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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
C<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><1D><>\v<><76><EFBFBD><19>k<EFBFBD>4M<34><4D><6E>MEh*H<>p<EFBFBD><70>0<02>i<EFBFBD>!<21>&<26><>G<EFBFBD><47>}Mz١<7A>eZ<65>Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory98.png
2 2 401 1 202
3 3 301 DialogEnable Your mind wanders in the dark. As you slowly regain consciousness, the voices around you trickle into your ears, gradually and sparingly, like raindrops dripping down the eaves.
4 4 201 1 500226
5 5 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice Akdilek must be very shorthanded to send a child like you. 1
6 6 201 1 500225
7 7 301 1 Changyu It's gonna cost you, judging a book by its cover. 1
8 8 201 1 500226
9 9 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice Watch it. I'll let it slide this time, but only because you've brought me my mark. 1
10 10 302 (His mark?) 11 (Does he mean me?) 11
11 11 202 1 1
12 12 301 It does not matter for now. You are treading on a tightrope—better keep up the unconscious act and observe quietly.
13 13 401 2 1516
14 14 301 Right then, you hear footsteps closing in, and with them a sense of hostility that further weighs down your heavy breaths.
15 15 201 1 500225
16 16 301 1 Changyu Hey, hands off the goods! 【kuroname】 is not yours yet. How about your part of the deal? 1
17 17 301 Changyu's protest is followed by the sound of a connected hit, and the hostile presence stumbles away from you.
18 18 302 DialogDisable (Changyu...) 19 (Right, what was that he said...) 19
19 19 202 RImgBg1Disable 1 1
20 20 101 RImgBg1Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png
21 21 301 DialogEnable 1 Changyu Hm? Relax, the drug I gave you wasn't that powerful to begin with. You'll wake up in no time. 1
22 22 502 RImgBg1Disable DialogDisable
23 23 101 RImgBg1Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory98.png
24 24 302 (Did he know I'll be awake by now?) 25
25 25 301 DialogEnable Serious Female Voice What are you doing?!
26 26 201 1 500225
27 27 301 1 Changyu Reminding you of the terms of our deal. No one benefits if you violate 'em. 1
28 28 301 Changyu Or maybe you do want to fight a Construct? 1
29 29 301 Changyu My left wrist comes with a special little trinket today. Perhaps y'all want a demonstration? 1
30 30 302 (Left wrist?) 32 (Is he talking about...) 32
31 31 202 1 1
32 32 301 Taking Changyu's hint, you stealthily twist your left arm under the cover of the wall, activating the beacon in your bracelet.
33 33 301 Serious Female Voice Trinket? What are you talking about?
34 34 301 Changyu only answers with a disdainful grunt.
35 35 201 1 500226
36 36 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice Just show him the thing. 1
37 37 401 2 1509
38 38 301 You hear the sound of a suitcase unlocking.
39 39 301 Gravelly Male Voice Take a look. 1
40 40 301 Changyu takes a few steps and stops nearby.
41 41 201 1 500225 1
42 42 301 1 Changyu Yep, looks good. This device'll help us sort out the knockoffs. 1
43 43 202 1 1
44 44 301 Calm Female Voice If everyone's happy with their merchandise, let's move on and pay your... "deposits."
45 45 301 Calm Female Voice Once we've sealed our deal, Akdilek will remove our enemies for us; in exchange, we will no longer adulterate your products. Perhaps that's enough to salvage your name, or whatever's left of it.
46 46 302 (I see...) 47 (So that's what Changyu's after...) 47
47 47 301 Calm Female Voice However, in the event of a breach of contract...
48 48 201 1 500225 13
49 49 301 1 Changyu You'll go kaboom with your inside men on our train? 1
50 50 202 1 1
51 51 401 2 1516
52 52 301 Changyu sneers in the far corner of the room. He turns around, the sound of his footsteps heading toward you.
53 53 302 (Carefully open your eyes)
54 54 301 In your hazy vision, you can see Changyu approaching and flexing his wrists. He, however, is brimming with satisfaction, without a trace of his mocking sneer.
55 55 201 1 500225 1
56 56 301 1 Changyu Hey, you awake? 1
57 57 302 What's going on? 58 ...Didn't you already know? 59
58 58 61 301 Changyu I'm really sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you in a sec. 1
59 59 301 Changyu Yeah... Truth is, I don't think I can handle this by myself. 1
60 60 204 1
61 61 301 Quiet as you two may be, you have alerted the others in the room.
62 62 201 1 500226
63 63 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice That piece of trash's awake? 1
64 64 201 1 500225
65 65 301 1 Changyu I'll explain later. Prepare to bolt— 1
66 66 301 Before he can finish, the female guard leaps onto Changyu with her weapon in hand, only to receive a kick from him square in the stomach that sends her flying.
67 67 201 1 500226
68 68 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice You dare?! Everyone, charge! Kill the Babylonian first, we'll settle the boy's debt later! 1
69 69 302 1000 ...! 72 ...Changyu! 73
70 70 201 1 500225 1
71 71 303 1000
72 72 75 301 1 Changyu In your dreams, you old coot. 1
73 73 301 1 Changyu Easy, I'm right here. 1
74 74 202 1
75 6450 401 2 1512
76 75 301 Changyu dodges the attacks coming from the front, and he sends the attackers reeling on the floor with a well-placed uppercut. A dash—and he is right next to the suitcase he is after. He picks it up and throws it backward.
77 76 302 (Catch the suitcase) 77
78 77 201 1 500225 1
79 78 301 1 Changyu Nice catch! Now GO! 1
80 79 401 2 1502
81 80 301 Seeing his human followers are no match to a Construct, the leader sounds the alarm, and the place is immediately swarmed with mechanoid guards.
82 81 204 1 3
83 82 301 Changyu Well... Shit. 1
84 83 202 1 1
85 84 401 2 10002001
86 85 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2
87 86 301 Out of nowhere, a flurry of blades tear apart the front door, alongside the mechanoid guards that were flooding in—and as the dust settles, there stand the three members of Gray Raven.
88 87 201 1 500166
89 88 301 1 Lucia Commandant! Are you alright?! 1
90 89 302 I'm fine. 90 I don't think so... 92
91 90 201 1 1031001 6
92 91 301 1 Liv You don't look fine... 1
93 92 201 1 500026 10
94 93 301 1 Lee You better have a good explanation on what the hell is happening— 1
95 94 201 1 500225 14
96 95 301 1 Changyu Oh shut it, just run! 1
97 96 201 1 500226
98 97 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice Stop! Do you have any idea what you're doing?! Do you understand what this transgression would cost Akdilek?! 1
99 98 201 1 500225 1
100 99 301 1 Changyu Oh, I'm afraid you're the one in the dark. When was the last time you heard from your guy? 1
101 100 201 1 500226
102 101 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice Enough with your bullshit! I've just heard from him! 1
103 102 201 1 500225 1
104 103 301 1 Changyu You mean you've heard this? 1
105 104 301 Changyu takes out a small cubic apparatus from his pocket, and with a tap comes a familiar voice.
106 105 301 "All is good, bossman. No need to worry."
107 106 204 1
108 107 301 Changyu He kept following me around, so I decided to record everything he said... The trick is to hide the cuts with some static, y'know? As for the trash you placed on our train... I haven't heard from them, have ya? 1
109 108 302 That's what you meant by "cleaning"? 110
110 109 204 1 2
111 110 301 Changyu That's right, with the time you bought me. 1
112 111 201 1 500226
113 112 301 1 Gravelly Male Voice Kill them! 1
114 113 401 2 1509
115 114 201 1 500142 -600
116 115 201 2 500142 0
117 116 201 3 500142 600
118 117 301 1 At the sound of his howl, all the mechanoid guards burst in the house through the broken door, the smashed windows, even the torn down air ducts—and surround the group in a swirl of chaos. 1 2 3
119 118 302 (Raise your gun) 119
120 119 202 1 2 3 1
121 120 201 1 500225
122 121 301 1 Changyu Follow me! 1
123 122 202 1 1
124 123 301 The incoming mechanoid guards keep shoving each other into the confined space, causing more and more mayhem.
125 124 301 Fortunately, each fallen mechanoid guard becomes another brick of a metal wall that shields you. Unfortunately, the more they fall, the more your escape route is clogged.
126 125 301 You cannot reach the three Gray Ravens at the door, and you are getting further away from Changyu, as the two of you are slowly forced to the two sides of the room.
127 126 201 1 500225 3
128 127 301 1 Changyu Hey, shouldn't we be retreating? 1
129 128 302 The best-laid plans go astray. 129 Hey, dream, meet reality. 129
130 129 301 Taking a step away from this metal wall of fallen machines means an open season for the rest of them.
131 130 302 Humans are kind of fragile! 131 I'm not a Construct! 131
132 131 301 Changyu lets out a sigh. The fight is straining on him, but he manages to turn around; with his punches leading the way, he moves toward you, one mechanoid at a time.
133 132 301 Suddenly, the faint sound of a ticking clock catches his attention.
134 133 204 1 5
135 134 301 1 Changyu No! 【kuroname】! 1
136 135 302 ? 136
137 136 301 Changyu's moves become frantic, his fists swinging wildly—but none of it matters, as he still fails to breach the walls of mechanoids and fallen machines.
138 137 301 Changyu —GET OUT OF MY WAY!!! 1
139 138 202 1 1
140 139 301 RImgBg1Shake Changyu's cry rings with a thunderous quake, shattering a wall nearby and the mechanoid guards in his way—but then—
141 140 301 "Tick—"
142 141 401 2 1503
143 142 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
144 143 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png
145 144 301 A blinding white light coats your vision; a deafening buzz pierces your eardrums. You are deprived of your senses—and yet, amid this pulsating chaos, a voice, almost heartbreaking in its desperation, reaches you.
146 145 301 Changyu 【kuroname】!
147 146 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin ...Chang Yu, did he manage to reach you?