010511160110Unlocks after clearing Hidden Story 16-10
3407848001011010515010101Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-1
3408848001021010515010102Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-2
3409848001031010515010103Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-3
3410848001041010515010104Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-4
3411848001051010515010105Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-5
3412848001061010515010106Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-6
3413848001071010515010107Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-7
3414848001081010515010108Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-8
3415848001091010515010109Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-9
3416848001101010515010110Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-10
3417848001111010515010111Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-11
3418848001121010515010112Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-12
3419848001131010515010113Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-13
3420848001141010515010114Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-14
3421848001151010515010115Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-15
3422848001161010515010116Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-16
3423848001171010515010117Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-17
3424848001181010515010118Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-18
3425848001191010515010119Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-19
3426848001201010515010120Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX01-20
3427848002011010515020101Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-1
3428848002021010515020102Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-2
3429848002031010515020103Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-3
3430848002041010515020104Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-4
3431848002051010515020105Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-5
3432848002061010515020106Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-6
3433848002071010515020107Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-7
3434848002081010515020108Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-8
3435848002091010515020109Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-9
3436848002101010515020110Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-10
3437848002111010515020111Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-11
3438848002121010515020112Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-12
3439848002131010515020113Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-13
3440848002141010515020114Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-14
3441848002151010515020115Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-15
3442848002161010515020116Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-16
3443848002171010515020117Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-17
3444848002181010515020118Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX02-18
3445848003011010515030101Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-1
3446848003021010515030102Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-2
3447848003031010515030103Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-3
3448848003041010515030104Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-4
3449848003051010515030105Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-5
3450848003061010515030119Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-6
3451848003071010515030106Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-7
3452848003081010515030107Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-8
3453848003091010515030108Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-9
3454848003101010515030109Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-10
3455848003111010515030110Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-11
3456848003121010515030111Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-12
3457848003131010515030112Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-13
3458848003141010515030113Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-14
3459848003151010515030114Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-15
3460848003161010515030115Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-16
3461848003171010515030116Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-17
3462848003181010515030117Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-18
3463848003191010515030118Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX03-19
3464848004011010515010501Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-1
3465848004021010515010502Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-2
3466848004031010515010503Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-3
3467848004041010515010504Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-4
3468848004051010515010505Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-5
3469848004061010515010506Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-6
3470848004071010515010507Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-7
3471848004081010515010508Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-8
3472848004091010515010509Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-9
3473848004101010515010510Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-10
3474848004111010515010511Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-11
3475848004121010515010512Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-12
3476848004131010515010513Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-13
3477848004141010515010514Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-14
3478848004151010515010515Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-15
3479848004161010515010516Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-16
3480848004171010515010517Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-17
3481848004181010515010518Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-18
3482848004191010515010519Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-19
3483848004201010515010520Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX04-20
3484848005011010515010601Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-1
3485848005021010515010602Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-2
3486848005031010515010603Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-3
3487848005041010515010604Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-4
3488848005051010515010605Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-5
3489848005061010515010606Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-6
3490848005071010515010607Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-7
3491848005081010515010608Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-8
3492848005091010515010609Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-9
3493848005101010515010610Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-10
3494848005111010515010612Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-11
3495848005121010515010613Unlocks after clearing Extra Story EX05-12
3496849001011010516010101Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-1
3497849001021010516010102Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-2
3498849001031010516010103Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-3
3499849001041010516010104Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-4
3500849001051010516010105Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-5
3501849001061010516010106Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-6
3502849001071010516010107Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-7
3503849001081010516010108Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX01-8
3504849002011010516020101Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-1
3505849002021010516020102Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-2
3506849002031010516020103Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-3
3507849002041010516020104Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-4
3508849002051010516020105Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-5
3509849002061010516020106Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-6
3510849002071010516020107Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-7
3511849002081010516020108Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX02-8
3512849003011010516030101Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX03-1
3513849003021010516030102Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX03-2
3514849003031010516030103Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX03-3
3515849004011010515010521Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-1
3516849004021010515010522Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-2
3517849004031010515010523Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-3
3518849004041010515010524Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-4
3519849004051010515010525Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-5
3520849004061010515010526Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-6
3521849004071010515010527Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-7
3522849004081010515010528Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX04-8
3523849005011010515010621Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-1
3524849005021010515010626Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-2
3525849005031010515010627Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-3
3526849005041010515010628Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-4
3527849005051010515010622Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-5
3528849005061010515010629Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-6
3529849005071010515010623Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-7
3530849005081010515010624Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-8
3531849005091010515010625Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-9
3532849005101010515010630Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-10
3533849005111010515010631Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-11
3534849005121010515010632Unlocks after clearing Extra Hidden Story EX05-12
3535846001031111116Unlocks after clearing 16 locations in Path of Stars
3536846001061111132Unlocks after clearing 32 locations in Path of Stars
3537846001091111148Unlocks after clearing 48 locations in Path of Stars
3538846001121111164Unlocks after clearing 64 locations in Path of Stars
3539846001151111180Unlocks after clearing 80 locations in Path of Stars
3540846001201111116Unlocks after clearing 16 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
3541846001211111132Unlocks after clearing 32 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
3542846001221111148Unlocks after clearing 48 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
3543846001231111164Unlocks after clearing 64 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
3544846001241111180Unlocks after clearing 80 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
3545846001251111196Unlocks after clearing 96 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
35468460012611111112Unlocks after clearing 112 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
35478460012711111128Unlocks after clearing 128 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
35488460012811111144Unlocks after clearing 144 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
35498460012911111160Unlocks after clearing 160 nodes in Legend of the Executor - GR
3550846001301111116Unlocks after clearing 16 locations in Wendigo
3551846001311111132Unlocks after clearing 32 locations in Wendigo
3552846001321111148Unlocks after clearing 48 locations in Wendigo
3553846001331111164Unlocks after clearing 64 locations in Wendigo
3554846001341111180Unlocks after clearing 80 locations in Wendigo
3555846001351111196Unlocks after clearing 96 locations in Wendigo
35568460013611111112Unlocks after clearing 112 locations in Wendigo
35578460013711111128Unlocks after clearing 128 locations in Wendigo
35588460013811111144Unlocks after clearing 144 locations in Wendigo
35598460013911111160Unlocks after clearing 160 locations in Wendigo
3560846001401111116Unlocks after clearing 16 locations in Book of Toro
3561846001411111117Unlocks after clearing 17 locations in Book of Toro
3562846001421111132Unlocks after clearing 32 locations in Book of Toro
3563846001431111133Unlocks after clearing 33 locations in Book of Toro
3564846001441111148Unlocks after clearing 48 locations in Book of Toro
3565846001451111149Unlocks after clearing 49 locations in Book of Toro
3566846001461111180Unlocks after clearing 80 locations in Book of Toro
35678460014711111160Unlocks after clearing 160 locations in Book of Toro
356884600201151061Unlocks after clearing any Joint Warfare stage
35698460020210101200Unlocks after Elegy of Nightmare event ends
357084600203101412RPG Phase 2 team level reaches 2 (Activate Guide)
3571846003661010530210104Clear Stage 6 of Horizon
357284600367101253Recruitment Level reached 3
3573846003681010530210110Clear Stage 12 of Horizon
3574846003691010530210118Clear Stage 20 of Horizon
357584600370101245Endless stage reaches Wave 5
3576846003711010530210131Clear Stage 6 of Horizon
357784600372101253Recruitment Level reached 3
3578846003731010530210137Clear Stage 12 of Horizon
3579846003741010530210145Clear Stage 20 of Horizon
358084600375101245Endless stage reaches Wave 5
3581846003761010530210158Clear Stage 6 of Horizon
358284600377101253Recruitment Level reached 3
3583846003781010530210164Clear Stage 12 of Horizon
3584846003791010530210172Clear Stage 20 of Horizon
358584600380101245Endless stage reaches Wave 5
3586846003811010530210185Clear Stage 6 of Horizon
358784600382101253Recruitment Level reached 3
3588846003831010530210191Clear Stage 12 of Horizon
3589846003841010530210199Clear Stage 20 of Horizon
359084600385101245Endless stage reaches Wave 5
3591846003861010530161504Clear Into the Deep Mechanoid Fitting Musou. 04
3592846003871010530161508Clear Into the Deep Accelerated Sync Musou. 08
35938460038810144136Get 36★ from Into the Deep stages on Normal Difficulty
35948460039010105302011211st Clear Modify Challenge Stage 1
35958460039110105302011711st Clear Modify Challenge Phase 2 Stage 1
3596846004111010530210220Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 1 Floor 5 Stage 1
3597846004121010530210221Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 1 Floor 5 Stage 2
359884600413084600411&84600412Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 1 Floor 5
3599846004141010530210231Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 1 Floor 9 Stage 1
3600846004151010530210232Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 1 Floor 9 Stage 2
3601846004161010530210233Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 1 Floor 9 Stage 3
360284600417084600414&84600415&84600416Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 1 Floor 9
3603846004181010530210290Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 2 Floor 5 Stage 1
3604846004191010530210291Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 2 Floor 5 Stage 2
360584600420084600418&84600419Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 2 Floor 5
3606846004211010530210301Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 2 Floor 9 Stage 1
3607846004221010530210302Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 2 Floor 9 Stage 2
3608846004231010530210303Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 2 Floor 9 Stage 3
360984600424084600421&84600422&84600423Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 2 Floor 9
3610846004251010530210242Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 3 Floor 5 Stage 1
3611846004261010530210243Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 3 Floor 5 Stage 2
361284600427084600425&84600426Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 3 Floor 5
3613846004281010530210312Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 4 Floor 5 Stage 1
3614846004291010530210313Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 4 Floor 5 Stage 2
361584600430084600428&84600429Clear Season 3 Horizon Week 4 Floor 5
3616846005011111011Unlocks after clearing 1 Babel Tower Stage of the current phase (at least at Lv.1)
3617846009021010530211010Please clear the Archer's Chapter first
3618846009031010530211020Please clear the Knight's Chapter first
3619846009041010530211030Please clear the Guard's Chapter first
3620846009051010530211040Please clear the Assassin's Chapter first
3621846010011011111967Unlocked after claiming the mission rewards of Couplet [Everlasting stars]
3622846010021011111968Unlocked after claiming the mission rewards of Couplet [Wish come true]
3623846010031011111969Unlocked after claiming the mission rewards of Couplet [Revolution]
3624846010041011111970Unlocked after claiming the mission rewards of Couplet [Unyielding will]
3625846010051011111971Unlocked after claiming the mission rewards of Couplet [Dream from afar]
3626846012001010152Unlocks at Commandant Lv.52
36278460120523001221Unlocked during Round of 24 voting period
36288460120623001222Unlocked during Round of 12 voting period
36298460120723001223Unlocked during Round of 6 voting period
36308460120823001224Unlocked during Round of 3 voting period
36318460120911101625061Own 1 Contact Terminal
3632846012101110162504360Own 360 Joy
363384601211230019102Round of 27
363484601212230019104Round of 24 Available
363584601213230019106Round of 18 First Half Available
363684601214230019107Round of 18 Second Half Available
363784601215230019109Round of 6 Available
3638846012161110162514700Have 360 Joy (2023) item
363984601217230019111Round of 3 Available
3640846015001010152Unlocks at Commandant Lv.52
3641846015011014511031Unlocks Add-on Fusion Center after clearing NF1-3.
3642846015021014511065Unlocks Ultralimit Simulation after clearing NF1-6 Wave 5.
3643846015031014511065Unlocks SP Character after clearing NF1-6 Wave 5.
3644846015041014512065Unlocks Multi-teams Challenge after clearing NF2-6 Wave 5.
3645846015051014513075Unlocks Special Enhancement after clearing NF3-7 Wave 5.
3646846015061110162802200Own 200 Data Tracks
3647846017011600256Unlocks after clearing High-risk Dark block, Area 4
3648846017021600242Unlocks after clearing High-risk Dark block, Area 3
3649846017031600242Unlocks after clearing High-risk Dark block, Area 3
3650846017041600229Unlocks after clearing Dark Block, Area 2
3651846017051600214Unlocks after clearing Dark Block, Area 1
3652846017061600110Unlocks after clearing 10 blocks
3653846017071600125Unlocks after clearing 25 blocks
3654846017081600140Unlocks after clearing 40 blocks
3655846017091600135Unlocks after clearing 35 blocks
3656846017101600130Unlocks after clearing 30 blocks
3657846017111600145Unlocks after clearing 45 blocks
365884601712160015Unlocks after clearing 5 blocks
3659846017131600110Unlocks after clearing 10 blocks
3660846017141600110Unlocks after clearing 10 blocks
3661846017151600115Unlocks after clearing 15 blocks
3662846017161600120Unlocks after clearing 20 blocks
3663846017171600125Unlocks after clearing 25 blocks
3664846018001010152Unlocks at Commandant Lv.52
36658460210110152151A gift from Lee after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36668460210210152152A gift from Lucia after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36678460210310152153A gift from Liv after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36688460210410152154A gift from Bianca after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36698460210510152155A gift from Nanami after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36708460210610152156A gift from Kamui after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36718460210710152157A gift from Karenina after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36728460210810152158A gift from Watanabe after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36738460210910152159A gift from Ayla after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36748460211010152160A gift from Sophia after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36758460211110152161A gift from Chrome after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36768460211210152162A gift from Vera after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36778460211310152163A gift from Rosetta after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36788460211410152164A gift from Changyu after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36798460211510152165A gift from Luna after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36808460211610152166A gift from Wanshi after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36818460211710152167A gift from No. 21 after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36828460211810152168A gift from Camu after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36838460211910152169A gift from Qu after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36848460212010152170A gift from Selena after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36858460212110152171A gift from Roland after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36868460212210152172A gift from Pulao after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36878460212310152173A gift from Haicma after giving [Radiant Comradery]
36888460212410152174A gift from α after giving [Radiant Comradery]
3703846022011010530131124Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-01 to unlock
3704846022021010530131125Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-02 to unlock
3705846022031010530131126Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-03 to unlock
3706846022041010530131127Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-04 to unlock
3707846022051010530131128Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-05 to unlock
3708846022061010530131129Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-06 to unlock
3709846022071010530131130Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-07 to unlock
3710846022081010530131131Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-08 to unlock
3711846022091010530131132Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-09 to unlock
3712846022101010530131133Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-10 to unlock
3713846022111010530131134Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-11 to unlock
3714846022121010530131135Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-12 to unlock
3715846022131010530131136Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-13 to unlock
3716846022141010530131137Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-14 to unlock
3717846022151010530131138Clear Dumplings and Dragons SOW-15 to unlock
3718846023011010530130212Unlocks after clearing Once in a Blue Moon MA-01
3719846023021010530130213Unlocks after clearing Once in a Blue Moon MA-02
3720846023031010530130214Unlocks after clearing Once in a Blue Moon MA-03
3721846023041010530130215Unlocks after clearing Once in a Blue Moon MA-04
3722846023051010530130216Unlocks after clearing Once in a Blue Moon MA-05
3723846023061010530130217Unlocks after clearing Once in a Blue Moon MA-06
3724846023071010530130218Unlocks after clearing Once in a Blue Moon MA-07
3725846023101010530061348Unlocks after clearing [Blazing Trails] Lone Walker - 2
3726846023111010530061349Unlocks after clearing [Blazing Trails] Lone Walker - 3
3727846023121010530061350Unlocks after clearing [Blazing Trails] Departure - 1
3728846023131010530061351Unlocks after clearing [Blazing Trails] Turning Back - 1
3729846023141010530061352Unlocks after clearing [Blazing Trails] Turning Back - 9
3730846023151010530061353Unlocks after clearing [Blazing Trails] Companion - 7
37318460240010101200Unlocks after the event [Palette Clash]
3732846024011010530131155Unlocks after clearing Festive Lanterns in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3733846024021010530131150Unlocks after clearing Lantern-Lit New Year's Eve in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3734846024031010530131151Unlocks after clearing A Journey's End in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3735846024041010530131152Unlocks after clearing The Show Goes On in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3736846024051010530131156Unlocks after clearing Past Relived in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3737846024061010530131157Unlocks after clearing Festive Spring in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3738846024071010530131153Unlocks after clearing New Day, Old Dreams in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3739846024081010530131158Unlocks after clearing Candle Vigil in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3740846024091010530131154Unlocks after clearing Dawn of Spring in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3741846024101010530131159Unlocks after clearing Let's Eat in [The Night Train on New Year's Eve]
3742846024111010530130411Unlocks after clearing Winter Wanderer in [Daydream Believer]
3743846024121010530130412Unlocks after clearing Hidden Scars in [Daydream Believer]
3744846024131010530130413Unlocks after clearing Snowy Prophecy in [Daydream Believer]
3745846024141010530130414Unlocks after clearing Oath to Death in [Daydream Believer]
3746846024151010530130415Unlocks after clearing Shadowy Dream in [Daydream Believer]
374784700101151041Help other to clear Joint Warfare once
3748847001021510410Help other to clear Joint Warfare 10 times
3749847001031510450Help other to clear Joint Warfare 50 times
37508470010415104200Help other to clear Joint Warfare 200 times
3751120400011111312040001Coating owned
3752120700011111312070001Coating owned
3753121900011111312190001Coating owned
3754120500021111312050002Coating owned
3755120600031111312060003Coating owned
3756121300021111312130002Coating owned
3757122400021111312240002Coating owned
3758122200011111312220001Coating owned
3759122300011111312230001Coating owned
3760120600041111312060004Coating owned
3761120700031111312070003Coating owned
3762120400031111312040003Coating owned
3763120200011111312020001Coating owned
3764121100011111312110001Coating owned
3765121700021111312170002Coating owned
3766122000021111312200002Coating owned
3767120100011111312010001Coating owned
3768122600011111312260001Coating owned
3769121300011111312130001Coating owned
3770120300011111312030001Coating owned
3771120700021111312070002Coating owned
3772847002011010152Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.52
37738600001011510Unlocks after Amberia is defeated
3774860001153011Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
3775860002153012Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
377686000315302422Unlocked after defeating Boss 22 times in the normal mode
3777860004153016Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
3778860005153017Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
377986000615302922Unlocked after defeating Boss 22 times in the normal mode
37808600071530111Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
37818600081530112Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
3782860009153021422Unlocked after defeating Boss 22 times in the normal mode
37838600101530116Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
37848600111530117Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
3785860012153021922Unlocked after defeating Boss 22 times in the normal mode
37868600131530121Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
37878600141530122Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
3788860015153022422Unlocked after defeating Boss 22 times in the normal mode
37898600161530316111621Chestlefield Guide Trigger Requirement
37908600171530126Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
37918600181530127Unlocked after defeating the Boss in the prerequisite stage
3792860019153022922Unlocked after defeating Boss 22 times in the normal mode
3793860020153042Triggers Guide when Hacking Mode Research reaches Lv.2
379487000223001123Operation Guardians has not started
37958700031010120Reach Commandant Level 20
37968700061010160Reach Commandant Level 60
3797870011111181Complete [Signal Voice] Stage 1 - Corrupting Darkness
3798870012111182Complete [Signal Voice] Stage 2 - Flowing Light and clear the prerequisite stages
3799870013111183Complete [Signal Voice] Stage 3 - Light Chaser and clear the prerequisite stages
3800870014111201Complete [Scattered Words] Stage 1
3801870015111202Complete [Scattered Words] Stage 2
3802870016111203Complete [Scattered Words] Stage 3
38038800011010530090602Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX1]
38048800021010530090603Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX2]
38058800031010530090604Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX3]
38068800041010530090605Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX4]
38078800051010530090607Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX5]
38088800061010530090608Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX6]
38098800071010530090609Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX7]
38108800081010530090610Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX8]
38118800091010530090612Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX9]
38128800101010530090613Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX10]
38138800111010530090614Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX11]
38148800121010530090615Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX12]
38158800131010530090617Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX13]
38168800141010530090618Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX14]
38178800151010530090619Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX15]
38188800161010530090620Clear Reverb Archive Stage [EX16]
38198800171010530090601Clear Pale Wasteland Archive to unlock
38208800181010530090606Clear Cycle of War Archive to unlock
38218800191010530090611Clear Blood & Flower Archive to unlock
38228800201010530090616Clear World Collapsed Archive to unlock
3823880101101211Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.1
3824880102101212Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.2
3825880103101213Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.3
3826880104101214Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.4
3827880105101215Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.5
3828880106101216Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.6
3829880107101217Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.7
3830880108101218Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.8
3831880109101219Upgrade Requirement: POD reaches Lv.9
3832880210101213Unlocking Criteria: POD reaches Lv.3
3833880211101215Unlocking Criteria: POD reaches Lv.5
38348803011010515010421Unlocked after clearing Nameless Archive 01
38358803021010515010422Unlocked after clearing Nameless Archive 02
38368803031010515010423Unlocked after clearing Nameless Archive 03
38378803041010515010424Unlocked after clearing Nameless Archive 04
38388804011012010011Unlocked after 9S reaches Lv.1
38398804021012010012Unlocked after 9S reaches Lv.2
38408804031012010013Unlocked after 9S reaches Lv.3
38418804041012010014Unlocked after 9S reaches Lv.4
38428804051012010015Unlocked after 9S reaches Lv.5
38438804061012010021Unlocked after A2 reaches Lv.1
38448804071012010022Unlocked after A2 reaches Lv.2
38458804081012010023Unlocked after A2 reaches Lv.3
38468804091012010024Unlocked after A2 reaches Lv.4
38478804101012010025Unlocked after A2 reaches Lv.5
38488804111012010031Unlocked after 2B reaches Lv.1
38498804121012010032Unlocked after 2B reaches Lv.2
38508804131012010033Unlocked after 2B reaches Lv.3
38518804141012010034Unlocked after 2B reaches Lv.4
38528804151012010035Unlocked after 2B reaches Lv.5
385388050110105150104311Clear [Reconstruct: Nozzle] once to unlock
385488050210105150104321Clear [Reconstruct: Iron Maiden] once to unlock
385588050310105150104331Clear [Reconstruct: Musashi IX] once to unlock
385688050410105150104341Clear [Reconstruct: Machiavelli] once to unlock
385788051010105150104311Clear [Reconstruct: Nozzle] once
385888051110105300906011Clear [Pale Wasteland Archive] once
3859890001220021Available for purchase by the commander-in-chief of Command Bureau only
3860900001152001001100Normal and hidden collection rate of main story 1 reaches 100%
3861900002152012001100Normal and hidden collection rate of extra story 1 reaches 100%
386291000115202100101Order 1 of main story 1 cleared
386391000215202100102Order 2 of main story 1 cleared
386491000315202100103Order 3 of main story 1 cleared
386591000415202100201Order 1 of extra story 1 cleared
386691000515202100202Order 2 of extra story 1 cleared
386791000615202100203Order 3 of extra story 1 cleared
38689200012300110315Autopoiesis Maze is not available
3869301008281010530100836Unlocked after clearing level <color=#F88282>CTL01</color> in the teaching mode
3870301008291010530100837Unlocked after clearing level <color=#F88282>CTL02</color> in the teaching mode
3871301008311010530100831Unlocked after clearing level <color=#F88282>CTL04</color> in the teaching mode
38729200021010162Unlocked at Commandant Lv.62
38739300011010530201103Unlocked after clearing Restrain Simulation Stage 3 under normal difficulty
38749400110133All teams deployed are full
387594002101343500The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 3500
387694003101344000The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 4000
387794004101344500The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 4500
387894005101345000The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 5000
387994006101345500The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 5500
388094007101346000The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 6000
388194008101346500The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 6500
388294009101347000The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 7000
388394010101347500The mean Battle Power of the members on the battlefield reaches 7500
388494011101347700The mean BP of the members on the battlefield reaches 7700
38859401210135104Clear SP-01
38869401310135105Clear SP-02
38879401410135110Clear SP-03
38889401510135111Clear SP-04
38899401610135115Clear SP-05
38909401710135116Clear SP-06
38919401810135117Clear SP-07
38929401910135121Clear SP-08
38939402010135122Clear SP-09
38949402110135123Clear SP-10
38959402210135127Clear SP-11
38969402310135128Clear SP-12
38979402410135129Clear SP-13
38989403010131118Clear Stronghold 118
38999403710135131Clear DF-01
39009403810135132Clear DF-02
39019403910135134Clear DF-03
39029404010135135Clear DF-04
39039404110135137Clear DF-05
39049404210135138Clear DF-06
39059404310135139Clear DF-07
39069404410135141Clear DF-08
39079404510135142Clear DF-09
39089404610135143Clear DF-10
39099404710135145Clear SP-14
39109404810135146Clear SP-15
39119404910135147Clear SP-16
39129405010135148Clear SP-17
3913950011012830Have 30 robots in Super Stronghold
39149500210129500Have 500 Ores in Super Stronghold
391595003101302Complete 2 Strongholds in Super Stronghold
3916950041013210000Have 10000 expected Ore production in Super Stronghold
39179500510131106Clear Stronghold EX-1
39189500610131112Clear Stronghold EX-2
39199500710131118Clear Stronghold EX-3
39209500810131124Clear Stronghold EX-4
39219500910131130Clear Stronghold EX-5
392295010121031062001Clear EX1 with no more than 200 System Electricity
392395011121031061001Clear EX1 with no more than 100 System Electricity
392495012121031124001Clear EX2 with no more than 400 System Electricity
392595013121031122501Clear EX2 with no more than 250 System Electricity
39269501412103112501Clear EX2 with no more than 50 System Electricity
392795015121031184001Clear EX3 with no more than 400 System Electricity
392895016121031182501Clear EX3 with no more than 250 System Electricity
39299501712103118501Clear EX3 with no more than 50 System Electricity
393095018121031244001Clear EX4 with no more than 400 System Electricity
39319501912103124501Clear EX4 with no more than 50 System Electricity
393295020121031301501Clear EX5 with no more than 150 System Electricity
39339510110131106Clear Stronghold EX-1 (Normal Zone)
39349510210131112Clear Stronghold EX-2 (Normal Zone)
39359510310131118Clear Stronghold EX-3 (Normal Zone)
39369510410131124Clear Stronghold EX-4 (Normal Zone)
39379510510131130Clear Stronghold EX-5 (Normal Zone)
393895106121031065001Clear EX1 with no more than 500 System Electricity (Normal Block)
393995107121031063001Clear EX1 with no more than 300 System Electricity (Normal Block)
394095108121031126001Clear EX2 with no more than 600 System Electricity (Normal Block)
394195109121031124501Clear EX2 with no more than 450 System Electricity (Normal Block)
394295110121031123001Clear EX2 with no more than 300 System Electricity (Normal Block)
3943951111210311815001Clear EX3 with no more than 1500 System Electricity (Normal Block)
3944951121210311812001Clear EX3 with no more than 1200 System Electricity (Normal Block)
394595113121031188001Clear EX3 with no more than 800 System Electricity (Normal Block)
3946951141210312420001Clear EX4 with no more than 2000 System Electricity (Normal Block)
3947951151210312418001Clear EX4 with no more than 1800 System Electricity (Normal Block)
3948951161210313025001Clear EX5 with no more than 2,500 System Electricity (Normal Block)
39499520110131106Clear Stronghold EX-1 (Easy Zone)
39509520210131112Clear Stronghold EX-2 (Easy Zone)
39519520310131118Clear Stronghold EX-3 (Easy Zone)
39529520410131124Clear Stronghold EX-4 (Easy Zone)
395395205121031065001Clear EX1 with no more than 500 System Electricity (Easy Block)
395495206121031063001Clear EX1 with no more than 300 System Electricity (Easy Block)
395595207121031126001Clear EX2 with no more than 600 System Electricity (Easy Block)
395695208121031124501Clear EX2 with no more than 450 System Electricity (Easy Block)
395795209121031123001Clear EX2 with no more than 300 System Electricity (Easy Block)
3958952101210311818001Clear EX3 with no more than 1800 System Electricity (Easy Block)
3959952111210311815001Clear EX3 with no more than 1500 System Electricity (Easy Block)
3960952121210311812001Clear EX3 with no more than 1200 System Electricity (Easy Block)
3961952131210312420001Clear EX4 with no more than 2000 System Electricity (Easy Block)
3962952141210312419001Clear EX4 with no more than 1900 System Electricity (Easy Block)
3963952151210312418001Clear EX4 with no more than 1800 System Electricity (Easy Block)
39649521611119172800Enter the 3rd day of battle phase
39659521711119259200Enter the 4th day of battle phase
39669521811119345600Enter the 5th day of battle phase
39679521911119432000Enter the 6th day of battle phase
39689522010131118Clear Stronghold 118
39699530010131133Clear Stronghold DS-1 (Easy Zone)
39709530110131136Clear Stronghold DS-2 (Easy Zone)
39719530210131140Clear Stronghold DS-3 (Easy Zone)
39729530310131144Clear Stronghold DS-4 (Easy Zone)
39739530410131133Clear Stronghold DS-1 (Normal Zone)
39749530510131136Clear Stronghold DS-2 (Normal Zone)
39759530610131140Clear Stronghold DS-3 (Normal Zone)
39769530710131144Clear Stronghold DS-4 (Normal Zone)
39779530810131133Clear Stronghold DS-1 (Advanced Zone)
39789530910131136Clear Stronghold DS-2 (Advanced Zone)
39799531010131140Clear Stronghold DS-3 (Advanced Zone)
39809531110131144Clear Stronghold DS-4 (Advanced Zone)
39819531212103130500Use less than 500 Electricity to clear Bollie
39829531310131149Clear Stronghold EX-06
39839540112103106600011Mine Auto Clear - EX1
39849540212103112600011Mine Auto Clear - EX2
3985954031210313015011Mine Auto Clear - Cover Tactic
39869541112103106600011Mine Auto Clear - EX1
39879541212103112600011Mine Auto Clear - EX2
39889541312103130250011Mine Auto Clear - Cover Tactic
39899542112103106600011Mine Auto Clear - EX1
39909542212103112600011Mine Auto Clear - EX2
39919542312103124180011Mine Auto Clear - Cover Tactic
399295431095401|95411|95421Mine fulfills any of the auto clear requirements
3993960001010530100880Clear Tutorial Stage T03
3994960011010530100910Clear all tutorial stages
3995960021010530100917Clear all tutorial stages
3996960031010530100927Clear all tutorial stages
3997960041010530100935Clear all tutorial stages
3998960051010530100947Clear all tutorial stages
3999960061010530100953Clear all tutorial stages
4000960071010530100961Clear all tutorial stages
4001960081010530100967Clear all tutorial stages
4002960091010530100974Clear all tutorial stages
40039999991013616010000010Have any Yuan Ye reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
400410000001013616020000010Have any Noctua reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4005100000110137160100003Have any Yuan Ye reach S-Rank
4006100000210137160200003Have any Noctua reach S-Rank
40071000003101381601000010Total skill level of any Yuan Ye reaches Lv.10
40081000004101381602000010Total skill level of any Noctua reaches 10
400910000051013616030000010Have any Toniris reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4010100000610137160300004Have any Toniris reach SS-Rank
40111000007101381603000010Total skill level of any Toniris reaches 10
401210000081013616040000010Have any Frost Oath reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4013100000910137160400004Have any Frost Oath reach SS-Rank
40141000010101381604000010Total skill level of any Frost Oath reaches Lv.10
401510000111013616050000010Have any Seeshell reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4016100001210137160500003Have any Seeshell reach S-Rank
40171000013101381605000010Total skill level of any Seeshell reaches 10
401810000141013616060000010Have any Nitor reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4019100001510137160600004Have any Nitor reach SS-Rank
40201000016101381606000010Total skill level of any Nitor reaches Lv.10
402110000171013616070000010Have any Lingya reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4022100001810137160700003Have any Lingya reach S-Rank
40231000019101381607000010Total skill level of any Lingya reaches Lv.10
402410000201013616080000010Have any Boreas reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4025100002110137160800004Have any Boreas reach SS-Rank
40261000022101381608000010Total skill level of any Boreas reaches Lv.10
402710000231013616090000010Have any Thorny reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4028100002410137160900003Have any Thorny reach S-Rank
40291000025101381609000010Total skill level of any Thorny reaches Lv.10
403010000261013616100000010Have any Jet Jaeger reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4031100002710137161000004Have any Jet Jaeger reach SS-Rank
40321000028101381610000010Total skill level of any Jet Jaeger reaches Lv.10
403310000291013616110000010Have any Moonhopper reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4034100003010137161100004Have any Moonhopper reach SS-Rank
40351000031101381611000010Total skill level of any Moonhopper reaches Lv.10
403610000321013616120000010Have any Shimmer reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4037100003310137161200004Have any Shimmer reach SS-Rank
40381000034101381612000010Total skill level of any Shimmer reaches Lv.10
403910000351013616130000010Have any Punchy reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4040100003610137161300004Have any Punchy reach SS-Rank
40411000037101381613000010Total skill level of any Punchy reaches Lv.10
404210000381013616140000010Have any Rainbow reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4043100003910137161400004Have any Rainbow reach SS-Rank
40441000040101381614000010Total skill level of any Rainbow reaches Lv.10
404510000411013616150000010Have any Motorbolt reach Lv.10 (no Overclock)
4046100004210137161500004Have any Motorbolt reach SS-Rank
40471000043101381615000010Total skill level of any Motorbolt reaches Lv.10
404810010011014216010000Unlock Yuan Ye
404910010021014216020000Unlock Noctua
405010010031014216030000Unlock Toniris
405110010041014216040000Unlocks Frost Oath
405210010051014216050000Unlock Seeshell
405310010061014216060000Unlock Nitor
405410010071014216070000Unlock Sheep
405510010081014216080000Unlock Boreas
405610010091014216090000Unlock Thorny
405710010101014216100000Unlock Jet Jaeger
405810010111014216110000Unlock Moonhopper
405910010121014216120000Unlock Shimmer
406010010131014216130000Unlock Punchy
406110010141014216140000Unlock Rainbow
406210010151014216150000Unlock Motorbolt
40639403110131101Clear NA-01 in Norman Revival Plan
40649403210135104Have never cleared NA-01 in Norman Revival Plan
40659403310131104Clear SP-01 in Norman Revival Plan
40669403410135106Have never cleared EX-01 in Norman Revival Plan
406794035101281Have more than 1 miner in Norman Revival Plan
4068940361014012Norman Revival Plan is in pre-challenge phase or half-way through a challenge
406910020081010530161134Unlocks after clearing Attacker Stage 3
407010020091010530161140Unlocks after clearing Tank Stage 3
407110020101010530161146Unlocks after clearing Support Stage 3
407210020111530551Attacker: Annihilation Progress reaches 5
407310020121530552Armor: Phalanx Progress reaches 5
407410020131530553Support: Redemption Progress reaches 5
407510020141010530161135Unlocks after clearing Attacker Stage 5
4076100201502120000|2120001Unlocks on the 1st birthday
40771002016101506028Unlocks on the 1st birthday
4078100290102120000|2120001Unlock the story replay of the 1st birthday
40791002902101506027Unlock the story replay of the 1st birthday
40801002903101506033Unlock Phase II Birthday Story Replay
40811002904101506033Phase II Birthday Unlocked
40821002027170032Clear Chapter 3 Ending A - Pay attention to changes
40831002018170033Clear Chapter 5 Ending B
4084100201923001801The roguelike event enters the 2nd week
4085100202001002034&1002019Clear Chapter 6 and the roguelike event enters the 2nd week
4086100202123001802The roguelike event enters the 3rd week
4087100202201002034&1002021Clear Chapter 6 and the roguelike event enters the 3rd week
4088100202317002200011Light up Ballade - Decoration 1 - To Be Configured - Abandoned
4089100202417002200021Light up Ballade - Island Stranding
4090100202517002200031Light up Ballade - Wasteland
4091100202617002200041Light up Ballade - Kingdom Capital I
4092100202817002200051Light up Ballade - Kingdom Capital II
40931002029170001Clear Scene 1: Dark Woods for the first time
40941002030170002Clear Scene 2: On the Sea for the first time
40951002031170003Clear Scene 3: Island Stranding for the first time
40961002032170004Clear Scene 4: Village for the first time
40971002033170005Clear Scene 5: Wasteland for the first time
40981002034170006Clear Scene 6: Kingdom Capital for the first time
40991002035170035Clear Ending D (available only from week 2) - Unlock the last faction
410010020361010140Unlocks after the player reaches Lv.40
4101100203710151903700You already have Memory 10: Pointy
4102100203810151902200You already have Memory 10: Pokey
4103100203910151816000You already have Roland
4104100204010151815000You already have Nozzle
4105100204110151920300You already have Repairer
4106100204210151926700You already have Kemuri
41071002043101518130000You already have Roseblade
41081002044101518370000You already have Shark-speare
4113100204901002045&1002046&1002047&1002048Ballade - Island Stranding not lit up
4118100205401002050&1002051&1002052&1002053Clear Scene 3: Island Stranding for the first time
4122100205801002055&1002056&1002057Clear Scene 5: Wasteland for the first time
4125100206101002059&1002060Clear Scene 6: Kingdom Capital for the first time
4126100206217002200051Clear Scene 6: Kingdom Capital branch ending for the first time
41271002063170007Clear Scene 4: Village for the first time
41281002064170008Clear Scene 5: Wasteland for the first time
412910020651700014Clear Scene 6: Kingdom Capital for the first time
413010020661700020Clear scene 6 branch ending Peony and Iris for the first time
4131100206723001803Upon Mar 8, 10:30
4132100206823001804Upon Mar 15, 10:00
4133100206923001805Upon Mar 22, 10:00
4134100207001002067&1002064&1002050Clear Scene 5: Wasteland
4135100207101002068&1002065&1002055Clear Scene 6: Kingdom Capital
4136100207201002069&1002066&1002059Clear scene 6 branch ending
41371002073170003Clear Scene 3: Island Stranding on any difficulty
41381002074170008Clear Scene 5: Wasteland on any difficulty
413910020751700014Clear Scene 6: Kingdom Capital on any difficulty
4140100207601002065&1002067Clear Scene 6: Kingdom Capital
4141100207701002066&1002068Clear scene 6 branch ending Peony and Iris
41421002079101601Clear Devour Wave Companion Ordinary Mode
41431002080101603Clear Rush Hour Ordinary Mode
41441002081101605Clear Life or Death Ordinary Mode
41451002082230016702Chapter unlocks upon Dec 16, 05:00
41461002083230016703Battle Royale Tower 2 Available Time
41471002084230016704Chapter unlocks upon Dec 18, 05:00
41481002085230016705Battle Royale Tower 4 Available Time
41491002086230016706Chapter unlocks upon Dec 21, 05:00
41501002087230016707Battle Royale Tower 6 Available Time
4151100208801002079&1002083Clear the Ordinary Mode and wait until Dec 17, 05:00 to unlock
4152100208901002080&1002085Clear the Ordinary Mode and wait until Dec 19, 05:00 to unlock
4153100209001002081&1002087Clear the Ordinary Mode and wait until Dec 22, 05:00 to unlock
415410020911010530062301Clear SP Physical Zone Stage 1
415510020921010530062306Clear SP Fire Zone Stage 1
415610020931010530062311Clear SP Dark Zone Stage 1
4157100209401002091|1002092|1002093Clear stage 1 of any SP zone
415810023011010530062398Clear SP Physical Block Easy Stage 1
415910023021010530062401Clear SP Fire Block Easy Stage 1
416010023031010530062404Clear SP Dark Block Easy Stage 1
416110023041010530062395Clear SP Lightning Block Easy Stage 1
416210023051010530062407Clear SP Ice Block Easy Stage 1
416310023061010530062413Clear SP Physical Block Hard Stage 1
416410023071010530062416Clear SP Fire Block Hard Stage 1
416510023081010530062419Clear SP Dark Block Hard Stage 1
416610023091010530062410Clear SP Lightning Block Hard Stage 1
416710023101010530062422Clear SP Ice Block Hard Stage 1
4168100231101002301|1002302|1002303|1002304|1002305|1002306|1002307|1002308|1002309|1002310Clear stage 1 of any SP phase 3 block
41691002100230017526Reach the entrance of the Guild War that unlocks on Jan 27, 2022
41701002101230017527Reach the entrance of the 1st round of the Guild War that unlocks on Jan 28, 2022
41711002102230017528Reach the entrance of the 2nd round of the Guild War that unlocks on Feb 10, 2022
41721002103230017529Reach the entrance of the 3rd round of the Guild War that unlocks on Feb 24, 2022
4173100210401002101|1002102|1002103Reach the entrance of one of the Guild War rounds
417410021052300111202Reach the entrance of the Guild War that unlocks on Jul 8, 2022
41751002106171194Clear Regular Battle EASY 4
417610021072300115602Phase III Guild War Round 1 Combat Duration
417710021082300115603Phase III Guild War Round 2 Combat Duration
417810021092300115604Phase III Guild War Round 3 Combat Duration
4179100211001002107|1002108|1002109Phase III Guild War Total Combat Duration
4180100211159002Hidden node appearance condition - Currently in testing, needs to be finalized
41814101010180Reach Commandant Level 80
41824111010152Reach Commandant Level 52.
41831003001101482388888Obtain the designated number of Cogs from the Lucky Chests
41841003002101483388888Obtain the designated number of Cogs from the Lucky Chests
41851003003101484388888Obtain the designated number of Cogs from the Lucky Chests
41861003004101485388888Obtain the designated number of Cogs from the Lucky Chests
41871003005101486388888Obtain the designated number of Cogs from the Lucky Chests
41881003006101487388888Obtain the designated number of Cogs from the Lucky Chests
41891003007101488388888Obtain the designated number of Cogs from the Lucky Chests
41901003008101491Unlocks after performing Cat Grab once
41911003009101492Unlocks after performing Cat Grab 2 times
41921003010101493Unlocks after performing Cat Grab 3 times
41931003011101494Unlocks after performing Cat Grab 4 times
4194301623001010140Recommended: [Solo Battle] buff characters
4195301623011010140Recommended: [Swap Battle] buff characters
4196301623081811111Max Unit: 1
4197100220101002205|1002206|1002207Clear any Extremis Collaboration solo stages
419810022021010520000603Clear the Solo Challenges of the first three stages to unlock
419910022031010520000634Clear the Solo Challenges of the first three stages to unlock
420010022041010520000663Clear the Solo Challenges of the first three stages to unlock
420410022131010530062320Clear SP Phase 2 Ice Block Stage 1
420510022141010530062332Clear SP Phase 2 Ice Block Stage 2
420610022151010530062326Clear SP Phase 2 Physical Block Stage 1
420710022161010530062338Clear SP Phase 2 Physical Block Stage 2
420810022171010530062329Clear SP Phase 2 Fire Block Stage 2
420910022181010530062341Clear SP Phase 2 Fire Block Stage 2
421010022191010530062323Clear SP Phase 2 Dark Block Stage 1
421110022201010530062335Clear SP Phase 2 Dark Block Stage 2
4212100222101002213|1002214|1002215|1002216|1002217|1002218|1002219|1002220Clear stage 1 of any SP block
421310022221010530162501Clear Limit Break Stage 1
421410022301010530162487Clear Yin-Yang Tower Stage 3-1
421510022311010530162488Clear Yin-Yang Tower Stage 3-2
4216100223201002230|1002231Clear any stage of Yin-Yang Tower Stage 3
4217100223301002230&1002231Clear all stages of Yin-Yang Tower Stage 3
4218100223423001807Simulated Siege Restriction Activation Time: 2022/6/6 5:00:00
42191004001171002Clear chapter 2 of any adventure
422010040021710110Clear a total of 10 battle nodes
422110040031710140Clear a total of 40 battle nodes
422210040041710180Clear a total of 80 battle nodes
4223100400517101120Clear a total of 120 battle nodes
42241004006171003Clear chapter 3 of any adventure
42251004007171004Clear chapter 4 of any adventure
42261004008171024Clear the adventure using the 'Survival Expert' Survey Team with any ending
42271004014171005Clear chapter 5 of any adventure
422810040191710320Perform a total of 20 character recruitments in multiple adventures
4229100402017105200Consume a total of 200 Tinbread Cookies in multiple adventures
42301004021171061Clear the adventure once with any ending
42311004023171062Clear the adventure 2 times with any ending
42321004024171063Clear the adventure 3 times with any ending
42331004026171064Clear the adventure 4 times with any ending
42341004029171065Clear the adventure 5 times with any ending
42351004030171066Clear the adventure 6 times with any ending
42361004034171061Clear the adventure once with any ending
42371004036171154Activate [Phase 1 - Shark-speare Sale Enhancement] in Lost Apocrypha
42381004037171003Clear chapter 3 of any adventure
42391004039171162Clear chapter 2 in the previous adventure
42401004040171061Clear the adventure once with any ending
4241100404117113400Obtain a total of 40 Artifacts in multiple adventures
424210040421710120Clear a total of 20 battle nodes in multiple adventures
4243100404317113105Obtain a total of 10 5★ Artifacts in multiple adventures
42441004044171001Clear chapter 1 of any adventure
42451004047171111428Reach chapter 6 of any adventure
42461005001171008Clear chapter 2 of any adventure
42471005006171009Clear chapter 3 of any adventure
424810050071710010Clear chapter 4 of any adventure
424910050141710011Clear chapter 5 of any adventure
42501005037171009Clear chapter 3 of any adventure
42511005039171168Clear chapter 2 in the previous adventure
42521005044171007Clear chapter 1 of any adventure
425310050451010170Reach Commandant Lv.70
42541005046171222Insight reaches Phase 2
42551005048171221Insight reaches Phase 1
42561005049171223Insight reaches Phase 3
42571005050171224Insight reaches Phase 4
4258100600101004001|1005001Clear chapter 2 of any adventure
4259100600601004006|1005006Clear chapter 3 of any adventure
4260100600701004007|1005007Clear chapter 4 of any adventure
4261100601401004014|1005014Clear chapter 5 of any adventure
4262100603701004037|1005037Clear chapter 3 of any adventure
4263100603901004039|1005039Clear chapter 2 in the previous adventure
4264100604401004044|1005044Clear chapter 1 of any adventure
4316890003161002Unlocked at Guild Lv.2
432189001310170220Unlocks after completing 20km
432289001410170230Unlocks after completing 30km
432389001510170350Unlocks after completing 50km
432489001610170470Unlocks after completing 70km
4325890017161003Unlocked at Command Bureau Lv.3
4326890018161005Unlocked at Command Bureau Lv.5
4327890019161007Unlocked at Command Bureau Lv.7
4328890020161009Unlocked at Command Bureau Lv.9
435110080011220112000Unlocks after accumulating 12000 tokens in Welcome Back Shop
43521009001171181200Unlocks after obtaining 1200 City Art Badge
43531009002171191Clear Palette Clash Stage 1
43541009003171201Palette Clash Stage 1
43551009004171202Palette Clash Stage 2
43561009005171203Palette Clash Stage 3
43571009006171215Palette Clash Encounter Entrance
43598607001015316686540001Register before 11:00 (UTC) on 11/17/2022
43608607011010140Commandant reaches Lv.40
43618607211010165Commandant reaches Lv.65
43628607221010180Commandant reaches Lv.80
43638607321010530061304Clear Blazing Trails 1-1
43648607401010120Commandant reaches Lv.20
43658607411111714000004Unlock the beach home screen
43668607420774800&771000Available after reaching Commandant Lv.40 and clearing Normal Story 2-3
4368860744101806[Unlocks at Restaurant Lv.6]
436986074520110Concurrent data download available
43708608001010530161460Prerequisite: Normal Story 5-12
43718608011010530161465Prerequisite: Normal Story 5-12
43728608021010530161453Prerequisite: Normal Story 5-12
43738608031010530161441Prerequisite: Normal Story 5-12
4379860746101803[Unlocks at Restaurant Lv.3]
4380860747101805[Unlocks at Restaurant Lv.5]
4381860810101866Ultimate Brawl Unlocks Emergency Dispatch
438586082310183DLC - Own any main chip
438686082410184DLC - Player has not upgraded any chip
438786082510185DLC - Player's all chip groups are empty
438810091011010530161465Clear normal mode [4-1]
438910091021010530161469Clear normal mode [4-5]
439010091031010530161472Clear normal mode [5-3]
43929000000021010120Unlocked when Commandant reaches Lv.20
439710022081010530010401PV Codex Test Configuration - Memory Drop Stage 1
439810022091010530010402PV Codex Test Configuration - Memory Drop Stage 2
439910022101010530010403PV Codex Test Configuration - Memory Drop Stage 3
440010022111010530010404PV Codex Test Configuration - Memory Drop Stage 4
440110022121010530010405PV Codex Test Configuration - Memory Drop Stage 5
44029000000031010155Reach Commandant Level 55
44039000000041010170Reach Commandant Level 70
440490000000521101290032Claim Monthly Pass?