forked from PGR/ascnet
290 lines
36 KiB
290 lines
36 KiB
using AscNet.Common.Database;
using AscNet.Common.MsgPack;
using AscNet.Common.Util;
using AscNet.Table.share.fuben;
using AscNet.Table.V2.share.reward;
using MessagePack;
namespace AscNet.GameServer.Handlers
#region MsgPackScheme
#pragma warning disable CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable.
enum RewardType
Item = 1,
Character = 2,
Equip = 3,
Fashion = 4,
BaseEquip = 5,
Furniture = 9,
HeadPortrait = 10,
DormCharacter = 11,
ChatEmoji = 12,
WeaponFashion = 13,
Collection = 14,
Background = 15,
Pokemon = 16,
Partner = 17,
Nameplate = 18,
RankScore = 20,
Medal = 21,
DrawTicket = 22
public class Operation
public bool? MoveOperated { get; set; }
public int MoveOperation { get; set; }
public int CameraRotationX { get; set; }
public int CameraRotationY { get; set; }
public int CameraInput { get; set; }
public long IncId { get; set; }
public int[] ClickOperation { get; set; }
public int[] SpecialOperation { get; set; }
public class NpcHp
public int CharacterId { get; set; }
public int NpcId { get; set; }
public int Type { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public List<int> BuffIds { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, dynamic> AttrTable { get; set; }
public partial class NpcDpsTable
public int Value { get; set; }
public int MaxValue { get; set; }
public int RoleId { get; set; }
public int NpcId { get; set; }
public int CharacterId { get; set; }
public int DamageTotal { get; set; }
public int DamageNormal { get; set; }
public List<int> DamageMagic { get; set; } = new();
public int BreakEndure { get; set; }
public int Cure { get; set; }
public int Hurt { get; set; }
public int Type { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public List<int> BuffIds { get; set; } = new();
public dynamic AttrTable { get; set; }
public class FightSettleResult
public bool IsWin { get; set; }
public bool IsForceExit { get; set; }
public uint StageId { get; set; }
public int StageLevel { get; set; }
public long FightId { get; set; }
public int RebootCount { get; set; }
public int AddStars { get; set; }
public long StartFrame { get; set; }
public long SettleFrame { get; set; }
public long PauseFrame { get; set; }
public long ExSkillPauseFrame { get; set; }
public long SettleCode { get; set; }
public int DodgeTimes { get; set; }
public int NormalAttackTimes { get; set; }
public int ConsumeBallTimes { get; set; }
public int StuntSkillTimes { get; set; }
public int PauseTimes { get; set; }
public int HighestCombo { get; set; }
public int DamagedTimes { get; set; }
public int MatrixTimes { get; set; }
public long HighestDamage { get; set; }
public long TotalDamage { get; set; }
public long TotalDamaged { get; set; }
public long TotalCure { get; set; }
public long[] PlayerIds { get; set; }
public dynamic[] PlayerData { get; set; }
public dynamic? IntToIntRecord { get; set; }
public dynamic? StringToIntRecord { get; set; }
public Dictionary<long, Operation> Operations { get; set; }
public long[] Codes { get; set; }
public long LeftTime { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, NpcHp> NpcHpInfo { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, NpcDpsTable> NpcDpsTable { get; set; }
public dynamic[] EventSet { get; set; }
public long DeathTotalMyTeam { get; set; }
public long DeathTotalEnemy { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, int> DeathRecord { get; set; } = new();
public dynamic[] GroupDropDatas { get; set; }
public dynamic? EpisodeFightResults { get; set; }
public dynamic? CustomData { get; set; }
public class FightSettleRequest
public FightSettleResult Result { get; set; }
#pragma warning restore CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable.
internal class FightModule
public static void PreFightRequestHandler(Session session, Packet.Request packet)
PreFightRequest req = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<PreFightRequest>(packet.Content);
StageTable? stageTable = StageTableReader.Instance.FromStageId((int)req.PreFightData.StageId);
if (stageTable is null)
// FubenManagerCheckPreFightStageInfoNotFound
session.SendResponse(new PreFightResponse() { Code = 20003012 }, packet.Id);
PreFightResponse rsp = new()
Code = 0,
FightData = new()
Online = false,
FightId = req.PreFightData.StageId + (uint)Random.Shared.NextInt64(0, uint.MaxValue - req.PreFightData.StageId),
OnlineMode = 0,
Seed = (uint)Random.Shared.NextInt64(0, uint.MaxValue),
StageId = req.PreFightData.StageId,
RebootId = Miscs.ParseIntOr(stageTable.RebootId, 0),
PassTimeLimit = Miscs.ParseIntOr(stageTable.PassTimeLimit, 300),
StarsMark = 0
Id = (uint)session.player.PlayerData.Id,
Camp = 1,
Name = session.player.PlayerData.Name,
IsRobot = false,
NpcData = new()
if (req.PreFightData?.CardIds is not null)
for (int i = 0; i < req.PreFightData.CardIds.Count; i++)
uint cardId = req.PreFightData.CardIds[i];
var characterData = session.character.Characters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == cardId);
if (characterData is null)
rsp.FightData.RoleData.First(x => x.Id == session.player.PlayerData.Id).NpcData.Add(i, new
Character = characterData,
Equips = session.character.Equips.Where(x => x.CharacterId == cardId)
session.SendResponse(rsp, packet.Id);
public static void HandleTeamSetTeamRequestHandler(Session session, Packet.Request packet)
session.SendResponse(new TeamSetTeamResponse(), packet.Id);
public static void FightSettleRequestHandler(Session session, Packet.Request packet)
FightSettleRequest req = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<FightSettleRequest>(packet.Content);
Table.V2.share.fuben.StageTable? stageTable = TableReaderV2.Parse<Table.V2.share.fuben.StageTable>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.StageId == req.Result.StageId);
if (stageTable is null)
// FightCheckManagerSettleCodeNotMatch
session.SendResponse(new FightSettleResponse() { Code = 20032004 }, packet.Id);
List<RewardGoods> rewards = new();
List<RewardTable> rewardTables = TableReaderV2.Parse<RewardTable>().Where(x => session.stage.Stages.ContainsKey(req.Result.StageId) ? x.Id == stageTable.FinishDropId : (x.Id == stageTable.FinishDropId || x.Id == stageTable.FirstRewardId)).ToList();
NotifyItemDataList notifyItemData = new();
notifyItemData.ItemDataList.Add(session.inventory.Do(Inventory.TeamExp, stageTable.TeamExp ?? 0));
foreach (var rewardGoodsId in rewardTables.SelectMany(x => x.SubIds))
RewardGoodsTable? rewardGood = TableReaderV2.Parse<RewardGoodsTable>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == rewardGoodsId);
if (rewardGood is not null)
// Item type formula
int rewardTypeVal = Math.Max((int)MathF.Floor((rewardGood.TemplateId > 0 ? rewardGood.TemplateId : rewardGood.Id) / 1000000), 1);
RewardType rewardType = RewardType.Item;
rewardType = (RewardType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(RewardType), rewardTypeVal);
catch (Exception)
session.log.Error($"Failed to convert {rewardTypeVal} to {nameof(RewardType)} enum object!");
// TODO: Implement other types. Other types are behaving weirdly
if (rewardType == RewardType.Item)
notifyItemData.ItemDataList.Add(session.inventory.Do(rewardGood.TemplateId, rewardGood.Count));
Id = rewardGood.Id,
TemplateId = rewardGood.TemplateId,
Count = rewardGood.Count,
RewardType = rewardTypeVal
StageDatum stageData = new()
StageId = req.Result.StageId,
StarsMark = 7,
Passed = true,
PassTimesToday = 0,
PassTimesTotal = 1,
BuyCount = 0,
Score = 0,
LastPassTime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
RefreshTime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
CreateTime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
BestRecordTime = 0,
LastRecordTime = 0,
BestCardIds = req.Result.NpcDpsTable.Where(x => x.Value.CharacterId > 0).Select(x => (long)x.Value.CharacterId).ToList(),
LastCardIds = req.Result.NpcDpsTable.Where(x => x.Value.CharacterId > 0).Select(x => (long)x.Value.CharacterId).ToList()
FightSettleResponse fightSettleResponse = new()
Settle = new()
IsWin = true,
StageId = (uint)stageData.StageId,
StarsMark = (int)stageData.StarsMark,
RewardGoodsList = rewards,
NpcHpInfo = req.Result.NpcHpInfo,
ChallengeCount = req.Result.RebootCount
session.SendPush(new NotifyStageData() { StageList = new() { stageData } });
// session.SendResponse(MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<FightSettleResponse>(MessagePackSerializer.ConvertFromJson($"{{\"Code\": 0, \"Settle\": {{\"IsWin\": true, \"StageId\": {req.Result.StageId}, \"StarsMark\": 7, \"RewardGoodsList\": [{{\"RewardType\": 1, \"TemplateId\": 1, \"Count\": 1947, \"Level\": 0, \"Quality\": 0, \"Grade\": 0, \"Breakthrough\": 0, \"ConvertFrom\": 0, \"Id\": 0}}, {{\"RewardType\": 1, \"TemplateId\": 30011, \"Count\": 1, \"Level\": 0, \"Quality\": 0, \"Grade\": 0, \"Breakthrough\": 0, \"ConvertFrom\": 0, \"Id\": 0}}, {{\"RewardType\": 1, \"TemplateId\": 30011, \"Count\": 1, \"Level\": 0, \"Quality\": 0, \"Grade\": 0, \"Breakthrough\": 0, \"ConvertFrom\": 0, \"Id\": 0}}, {{\"RewardType\": 3, \"TemplateId\": 3052001, \"Count\": 1, \"Level\": 1, \"Quality\": 0, \"Grade\": 0, \"Breakthrough\": 0, \"ConvertFrom\": 0, \"Id\": 0}}, {{\"RewardType\": 3, \"TemplateId\": 3034002, \"Count\": 1, \"Level\": 1, \"Quality\": 0, \"Grade\": 0, \"Breakthrough\": 0, \"ConvertFrom\": 0, \"Id\": 0}}], \"LeftTime\": 282, \"NpcHpInfo\": {{\"9\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 91030, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9003, 900007, 900050, 701022, 900011, 900051, 910300, 715531, 700053, 715075, 700007, 900080, 700045, 100062, 700030, 700029, 710076, 700027, 700215, 700028], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 751}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 37, \"MaxValue\": 37}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"10\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 92090, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9009, 900007, 900050, 900055, 900011, 900051, 900072, 715531, 700053, 715075, 700007, 900080, 700028, 700045, 100062, 700030, 700029, 701022, 710076, 700027, 700215], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 301}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 37, \"MaxValue\": 37}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"11\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 92090, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9009, 900007, 900050, 900072, 900011, 900051, 700028, 715531, 700053, 715075, 700007, 900080, 100063, 100068, 700030, 700045, 700029, 701022, 710076, 700027, 700215], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 301}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 37, \"MaxValue\": 37}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"12\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 91100, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9010, 900007, 900050, 900055, 900011, 900051, 900082, 715531, 700053, 715075, 700007, 900080, 700030, 700029, 700045, 700028, 701022, 710076, 700027, 700215], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 844}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 199, \"MaxValue\": 199}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 38, \"MaxValue\": 38}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 38, \"MaxValue\": 38}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 38, \"MaxValue\": 38}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 38, \"MaxValue\": 38}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 38, \"MaxValue\": 38}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 18, \"MaxValue\": 18}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"14\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 91090, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9009, 900007, 900050, 900055, 900011, 900051, 900082, 715531, 700053, 715075, 700007, 900080, 100062, 100063, 100068, 700030, 700029, 700045, 700028, 701022, 710076, 700027, 700215], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 751}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 37, \"MaxValue\": 37}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"13\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 91090, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9009, 900007, 900050, 900082, 900011, 900051, 700030, 715531, 700053, 715075, 700007, 900080, 100063, 100068, 700029, 700045, 700028, 701022, 710076, 700027, 700215], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 751}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 84, \"MaxValue\": 84}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 37, \"MaxValue\": 37}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"16\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 91120, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9012, 900007, 900050, 700030, 900011, 900051, 700029, 715531, 700933, 715075, 700053, 700007, 900080, 700045, 700028, 701022, 710076, 700027, 700215, 700008, 900052], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 751}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 37, \"MaxValue\": 37}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"15\": {{\"CharacterId\": 0, \"NpcId\": 91120, \"Type\": 4, \"Level\": 7, \"BuffIds\": [9012, 900007, 900050, 900055, 900011, 900051, 900082, 715531, 700030, 715075, 700053, 700007, 900080, 700029, 700045, 700028, 701022, 710076, 700027, 700215], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 751}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 418, \"MaxValue\": 418}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 50, \"MaxValue\": 50}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 31, \"MaxValue\": 31}}, \"24\": {{\"Value\": 37, \"MaxValue\": 37}}, \"32\": {{\"Value\": 30, \"MaxValue\": 30}}, \"34\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"35\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"36\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"37\": {{\"Value\": 2030, \"MaxValue\": 2030}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 1}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 99, \"MaxValue\": 99}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 349, \"MaxValue\": 349}}}}}}, \"1\": {{\"CharacterId\": 1021001, \"NpcId\": 10210012, \"Type\": 1, \"Level\": 50, \"BuffIds\": [100054, 1002, 100050, 100051, 100074, 100085, 100201, 715587, 100219, 100243, 502101, 620701, 620705, 620801, 100055, 100056, 100057, 100058, 900081, 199931, 100052, 100053, 100204, 100294, 100295, 100296, 100297, 100001, 105535, 410011, 410012, 731103, 100016, 100007, 100093, 100091, 100000, 100021, 100076], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 5211, \"MaxValue\": 5211}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 42, \"MaxValue\": 120}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 249, \"MaxValue\": 249}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 249, \"MaxValue\": 249}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 610, \"MaxValue\": 610}}, \"6\": {{\"Value\": 20019980, \"MaxValue\": 20019980}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 1076, \"MaxValue\": 1076}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 1076, \"MaxValue\": 1076}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 1076, \"MaxValue\": 1076}}, \"14\": {{\"Value\": 1076, \"MaxValue\": 1076}}, \"15\": {{\"Value\": 1076, \"MaxValue\": 1076}}, \"23\": {{\"Value\": 676, \"MaxValue\": 676}}, \"25\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"40\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"41\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"42\": {{\"Value\": 10000, \"MaxValue\": 10000}}, \"44\": {{\"Value\": 527, \"MaxValue\": 527}}, \"46\": {{\"Value\": 20000, \"MaxValue\": 20000}}, \"54\": {{\"Value\": 1000, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"55\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 1000}}, \"56\": {{\"Value\": -96, \"MaxValue\": -96}}, \"57\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 100}}, \"68\": {{\"Value\": 199, \"MaxValue\": 199}}, \"74\": {{\"Value\": 699, \"MaxValue\": 699}}}}}}, \"2\": {{\"CharacterId\": 1031003, \"NpcId\": 10310033, \"Type\": 1, \"Level\": 45, \"BuffIds\": [100054, 102389, 1023, 100050, 100051, 100074, 100088, 102339, 102340, 102348, 410011, 503101, 620201, 620202, 620217, 620301, 620302, 620304, 620307, 100055, 100056, 100057, 100058, 199931, 100052, 100053, 105535, 410012], \"AttrTable\": {{\"1\": {{\"Value\": 2271, \"MaxValue\": 2271}}, \"2\": {{\"Value\": 0, \"MaxValue\": 120}}, \"3\": {{\"Value\": 249, \"MaxValue\": 249}}, \"4\": {{\"Value\": 249, \"MaxValue\": 249}}, \"5\": {{\"Value\": 610, \"MaxValue\": 610}}, \"6\": {{\"Value\": 20019980, \"MaxValue\": 20019980}}, \"11\": {{\"Value\": 470, \"MaxValue\": 470}}, \"12\": {{\"Value\": 470, \"MaxValue\": 470}}, \"13\": {{\"Value\": 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session.SendResponse(fightSettleResponse, packet.Id);