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2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory527.png
2 2 401 1 204
3 3 301 DialogEnable Although this is only one small goal: win a commemoration award and then stop...
4 4 301 But even then, you managed to get third place.
5 5 301 After having so much fun with Liv and Ellie, you hardly realize that the event is about to end.
6 6 302 This time we need to win a commemoration award. 7
7 7 201 1 500492
8 8 301 1 Liv Alright, but this game... 1
9 9 301 Liv feels apprehensive about a two-player game by the name of "Rough Seas".
10 10 301 Two players must remain balanced on a shaking platform for a designated time. If either player falls, the game is over.
11 11 301 Players can only use a rope ring for leverage to balance on the narrow platform.
12 12 301 Considering the need for safety in the game, only two adults are allowed to participate. Because of that, everyone seemed to avoid it.
13 13 301 Liv Looks like no has beaten this game... 1
14 14 302 Isn't that a good thing? 15
15 15 302 Anyway, it's just a commemoration award, right? 16
16 16 204 1 1
17 17 301 Liv Yeah. 1
18 18 301 Liv Wait for us here, Ellie. Okay? 1
19 19 201 1 500260
20 20 301 1 Ellie You got it! 1
21 21 301 AniZhuanchangBegin She nods earnestly and watches you two walk away.
22 22 202 DialogDisable 1 1
23 23 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory310.png
24 24 301 DialogEnable After signing up for the challenge, you and Liv stand on the platform.
25 25 301 Just as you are about to grab the rope ring, your hands touch Liv's.
26 26 201 1 500492 6
27 27 301 1 Liv ... 1
28 28 301 She doesn't say anything, but her expression is clear.
29 29 302 Come a little closer. 30
30 30 203 1 0.25 -100
31 31 301 Liv Hmm... 1
32 32 301 Liv shyly steps closer.
33 33 301 Liv It's just a commemorative award. Shouldn't we just fail on purpose? 1
34 34 302 We don't want to worry Ellie. 35 No fun in losing on purpose. 36
35 35 37 301 Liv looks back at Ellie standing outside the challenge area. Just like you said, she looks nervously at the platform under your feet as if worried something dangerous could happen.
36 36 301 Liv looks back at the staff member beside her checking the stability, worrying that the difficulty was too high since no one had won.
37 37 301 Staff Member Alright, get ready!
38 38 302 Hold on to me tight, Liv! 39 Pardon me. 40
39 39 41 301 Liv O-okay... 1
40 40 301 You smile and put an arm around Liv's waist.
41 41 301 Liv blushes as you two get closer.
42 600 203 1 0.25 -160
43 42 301 But right as the machine starts, she grabs onto you tightly out of reflex.
44 43 301 The platform begins to sway slowly like gentle waves, gradually increasing to the strength of a typhoon. However, Liv quickly gets into the rhythm.
45 44 301 Her posture remains firm, and her hands show no sign of letting go.
46 45 301 Liv Commandant... 1
47 46 302 What is it? 47
48 47 301 Liv Sorry for troubling you on a holiday... 1
49 48 302 Don't worry. 49
50 49 302 I like seeing you happy, Liv. 50 We're like family. 51
51 50 52 301 Liv ...Yeah... Thank you... 1
52 51 301 Liv ...Like family... 1
53 52 301 The girl lowers her head and covers her face as if on the verge of tears.
54 53 301 Right at that moment, the indicator light next to you sounds an alarm indicating an increase in amplitude.
55 54 204 1
56 55 301 Liv Careful, Commandant! 1
57 56 302 Why don't we just fall? 57 We'll miss the award if we hold on any longer. 57
58 57 301 Liv Okay... 1
59 58 302 Ready... 59
60 59 302 One, two... 60
61 60 301 Holding on to you tightly, you both let go right as the platform starts to sway to the right—
62 61 202 1 1
63 62 502 RImgBg1Shake
64 63 301 —And fall into the ball pit below.
65 64 301 Staff Member Challenge failed!
66 65 301 Staff Member What happened...? Maybe we shouldn't have this game next time...
67 66 301 The staff member groans to the console and stops the shaking platform.
68 67 302 ... 68
69 68 201 1 500492 1
70 69 301 1 Liv C-Commandant... 1
71 70 301 The soft voice in his arms is trembling. She casts a concerned and inquiring look at you.
72 71 302 I'm fine. 72
73 72 302 Liv? 73
74 73 301 Liv Good thing we fell into this ball pit... 1
75 74 302 Yeah, you're right. Let's get up.
76 75 301 Liv Hmm... 1
77 76 301 Liv seems distracted as if she hadn't recovered from the fall just now.
78 77 203 1 0.25 400
79 78 201 2 500260 -400
80 79 301 1 Ellie Are you two alright? 2
81 80 301 As the barrier to the challenge area opens, Ellie rushes in. She doesn't even bother to take the commemoration award.
82 81 302 We're okay. Let's grab the reward. 82
83 82 301 Ellie Okay! 2
84 83 301 She lets out a big sigh of relief.
85 84 301 Ellie Granny, look! 2
86 85 202 1 2 1
87 86 301 Looking in the direction she's pointing to, a middle-aged woman finishes talking to the staff and walks over with a smile.
88 87 201 1 500268
89 88 301 1 Lady Hello, everyone. 1
90 89 203 1 0.25 -400
91 90 201 2 500492 400
92 91 301 1 Liv Hello, miss. 2
93 92 301 Lady Here, take these Star Tickets. And here is a "commemoration reward." 1
94 93 301 Liv Thank you. It was nothing. 2
95 94 301 Lady These activities themselves are meant to involve children, but you still deserve the reward for your efforts. 1
96 95 302 Thank you... 96
97 96 301 Lady You're welcome. Ellie, have a biscuit and play here for a while. I want to talk with this young lady. 1
98 97 202 2 1
99 98 201 1 500260
100 99 301 1 Ellie Okay, Granny. 1
101 100 203 2 0.25 800
102 101 202 200 2
103 102 201 1 500268
104 103 301 1 Seeing Ellie leave, the lady sighs somberly.
105 104 301 Lady ...Thank you for playing with her. 1
106 105 302 Ellie's parents... 106
107 106 301 Lady You must've already sensed it by now. This sort of thing isn't anything new in this day and age. 1
108 107 302 She still doesn't know about her parents? 108
109 108 301 Lady I'm sure she has some idea... 1
110 109 301 Lady They're still so young, but it's just as I've said. Who can turn a blind eye to it in this day and age? 1
111 110 301 Lady But I don't want to crush her hopes until she finally recovers from her pain. 1
112 111 301 Lady Something can only be taken one step at a time. 1
113 112 301 She bows slightly to both of you.
114 113 301 Lady So I also want to thank you for accompanying her along the way rather than making her face this cruel reality. 1
115 114 203 1 0.25 -400
116 115 201 2 500492 1 400
117 116 301 1 Liv You're welcome. She also gave us some beautiful memories. 2
118 117 302 Yeah. 118
119 118 301 Lady That's all I could ask for. 1
120 119 202 1 2
121 120 301 She nods and turns to leave.
122 121 301 Off in the distance, Ellie looks at her straw bracelet and smiles brightly.
123 122 201 1 500492 1
124 123 301 1 Liv If only the children here could keep laughing and smiling like this. 1
125 124 302 Well, that's what we're fighting for. 126
126 125 302 That's our common goal, Liv. 128
127 126 204 1 8
128 127 130 301 Liv You're right... For future peace and a smile on everyone's face.
129 128 204 1 8
130 129 301 Liv But also... for you to be... happy... and safe with everyone... I will...
131 130 302 That's okay.
132 131 204 1 3
133 132 301 Liv Huh? 1
134 133 302 I just want to know if you're happy today, Liv. 134
135 134 204 1 1
136 135 301 Liv ...Yes, I am. 1
137 136 302 That's enough. 137 Then so am I. 137
138 137 204 1 6
139 138 301 Liv ...Commandant... 1
140 139 302 Let's go back. 140
141 140 302 Lucia and Lee are probably waiting for us. 141
142 141 204 1 1
143 142 301 Liv Yes. Let's go. 1
144 143 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin She looks up and smiles a warm smile of genuine "happiness."