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21RecordedStart the journey2
32RecordedI'll keep it in mind2
43RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
54RecordedAll will be well2
65RecordedSend the message to the camp2
7100Clean up the RuinsThere are several ruins in the safe area, which seem to have resources that we could use. Besides, we can use the space after cleaning them up. Maybe we can send some people there to work on this.120
8101Medical SuppliesA functioning medical depot that can provide medical support for the camp. Build a Medical Depot for the Scavengers to work and produce medical supplies stably.120
9102Food SuppliesAlthough the condition is limited, if we can build a supply depot and have some people work there, there will be stable food supplies for the camp.120
10103Build OutpostsYou can build one Exploration Team for each Outpost you constructed. You can have up to two Exploration Teams and send them out to explore the word outside.120
1110100Anchor PointWe came a long way to find this city. After discussion, we decide to use it as our anchor point and hope we can get through this together...111110
1210101Finding the OutpostAt Carl's suggestion, we clean out the abandoned outpost in the city. There we find some functional weapons and protective gear. Although these are still not enough for us, at least some of us can explore places we didn't dare to go with these items.11120
1310103RecordedAdded: New member x5, Obtained: Medicine x20, Food x2021010910110
1410104Hostile NeighborsThere is a group of Scavengers who arrived earlier than us near our camp. They seem to be unhappy to see us being here and are always looking for trouble. Something bad will happen if we don't do anything about it. Maybe we should get ourselves prepared for it.11120
1510105ConflictA conflict takes place between us and the Scavengers who have been living nearby when we just arrive. It has already started before I arrive. Many are injured in the conflict. Anxiety is spreading in the camp.11101060
1610106RecordedScavengers: -8 Health, -8 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die)210111
1710107Warmth Before WinterThe weather has been nice lately. The construction of the urban area on the west is almost complete. The Scavengers nearby have moved away. Hope this is not the last bit of warmth before winter.11120
1810108Settling DownThe temporary camp is almost done. A lot has happened, but we don't have the time to think about the past as we have just settled here. There is still a long way to go if we want more people to survive.11140
1910109CollapseToday, a collapse took place when everyone was working. Some of us are injured. To speed up their recovery, I decide to provide more food to them during the next few days. However, we still need time for everyone to recover from the trauma.11101060
2010110ConflictAnother conflict breaks out between the Scavengers nearby and us. There is only wreckage and wounded people left when I arrive.11101060
2110200Getting WorseWe have settled down for the moment, but things are still not looking good. Hope the winter won't last too long.11110
2210202RecordedReceived: Medicine x25, Food x25210207
2310203Work in WinterWe have to work in the cold wind in order to survive, so my friends and I decide to give them more supplies to keep everyone calm.111102040
2410204RecordedLost: Medicine x5, Food x5210208
2510205Work in WinterWe have to work in the cold wind in order to survive, so my friends and I decide to give them more supplies to keep everyone calm.111102060
2610206RecordedLost: Medicine x10, Food x10210209
2710207Work in WinterWe have to work in the cold wind in order to survive, so my friends and I decide to give them more supplies to keep everyone calm.111102080
2810208RecordedLost: Medicine x15, Food x15210210
2910209Arrival of ChristmasThe winter day festival is around the corner. We bring back some electrical appliances. Although they are not functional, at least they can add some festive vibe to the environment.1111102100
3010210RecordedAll will be well2
3110211The Way Home - RequestA Scavenger who calls himself Siegfried comes to us, saying that he and his friends got separated when entering the city. Wounded and unable to travel, he asks us to look for clues about his friends at the camp on the riverbank.111102120102130
3210212AgreeObtained: The location of [Rocky Riverbank]210212
3310213RefuseSiegfried will leave2
3410214The Way Home - InquirySiegfried asks us if we have any news about his friends.11021411102150102160
3510215Positive AnswerPoint to the farm2102170
3610216Negative AnswerWithhold the information in the recording in the camp2102190
3710217The Way Home - DepartureHearing what we said, Siegfried blushes. He thanks us in a serious way and gives us all the supplies he has before dashing off in the direction of the suburban farm.1111102180
3810218Accept the giftReceived: Wood x50, Iron x50210218
3910219The Way Home - SilenceWe lie to him, saying that we haven't found his friends. The light in his eyes is gone for a moment. Eventually, he thanks us and fives the few supplies he has to us. He asks us to inform him if we get any news about his friends.1111102200
4010220Accept the giftReceived: Wood x50, Iron x50210220
4110221The Way Home - AftermathA group of wandering Scavengers come to our camp, saying that Siegfried asked them to bring the remaining supplies at the farm to us as a gift to thank us for helping him find his friends. When I ask them where Siegfried is, they say that he killed himself, because this is the only way for him to reunite with his friends.11022111102220
4210222RecordedReceived: Wood x50, Iron x50210222
4310223The Way Home - EchoNot hearing any news about his friends for a very long time, Siegfried finally decides to join us. He still believes that they are alive and hasn't given up looking for them. He will have the courage to live on as long as that hope is still there.11022311102240
4410224RecordedAdded: New member x1210224
4510301Minor FluMore and more people start to cough lately. It could be some kind of a minor flu. Although it's not a big problem, it is still mentally draining.11103020
4610302RecordedScavengers: -25 Health, -25 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die)210309
4710303Unknown DiseaseAn unknown disease is spreading across the camp. Many start to have the symptoms of headache and diarrhea. The medical depot filled with patients. The health and diet conditions are getting worse. We have to do something.11103040
4810304RecordedScavengers: -30 Health, -30 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die)210310
4910306RecordedAll will be well2
5010307Nameless Family Letter - 2The accident happens suddenly. During a gathering, the fire on the burning letters lights up a pile of wood nearby. The fire spreads fast. Many people are injured in the fire. This is not a good news in a cold winter like this.11103080
5110308RecordedScavengers: -35 Health, -35 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die)210311
5210309AdjustmentJack says excitedly that the Comms Devices are going to be fixed before Christmas. If everything goes well, we could finally have something to cheer everyone up a bit.1111103100
5310310RecordedAll will be well2
5410311FatherWe encounter a wounded Scavenger. He tells us that he was out on his own to find medicine for his sick child. Although he find the medicine, his way back home was blocked by the enemies. Therefore, he wants us to look for his child with him at a camp by the river.111103120103130
5510312I'll Do My BestObtained: The location of [Riverside Camp]210312
5610313RefuseWe don't have the power to help you.2103140
5710314FatherIt seems that he knows that we are going to refuse him. Or maybe he is used to rejection. Hearing us, he thanks us and staggers away. Maybe he will knock on another door. Maybe he will face the enemies' fire with his severely wounded body. Regardless of his choice, all we can do is to wish him the best of luck.111103150
5810315RecordedWe have no choice2
5910316Father - InquiryI ask the man to stay put for some rest and leave to check the riverside camp with the others. When we are back, we find him still looking in the direction where the riverside camp locates. Seeing us, he staggers to us and asks us about Yee.11031611103170103180
6010317Tell a White LieDon't tell the father the truth2103190
6110318Tell Him the TruthTell the father that his child is probably dead2103250
6210320RecordedWe did our best2
6310324RecordedWe did our best2
6410325Father - ThreadThe father remains silent for a long time. Long enough to make us doubt whether he has lost consciousness. When he finally struggles to open up, he begs us to keep looking for his child. He tells us that there is an orchard to the southwest, and Yee loved it as a kid. He also says we can have all the supplies he buried there, as long as we can find his beloved child Yee.1111103260
6510327Father - ReunionThe boy wakes up. The father breathes a sigh of relief. He hugs the boy tightly and kisses him over and over again. This is a rare moment of reunion after the disaster. Although we keep asking them to stay, they still decide to leave once the boy gets better. They leave us some supplies as a thank you gift for us.11032711103280
6610328RecordedAccepted: Wood x75, Iron x75210328
6710400Silver LiningJack fixed the Comms Devices earlier than we expected. Everything seems to be going well.111110
6810401Survivors - 1A group of Scavengers arrived at our city this morning. They have a lot of supplies and look in good shape. According to the leader, another group of them is not far from here and will arrive soon. As the weather is getting worse recently, they want us to take them in for a while.111104020
6910402RecordedAdded: New member x5210410
7010403Survivors - 2The second group of Scavengers have arrived. However, they were attacked by the Corrupted on the way here and lost most of their supplies, but fortunately they are in good health. I believe they will recover very soon if we take good care of them.111104040
7110404RecordedAdded: New member x5210410
7210405Accident... The survivors who are supposed to arrive here today are still not here. The first group of Scavengers arrived go out to search for them but haven't found them. Now we can only hope that they are lost rather than having any terrible accident.111104060
7310406RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
7410407Survivors - 3The third group of Scavengers finally arrived last night. They are severely wounded and lost all their supplies. Apparently, they ran into armed Scavengers. I understand that everyone wants to live, but do we really have enough supplies to share with them?111104080
7510408RecordedAdded: New member x5210410
7610409AttackThe Corrupted attacked our camp last night. Attacks like this have being growing as the number of people at the camp increases. Fortunately, although we lost some supplies, no one is injured.111104100
7710410RecordedLost: Wood xxx2
7810411Survivors - 4The final group of Scavengers have arrived. The place suddenly looks crowded. We can settle them for a while, but work and life have to continue.111104120
7910412RecordedAdded: New member x5210410
8010413Christmas SongJack died. He bade farewell to the winter with the Christmas song playing in the background... On the following day, we received signals from other cities via the Comms Device he fixed. Could it be a silver lining that Jack brought us?1111104140
8110414RecordedAll will be well2
8210416RefuseObtained: Food x8210417
8310417AgreeGive her some food2
8410418Mother's Request - ThiefI was told that our warehouse was stolen. The woman who begged me for food was caught in the act. The others refuse to listen to her. Suffering from anxiety for days, they take all it all out on the woman. However, there is nothing I can do about it.11041811104190
8510419RecordedI have no choice2
8610420Mother's Request - The 2nd TimeThere is more food in the ruins than we expected. As we are digging, the woman finds me again. She looks extremely haggard due to the torment of the disaster. She begs me for more food the way she did the first time.11042011104210104220
8710421RefuseObtained: Food x10210422
8810422AgreeGive her some food2
8910423Mother's Request - DisappearanceThe woman disappears all of a sudden. If I hadn't attempted to check on her and her child, no one would have noticed her disappearance.11042311104240
9010424RecordedI have no choice2
9110426RefuseObtained: Food x5210427
9210427AgreeGive her some food2
9310429RecordedWish her good luck2
9410431RecordedRecycled: Food x10210431
9510500PursuitAlthough the old signal has been traveling among the Comms Devices for a very long time before it is finally captured by us, we still decide to follow it after discussion. Hope that city is still as safe as it was, just like how it is described in the broadcast.111110
9610501Food PoisoningI don't know if it is because of the weather, but the food in storage seems to have gone bad. Many have complained to me about having unclean food. I need to send someone to look into this.11105020
9710502RecordedScavengers: -25 Satiety210508
9810503ImpostorsWe record everything we distribute every day, but people are still complaining about not receiving food. I look into this and find that there are imposters claiming others' food. I have thus tightened the management of the distribution of supplies, it is still not enough to completely stop this from happening.11105040
9910504RecordedScavengers' Satiety -30210509
10010505Wandering ThiefGuys on patrol find a big hole in the food warehouse. The trace of dragging heavy objects around goes all the way out of the city. It seems this is the work of other Scavengers.11105060
10110506RecordedScavengers: -35 Satiety210510
10210507Unknown DiseaseAn unknown disease is spreading across the camp. Many start to have the symptoms of headache and diarrhea. The medical depot filled with patients. The health and diet conditions are getting worse. We have to do something.11105080
10310508RecordedScavengers: -10 Health (Some Scavengers could die)210511
10410509Chemical ExposureThe worker at the medical depot knocks over the potion. Although Carl immediately takes emergency measures, some of us still inhale the poisonous gas it generates.11105100
10510510RecordedScavengers: -10 Health (Some Scavengers could die)210512
10610511AccidentA small explosion suddenly takes place at a facility in the working area. We immediately start rescuing people, but those nearby are still wounded.11105120
10710512RecordedScavengers: -10 Health (Some Scavengers could die)210513
10810514Explore on your ownExplore without Carl2105160
10910515Explore togetherExplore with Carl2105160
11010516Academy in the Rain - 2Carl insists on entering the academy with us. With his help, we are able to go around the ruins and broken limbs and collect many useful resources. Before we leave, Carl buries explosives at the exterior walls of the academy. None of us stop him. The entire building becomes a dark black gravestone in an explosion that sounds like a cry. The bloody walls are broken into pieces on the ground, like a vague epitaph.111105170
11110517RecordedAll will be well210514
11210519RecordedAll will be well2
11310520The BeginningA string of bad luck has made everyone felt down. Even Jack passed away. He would be cheering us up like he always did if he was here. I suggest that we find out what happened to the city. Someone has to stand up and point a way for the team in moments like this.11052011105210
11410521RecordedAll will be well2
11510523RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
11610524QuarrelThe more I think about it, the more suspicious I feel. So Carl and I go over the audio recording again and find an encrypted content at the end of the recording. After spending a lot of effort on it, we have finally deciphered it. It's a voice message left by the doctor in a weak but gentle tone—I have no regrets, because I have you.11052411105250
11710525RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
11810526TouchBack to the temporary camp, we still can't get rid of the last scene we saw in the monitor room from our mind... We looked in the direction where the doctor pointed with her index finger and saw an officer kneeling on the ground, head down, with a shovel through his chest. The firelight projects both of their shadows up high, making their fingertips touch at the last moment of their lives.11052611105270
11910527Recorded... There's nothing left to do.2
12010528The EndMaybe the city will be buried in snow and the memory will be frozen, but the story will be passed on. We straighten our collars and walk out of the city. Our story is not over yet. And their story will be recorded, as long as I'm alive.11052811105290
12110529RecordedThe story continues2
122101020Burning RuinsFortunately, we haven't lost many things in the fire. And the fire itself has even been protecting the remaining resources in the ruins.111010210
123101021RecordedObtained: Wood x215, Iron x135210151
124101030Empty LibraryEven the basement was blown up. The channels are fragile, making it hard to explore... What's left here... are just some books.111010310
125101031RecordedObtained: Wood x260, Iron x325210152
126101040Riverside CampSupplies, bullet casings, damaged traps, and corpses are scattered around the place. No matter where the old residents are. Things are definitely looking good for them.111010410
127101041RecordedObtained: Medicine x10, Food x15210153
128101050Run-Down SlumNo one who looks them straight in the eye could make the decision to end their lives. The only thing we can do is to respect their choice and take the healthy ones among them with us. As for those who stay, we can only force ourselves not to think about what could happen to them.111010510
129101051RecordedFound: Survivor x4, Obtained: Medicine x25, Food x2021015410155
130101060Crowded StreetThe entire street looks like a huge metal graveyard. Unable to recycle all the vehicles, we remove some useful parts from them to bring with us.111010610
131101061RecordedObtained: Wood x120, Iron x140210156
132101070Quiet Bomb ShelterInside the building, it's as quiet as it looks. There's nothing here except corpses and remains scattered around.111010710
133101071RecordedObtained: Wood x210, Iron x225210157
134101080Collapsed SkyscraperFortunately, the building is not as fragile as it looks. We still manage to find a lot of supplies among the bricks and tiles. The Scavengers are wounded but generally in good shape. After a brief talk, they decide to go back to the camp with us.111010810
135101081RecordedFound: Survivor x5, Obtained: Medicine x15, Food x2021015810159
136102020Signal StationAlthough the signal station is empty, the terminal in it still has the information about nearby locations. A large supermarket and a high-end residential catch our attention. They look safe, and it's very likely for us to find supplies and Scavengers there. Maybe we should take a look at both of them.111020210
137102021RecordedObtained: Wood x165, Iron x180210251
138102030High-End Residential AreaThis is strange... In most of the rooms, useful resources are in the right place. Even the beds are neatly made. It is definitely a cozy place if you ignore the dummies that appear in some of the rooms.111020310
139102031RecordedObtained: Wood x135, Iron x120210252
140102040Fine Dining RestaurantIt is not hard to go down there, but the warehouse is already half empty. However, the food remaining will be enough to last for a few days.111020410
141102041RecordedObtained: Wood x240, Iron x200, Medicine x40, Food x40210253
142102050Two-Story HouseIt turns out that the cry is just the noise made by the wind passing through the opening on the house. The small house is clean inside and out. There are remains of a pet dog at the door to the backyard with knife cuts on the white bones. Apparently, all the edible parts were already gone before it died.111020510
143102051RecordedObtained: Wood x95, Iron x110210254
144102060Quiet CabinBefore we get close, a man rushes out of the room screaming. He kneels and bursts into tears when he sees us. He tells us in a broken voice that he and his family have been hiding here for days and there is only one bullet left in his gun. Fortunately, he doesn't need to use it on the Corrupted or himself.111020610
145102061RecordedFound: Survivor x1, Obtained: Wood x260, Iron x26021025510256
146102071RecordedObtained: Wood x75, Iron x85210257
147102081RecordedFound: Survivor x11, Obtained: Medicine x30, Food x3521025810259
148102090Supermarket in MistMaybe it is because of the thick fog, we are scared by the dummy by the door when we walk in. Everything inside has been ransacked, even including the dummies in the showcase. Eventually, we have to break down and take back the only wooden dummy left at the entrance.111020910
149102091RecordedObtained: Wood x55, Iron x90210260
150102100Collapsed SchoolThe school has been destroyed on the inside except the underground store room, leaving a fragile shell on the outside. It is too quiet here. Only the plush toys and the wooden dummies are left and arranged in a way as if they were having a class together.111021010
151102101RecordedObtained: Wood x260, Iron x245210261
152102110WastelandPiles of wood and iron are neatly placed with rusty mechanical parts scattering around on the ground. According to Jack, those are the debris of the Harvester.111021110
153102111RecordedObtained: Wood x425, Iron x455210262
154102120City HospitalEvery single door in the hospital from the outside is locked, which is weird to us. We end up finding some survivors deep in the hospital. When we open up the door, their faces change from fear to surprise and finally to relief, as they know that they are saved.111021210
155102121RecordedFound: Survivor x10, Obtained: Medicine x25, Food x2521026310264
156102131RecordedObtained: Wood x170, Iron x150210265
157102140Suburban FarmThere is blood everywhere. Even the soil is softened by the blood and feels like soaked cotton when you step on it. We find the corpses of the Corrupted and a small group of Scavengers. I'm afraid that there is no way for Siegfried to catch up with his friends.11021410
158102141RecordedObtained: Wood x60, Iron x100210266
159103020Traveler's CabinIt's not a big room. However, it looks empty as there isn't much furniture in it. All the medicine and food are organized carefully on the desk. Beside them is a nameplate with a flying bird and a half-written suicide note. A young woman is lying crookedly on the chair with a gun in the blood at her feet.11030210
160103021RecordedObtained: Medicine x21, Food x25210351
161103030Roadside Gas StationThe door of the convenience store warehouse is jammed with a severely damaged body. We could barely identify that it was a body of a young male. There is a familiar flying-bird nameplate on his chest. I try my best to search for useful materials. The back door of the warehouse is wide open. It looks like someone went out from here.11030310
162103031RecordedObtained: Medicine x30, Food x25210352
163103041RecordedObtained: Medicine x45, Food x35210353
164103050Abandoned MarketThe entire market has been severely damaged, leaving only concrete chunks, rusty steel bars, and curable resin fragments.11030510
165103051RecordedObtained: Medicine x15, Food x10210354
166103060Abandoned PortThere are a group of Scavengers living on the ship. After negotiation, we decide to exchange food.11030610
167103061RecordedObtained: Wood x70, Iron x100210355
168103070Quiet Bomb ShelterWe find some useful stuff in the bomb shelter. This is probably the best news we have received after walking such a long way.11030710
169103071RecordedObtained: Wood x250, Iron x260210356
170103080Collapsed MansionTo our surprise, there is already a team of Scavengers here. They tell us that they have found a lot of supplies in the abandoned mine and even share some of their supplies with us.11030810
171103081RecordedObtained: Wood x355, Iron x360210357
172103090Golden Farm... Those golden cylindrical items are not food. They are the hybrids of countless empty cannonball shells with the flying bird mark and Hetero-Creature remains. Apparently, there was a fierce battle on the farm. The twisted ruts start from the barn and go all the way to the distance. Several kids emerge from the bales when we are collecting food. They look frightened and beg us to take them. And of course, we won't leave them there to die.11030910
173103091RecordedFound: Survivor x7, Obtained: Medicine x30, Food x4021035810359
174103100Armed DwellingEven these fierce opponents are just human beings who struggle to survive. These Scavengers have done their best to help us and even agree to join us after we talk.11031010
175103101RecordedFound: Survivor x8, Obtained: Medicine x22, Food x2621036010361
176103110Empty TrenchWe find several bloodstained transport boxes filled with stuff. There is also a battle progress summary. But the noise of the Corrupted comes, so we have to leave with the supplies.11031110
177103111RecordedObtained: Wood x425, Iron x400210362
178103120Forest ValleyThere are campfires and tents, but there are also corpses of humans and the Corrupted on the ground. Piles of bloodstained bandages and supplies with a flying bird mark are scattered around. No matter who were here, they must have been attacked and things are not looking good to them.11031210
179103121RecordedObtained: Wood x285, Iron x350210363
180103130Abandoned MineIt looks like a massacre took place here. The further we go in, the stronger the burnt smell gets. So we fast collect some building materials and leave. I start to doubt where the supplies the Scavengers gave us back at the mansion came from...11031310
181103131Relieve them from miseryObtained: Wood x25, Iron x15210364
182103140Riverside CampThis place is full of the traces of the Corrupted. It looks like it has just experienced an attack. The newly dug soil is soft and wet. There is a faint smell of rust in the air... We all know that whoever was here, their odds of survival are pretty slim.11031410
183103141RecordedObtained: Medicine x12, Food x9210365
184103150OrchardTo our surprise, we find an injured boy in a burnt house in the middle of the woods. He is generally fine except having a slight fever, so I ask the others to take him back to our camp first. Before we leave, Jack finds some resources buried in the yard before the house. It's not much but enough to keep us going for a while.11031510
185103151RecordedObtained: Medicine x16, Food x18210366
186103160OrchardTo our surprise, we find an injured boy in a burnt house in the middle of the woods. He is generally fine except having a slight fever, so I ask the others to take him back to our camp first. Before we leave, Jack finds some resources buried in the yard before the house. It's not much but enough to keep us going for a while.11031610
187103161RecordedObtained: Medicine x16, Food x18210366
188104020Empty TrenchThe trench is as poor as it looks. We take all the useful materials and fill the trench. Hope this will stop the Corrupted from disturbing those who are buried here...11040210
189104021RecordedObtained: Wood x50, Iron x65210451
190104030Crowded StreetSeveral Corrupted came out while we were searching for useful materials in the cars. Jack and I decided to stay behind to buy some time for the others to leave with the materials first. Eventually, we survived with some wounds. Compared to the loss of some materials, what worries me more is that Jack starts to have some suspected symptoms of tetanus. This is a bad news as we don't have the medicine for this...11040310
191104031RecordedObtained: Wood x80, Iron x95210452
192104040Camp Amidst WoodsThe entire camp is like a giant graveyard. The storage box is full of the mixture of small bone fragments and powder. Apparently, their owners were Scavengers who once lived here. My friends and I remove the materials that still seems to be in good conditions. They are of no use to those who once lived here.11040410
193104041RecordedObtained: Wood x485, Iron x380210453
194104051RecordedObtained: Medicine x25, Food x25210454
195104060Bloody ChurchNo survivors, no supplies, no Corrupted. Unwilling to return empty-handed, we remove some useful materials from the statues of gods in the church. I won't as the gods to forgive me. The tangible supplies are more of a relief than their forgiveness.11040610
196104061RecordedObtained: Wood x505, Iron x555210455
197104071RecordedObtained: Medicine x18, Food x20210456
198104080Quiet Bomb ShelterA group of Scavengers are using here as their temporary shelter. After negotiation, they decide to go back with us with their supplies.11040810
199104081RecordedFound: Survivor x6, Obtained: Medicine x37, Food x2821045710458
200104090Small FisheryLuckily, the fishing net still works. While Carl is fishing, we find some medicine in the shanty. It's not much, but at least we can have fish meat today.11040910
201104091RecordedObtained: Medicine x11, Food x5210459
202104100Dilapidated BuildingFortunately, the building is not as fragile as it looks. We still manage to find a lot of supplies among the bricks and tiles and some Scavengers who are struggling to survive.11041010
203104101RecordedFound: Survivor x5, Obtained: Medicine x10, Food x1221046010461
204104110Run-Down SlumI just can't make the decision to end their lives when I look them in the eye. After a brief discussion, we decide to respect their choice and take the healthy ones among them with us. As for those who stay, we can only force ourselves not to think about what could happen to them.11041110
205104111RecordedFound: Survivor x6, Obtained: Medicine x26, Food x3121046210463
206104120Empty LibraryThere is a surprising amount of supplies stored in the basement. It could have been a pleasant exploration experience if there were no damaged corpses outside or the corpse of a child curling up on the ground inside.11041210
207104121RecordedObtained: Medicine x15, Food x16210464
208105020Overlook PointThis place is not as safe and well stored with supplies as they mentioned in the communication. All that we see are corpses and debris on the ground.11050210
209105021RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
210105030Lab BuildingCrossing the defense line that is long unmanned, we see a lab building with warning marks all over its exterior. There is a scrunched-up photo in the ruins beside the building. The smell of potion gets stronger and stronger, for safety considerations, my friends and I decide to check our protection suits before we go any further.11050310
211105031RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
212105040Armed Dwelling... There is no conflict but also no possibility of exchange. The bullet that lands at our feet is their answer.11050410
213105041RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
214105051RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
215105060Strange OpeningWe find a notice, which says an unknown plague breaks out in the city. Through a narrow passage, we arrive at a giant lab building. Outside the building are military trenches and defenses. We get a lot of ammo there.11050610
216105061RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
217105070Quarantine AreaPosters about the outbreak of an unknown plague are scattered around on the ground, mixed with potions and broken glass bottles. We go through every corner of this place but haven't found anything useful.11050710
218105071RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
219105080Underground LabCarl found an audio recording of a male officer arguing with a female doctor. We manage to figure out the cause of their dispute about the disordered recording—the officer doesn't agree with the doctor's idea of conducting human experiments to find the cure for the plague. The recording also documented the most violent quarrel between them, where the officer failed to stop the doctor. She started to experiment over and over again on herself. And we have never heard the voice of the officer for the rest of the recording.11050810
220105081RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
221105090Hidden RoomThis is the monitor room of the lab, where we witness the last day of the city. The citizens who were driven mad by death found this place. No matter what they said, it still caused panic. Someone pulled the trigger, and the pushing immediately escalated into bloodshed. At the end of the recording, we see a female doctor in the white lab coat kneeling in the fire. Covered in wounds with her blood-soaked lab coat, she still struggled to reach out as if she wanted to grab something.11050910
222105091RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
223105100Outer CityThe day breaks, but the sunlight feels surprisingly cold. In the deadly silence of the air, silver-white snowflakes come down from the sky. Each snowflake is placed gently by the wind before they touch the ground. The snow takes over every corner of the city little by little until it finally buries the entire city.11051010
224105101RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
225105110Residential AreaWe spend a lot of time searching in the residential area but end up finding no one. Only the tents and hanging clothes suggest that a large group of Scavengers once lived here. The wind blows through the deserted residential area, making a creepy sad cry that gives me a chill down the spine. I think I smell potion in the air... I can still smell it even after we leave the area.11051110
226105111RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
227105120Supermarket in MistThis place is too quiet... So we decide not to take any chances just for some supplies that may not even exist. We have to drop the idea of solving the mystery surrounding the whispering coming from the mist. After all, our lives are more important than solving the mystery.11051210
228105121RecordedThere's nothing left to do here2
2291010No One LivesWith the last member of the camp passed away, all the struggle, confusion, and regret were gone with the bonfire and turned into unmarked graves along with the ashes.Ending Event110110
2301011RecordedI see.2
2311020A Silent PlaceIt has never been so quiet on this land. Even the last person is trapped in fear and illusion—There is no hope. We can never make it through.Ending Event110210
2321021RecordedI see.2
2332010Survival ExerciseDespite the hardship, we managed to build a relatively stable camp. Thank you for your effort. We are grateful.Ending Event111120110
2342011RecordedI see.2
23520100Survival ExerciseA disaster is a disaster no matter when it takes place. Many died. Many try to survive together. But before it all begins, it's necessary to learn about some simple rules of management.Story Event1111201010
23620101RecordedI see.2
23720102Unexpected GuestsA group of strange survivors appear near the camp, asking us to provide them a shelter. In return, they would like to give us all the supplies they have. Everyone in the camp is happy to have some new blood to joining them. Even the coldest person in the camp is smiling.Sudden Event1111201030
23820103RecordedObtained: Survivor x72201030
23920104An AccidentFollowing a loud bang, a scream pierced through everyone's eardrums. I arrived on the scene and found that Will accidentally triggered the hunting trap. Fortunately, his injury is not serious and will recover after some rest. However, the accident has shocked people in the camp and cast a shadow on their hearts.Sudden Event1111201050
24020105RecordedSpirit -102201050
24120107RecordedSpirit -102201070
24220108Easy VictoryThe patrol team saw some Corrupted coming over during shift change. Luckily, they quickly took care of the enemies and got plenty of useful supplies from them.Sudden Event1111201090
24320109RecordedObtained: Wood x300, Iron x3002201090
2441100Sunny Day RecordEven looking through a hole of the ruins, one can feel that this is a cloudless day. On <color=#0F70BC>sunny days</color>, Scavengers are less likely to get sick or starved and tend to consume less supplies every day. Perhaps... something good will happen as well.Weather Event11111010
2451101RecordedI see.2
2461102Sunny Day RewardA rotten wood chest was found deep in the camp. It could be missed during previous searches. Although the chest is broken, the medicine in it is still within its shelf life, which is a small consolation for us.Weather Event1111030
2471103RecordedObtained: Medicine x1521103
2481104Sunny Day RewardA rotten wood chest was found deep in the camp. It could be missed during previous searches. Although the chest is broken, the medicine in it is still within its shelf life, which is a small consolation for us.Weather Event1111050
2491105RecordedObtained: Medicine x2021105
2501106Sunny Day RewardIt's a happy surprise to find so much food out of so many rooms in the safe zone, not to mention, there are still many places left unsearched. We are probably blessed by the good weather.Weather Event1111070
2511107RecordedObtained: Food x1521107
2521108Sunny Day RewardIt's a happy surprise to find so much food out of so many rooms in the safe zone, not to mention, there are still many places left unsearched. We are probably blessed by the good weather.Weather Event1111090
2531109RecordedObtained: Food x2021109
2541110Good WeatherThe weather today is amazing. Sunlight comes in through the gaps of the ruins. Everywhere is warm. A smile finally appears on everyone's face after they have been through so much hardship.Weather Event1111110
2551111RecordedSpirit +521111
2561112Good WeatherThe weather today is amazing. Sunlight comes in through the gaps of the ruins. Everywhere is warm. A smile finally appears on everyone's face after they have been through so much hardship.Weather Event1111130
2571113RecordedSpirit +1021113
2581200Thunderstorm RecordThe pouring rain seemed to have washed away all the colors in the world, leaving only the inky clouds in the sky. On <color=#0F70BC>rainy days</color>, Scavengers are more likely to get sick, starved, and tired and tend to consume more supplies. If the rain doesn't stop, it might also cause extra consumption of the supplies in the camp.Weather Event11112010
2591201RecordedI see.2
2601202A Sudden StormThe crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them.Weather Event1112030
2611203RecordedMedicine -2021203
2621204A Sudden StormThe crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them.Weather Event1112050
2631205RecordedMedicine -3021205
2641206A Sudden StormThe crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them.Weather Event1112070
2651207RecordedFood -2021207
2661208A Sudden StormThe crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them.Weather Event1112090
2671209RecordedFood -3021209
2681210A Sudden StormThe air is humid and cold and the sky is dark. The seemingly endless rain is eroding everyone's spirit.Weather Event1112110
2691211RecordedSpirit -521211
2701212A Sudden StormThe air is humid and cold and the sky is dark. The seemingly endless rain is eroding everyone's spirit.Weather Event1112130
2711213RecordedSpirit -1021213
2721214Lifting the SpiritsThe ditches in the camp were destroyed way back at the beginning of the war and always get clogged easily. Whenever there is heavy rain, dirty water will overflow from the ditches, posing a risk of damaging houses or causing disease. We can greatly reduce the chances of people getting sick by distributing medicine beforehand. This will also improve their mental state.Weather Event1121411215121512160
2731215Distributing MedicineMedicine -15, Spirit +15212151216
2741216IgnoreNothing will happen.2
2751217Lifting the SpiritsThe ditches in the camp were destroyed way back at the beginning of the war and always get clogged easily. Whenever there is heavy rain, dirty water will overflow from the ditches, posing a risk of damaging houses or causing disease. We can greatly reduce the chances of people getting sick by distributing medicine beforehand. This will also improve their mental state.Weather Event1121711218121812190
2761218Distributing MedicineMedicine -20, Spirit +20212181219
2771219IgnoreNothing will happen.2
2781300Snowy Day RecordThe wind and snow can still find a way to get in, even if you close the doors and windows and hide your neck and jaw in your collar. On <color=#0F70BC>snowy days</color>, Scavengers' stats will be greatly affected. Even the buildings could <color=#0F70BC>stop working</color>.Weather Event11113010
2791301RecordedI see.2
2801302After the SnowMost of the buildings in the camp failed to withstand the ferocious snowstorm and collapsed shortly after it started. We tried to repair them in the storm, but it will take a considerable amount of time before they are fully restored.Weather Event11113030
2811303RecordedThe Medical Depot will stop working for 1 day21303
2821304After the SnowMost of the buildings in the camp failed to withstand the ferocious snowstorm and collapsed shortly after it started. We tried to repair them in the storm, but it will take a considerable amount of time before they are fully restored.Weather Event11113050
2831305RecordedThe Supply Depot will stop working for 1 day21305
2841306After the SnowOur warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them.Weather Event1113070
2851307RecordedMedicine -4021307
2861308After the SnowOur warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them.Weather Event1113090
2871309RecordedMedicine -5021309
2881310After the SnowOur warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them.Weather Event1113110
2891311RecordedFood -4021311
2901312After the SnowOur warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them.Weather Event1113130
2911313RecordedFood -5021313
2921314After the SnowEverything is so blindly white that they even start to look pink, making one's eyes hurt to look at it. Everyone is experiencing snow blindness to some extent, which further reduces their energy.Weather Event1113150
2931315RecordedSpirit -521315
2941316After the SnowEverything is so blindly white that they even start to look pink, making one's eyes hurt to look at it. Everyone is experiencing snow blindness to some extent, which further reduces their energy.Weather Event1113170
2951317RecordedSpirit -1021317
2961318After the SnowEverything is so blindly white that they even start to look pink, making one's eyes hurt to look at it. Everyone is experiencing snow blindness to some extent, which further reduces their energy.Weather Event1113190
2971319RecordedSpirit -1521319
2981320Lifting the SpiritsWind and snow come in through the holes in the camp buildings. Those who sleep in lower places found a thin layer of snow on their quilts when they woke up at night due to coldness. Some warm food could help them restore their spirits.Weather Event1132011321132113220
2991321Distributing FoodFood -15, Spirit +15213211322
3001322IgnoreNothing will happen.2
3011323Lifting the SpiritsWind and snow come in through the holes in the camp buildings. Those who sleep in lower places found a thin layer of snow on their quilts when they woke up at night due to coldness. Some warm food could help them restore their spirits.Weather Event1132311324132413250
3021324Distributing FoodFood -20, Spirit +20213241325
3031325IgnoreNothing will happen.2
3041400Red Tide RecordThe Punishing Virus concentration in the air is so high that one can smell rotten blood in it. Due to the <color=#0F70BC>Red Tide</color>, it's extremely easy for Scavengers to get sick, starved, or feel desperate. On days like this, attacks are also more likely to take place, and supplies and buildings are prone to severe damage. Better to get prepared in advance.Weather Event11114010
3051401RecordedI see.2
3061402Red Tide CorruptionSome Corrupted came out of nowhere and attacked our camp, destroying the buildings in the camp. We immediately formed a repair team, but the buildings were severely damaged. It will take one to two days to fully repair them.Weather Event11114030
3071403RecordedThe Medical Depot will stop working for 2 days21403
3081404Red Tide CorruptionSome Corrupted came out of nowhere and attacked our camp, destroying the buildings in the camp. We immediately formed a repair team, but the buildings were severely damaged. It will take one to two days to fully repair them.Weather Event11114050
3091405RecordedThe Supply Depot will stop working for 2 days21405
3101406Red Tide CorruptionThe Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies.Weather Event1114070
3111407RecordedMedicine -4021407
3121408Red Tide CorruptionThe Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies.Weather Event1114090
3131409RecordedMedicine -5021409
3141410Red Tide CorruptionThe Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies.Weather Event1114110
3151411RecordedFood -4021411
3161412Red Tide CorruptionThe Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies.Weather Event1114130
3171413RecordedFood -5021413
3181414Red Tide CorruptionThe howl of the Corrupted is everyone's nightmare. There is a smell of rotten blood even in the deepest dream. People are like statues carved with sad expressions, praying for the Red Tide to disappear faster silently in the camp.Weather Event1114150
3191415RecordedSpirit -521415
3201416Red Tide CorruptionThe howl of the Corrupted is everyone's nightmare. There is a smell of rotten blood even in the deepest dream. People are like statues carved with sad expressions, praying for the Red Tide to disappear faster silently in the camp.Weather Event1114170
3211417RecordedSpirit -1021417
3221418Red Tide CorruptionThe howl of the Corrupted is everyone's nightmare. There is a smell of rotten blood even in the deepest dream. People are like statues carved with sad expressions, praying for the Red Tide to disappear faster silently in the camp.Weather Event1114190
3231419RecordedSpirit -1521419
3241420Lifting the SpiritsThe Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them?Weather Event1142011421142114220
3251421Distributing FoodMedicine -15, Spirit +15214211422
3261422IgnoreNothing will happen.2
3271423Lifting the SpiritsThe Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them?Weather Event1142311424142414250
3281424Distributing FoodMedicine -20, Spirit +20214241425
3291425IgnoreNothing will happen.2
3301426Lifting the SpiritsThe Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them?Weather Event1142611427142714280
3311427Distributing FoodFood -15, Spirit +15214271428
3321428IgnoreNothing will happen.2
3331429Lifting the SpiritsThe Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them?Weather Event1142911430143014310
3341430Distributing FoodFood -20, Spirit +20214301431
3351431IgnoreNothing will happen.2
3362010100Apartment RuinsIn the building, there are still traces left by people who lived here, but we haven't found any survivors. The walls are covered with old battle marks. Half-packed supplies, damaged devices, and furniture are scattered around. Whoever lived here left in a hurry. The ruts outside the building extend to the <color=#0F70BC>east</color>. We might catch up with them if we set off immediately.Exploration Event11120101010
3372010101Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x200, Iron x20022010101
3382010200Camp Amidst WoodsThe noise from the camp gets clearer as we move close to it. But the noise suddenly disappears when we finally get near the camp. A bird flips its wings and flies away. There is only the sound of our breaths in the woods. It's a small camp, so we can perfectly handle any possible situation. What do you say? Do we go inside?Exploration Event111201020102010202020102030
3392010201Enter From FrontEnter the camp from front22010201201021520102162010217
3402010202Investigate CarefullyEnter the camp from behind22010202201021520102162010217
3412010203Leave CautiouslyTry to bypass the exploration point22010203201021520102162010217
3422010204Camp Amidst WoodsThe camp is not big, so it didn't take us too much time to find the source of the weird sound. It's a small, simple wood cabin. We have eye contact with one another and get our weapons ready. However, the door of the cabin is kicked open from the inside before we take action. Screaming, guns, people explaining and stopping others. All kinds of noises all come at once. When we finally calm down, those in front of the cabin are already covered in paint. I should feel lucky that it's just an exercise. Were it a real combat, I might have already turned into a body.Exploration Event111120102050
3432010205ContinueNext Page22010205
3442010206Camp Amidst WoodsWe took the injured man back to the room. The house owner told us that his name was <color=#0F70BC>George</color>. He came from a friendly Scavenger camp and temporarily camped here after getting separated from his friends in battle. He said that, if we didn't mind (of course, we don't mind), he could bring the supplies of his camp and join us. He also mentioned that some of his friends went north and some south. We might be able to catch up with them if we set off immediately.Exploration Event111120102070
3452010207Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x200, Iron x200, Survivor x1. New Location discovered.2
3462010208Camp Amidst WoodsTo be safe, we decide to get in from behind, which proved to be the right choice. The camp is not big, so it didn't take us too much time to find the source of the weird sound. We quietly split up and aim from under the window. From there we see the house owner holding a pan nervously, who also raises his head and sees us. A short while later, we burst into laughter.Exploration Event111120102090
3472010209ContinueNext Page22010209
3482010210Camp Amidst WoodsAfter speaking to the owner of the house, we learned that his name was <color=#0F70BC>George</color>. He came from a friendly Scavenger camp and temporarily camped here after getting separated from his friends in battle. He said that, if we didn't mind (of course, we don't mind), he could bring the supplies of his camp and join us. He also mentioned that some of his friends went north and some south. We might be able to catch up with them if we set off immediately.Exploration Event111120102110
3492010211Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x200, Iron x200, Survivor x1. New Location discovered.2
3502010213ContinueNext Page22010213
3512010214Camp Amidst WoodsAfter speaking to the owner of the house, we learned that his name was <color=#0F70BC>George</color>. He came from a friendly Scavenger camp and temporarily camped here after getting separated from his friends in battle. He said that, if we didn't mind (of course, we don't mind), he could bring the supplies of his camp and join us. He also mentioned that some of his friends went north and some south. We might be able to catch up with them if we set off immediately.Exploration Event111120102150
3522010215RecordedObtained: Wood x200, Iron x200, Survivor x1. New Location discovered.2
3532010300Roadside Gas StationGood news and bad news. Good news: No enemies in the gas station. It's very safe there. Bad news: There is almost nothing left in the convenience store. We searched for hours but only found a few supplies. There's no need to stay here any longer.Exploration Event11120103010
3542010301RecordedObtained: Medicine x15, Food x1022010301
3552010400Wastewater Treatment PlantThere are not many supplies left. Fortunately, there are still a few building materials to collect. But just when we are carrying the supplies out, a rustling sound suddenly comes from deep under the ruins. It sounds like something is moving.Exploration Event1112010401020104020
3562010401Follow the SoundSearch for the source of the sound2201040120104022010405
3572010402Leave CautiouslyLeave with Wood x120 and Iron x100.22010402
3582010403Wastewater Treatment PlantWe find four exhausted survivors deep under the ruins. With great effort, we dig them out and decide to move on with them.Exploration Event111120104040
3592010404Leave CautiouslyObtained: Wood x120, Iron x100, Survivor x42
3602010500Suburban Quarantine StationA group of survivors made here their temporary shelter. We speak to them and find that they're from the same Scavenger camp as the people we saved. So we decide to take them with us, along with the few supplies they left.Exploration Event11120105010
3612010501Collect ResourcesObtained: Medicine x10, Food x10, Survivor x6220105012010502
3622010600Resource Landfill SiteThere are a lot of good stuff, dazzling and colorful... I can't make this up any more. Just take these supplies and leave... Rngh—Exploration Event11120106010
3632010601Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x70, Iron x12522010601
3642010700Empty TrenchThere is no one in the trench except for some transport boxes filled with items. There is blood on the boxes and a simple battle report showing that the army marched all the way to the north of the trench. Even from the current position, you can still see piles of Corrupted remains. In other words, if it's safe enough over there, then there must be plenty of useful supplies. Take the supplies and leave asap. We don't have the time to give condolence to their owner.Exploration Event11120107010
3652010701Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x30, Iron x45, Medicine x20, Food x2022010701
3662010800Battlefield RuinsThe metal of the remains became crispy in the battle fire. It breaks easily with a touch, leaving black powder that looks like ashes in the hand. But this allows us to find more supplies. Take them and leave.Exploration Event11120108010
3672010801RecordedObtained: Wood x300, Iron x30022010801
3682010900Community HospitalWe reached the community hospital at night. The white building looks gray in darkness with dim light coming from the gap of a window. We thought we could move around freely but after using five lockpicks, we finally realize that every door in the hospital is shut and the lockpicks we have are not enough to open all the doors. There are many rooms in the hospital, and we can only explore some of them.Exploration Event1112010901020109020
3692010901Investigate the PharmacyMove to the pharmacy2201090120109062010907
3702010902Investigate the Inpatient DepartmentMove to the inpatient department2201090220109062010907
3712010903Community HospitalAfter consideration, we decide to search the pharmacy. It should have the most supplies in the hospital and is more likely to be used as a base. But George stops us just when we are ready to move. He says that the pharmacy is deep in the hospital, but we can see the light outside the hospital, which means that the light is not from the pharmacy. He certainly has a point. So we get prepared and start moving to the inpatient department.Exploration Event111120109040
3722010904ContinueNext Page22010904
3732010905Community HospitalWe end up finding some survivors in the inpatient department of the hospital. When we open up the door, their faces change from fear to surprise and finally to relief, as they know that they are saved.Exploration Event111120109060
3742010906Collect ResourcesMedicine x20, Food x20, Survivor x22
3752011000Suburban Signal StationThe signal station has already been occupied. The two wanderers look fierce but are just ordinary people struggling to survive. Unfortunately, they are not friends of George. After a brief conversation, they immediately agree to join us to find an evacuation opportunity together. Meanwhile, with their guidance, we find a lot of useful supplies in the signal station. It's a win-win situation.Exploration Event11120110010
3762011001Collect ResourcesWood x400, Iron x400, Survivor x2220110012011002
3772011101Collect ResourcesObtained: Survivor x722011101
3782020The Way Back HomeThe evacuation route to the evacuation point on the south side of the mountain was finished in a short time. We were finally able to get out of here and move further south.\nAbu was severely injured, so he didn't return to the camp. The two young people from the northern camp took him directly to the evacuation point. Joy was also with him. He looked great when we had the call this morning, talking about the future, his hometown, and everything about the sea in the south while feeding carrots to Joy. I'm grateful for this. I can't imagine an ending better than this one.Ending Event111120210
3792021RecordedRecord Ends2
3802022An Everlasting DreamThe evacuation route to the evacuation point on the south side of the mountain was finished in a short time. We were finally able to get out of here and move further south.\nOut of selfishness, I asked the young people of the northern camp to leave with Joy, and they have already arrived at the evacuation point. And Abu and I will set off today. A dead person can't dream, so I will make his dream of the future, his hometown, the white birch courtyard, and the sea in the south go on.\nLet me take a final look at the camp before I leave.\nI'll take you home, Abu.Ending Event111120230
3812023RecordedRecord Ends2
3822024An Empty FutureThe evacuation route to the evacuation point on the south side of the mountain was finished in a short time. We were finally able to get out of here and move further south. And the price behind this is no longer important.\nLet me take a final look at the camp. The conversations, the secrets, the cries for help and the struggles will be forever forgotten after we leave.Ending Event111120250
3832025RecordedRecord Ends2
384202000Evacuation PreparationAfter a fierce battle, we finally got rid of the Corrupted and found this temporary shelter. Without the comms device, we only managed to scout a very small area around here: There seems to be a <color=#0F70BC>forest</color> in the <color=#0F70BC>north</color>, towering <color=#0F70BC>mountains</color> in the <color=#0F70BC>south</color>, and a <color=#0F70BC>resource depot</color> sign in the <color=#0F70BC>east</color>.\nWe can only explore around here at this moment. We have to <color=#0F70BC>repair the comms device</color> asap to explore a bigger area and see if we can find the closest and safest <color=#0F70BC>evacuation point</color>.Story Event11112020010
385202001RecordedI see.2
386202003RecordedHope everything is fine for Abu2
387202004Comms DeviceThe construction of <color=#0F70BC>the comms device</color> is finally complete. And we are finally able to detect <color=#0F70BC>exploration points further away</color>. But an evacuation comms message finds us almost at the same time. The message shows that there is a relatively safe <color=#0F70BC>evacuation point</color> right on the other side of the <color=#0F70BC>mountains in the south</color> of the camp. It's now occupied by powerful Scavengers, who will help people evacuate to safe areas in the south. But further exploration is needed to determine the specific location of the evacuation point.Story Event11112020050
388202005RecordedMap updated. New locations discovered: [Cableway], [Forest Edge]2202005202006202007
389202008Weather ChangeThe temperature starts to drop and the clouds look heavy as if it could start to snow at any time. We'd better check our supplies and make sure we have <color=#0F70BC>stored up enough supplies</color> in the camp.Story Event11112020090
390202009RecordedThe weather seems to have changed2202009
391202010About JoyJoy is a horse raised by Abu. She has been with Abu ever since she was still a baby horse. Later, Abu joined the army, and Joy became his battle horse. No matter how difficult the battle was, they were always there for each other and will accompany each other in the future.\nAbu wants to take Joy with him and I have no reason to refuse him. Not to mention Joy is a brilliant fighter. So I immediately start to get prepared to bring Joy to him.Story Event1112020110
392202011RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
393202012Weather ChangeThe roars and screams of the Corrupted seem to have come from the distant sky. I can still hear clearly it even under the quilt. The Corrupted seem to be in a collective frenzy or riot and are moving toward us. We'd better get ready as soon as possible.Story Event11112020130
394202013RecordedThe weather seems to have changed2202013
395202015RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
396202017RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
397202101RespondInform the source of receiving the Comms and explore Location [Forest Edge] to trigger [Forest Edge - A]2202101
398202102IgnoreIgnore the Comms and explore [Forest Edge] to trigger [Forest Edge - B]2202102
399202104What do you mean?Ask for details2202104
400202105Of course.Agree to the proposal2202105
401202107I see.Agree to the proposal2202107
402202109Are you okay?Send Comms2202109
403202111Uhm... thanks?Send Comms2202111
404202113Yeah. See you in the south.Recorded. Comms ended.2
405202114Comms From Afar - 1The camp is about to have new members. I suddenly have a feeling as if I were out exploring with Abu. I can't wait to share the feeling with Abu but think it's a bit childish and funny.\nI think a bit and send a simple message to him, telling him that some northern camp members will soon arrive at our camp. Abu responds very quickly. As expected, he is very happy and would like to come back and welcome the new members upon their arrival.\nHearing his words, I feel also a bit happy.Story Event11112021150
406202115RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
407202116Comms From Afar - 1It's not that we are cold-blooded.\nIt's just we are also suffering from the disaster, not to mention taking care of other people. Besides, it's hard to identify the true purpose of another person over a device.\nBut somehow I haven't told Abu about it. He would be sad if he knew this.\nI won't blame me. He would never blame me. But he will be sad.Story Event11112021170
408202117RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
409202211I don't remember.Send Comms2202211
410202212I remember.Send Comms2202212
411202214Okay, okay, okay.Send Comms2202214
412202216I know. Don't worry.Send Comms2202216
413202218Take care. See you in the south.Recorded. Comms ended.2
414202221RespondInform the source of receiving the Comms and explore Location [Burnt Forest] to trigger [Burnt Forest - A]2202221
415202222IgnoreIgnore the Comms and explore [Burnt Forest] to trigger [Burnt Forest - B]2202222
416202224What's in it for me?Send Comms2202224
417202225Our pleasure.Send Comms2202225
418202227I agree to take you in.Send Comms2202227
419202229I see. I will take care.Send Comms2202229
420202231RecordedComms Ended2
421202232Comms From Afar - 2The camp is about to have new members. I suddenly have a feeling as if I were out exploring with Abu. I can't wait to share the feeling with Abu but think it's a bit childish and funny.\nI think a bit, then send a simple message to him, telling him that some northern camp members will soon arrive at our camp, deliberately missing out the information of the first message. Abu responds very quickly. As expected, he is very happy and would like to come back and welcome the new members upon their arrival.\nHearing his words, I feel also a bit happy.Story Event11112022330
422202233RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
423202235RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
424202311Take a detourSend Comms2202311
425202312Go directly through the valleySend Comms2202312
426202314Take care. We'll meet soon.Recorded. Comms ended.2
427202316Take care. We'll meet soon.Recorded. Comms ended.2
428202321RespondInform the source of receiving the Comms and explore Location [Dark Path] to trigger [Dark Path - B]2202321
429202322IgnoreIgnore the Comms and explore Location [Dark Path] to trigger [Dark Path - B]2202322
430202324(Interrupt the speaker) We received your message.Send Comms2202324
431202326I see. Where are you right now?Send Comms2202326
432202328Calm down. To be safe, take the detour.Send Comms2202328
433202330Take care. We'll pick you up as soon as possible.Recorded. Comms ended.2
434202331Comms From Afar - 3I don't know why I didn't answer the message. It's the best choice I made after weighing the pros and cons. But there is a voice that keeps saying that it's too late and they can't survive this.\nAbu doesn't even know that we received these messages./n... Perhaps he will never know about them.Story Event11112023300
435202332RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
436202411We'll pick you up very soon.There's nothing left to do2
437202421We'll pick you up very soon.There's nothing left to do2
438202431RespondThere's nothing left to do2
4392020100Abandoned Postal StationThe postal station is full of battle traces. One can imagine how fierce the battle was just by looking at the station. The station is almost empty. Abu digs out the most deeply hidden supplies, which form a little pile on the ground.\nThis is predictable. After all, the ruts extending to the east and the traces of the Corrupted are more worrying than the small number of supplies.Exploration Event11120201010
4402020101I know. Keep moving.Obtained: Wood x150, Iron x15022020101
4412020200Mountain VillageThe village was probably abandoned long before the war broke out. Everything was kept in a relatively good shape except for the normal deterioration caused by the wind and the sun. Some buildings even have potato veins in the backyard.\nAbu stands before a house with a white birch in the yard for a very long time until his friends pack all the resources up and ask him to leave.Exploration Event11120202010
4422020201Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x120, Iron x120220202012020202
4432020300CablewayIt would be hard to find this cableway without the comms device. The fence in front of it were broken with fresh cuts, sealing off the entrance and burying some unfortunate fellow underneath.\nThere is no way up the mountain from here. Abu takes a look around and finds a relatively flat road, which could be an old hiking trail or something. We could try if we can go up from there.\nBut Abu also warns us that there are traces of the Corrupted around here, so we must get fully prepared before we move on.Exploration Event11120203010
4442020301Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Survivor x1220203012020302
4452020400Relatively Flat Mountain RoadThe road is relatively flat. Although it's not comfortable to walk on it due to the traces and ditches left by war, riding a horse immediately makes the journey pleasant. Along the road, there are plenty of useful supplies, including food and medicine that are still within their shelf life.\nEveryone on the team is happy to find these supplies except Abu. He looks worried and reminds us once again of finding everything that could help us and get fully prepared before we move up.Exploration Event11120204010
4462020401Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Medicine x60, Food x6022020401
4472020501Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x100, Iron x100, Medicine x70, Food x70, Survivor x2220205012020502
4482020601RecordedStop looking at Joy. Look at me, Abu. Look at me.2
4492020701RecordedBring... Abu back.2
4502020711RecordedJoy... Joy is still alive.2
4512020721RecordedIt's over... We can finally go home.2
4522020800Southern Evacuation PointThe team finally arrived at the evacuation point on the south of the mountain. The comms device here is still working tirelessly.\nAfter getting the coordinates of our camp, the survivors at the evacuation point immediately rallies everyone and works out a safer evacuation route.\nWe can finally go home.Exploration Event11120208010
4532020801RecordedWe can finally go home.2
4542020901Collect ResourcesObtained: Medicine x30, Food x3022020901
4552021000Eastern Resource DepotThe building is more like a giant tomb made of steel bars and ashes than a resource depot. The metal gate has become fragile due to corrosion and fire. The team moves deep into the building without too much trouble and arrives at the entrance under the guidance of Abu. The entrance is blocked by numerous corpses with a pool of blood in front. And there are people inside the basement.\nIt's hard to imagine how these half-grown-ups survived everything. When Abu finds them, they huddle together with the girl who seems to be the oldest among them standing in front. She is shaking with a broken metal rod in her hands.\nAbu covers their eyes while taking them outside. But the sound of shoes stepping on the pool of blood is still loud. The kids are crying silently as if they are afraid to wake up something.Exploration Event11120210010
4562021001Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x60, Food x60, Survivor x3220210012021002
4572021101Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x10, Iron x10220211012021102
4582021210Forest EdgeAlthough the team hasn't quite arrived at the forest yet, they can still feel the cold wind coming out from it. There are herbs and clusters of berries around the rocks, which appear in smaller amount as the team moves north. Most of them are plants that the team has never seen before, so no one dares to pick them.Exploration Event120212101120212110
4592021211Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Medicine x15, Food x15220212112021212
4602021220Forest EdgeAlthough the team hasn't quite arrived at the forest yet, they can still feel the cold wind coming out from it. There are herbs and clusters of berries around the rocks, which appear in smaller amount as the team moves north. Most of them are plants that the team has never seen before, so no one dares to pick them.Exploration Event120212201120212210
4612021221Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Medicine x15, Food x15220212212021222
4622021310Burnt Forest - AThe forest was probably burned down a long time ago. The charred black dead plants have already become hotbeds of new life. Almost every black branch has colorful fungi on it. There are also a small amount of green herbs in low spots. Some lucky teammates have even seen small wild animals coming out for food.\nThe entire team has immediately grown a strong awe for life and quickly packed their bags with the resources they could gather.Exploration Event120213101120213110
4632021311Collect ResourcesWood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x30, Food x30220213112021312
4642021320Burnt Forest - BThe forest was probably burned down a long time ago. The charred black dead plants have already become hotbeds of new life. Almost every black branch has colorful fungi on it. There are also a small amount of green herbs in low spots. Some lucky teammates have even seen small wild animals coming out for food.\nThe entire team has immediately grown a strong awe for life and quickly packed their bags with the resources they could gather.Exploration Event120213201120213210
4652021321Collect ResourcesWood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x30, Food x30220213212021322
4662021410Dark Path - ACovered by the giant tree crown, the path is dark even in the daylight. It feels like something would suddenly jump out at you when walking on the path.\nThe forest seems to go on forever. However, are there really any resources or survivors ahead?Exploration Event120214101120214110
4672021411RecordedKeep moving22021411
4682021420Dark Path - BCovered by the giant tree crown, the path is dark even in the daylight. It feels like something would suddenly jump out at you when walking on the path.\nThe forest seems to go on forever. However, are there really any resources or survivors ahead?Exploration Event120214201120214210
4692021421RecordedKeep moving22021421
4702021430Dark Path - CCovered by the giant tree crown, the path is dark even in the daylight. It feels like something would suddenly jump out at you when walking on the path.\nThe forest seems to go on forever. However, are there really any resources or survivors ahead?Exploration Event120214301120214310
4712021431RecordedKeep moving22021431
4722021510Hunting Trap - AThe forest is like a boundless black sea.\nThe team finds some survivors here. They are exactly those who claimed to be from the northern camp in the communication, but what's different is that there are only two of them.\nApparently, they've been waiting here for a very long time and have plenty of resources with them, including the painting about the aurora the young man mentioned in the communication, of course. It's taken good care of by the young man in his bag. One can feel the artist's love for the things in the painting from the picture and the brushstrokes.Exploration Event120215101120215110
4732021511ContinueNext Page2202151120215122021513
4742021513RecordedObtained: Medicine x50, Food x50, Survivor x22
4752021521ContinueNext Page2202152120215222021523
4762021523RecordedObtained: Medicine x20, Food x20, Survivor x22
4772021531RecordedObtained: Medicine x20, Food x2022021531
4782021600Hunter's CabinNo one could imagine that people could live this deep in the forest.\nThe survivors here seem to have been living here for a very long time. They have placed traps in the northern part of the forest for hunting and survive on the prey.\nAfter hearing that we are looking for the evacuation point, they beg us to take them with us. We want to refuse, but no one could make up their mind seeing the eyes of the two who have been through so much hardship.Exploration Event11120216010
4792021601RecordedWood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x20, Food x20, Survivor x2220216012021602
4802021700Rocky RiverbankAccording to the records, it used to be the only ice-free river across the forest, but it has long been frozen over and is now only a few meters wide. The exposed riverbank is broad and flat, making it a perfect camping site. Some survivors have set up a camp here. They couldn't find food but collected plenty of resources in the forest nearby. After we speak, they tell us that they are happy to go back to the camp with us with their resources.Exploration Event11120217010
4812021701Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x240, Iron x240, Survivor x2220217012021702
4822021800Lumberjack's CabinBefore the team gets close, a man rushes out of the room screaming. He kneels and bursts into tears when he sees that we are not the Corrupted. He tells us in a broken voice that he and a few friends have been in survival mode for way too long and there is only one bullet left in his gun. Fortunately, he doesn't need to use it on the Corrupted or himself.Exploration Event11120218010
4832021801Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x350, Iron x350, Survivor x4220218012021802
4842021900Old Logging SiteFollowing the route provided by the Scavengers in the cabin, the team arrived at the logging site and found the remaining Scavengers. Terribly starved, they stare at Joy as if they're looking at several steaks. However, this place is filled with building materials. Abu has to send them back in batches. Thankfully, we have Joy with us. Only she can carry them.\nWith these resources, the comms device should be repaired in a short time. Abu can't wait to get back.Exploration Event11120219010
4852021901Collect ResourcesObtained: Wood x480, Iron x480, Survivor x2220219012021902
486203010Temporary ShelterHey, old man, we found a <b>Small Temporary Shelter</b> nearby. Due to the lack of medicine and food, it is full of disease, pain, and even death. Death and fear are spreading in the shelter.\nI told people there that we could take them back to our town, and they were happy and <color=#145ABE>gave us some supplies in return</color>. I thought they took us heroes. They said that their exploration team had not come back for 5 days.\nI guess it must have lost its way.Exploration Event1112030110
487203011Send CommsHumph, they didn't take you as their hero. They just wanted to express their gratitude. (Obtained: Food x80, Medicine x80, Survivor x3)2203011203012
488203020Flat AreaIs this how it feels away from the nagging old man?\nToday we have come across a <b>flat area</b>. It is pretty deserted. If possible, I'm gonna turn it into a circuit next year and invite my friends over for a race.Exploration Event1112030210
489203021Send CommsHumph, I can only let you have 10% of it to play around.2
490203030Abandoned HospitalI've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we came across an <b>abandoned hospital</b> and <color=#145ABE>collected plenty of medicine and food from there</color>. The bad news is that we got lost on our way back. The weird location of the hospital made us lose our direction.\nHowever, old man, I found many hypotensive drugs in the hospital. I can get some for you if you give me the racing car key.Exploration Event1112030310
491203031Send CommsYou need to pass the night somewhere safe.(Obtained: Food x100, Medicine x100)2203031
492203040Forest EdgeHey, old man, we arrived at the <b>forest edge</b>. I bet you haven't seen a forest before. This is a dense forest that even the sunlight can't go in. It was hard to go into there, so we walked around and <color=#145ABE>found some supplies</color>.\nI really feel sorry for the exploration teams. Did they get themselves eaten by bears in the forest?Exploration Event1112030410
493203041Send CommsI killed a bear with several punches when I was young. (Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x50, Wood x300, Iron x300)220304120307
494203050Abandoned Gas StationThis is an <b>abandoned gas station</b>, old man. Although it is abandoned, we <color=#145ABE>found plenty of supplies</color> around the broken vending machines. You know, the regular vending machines in gas stations. Who knows if there used to be a bunch of racing car enthusiasts around here.\nDo you know old Ed in our team, old man? Yeah, the weird, forty-year-old man. He sneezed a dozen times in a row today. It was really funny and we all laughed.\nI was a bit worried about whether he was okay, so I asked him to go back to the camp, but he refused, saying that he would never lose to the young people.\nThe way he looked with snot hanging from his nose was hilarious but not as funny as you are.\nBy the way, is everything alright on your end? Do I need to send these supplies back to the camp first?Exploration Event1112030510
495203051Send CommsHe may have caught a cold. You have to make him take some cold medicine. (Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x50, Wood x200, Iron x200)2203051
496203060Abandoned RoadOld man, many team members have caught colds due to the rainy days. Everyone is tired and sick. And the weather doesn't look like it's going to clear up again. We've been walking on an <b>abandoned road</b> for a long time. There are no creatures around, only the rampant storm. The only good news is that we seem to <color=#145ABE>be closer to</color> the giant wheel.Exploration Event1112030610
497203061RecordedTake care of yourself. Get back immediately if you don't feel well.2
498203070Abandoned Farm - 1I don't know if the message is out through the comms device. The bad weather is affecting the signals of the comms device.\nEverything's fine, old man. It's just the weather is getting worse.Exploration Event1112030710
499203071Send Comms (Failed)······22030720
500203072Abandoned Farm - 2Old man, little Peter had a high fever last night. He kept murmuring his mom's name <color=#145ABE>unconsciously</color>. Poor little Peter, he was an orphan when we brought him back. And we always call for our loved ones when we are deep in pain.\nOld man, what's the most important thing in our life? Could it be <color=#145ABE>living happily with everyone we love</color>?Exploration Event11112030730
501203073Send CommsGyan, you have to come back if the team is not in a good state.22030740
502203074Abandoned Farm - 3We are almost at the giant wheel. The weather is getting worse. The sleet is cutting our skin. And it's hard to keep moving. We came across an <b>abandoned farm</b> and spent a night there. The storm outside doesn't seem to stop. And the roof above us is making funny noises as if it's gonna be blown away by the wind.\nI feel scared, old man.\nBut uncle Ed said that you were a hero. The son of a hero is never scared of anything.Exploration Event11112030750
503203075Send CommsGyan, I'm proud of you. Make sure you come home safe and sound.22030760
504203076Abandoned Farm - 4Old man, I remember the cream stew mom used to make when I was little. How I wish I could go home and have the stew.\nHope that our town can get back to normal and everyone can <color=#145ABE>live happily</color> after we make it.\nOld man, do you know the secret of being <color=#145ABE>happy</color>?Exploration Event11112030770
505203077Send CommsGyan, everyone is waiting for you to come back. Everything will be alright.2
506203080Giant Wheel - 1Mayor, this is Jodi. I requested to borrow the comms device to report to you what happened on our end.\nWe arrived <b>near the wheel</b>. There we saw a giant mechanical device that I had never seen before. It stood on the cliff with its center rotating non-stop, creating a huge vortex in the center. We think it must be the cause of the bad weather in the area. The device looks solid and our explosives are not enough to destroy it. How can we make it stop?Exploration Event1112030810
507203081Send CommsCliff? You could try blow the cliff up instead?22030820203081203080203085203082
508203082Giant Wheel - 2After the comms device remained quiet for about four or five hours, I hear a loud explosion from afar. The ground is shaking. Residents of the town think it's an earthquake and rush out to check on the situation.\nOnly I'm holding the comms device tight in my hand and hope it rings again.Exploration Event11112030830
509203083Send CommsWait patiently...22030840
510203084Giant Wheel - 3Mayor! We did it!\nWe blew up the cliff.\nThe wheel fell into the sea under the cliff and washed away by the sea. I hope it was completely broken.\nWe'll go back as soon as possible. We finally completed our mission.Exploration Event11112030850
511203085Send CommsWelcome back, heroes of the town. (Obtained: Wood x180, Iron x180, Survivor x5, Spirit +20)2
512203090Abandoned SchoolWe kept moving and came across an <b>abandoned school</b>. To our surprise, there are <color=#145ABE>5 young survivors</color> in it. They seem to have been starved for a long time, but thankfully we found them and their <color=#145ABE>mental state is okay</color>.\nShould we bring them back to town?Exploration Event11120309102030920
513203091Send CommsYou can share the location of the town with them. You can even let them join our town if you're willing to.220309320307
514203092Send CommsOf course, Gyan. Perhaps this way we'll not be worried about the manpower shortage in town. (Obtained: Survivor x5)220309220307
51520301Guardians of the TownWe did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 30 people in the camp</color>.\nThe sky cleared up. Gyan and his exploration team were back <color=#145ABE>safe and sound</color>.\nGyan looks like a different person after returning to the town. Somehow, he managed to persuade his friends into setting up a team of town guardians, aiming to protect everyone in town. Ed couldn't bear to see them hanging around and took over the training of these guardians. He now trains them every day on the training ground.Ending Event1111203020
51620302RecordedThe future of the town lies in the hands of these young people.2
51720303Weak and PowerlessWe did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 30 people in the camp</color>.\nAs the day of return approached, the exploration team was still not back in town. I started to have a bad feeling about this. In an afternoon, we finally saw the exploration team again. Covered in wounds, they seemed to have been through a fierce battle. Poor Ed lost an arm trying to protect everyone. Gyan was weirdly <color=#145ABE>quiet</color> when I found him as if he had been through something horrible.\nTo me, it's good that everyone is back.Ending Event1111203040
51820304RecordedEverything will be alright, Gyan.2
51920305Brave ExplorersWe did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 35 people in the camp</color>.\nThe sky cleared up. And thankfully, Gyan and his exploration team were <color=#145ABE>back safe and sound</color>.\nThe brave explorers have played an important part in bringing everything back to normal in town. What they did is far <color=#145ABE>beyond our expectations</color>.\nBack from the expedition, Gyan no longer plays around and would sneak out with the exploration team to explore around the town. Ed caught and scolded him several times in the beginning but later acquiesced in accepting him to the team.\nAfter that, Gyan started to lead the team to go out for exploration independently. Sometimes they brought back supplies, and sometimes refugees. Gyan is becoming more and more mature.\nGyan, <color=#145ABE>thank you for making the town stronger</color>.Ending Event1111203060
52020306RecordedAdvance into the future, brave explorers.2
52120307The Price of Being a HeroWe did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 35 people in the camp</color>.\nThe sky cleared up and the exploration team was back. Residents rushed out to welcome them while cheering.\nGyan was back. There was determination in his eyes. We had a talk over night and he told me he wanted to join the army. He wanted to get stronger, to be able to help more people. I know I'll miss him, but I still agreed with his decision. A few days later, he packed his bag and left, <color=#145ABE>fading into the distance</color>.\nGo and pursue the power you seek, my child.Ending Event1111203080
52220308RecordedCome home soon, my child.2
52320311Day 1The supply depot and the medical depot have stopped working after days of <color=#145ABE>bad weather</color> in a row. Although there is still sufficient food in the warehouse, we will run out of food if the bad weather continues.\nThe day before yesterday, I saw a <color=#145ABE>giant wheel in the distance</color> through the telescope. The wheel may well be the cause of the sudden change in weather. Should we send an exploration team out to investigate?Story Event1111203120
52420312RecordedI'll think about it.2
52520314Accept the comms deviceLet's grab some expedition essentials in the warehouse. You'll find them useful. (Obtained: Food x5, Medicine x5)220315
52620315Important DecisionTo rally an exploration team, we need to build an outpost first. The Wood and Iron in town are not enough. We have to <color=#0F70BC>demolish some medical depots or supply depots</color>.\nThis makes residents sad, but we must change to fight against bad luck.Story Event111203160
52720316RecordedI'll think about it.2
52820321SmoggyToday, the entire town is covered in smog. The visibility is poor outside. We have to stay inside as much as possible and wear a mask if we have to go out. There is a strong smell in the air. It's heavily polluted.\nDue to the air pollution, the weather is not suitable for medicine production. <color=#0F70BC>All Big Medical Depots have to stop running for 1 day</color>.Weather Report120314111203220
52920322RecordedAll Big Medical Depots stop working for 1 day220322
53020323SmoggyThere is a strong smell in the air. The heavy air pollution has led to the smog and the poor visibility outside. We ask everyone to stay inside as much as possible and wear a mask if they have to go out.\n<color=#0F70BC>None of the Big Medical Depots meet the production standards</color>.Weather Report120313111203240
53120324RecordedAll Big Supply Depots stop working for 1 day220324
53220325BlizzardThe blizzard is getting stronger with big snowflakes and biting wind. The Big Medical Depots were built on a distant hill in town so that we could collect better medicine. However, it's exactly where the blizzard affected the most. As expected, the roof of the medical depots is almost gone due to the blizzard.\n<color=#0F70BC>We have to stop all the Big Medical Depots from running for two days</color>. We will start them again when everything is back to normal. Hope we'll get through this.Weather Report120314111203260
53320326RecordedAll Big Medical Depots stop working for 2 days220326
53420327BlizzardThe blizzard hits and leaves thick snow on the ground. The bad weather makes it hard to travel outside.\nIn order to get things back to normal again in town, some residents have been assigned the job to sweep the snow. Due to the lack of manpower and the bad weather, <color=#0F70BC>all Big Supply Depots have to stop running for two days</color>. They will resume production when the weather gets better.\nIt will get better, right?Weather Report120313111203280
53520328RecordedAll Big Supply Depots stop working for 2 days220328
53620329SmoggyThere is a strong smell in the air. The heavy air pollution has led to the smog and the poor visibility outside. We ask everyone to stay inside as much as possible and wear a mask if they have to go out.\nAs the residents have to stay inside, <color=#0F70BC>their Spirit starts to drop</color>.Weather Report1111203300
53720330RecordedResidents: Spirit -10220330
53820331BlizzardThe blizzard hits and leaves thick snow on the ground. It's hard to even open the door and sweep the snow, not to mention to go out.\nDue to the poor heating system, <color=#0F70BC>residents have to wait for the bad weather pass</color>.Weather Report1111203320
53920332RecordedResidents: Spirit -15220332
54020333ThunderstormThe rainstorm comes. The rain hits the window hard in the strong wind. Outside, the rain keeps pouring down in darkness. A thick blot of lightning lights up the sky, followed by a loud thunderclap.\nA lightning struck the electric wire of a Big Medical Depot, <color=#0F70BC>which will not be able to operate today</color>. Fortunately, residents found this before any serious damage was caused.Weather Report120314111203340
54120334RecordedOne Big Medical Depot stops working for 1 day220334
54220335ThunderstormDark clouds cover the sky, casting the entire town into darkness. Suddenly, rain starts pouring down with the rumble of thunder.\nWe failed to take our food back before the rain started. <color=#0F70BC>The food in one of the Big Supply Depot has been washed away and unable to be retrieved</color>. Let's let the elderly and children have food first if we have any remaining.Weather Report120313111203360
54320336RecordedOne Big Supply Depot stops working for 1 day220336
54420337RainbowAfter the rain, a beautiful rainbow appears on the east side of the town, which makes everything seem full of life again.\n<color=#145ABE>A group of refugees suddenly show up at the entrance to the town</color>. They remind me of the dark days the town has been through a while back. It turns out that they followed the smoke from kitchen chimneys here. However, I'm not sure if the remaining supplies after the disaster are still enough to support the entire town.\nResidents have different opinions about whether to accept them or not.Weather Report1111203380
54520338Accept the refugees(Survivors +10)220338
54620350Sudden Event5 young people and 2 children arrive at the entrance to the town. The young people saved the children from a pack of wolves on their way here. According to the children, they lost their parents in the disaster and would have been eaten by the wolves if the young people hadn't saved them. If fate allowed them to live, then let's take them in. They seem to be <color=#145ABE>in a low spirit</color> due to the arduous journey. Hopefully, we'll receive some good news in the next few days.Sudden Event111203510
54720351Accept the poor refugeesSurvivors +7220351
548204010Burning RuinsThe ruins are filled with smoke and an unpleasant smell. The burning fire is telling the anger and frustration of the dead.\nI ask Gina to analyze the battlefield, trying to figure out who started the war, but we haven't found any information about the enemy here. Looking up, I can see the blurry, dark outline of a city in the distance. It still seems that we still have a long way to go before reaching that city.Exploration Event1112040110
549204011RecordedCaptain, I think what happened is more than a battle.2
550204021RecordedCould it be an internal conflict, Captain?2
551204031RecordedThe prize of the championship is a valuable pocket watch. Do you still have it with you, Captain? (Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x50)2204031
552204041Avoid Fight(Remain silent)...2
553204042Fight Head-OnUgly pests. Let's teach them a lesson first.2
554204051RecordedCaptain, it reminds me of the days we fought together.22040540
555204052City Center - B1After taking care of the guards, we arrive at the city center. Although there is another group of enemies ahead, we are not afraid as long as we stay together.\nWe arrange into our classic defense formation, ready to seize the city center in one go.Exploration Event120403112040530
556204053RecordedWe need to get to the basement ASAP, Captain.22040560
557204055RecordedSo this is how it feels to die, Captain?220418
558204057RecordedWe won, Captain!220418
559204061RecordedGo and search for resources, Captain.2
560204070Dilapidated BuildingThe building seems fragile in the wind. There are bullet holes left by the war all over its walls.\nWe find traces of a bonfire. It seems that someone was here before.\nWe can keep looking down this road.Exploration Event1112040710
561204071RecordedWe need to stay alert as we don't know if we're after a friend or a foe.2
562204081RecordedWe should get moving, Captain. (Obtained: Iron x1000, Wood x1000)2204081
56320401Reconciliation With the WorldWe transferred Gina's source database to the comms device in the shelter and blew up the basement in the city center. After that, we told the public that Nordin's AI was destroyed.\nOnly a few know that Gina is always by my side.\nAnd the criticism also disappeared after the operation. We were called back by the organization. Despite the betrayal, we are still willing to make peace with the people and keep helping those who are suffering.Ending Event1111204020
56420402RecordedWhich city shall we visit today, Captain?2
56520403Let's Go HomeWe returned to the shelter after eliminating all the enemies. There we built our own home.\nHumans' betrayal left a scar in our hearts, and we'll never forget the hate and disgust on their faces when they drove us away.\nSince then, we have been living happily in our own home, away from the battles.Ending Event1111204040
56620404RecordedCaptain, Let's... go home.2
56920411Jun 1Morning, Gina. The weather looks good today. Let's play some music.Story Event1111204120
57020412RecordedMorning, Captain. Let's play the song Longing.2
57120414RecordedVisitor detected 500m away, Captain.2204230
57220416RecordedI bet Nico sent some weird emojis to the old man.2
57320417Jun 3We have never experienced a <color=#145ABE>extreme weather like this</color> on the wasteland. The thick dark clouds are getting close, threatening to deprive us of the remaining oxygen here. I start to have a bad feeling.\nThe supplies we have is not enough to survive the harsh weather. We have to keep the <color=#145ABE>resource devices working at full capacity</color> to keep everyone healthy.Story Event1111204180
57420418RecordedCaptain, the weather is going to be extreme. Please ensure that there are sufficient supplies in storage.2204490
57520420RecordedThank you, Captain.2
57620421Comms Device ConstructedThe comms device has an extremely large memory. We can gradually transfer Gina's source database to it. This way we won't need to worry about corrupting her database.Story Event111204220
57720422RecordedThank you, Captain.2
57820424RecordedCongratulations Captain, we can have a happy dinner together. (Obtained: Teammates +3)220414
57920425Jun 2A noise comes from the outside when we are busy talking. It's Peter, the <color=#145ABE>sharpshooter</color> I trust the most, my old teammate. They all found this place. The team has reassembled.\nNow that we are together again, we need to <color=#145ABE>clean up the ruins and build Supply Depot(s) and Medical Depot(s) to provide survival supplies for everyone</color>.Story Event111204260
58020426RecordedI'm happy to see you back in a good state, Captain. (Obtained: Teammate x5, Food x10, Medicine x10)2204162041720415
58120428RecordedWeather Detection Result: The weather will be extreme in the next few days. Please ensure that there are sufficient supplies in storage, Captain.2
58220430RecordedWhat does it feel like to die, Captain?2
58320431SunnyToday's sunlight seemed to be stronger than usual. While cleaning my room on a whim, I found some supplies left unused in a dark corner. Although I'm an atheist, I've started to believe in luck ever since I was prohibited from taking action. I'll just take the unexpected gain as a blessing from the god of fate, as I know it's the only way to make me feel better.Weather Event111204320
58420432RecordedThere will always be good things, Captain. (Obtained: Food x10, Medicine x10)220432
58620436RecordedCaptain, an unknown device is blocking the signals from the city. I can't get any information about it.2
58720437Jun 7Today, I checked around the shelter alone. I walked about 7 km and looked at the city through the telescope, but the only thing I saw was the gray smoke.\nGina tried hard to connect to the city's network, but all network ports were blocked, so we failed to get any information about the city.\nTo me, Nordin is a special city. I had many precious memories here.\nI met Gina in the city and lost her in a battle. To keep her by my side forever, I created an AI based on Gina and named it after her name.Story Event1111204380
58820438RecordedCaptain, it's getting late. Time to return to the shelter.2
58920439Jun 8I tossed and turned a lot but couldn't sleep last night. Nico laughed and said that I looked like a giant gorilla when she saw the dark circles under my eyes the next morning.\nPeter seemed to notice that I wasn't in a good state and asked me if I needed anything. I waved to him and told him I was okay.\nI would rather keep my team out of these struggles. We were saving humans, but they treated us like enemies.\nI'm fine as long as my team is happy in this shelter.Story Event1111204400
59020440RecordedCaptain, you don't need to handle everything yourself.2
59120441Jun 9Building an adequate number of supply facilities turned out to be a good decision. I plan to explore the city alone after we have <color=#145ABE>saved up enough supplies</color>. I want to find out what happened in Nordin and why the city fell so suddenly.\nWhat makes me worried is that, given all Gina's source database is stored in Nordin, I would lose her if it is destroyed.\nIf they captured Nordin for Gina's data,\nthen they would be able to use it to hack into all the weapon networks and take control of all weapon devices.Story Event1111204420
59320443Jun 9At night, Nico and Rich had a fight over whether to roast corn with honey or pepper. Both of them are still children. Peter should be able to take care of them after I leave.\nI <color=#145ABE>need to get prepared</color> before setting off.Story Event1111204440
59420444RecordedI'll always be by your side, Captain.2204450
59520446RecordedSorry, Captain. I did it without your permission.2204470
59620447Jun 10Stopped by the team, I decided to visit Nordin with them. After a rough calculation, I found that we could <color=#145ABE>demolish some of the remaining production buildings and build the outpost</color> after we have <color=#145ABE>enough supplies in the Warehouse for everyone for today and our journey ahead</color>.\nThe attack team is never a one-man team.\nWe have been through so many dangerous situations, and we'll definitely make it this time.Story Event111204480
59820449Jun 3If the bad weather continues for a few days, we have to scale up our production to store up more supplies <color=#145ABE>for the time being</color>. With the spare iron and wood we have, <color=#145ABE>we will be able to build 1 Supply Depot and 1 Medical Depot</color>.Story Event1111204500
59920450RecordedCaptain, remember to distribute the remaining supplies wisely.2
6012050111Play it by earFind out what they want and then act accordingly2120501130
6022050112Be toughAsk to see the island chief directly to save time220501150
6032050114RecordedCamp: Food +522050114
6052050118Collect SuppliesCamp: Medicine +10, Food +1022050118
6062050203Take the suppliesTeam: Islanders +3, Wood +180, Iron +180, Medicine +50, Food +50.220502032050204
6072050204Read the question again and take the suppliesTeam: Islanders +3, Wood +180, Iron +180, Medicine +50, Food +50.220502060205020320502042050207
6082050206Hidden SecretYou read the question carefully and find its segmentation a bit weird. You reorganize the sentence and get the morse code as follows:\n-. --- .-.-.- .---- ... ..- .--. .--. .-.. .. . ...\n.--. .. .-. .- - . ...\n.-. ..- -.\nThe first part indicates where the supplies are. You put the note in the pocket, find an excuse to wander around Gate One, and find the supplies as expected. But the segments after that make things seem a bit difficult.\n(Deciphered Content: First, supplies, pirates, run)Exploration Event1205020611120502070
6092050207RecordedTeam: Medicine +60, Food +602
6102050301Search for supplies in the sparse area2205030402050305
6112050302Search for supplies in the lush area2205030602050307
6122050303Search for supplies in the deserted area2205030802050309
6132050304Small HarvestYou've collected a small amount of medicine and food but plenty of building materials. The harvest of the exploration is not bad.Exploration Event1205030411120503050
6142050305Collect SuppliesTeam: Wood +100, Iron +100, Medicine +10, Food +10.2
6152050306Medium HarvestYou've collected a moderate amount of medicine and food but plenty of building materials. The harvest of the exploration is great.Exploration Event1205030611120503070
6162050307Collect SuppliesTeam: Wood +100, Iron +100, Medicine +20, Food +20.2
6172050309Collect SuppliesTeam: Wood +100, Iron +100, Medicine +30, Food +30.2
6182050401Select the shabby off-road vehicle with good gripBest choice for rugged terrains2205040402050405
6192050402Select the spacious sedanBest choice for a comfortable journey2205040602050405
6202050403Select the flashy sports carThere are some supplies on the car. Should be able to take them.2205040802050405
6212050404TranquilityYou've made the correct choice and collected many supplies. However, they won't fit in the car. Forest promises to take the remaining supplies to the camp.Exploration Event1205040411120504050
6222050405Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +10, Food +10220504100
6232050406A Small AccidentThe spacious car is supposed to carry more supplies, but it won't move due to being left unused for a long time and serious abrasion. The maritime security guards pass by and agree to help you transport the supplies, but you need to give them some supplies in return. You can get the supplies directly from their camp another day.Exploration Event1205040611120504070
6242050407Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +10, Food +10220504120
6252050409Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +10, Food +10220504140
6262050410Off-Road Vehicle Subsequent Event—Arrival on TimeAn islander visits you to deliver some supplies for Forest. They happen to the supplies that didn't fit into the off-road vehicle.Story Event11120504110
6272050411Collect SuppliesCamp: Medicine +30, Food +3022050411
6282050412Sedan Subsequent Event—True Colors of the Maritime Security GuardsThe maritime security guards visit you and ask you for the payment you promised.Story Event11120504130
6292050413Loss of SuppliesCamp: Medicine -5, Food -522050413
6302050414Sports Car Subsequent Event—Surprise Attack from the SeasoningsScavengers in the camp picked up some seasonings on the sea and cooked a meal with them. But the seasonings are expired. Everyone in the camp is having diarrhea.Story Event11120504150
6312050415RecordedScavengers in the Camp: Health -1022050415
6322050501Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +25, Food +2522050501
6332050601Collect SuppliesTeam: Islanders +5, Medicine +85, Food +852205060220506012050412050600
6342050701Follow the CrowdAfter all, you also have something to do with it2205070402050705
6352050702Catch up with Beverly and go with herTell her about the pirate with the X-shaped scar2205070602050705
6362050703Follow Earl to find out what he is up toHe seems to have some sort of secret2205070802050705
6372050705Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +20, Food +202
6382050707RecordedTeam: Medicine +20, Food +20220507100
6392050709Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +20, Food +202
6402050710Mysterious LetterThe camp receives some supplies. There is a letter attached to it with the content as follows:\nScavenger Officer, these medicines are of no use to me, so I'll let you have them. Please leave the island as soon and far away as possible. Let's pretend that we don't know each other when we meet again.\nStory Event11120507110
6412050711Collect SuppliesCamp: Medicine +1022050711
6422050801Leave ASAP220508030
6432050802Hide and Observe220508050
6462050901Visit Earl with IslandYou're worried that it's not safe for the little girl to go on her own2205090202050903
6472050903Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +50, Food +502
6482051000Comms DepotThe comms depot is also guarded. You want to build temporary contact with the outside world and report everything to Babylonia. When you're worrying about how to enter the comms depot, you see Island and immediately ask her to draw the attention of the guards. Your team seizes the opportunity and sneaks into the comms depot. The damage of the comms depot is not serious. After repair, the comms depot is ready for use. The signal grids are gradually filled, and you're finally able to communicate with the outside world.Exploration Event11120510010
6512051005RecordedTeam: Medicine +10, Food +102
6522051101RecordedTeam: Medicine +10, Food +1022051105
6532051200Medical DepotThe monsters start to attack. Thanks to the battle plan Mercy made at the War Gate the other day, the islanders are divided into 6 troops and are now ready for defense at the six gates. According to Mercy's plan, the strongest fighting force is deployed to the Defense Gate Five in the east of the island. It is the point closest to the Red Tide. Now, you are assigned the task to deliver supplies, but you see Beverly is wearing an islander outfit and leaving the medical center. You decide to:Exploration Event1112051201020512020
6542051201Deliver Supplies2205120302051204
6552051202Find Beverly2205120502051206
6562051203Not Looking GoodWhen you deliver the supplies, you learn from the islanders at the frontline that it's not looking good at the frontline. The monsters keep coming at a speed that is faster than the bullets.Exploration Event1205120311120512040
6572051204Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +20, Food +202
6582051206Collect SuppliesTeam: Medicine +5, Food +52
6592051300Residential AreaYou come to the residential area to help the islanders evacuate. The area used to be prosperous but is now empty. As there is no powerful army around here, people can only stay behind the walls to wait for a chance to leave. Survival Gate Three is most far away from the frontline. Most of the elderly, the weak, women, and children retreated here to wait for rescue from the outside world. At this point, Earl carries a bag and blends in with the evacuation team, but according to Mercy's order, all young people should join the battle, so you decide:Exploration Event1112051303020513040
6602051303Watch him leaveTeam: Medicine +10, Food +1022051303
6612051304Expose EarlTeam: Medicine +10, Food +102205130502051303
6632051400WarehouseThe battle has already spread to Mechanical Gate Six and War Gate Four. The islanders at the frontline are exhausted. The best way to help them is to deliver the supplies to them as soon as possible. The manager is counting the supplies, but it seems something is missing.Exploration Event1112051401020514020
6642051401Ask what is missingTeam: Medicine +30, Food +302205140302051404
6652051402IgnoreTeam: Medicine +30, Food +3022051406
6662051403Louis II BombThe warehouse manager tells you that 3 boxes of Louis II bombs are missing. These bombs are powerful enough to destroy most of the island. The island chief will not use them unless he has to.Exploration Event1205140311120514040
6682051501Talk to ForestTeam: Medicine +10, Food +102205150302051504205111
6692051502LeaveTeam: Medicine +10, Food +1022051504205111
6712051601CounterattackJust risk it220516040
6722051603Not InterveneLet's not take any chances220516080
6732051605To the Fishery!2
6752051620Monster AttackThe camp was also attacked by the monsters, but luckily, there are no casualties. People are just slightly wounded. The monsters mainly targeted at the island, so this camp outside the island didn't draw too much of their attention.Story Event11120516210
6762051621RecordedScavengers in the Camp: Health -522051621
6782051800FisheryYou run to the fishery, but the monsters are still after you. Eventually, there is only you, Forest, and Island. Forest immediately decides to stay and cover you and Island to leave. Island wants to say goodbye to her father. She tells you that she wants to give him a hug before leaving. You decide to:Exploration Event1112051801020518020
6792051801Accept Island's request220518030
6802051802Pick Island up and leave without looking back2205180502051912
6822051805Be DecisiveYou directly pick Island up and rush to the closest assault boat. There are too many monsters. Letting Island go back will put her in danger and distract Forest from fighting the monsters.Exploration Event1205180511120518060
6832051806RecordedTeam: Islanders +122052107020519090
6842051901Beyond HopeThe monsters are countless. Forest has already lost the will to fight. Injured, you can't fight flexibly. Suddenly several monsters come at you and bite your arms and legs.\nAll the guards nearby are dead. There is no other way. You push the button and detonate the bombs. Beverly, see you across the river.\nBoom—Story Event111120519020
6862051905Bloody Mushroom CloudBoom—\nA giant bloody mushroom cloud rises from the island. The aftershock pushes you fast in the direction of the camp. He pushed the button in the end. Forest... I'm sorry, Forest...Story Event111120519060
6892051911Hope for SurvivalYou leave for the camp by boat. The most powerful force of Babylonia will land there. Everything finally comes to an end! Right, I have a bomb controller on me. Just throw it away. But what if... Forest should be able to... No! He will definitely survive!\nYou throw the controller into the sea.Story Event111120519120
6912052001Information About Unnamed IslandThrough chatting with the islanders, the teammates at the camp have learned that a kidnapping took place on the unnamed island 3 years ago. The hostage was one of Mercy's immediate relatives. In the end, one of the kidnappers killed the hostage and ran away. The murderer is still on the run.Story Event111120520020
6932052003Paul Scar-ArmThrough chatting with the islanders, the teammates at camp have learned that there was a capable islander who fast passed the Hexagon Warrior test and became the leader of the maritime security guards. That person is Paul. However, Paul was hurt by his opponent in the competition and left an X-shaped scar on his left arm. After that, he is known as Paul Scar-Arm among islanders. Unfortunately, one of Mercy's close relatives died because of Paul, so he forced Paul to kill himself according to the island's relevant regulations of traitors.\nOnly the few remaining maritime security guards and Mercy's close relatives knew about this.Story Event111120520040
6952052005Slight AttackThe Corrupted entered the camp. Fortunately, the Scavengers killed them immediately. You lost some supplies, but there are no casualties.Weather Event111020520060
6962052006RecordedCamp: Medicine -5, Food -522052005
6972052007Heavy AttackThe Corrupted entered the camp and started to attack at the Scavengers. One of the Scavengers was killed.Weather Event111020520080
6982052008RecordedCamp: Scavengers -122052008
6992052009A Colorful SkyThe sky clears up gradually. There will be a rainbow. The good weather could boost the Spirit of the Scavengers at camp.Weather Event111020520100
7002052010RecordedCamp: Scavengers' Spirit +2022052010
7012052011A Sunny DayIt's a nice day, sunny and bright. Is the island entering summer? It's time to put an end to everything. Trigger the last scene via <color=#0F70BC>Mechanical Gate Six</color> or the <color=#0F70BC>Fishery</color>.Weather Event111120520120
7032052101Ending Achieved: HelplessnessIn this critical moment, life or death is determined by a moment's thought. Hesitation will only make things worse. The ending the Scavenger Leader achieved is: <color=#0F70BC>Helplessness</color>.\nThe island was in ruins. The Corrupted were still searching for targets. Earl kidnapped Island in a hurry. Island was killed. Forest killed Earl but was still overwhelmed with sorrow. The Corrupted caught up with you. There was nowhere to escape. You pushed the button and detonated the bombs in despair. All of you were buried in the sea with the island.Ending Event111120521020
7052052103Ending Achieved: Surviving AloneBeing decisive is the only way to survive. The ending the Scavenger Leader achieved is: <color=#0F70BC>Surviving Alone</color>.\nThe island was in ruins. The Corrupted were still searching for targets. You used your quick wits and escaped from Earl's arms. Forest seized the chance and killed Earl. You ran to the Fishery. Forest stayed behind to cover for you and Island to leave. Island wanted to say goodbye to her father. You agreed. The Corrupted shot Island. Forest was overwhelmed with sorrow. You had to leave by boat on your own. You gave the button to Forest before you left. Forest pushed the button. Later, Babylonia's troop arrived at the island to carry out the rescue operation, but there was already nothing left on the island.Ending Event111120521040
7072052105Ending Achieved: Hope for SurvivalIn this critical moment, the Scavenger Leader acted decisively and made the correct decision. The ending the Scavenger Leader achieved is: <color=#0F70BC>Hope for Survival</color>.\nThe island was in ruins. The Corrupted were still searching for targets. You used your quick wits and escaped from Earl's arms. Forest seized the chance and killed Earl. You ran to the Fishery. Forest stayed behind to cover for you and Island to leave. Island wanted to say goodbye to her father. You picked Island up and left by boat in Island's cry. You threw the controller into the sea when you left. Later, Babylonia's troop arrived at the island to carry out the rescue operation and found the flash disk under Earl's body was gone.Ending Event111120521060
7092052107The Last SceneThings are coming to an end.Story Event11120521080
7102052108RecordedI see.2
7112060Returning to MangshanWe finally got in touch with the signal station. Today, we'll set off for the south.\nJersey finally met his lover again. He asked someone to bring you a gift. It's a wood carving of a bird resting on a branch. It's delicate and true to life.\nMangshan is finally welcoming its returning guests.\nGood days are yet to come.Ending Event111120610
7122061RecordedWe will embark on our own way home.2
7132063RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
7142064The Price of SilenceWe finally got in touch with the comms depot again and plan to evacuate everyone to the south today. Well, actually we only have a few people with us.\nJersey didn't come. The price of silence is heavier, longer silence. In fact, everyone has an answer in their heart. But perhaps being an ignorant idiot is way easier than knowing the truth.\nSometimes I still wonder if everything would change if I had the chance to start over.Ending Event111120650
7152065RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
71620601RecordedWe can definitely go home2
71720602Weather ChangeThe temporary sunny day is about to be over. The rain clouds are gathering, covering up the sky.\nTo keep everyone in good shape, we have to <color=#0F70BC>increase</color> their medicine and food <color=#0F70BC>rations</color>. The temperature will start to drop after the rain. We should <color=#0F70BC>build more supply facilities</color> to get prepared for the winter.Story Event1111206030
71820603RecordedThe weather starts to change2206030
71920604Weather ChangeThe clouds in the distance start to look heavy. Soon, it's going to <color=#0F70BC>snow and winter is coming</color>.\nDuring winter, people, especially <color=#0F70BC>the homeless</color> are more likely to fall ill and consume stamina at a faster pace. I should <color=#0F70BC>store up more supplies</color> before it's winter.Story Event1111206050
72020605RecordedThe weather starts to change2206050
72120606Weather ChangeThe gray clouds far away in the sky are now over my head before I realize.\nWinter has finally come. We need to <color=#0F70BC>find the signal station</color> as soon as possible and move to the warmer south. Otherwise, we are going to run out of supplies and eventually die from this.Story Event1111206070
72220607RecordedThe weather starts to change2206070
72320608Map UpdateWhen the <color=#0F70BC>second outpost</color> is under construction, we receive updated <color=#0F70BC>map information</color> around the camp:\nIt seems to be the old site of the <color=#0F70BC>industrial park</color> to the <color=#0F70BC>north</color> of the camp. Across the camp is the old <color=#0F70BC>freight station</color>. The information shows that it's highly possible for both locations to contain <color=#0F70BC>building materials</color>, which should be enough for us to build more <color=#0F70BC>supply devices</color> to get through the winter.Story Event120608111206090
72420609RecordedBuild the second team and start exploring2206090
72520610Distress SignalWe received the <color=#0F70BC>distress signal</color> from other Scavengers, claiming that they are evacuating to the south and hoping the camps on their path could provide shelter for them.\nI don't respond to them immediately. It seems they'll soon pass by our camp. I'll decide when they get there.Story Event111206110
72620611RecordedI'll keep it in mind2
72720612Distress SignalWe received comms from other Scavengers again.\nThey said that they will arrive at our camp <color=#0F70BC>tomorrow</color> and hope we can take them in.Story Event111206130
72820613RecordedI'll keep it in mind2
72920614Scavengers From AfarAs expected, today, the Scavengers who sent the message arrived at our camp. They are exactly the comrades who got separated from us.\nI promised to take everyone home, so I have no reason to abandon them. Fortunately, they are in good shape and have collected some supplies on the way.\nBut we were more comrades with us. According to Jack, the leader, <color=#0F70BC>other</color> comrades move slowly due to injury but will arrive in <color=#0F70BC>three days</color> at most.Story Event1111206150
73020615RecordedAdded: New Member x10, Obtained: Medicine x50, Food x50, Wood x120, Iron x12022061520616
73120617RecordedAdded: New Member x5, Obtained: Medicine x40, Food x40, Wood x100, Iron x10022061720618
73220618Scavengers From AfarFinally... Finally!\nThe remaining comrades finally arrived at our camp today. They even brought other Scavengers they came across on the way. There are a lot of people.\nThe camp was already operating under a heavy load, so I didn't feel like taking the strangers in, but Naipaul told me that if it weren't for them, they would have been dead, so I said yes.\nFinally, everyone is here.\nTime to go home.Story Event1111206190
73320619RecordedAdded: New Member x5, Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x5022061920620
73420620Children in the Health CenterChildren from the <color=#0F70BC>health center</color> arrived at our camp this morning. Probably to ensure their life quality, the Scavengers in the health center let the children take plenty of <color=#0F70BC>supplies</color>, which gives me mixed feelings.\nAnyways, I promised to <color=#0F70BC>take care of</color> these children, so I'll do my best to keep my promise. Hope we can take them to evacuate to the south.1111206210
73520621RecordedAdded: New Member x4, Obtained: Medicine x120, Food x12022062120622
7362060101Collect ResourcesBring Wood x120, Iron x120, Medicine x10, Food x10, and Survivor x3 to the Exploration Team220601012060102
7372060201Collect ResourcesBring Wood x100 and Iron x100 to the Exploration Team22060201
7382060300Hiking TrailThis is more like a relatively flat mountain road than a hiking trail. Burned plants lie randomly on the ground with bullet holes all over.\nWe came across another team of Scavengers. Some of them were injured, so they asked us for help and promised to give us all the supplies they had in return. I agreed.Exploration Event11120603010
7392060301RecordedBring Wood x200, Iron x200, and Survivor x4 to the Exploration Team220603012060302
7402060401RecordedFound: [Health Center]22060401
7412060511RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
7422060611Bird PendantA bird-shaped pendant.220606140
7432060612Pine Branch PendantA pine-branch-shaped pendant.2206061602060612
7442060613Horse PendantA horse-shaped pendant.220606180
7452060615RecordedThere's nothing left to do2206061910
7462060617RecordedBring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team2206061910
7472060619RecordedThere's nothing left to do2206061910
74820606192RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
7492060621Bird PendantA bird-shaped pendant.220606240
7502060622Pine Branch PendantA pine-branch-shaped pendant.2206062602060612
7512060623Horse PendantA horse-shaped pendant.220606280
7522060625RecordedThere's nothing left to do2206062910
7532060627RecordedBring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team2206062910
7542060629RecordedThere's nothing left to do2206062910
75520606292RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
7562060631Bird PendantA bird-shaped pendant.220606340
7572060632Pine Branch PendantA pine-branch-shaped pendant.2206063602060612
7582060633Horse PendantA horse-shaped pendant.220606380
7592060635RecordedThere's nothing left to do2206063910
7602060637RecordedBring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team2206063910
7612060639RecordedThere's nothing left to do2206063910
76220606392RecordedThere's nothing left to do2
7632060701RecordedKeep moving forward2
7642060810Mangshan CampWe found the tent Jersey previously used without too much effort. We lift the curtain and walk in. Everything is clean and tidy. It's just there's no one inside. Just like Jersey said, we find his lover's pine branch brooch in the most obvious place in the tent. Inside, it's Jersey's photo.\nJersey holds the brooch and smiles for the first time in many days. Someone appears at the entrance of the tent almost at the same time, asking us why we broke into their tent.Exploration Event120608101120608110
7652060811ContinueNext Page220608120
7662060813RecordedThat's great22060813
7672060820Mangshan CampWe found the tent Jersey previously used without too much effort. We lift the curtain and walk in. Everything is clean and tidy. It's just there's no one inside. Just like Jersey said, we find his lover's pine branch brooch in the most obvious place in the tent. Inside, it's Jersey's photo.\nJersey holds the brooch and smiles for the first time in many days. Someone appears at the entrance of the tent almost at the same time, asking us why we broke into their tent.Exploration Event120608201120608210
7682060821ContinueNext Page220608220
7692060823RecordedThere's nothing... left to do22060813
7702060830Mangshan CampWe found the tent Jersey previously used without too much effort. We lift the curtain and walk in. Everything is clean and tidy. It's just there's no one inside. Just like Jersey said, we find his lover's pine branch brooch in the most obvious place in the tent. Inside, it's Jersey's photo.\nJersey holds the brooch and smiles for the first time in many days. Someone appears at the entrance of the tent almost at the same time, asking us why we broke into their tent.Exploration Event120608301120608310
7712060831ContinueNext Page220608320
7722060833RecordedKeep moving forward22060813
7732060910Signal StationWe arrived at the signal station following Jersey. The station is still operating. We explain everything to the Scavengers here and we agree on the details about the evacuation and plan to start the evacuation tomorrow.\nFinally,... we can go home.Exploration Event120609101120609110
7742060911RecordedGet prepared to evacuate.2
7752061001RecordedThere's nothing left to do. Keep moving forward.2
7762061101Agree to take the children with youThe 4 children will take the supplies to the camp2206110302061101
7772061102Refuse the woman's requestWe are not able to take in more people2206110502061102
7782061103Health CenterI agreed. To be honest, I just couldn't refuse them. The children won't explore with us, so I ask comrades at camp to take them back tomorrow.Exploration Event111120611040
7792061104RecordedThe 4 children will take the supplies to the camp2
7802061106Accept the suppliesBring Medicine x40 and Food x40 to the Exploration Team2
7812061201RecordedBe cautious and go around here2
7822061311Believe JerseyJersey will act alone220613140
7832061312Do it yourselfEnter the facility and shut down the device220613160
7842061313LeaveLeave as there is no need to take the risk220613180
7852061315RecordedThere's nothing left to do22061311
7862061316Military FacilityI don't know why Jersey offered to do this, but I have no reason to put him in danger alone. After careful consideration, I decided to go myself. I found a hidden entrance at a corner of the facility, but when I finally got the door open, what was in front of me was a group of the Corrupted. At this critical moment, Jersey came and saved me. We fought our way to the center of the facility, turned off the signal generator, and left at the last minute.\nThe facility exploded. Although the Corrupted started to leave, the Corrupted trapped in the facility was set free, which led to a temporary Red Tide outbreak.Exploration Event111120613170
7872061317RecordedThere's nothing left to do220613112061312
7882061319RecordedThere's nothing left to do22061311
7892061321Believe JerseyJersey will act alone220613240
7902061322Do it yourselfEnter the facility and shut down the device220613260
7912061323LeaveLeave as there is no need to take the risk220613280
7922061325RecordedThere's nothing left to do22061311
7932061326Military FacilityI don't know why Jersey offered to do this, but I have no reason to put him in danger alone. After careful consideration, I decided to go myself. I found a hidden entrance at a corner of the facility, but when I finally got the door open, what was in front of me was a group of the Corrupted. At this critical moment, Jersey came and saved me. We fought our way to the center of the facility, turned off the signal generator, and left at the last minute.\nThe facility exploded. Although the Corrupted started to leave, the Corrupted trapped in the facility was set free, which led to a temporary Red Tide outbreak.Exploration Event111120613270
7942061327RecordedThere's nothing left to do220613112061312
7952061329RecordedThere's nothing left to do22061311
7962061401RecordedBring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team22061401
7972061501Believe JerseyBreak the wall2206150302061501
7982061502Don't believe JerseyStay away from the wall2206150502061502
7992061504Collect ResourcesBring Wood x100, Iron x100, Medicine x30, and Food x30 to the Exploration Team2
8002061506Collect ResourcesBring Wood x50, Iron x50, Medicine x10, and Food x10 to the Exploration Team2
8012061601Collect ResourcesBring Medicine x20 and Food x20 to the Exploration Team220616012061602
8022061700Deep PitThe deep pit has completely cut off the road to the western camp. We have found nothing in it except the few supplies in the bottom.Exploration Event11120617010
8032061701Collect ResourcesBring Medicine x30 to the Exploration Team22061701
8042061801Collect ResourcesBring Wood x200, Iron x200, Medicine x40, and Food x40 to the Exploration Team22061801
8052061900Grassland of HorsesThere is nothing on the grassland except some small animals running around. Could it be possible that the signal station is not in this direction...?Exploration Event11120619010
8062061901RecordedBring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team22061901
8072062000Golf CourseThe holes, big and small, left by the war have increased the difficulty level of the golf course to an insane level. Moline hit several balls but none of them entered the target hole.\nThere is nothing except the holes, nor did we find any information about the signal station. We'd better get going.Exploration Event11120620010
8082062001Collect ResourcesBring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team22062001
8092062100Forest ParkThe entrance of the park looks like as if it was crushed by a giant hand. Even the steel fence was broken into big and small fragments. But it seems there are no Corrupted around, which makes it convenient for us to collect resources.Exploration Event11120621010
8102062101Collect ResourcesBring Wood x200, Iron x200, Medicine x60, and Food x60 to the Exploration Team22062101
8112062200Park SupermarketWe can see a vast grassland in the <color=#0F70BC>southwest</color> of here. Will there be any resources?\nMost of the racks in the supermarket are empty, but the amount of dust on them is different. The medicine racks are almost dust free.\nIt seems that the supermarket has been welcoming visitors even recently. It's very likely there are other survivors ahead. So we take part of the supplies and leave the remaining to other Scavengers.Exploration Event11120622010
8122062201Collect ResourcesBring Medicine x40 and Food x40 to the Exploration Team220622012062202
8132062301RecordedBring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team22062301
8142062501Collect ResourcesBring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team22062501
8152062600Lakeside CaveThe cave is deep and wet. It's hard to tell if the water was naturally generated or left by something. It gives us a feeling of walking inside the belly of some sort of giant monster.\nWe find a small camp deep in the cave. Perhaps because of its location, the camp is almost intact except for some glowing bugs crawling around. Even the <color=#0F70BC>supply chests</color> are neatly piled up with no traces of being forced open. On top of the chests is a notebook with distorted writing on one of the pages.\n\n<color=#0F70BC><i>Sorry but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live.</i></color>\n\n... We don't dare to lift the curtain of the tent in the center of the camp. We can see a distorted, big, drenched figure even through the waterproof cloth.Exploration Event11120626010
8162062601Collect ResourcesBring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team22062601
8172062700Abandoned Industrial ParkIt's said that it used to be the biggest industrial area in the north with numerous factories and giant chimneys, making it look like a gray forest in the north of the city. But everything is gone now.\nDuring our exploration, we find a map of the surrounding area. There are two arrows extending from the industrial park, one pointing to the <color=#0F70BC>northeast</color> of the park, and one pointing to the <color=#0F70BC>south</color>. Through investigation, we are almost sure that there are traces of <color=#0F70BC>survivors</color> in the <color=#0F70BC>northwest</color> of the park. Should we have a look there?Exploration Event11120627010
8182062701RecordedBring Wood x220 and Iron x220 to the Exploration Team22062701
8192062801Collect ResourcesBring Wood x40, Iron x40, Wood x150, and Iron x150 to the Exploration Team220628012062802
8202062900Abandoned Platform... The situation is way worse than we expected. Without enough serum or medicine, people who already lost the protection of CPF start to have various degrees of ulceration.\nThey ask me to end their pain, but I... just can't do this. Should I help them?Exploration Event1112062901020629020
8212062901Relieve them from misery...Bring Food x40, Medicine x40, Wood x100, and Iron x100 to the Exploration Team22062901
8222062902Take them back to the campBring Food x40, Medicine x40, Wood x100, Iron x100, and Survivor x2 to the Exploration Team220629012062902
8232063011Recorded...Bring Food x40, Medicine x40, Wood x100, and Iron x100 to the Exploration Team22063001206300220630032063004
8242063021RecordedBring Food x60, Medicine x60, Wood x100, Iron x100, and Survivor x2 to the Exploration Team220630022063003206300420630052063006