using System.Buffers.Binary; using System.Net.Sockets; using AscNet.Common; using AscNet.Common.Util; using AscNet.Logging; using MessagePack; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Logger = AscNet.Logging.Logger; namespace AscNet.GameServer { public class Session { public readonly string id; public readonly TcpClient client; public readonly Logger log; private long lastPacketTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); private ushort packetNo = 0; private readonly MessagePackSerializerOptions lz4Options = MessagePackSerializerOptions.Standard.WithCompression(MessagePackCompression.Lz4Block); public Session(string id, TcpClient tcpClient) { = id; client = tcpClient; // TODO: add session based configuration? maybe from database? log = new(typeof(Session), id, LogLevel.DEBUG, LogLevel.DEBUG); log.LogLevelColor[LogLevel.INFO] = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Task.Run(ClientLoop); } public async void ClientLoop() { NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); byte[] msg = new byte[1 << 16]; while (client.Connected) { try { Array.Clear(msg, 0, msg.Length); int len = stream.Read(msg, 0, msg.Length); if (len > 0) { lastPacketTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); List packets = new(); int readbytes = 0; while (readbytes < len) { int packetLen = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32LittleEndian(msg.AsSpan()[readbytes..]); readbytes += 4; if (packetLen < 4) break; else { byte[] packet = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray(packetLen); Array.Copy(msg, readbytes, packet, 0, packetLen); readbytes += packetLen; Crypto.HaruCrypt.Decrypt(packet); try { packets.Add(MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(packet, lz4Options)); } catch (Exception) { log.Error("Failed to deserialize packet: " + BitConverter.ToString(packet).Replace("-", "")); } } } foreach (var packet in packets) { byte[] debugContent = packet.Content; try { switch (packet.Type) { case Packet.ContentType.Request: Packet.Request request = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(packet.Content); debugContent = request.Content; RequestPacketHandlerDelegate? requestPacketHandler = PacketFactory.GetRequestPacketHandler(request.Name); if (requestPacketHandler is not null) { // TODO: with new logger this will be unnecessary if (Common.Common.config.VerboseLevel > VerboseLevel.Silent) log.Info($"{request.Name}{(Common.Common.config.VerboseLevel >= VerboseLevel.Debug ? (", " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MessagePackSerializer.Typeless.Deserialize(request.Content))) : "")}"); requestPacketHandler.Invoke(this, request); } else { if (Common.Common.config.VerboseLevel > VerboseLevel.Silent) log.Warn($"{request.Name} handler not found!{(Common.Common.config.VerboseLevel >= VerboseLevel.Debug ? (", " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MessagePackSerializer.Typeless.Deserialize(request.Content))) : "")}"); } break; case Packet.ContentType.Push: Packet.Push push = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(packet.Content); debugContent = push.Content; log.Info(push.Name); throw new NotImplementedException($"Packet push handlers not implemented ({push.Name})"); case Packet.ContentType.Exception: Packet.Exception exception = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(packet.Content); log.Error($"Exception packet received: {exception.Code}, {exception.Message}"); break; default: log.Error($"Unknown packet received: {packet}"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Failed to invoke handler: " + ex.Message + $", Raw {packet.Type} packet: " + BitConverter.ToString(debugContent).Replace("-", "")); } } } } catch (Exception) { break; } await Task.Delay(10); // 10 sec timeout if (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() - lastPacketTime > 10000) break; } DisconnectProtocol(); } public void SendPush(T push) where T : new() { Packet.Push packet = new() { Name = typeof(T).Name, Content = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(push) }; Send(new Packet() { No = ++packetNo, Type = Packet.ContentType.Push, Content = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(packet) }); log.Info($"{packet.Name}{(Common.Common.config.VerboseLevel >= VerboseLevel.Debug ? (", " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(push)) : "")}"); } public void SendPush(string name, byte[] push) { Packet.Push packet = new() { Name = name, Content = push }; Send(new Packet() { No = ++packetNo, Type = Packet.ContentType.Push, Content = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(packet) }); log.Info($"{name}{(Common.Common.config.VerboseLevel >= VerboseLevel.Debug ? (", " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MessagePackSerializer.Typeless.Deserialize(push))) : "")}"); } public void SendResponse(T response, int clientSeq = 0) where T : new() { Packet.Response packet = new() { Id = clientSeq, Name = typeof(T).Name, Content = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(response) }; Send(new Packet() { No = 0, Type = Packet.ContentType.Response, Content = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(packet) }); log.Info($"{packet.Name}{(Common.Common.config.VerboseLevel >= VerboseLevel.Debug ? (", " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response)) : "")}"); } private void Send(Packet packet) { byte[] serializedPacket = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(packet, lz4Options); Crypto.HaruCrypt.Encrypt(serializedPacket); byte[] sendBytes = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray(serializedPacket.Length + 4); BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(sendBytes.AsSpan()[0..4], serializedPacket.Length); Array.Copy(serializedPacket, 0, sendBytes, 4, serializedPacket.Length); client.GetStream().Write(sendBytes); } public void DisconnectProtocol() { if (Server.Instance.Sessions.GetValueOrDefault(id) is null) return; log.Warn($"{id} disconnected"); client.Close(); Server.Instance.Sessions.Remove(id); } } }