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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
Y<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>y<18><1C><02>OC<4F>K<EFBFBD><4B>Zs<5A><73><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>s|: <0A><>Ұb<D2B0> <0C><><EFBFBD><08><>hO<68><4F><EFBFBD><10><><EFBFBD> <0B>X/e<><65><EFBFBD><0F><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>3]<5D>+*tņX<07><>MY#{u<>7S<><53>3<EFBFBD><03>|<7C>7oa<6F>:<3A>u<EFBFBD>ePG<<03>p<EFBFBD><70>>6X<><58>K<13><>;Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png
2 2 401 1 208
3 3 301 3:15 p.m. Combat Drill Training Lobby, Command Central Building
4 4 301 ...
5 5 301 DialogDisable Due to it being a holiday, the Combat Drill Training Lobby is emptier than usual.
6 6 201 1 1081001 1
7 7 301 DialogEnable 1 Kamui Whew... Commandant! 1
8 8 301 Kamui I made the adjustments according to your request. Come check it out! 1
9 150 302 You worked hard. 9 Thank you. 9
10 9 301 Kamui I sneaked out without Captain noticing! How was that, huh? 1
11 151 302 (Check the database) 10
12 10 301 Kamui is gazing in your direction, eyes bright. Always eager for compliments after completing a mission—just how Kamui is.
13 152 302 I don't see any problems. 2333 Well done. 2333
14 2333 204 1 2
15 11 301 Kamui Aw... and yet Captain never trusts me with the testing! I did just fine. Even you're saying so, Commandant! 1
16 12 301 Kamui Anyway, if there's nothing else you need me for, I'll be off. 1
17 153 302 You're not staying a little longer? 2334
18 2334 204 1
19 13 301 Kamui I do want to hang out with you, Commandant... but Captain's gonna bombard me with messages for sure! 1
20 154 204 1 5
21 14 301 Kamui Wait... Ooh, are you flustered? 1
22 155 302 Why would I be flustered? 2335 Not at all. 2335
23 2335 204 1 2
24 15 301 Kamui There's no need to be flustered! I've spent lots of time with Camu. He's not as terrifying as he looks. Quite cute, actually! 1
25 156 302 Cute...? 16 Didn't he almost kill you? 17
26 16 301 Kamui I rubbed off on him, of course, after all the time we spent together. Besides, you're good at discovering the cute sides of others. It's a specialty of yours! 1
27 157 302 That's an exaggeration! 18 Are you sure that's not a compliment for yourself? 18
28 17 301 Kamui He's a bit direct, that's all. Besides, I won in the end, because I had you on my side. So you should trust in yourself! 1
29 18 301 Kamui Anyway, I don't plan to see that guy again. It was annoying enough already having him watching my every move! From now on he'll be watching YOUR every move instead, Commandant. 1
30 158 302 Kamui... 2336
31 2336 203 1 3 2000
32 159 202 1
33 19 301 Ignoring your comment, the blond Construct sticks out his tongue and runs off.
34 20 301 As far as you can remember, Kamui has been acting like this ever since Camu returned. He is dedicated in helping Camu with his training, yet acts all nonchalant.
35 160 302 (He's probably being considerate towards Camu.) 21
36 21 301 ...
37 22 301 ??? Hey.
38 23 301 ??? Hey!
39 161 302 DialogDisable Hey. 24 Huh? 24
40 24 201 1 500175 5
41 25 301 DialogEnable 1 Camu Aren't you the one who told me to come? Why are you zoning out? 1
42 26 301 Camu looks a bit annoyed.
43 162 302 I knew you'd come. 27 I thought you wouldn't come. 27
44 27 301 Camu Didn't you say you'd wait here? 1
45 28 301 Camu I was just checking to see if you're really waiting here like you said. 1
46 163 302 Take this. 29
47 29 301 Camu pulls a hand out of his pocket and catches the item you toss him.
48 30 301 Camu What's that? 1
49 164 302 The adjusted simulation data. 31
50 31 301 Camu Adjusted? You mean from the previous battle? 1
51 165 302 Yes. 32 For reconstructing the scene in the sim mission. 33
52 32 301 Camu You want to hold the simulated mission again or something? 1
53 166 302 I want to reconstruct the scene. 34
54 33 301 Camu Didn't the Council tell you to stop with that kind of training? 1
55 167 302 Adjustments have been done, though. 34 I have my reasons. 34
56 34 301 Camu gazes at you with a suspicious frown, but accepts the explanation.
57 35 301 Camu ...If you say so. 1
58 36 301 Camu However, I need to remind you that, if another accident like that one happens, I'm not taking any responsibility. 1
59 37 301 Camu You asked for this. Not my fault if they lose a precious commandant of theirs. 1
60 168 302 AniZhuanchangBegin No need to worry. 38
61 38 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory42.jpg
62 169 202 1 1
63 170 401 1 101
64 39 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1000 Minutes later, Camu is standing back in the corridor once more, just like the scene a few days ago.
65 40 301 The deeper he goes, the tenser Camu gets.
66 171 302 Camu. 2338
67 2338 201 1 500175
68 41 301 1 Camu ...Hm? What? 1
69 172 302 I need your help. 42
70 42 301 Camu Help with what? 1
71 173 202 1
72 43 301 DialogDisable With Kamui's help plus countless reviews, this mission seems to be going much smoother than the last time.
73 85258 502 RImgBg1DisableSlow
74 44 101 RImgBg2Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory43.jpg
75 174 201 1 500175 5
76 45 301 DialogEnable 1 Camu Hah... hah... 1
77 175 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLouDianNew.prefab 1
78 176 201 1500 1 500008
79 177 502 PanelActor1Disable
80 178 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLouDianNew.prefab 1
81 46 301 The opponent with Roland's appearance has dissipated into shards of light, scattered on the ground. The corridor is soon devoured by darkness again.
82 179 201 1 500175
83 47 301 DialogDisable Camu I... d-did it... 1
84 180 202 RImgBg1DisableSlow 1
85 181 401 1 208
86 182 101 RImgBg2Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png
87 48 301 DialogEnable Suddenly realizing that he is stuttering, Camu clears his throat and straightens up. The holographic battlefield in the simulated mission fades away, revealing the training pod.
88 183 302 It worked. 2339 Pretty good, wasn't it? 2400
89 2339 201 1 500175
90 49 51 301 1 Camu What did you do? 1
91 2400 201 1 500175
92 50 301 1 Camu Yeah. What did you do? 1
93 51 302 Kamui helped a lot. 52
94 52 301 Camu Oh. Is that so? 1
95 184 302 (Let's change the topic) 53 How are you and Kamui getting along? 55
96 53 301 Camu tuts, as if seeing right through your hesitation. He's surprisingly astute in certain situations, much like Kamui.
97 54 57 301 Camu No need to treat me like a porcelain doll. It's stupid. 1
98 55 301 Camu seems a bit surprised by the direct question.
99 56 301 Camu ...I know how to deal with Kamui. No need to worry about that. 1
100 57 301 As he speaks however, he stares off into the distance at a spot outside the sleeping pod.
101 185 302 (He doesn't seem ready...) 58 Okay, got it. 61
102 58 301 Camu What are you looking at me like that for? 1
103 186 302 Nothing. 61 There's something on your face. 59
104 59 301 Camu Huh...? Really? Are you kidding me? 1
105 60 301 Camu If you're poking fun at me, I'll kill you— 1
106 187 302 You're so mean! 61
107 61 301 Camu seems to relax a little at your response.
108 188 302 I'll get ready. 62
109 62 301 Camu Hurry, then, don't make me wait. 1
110 951595 502 AniZhuanchangBegin
111 63 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory17.jpg
112 189 401 1 201
113 64 201 1 500138 1
114 75757 502 AniZhuanchangEnd
115 65 301 1 Unfamiliar Commandant Hey! Watch your attitude! You're not a regular Construct, huh? 1
116 190 203 1 0.25 -400
117 191 201 2 500019 400
118 66 301 1 Support Construct Commandant, this certainly isn't an ordinary Construct. 2
119 192 202 1 2
120 193 201 1 500175
121 67 301 1 Camu What does that have to do with you? 1
122 194 201 1 500028
123 68 301 1 Attacker Construct ...Ah. So it's really true that Gray Raven's experimenting with the Corrupted— 1
124 195 203 1 0.25 -400
125 196 201 2 500019 400
126 69 301 1 Support Construct S-Siren, don't say that! 2
127 197 202 1 2
128 198 201 1 500175 5
129 70 301 1 Camu Who are you calling a Corrupted now? Don't compare me to those low-lifes! 1
130 199 201 1 500138
131 71 301 1 Unfamiliar Commandant Ahem... No matter what you are... we can't have a test subject roam free out here, can we? 1
132 200 201 1 500175 5
133 72 301 1 Camu If your mouth is incapable of spouting anything nice, shall I fix it for you? 1
134 300 202 1
135 73 301 This is what comes into sight after you get ready and exit the training grounds.
136 74 301 Camu is standing off with several others, one of them in a commandant uniform. Looks like some sort of conflict is going on.
137 400 302 What's going on? 2401 (Stay quiet) 2402
138 2401 201 1 500138
139 75 77 301 1 Unfamiliar Commandant You're in charge of this guy, yeah? He didn't even apologize after bumping into us. Are you not gonna do anything about that? 1
140 2402 201 1 500138
141 76 301 1 Unfamiliar Commandant Hey, you! Aren't you the Gray Raven Commandant? You're in charge of this guy, yeah? He didn't even apologize after bumping into us. Are you not gonna do anything about that? 1
142 77 302 Please be careful with your words. 2403
143 2403 201 1 500175 5
144 78 301 1 Camu ...You want me to be careful with my words? 1
145 500 201 1 500138
146 79 301 1 Unfamiliar Commandant Duh. The mere existence of aggressive dudes like you is the reason why humans are constantly at war. Now apologize— 1
147 600 302 I mean I want YOU to be careful with your words. 80
148 80 301 Unfamiliar Commandant —And rethink your entire life—Who, me? But he's the one who offended us first! 1
149 755 201 1 500019
150 81 301 1 Support Construct We didn't do a thing. He was the one who started it! So we should just shut up and let him attack us, huh? 1
151 788 203 1 0.25 -400
152 799 201 2 500028 400
153 83 301 1 Attacker Construct Besides, he IS a Corrupted. He moves freely despite the virus and can even infect others. Shouldn't you be held accountable for letting a dangerous being like this out here? 2
154 800 302 He's not a Corrupted 2404 I apologize. 2404
155 2404 202 1 2
156 811 201 1 500175 5
157 84 301 1 Camu Say that again! I dare you! 1
158 812 302 Oh no. 2405 Camu! 2405
159 2405 202 1
160 813 502 RImgBg1Shake
161 814 401 2 1512
162 85 301 Camu swings his fist and punches the commandant square in the face.
163 815 201 1 500138
164 86 301 PanelActor1Shake Unfamiliar Commandant Ugh! You— 1
165 817 201 1 500019
166 87 301 1 Support Construct C-Commandant! You're bleeding! 1
167 818 203 1 0.25 -400
168 819 201 2 500028 400
169 88 301 1 Tank-type Construct How dare you? Don't you know Constructs aren't allowed to harm humans in Babylonia? 2
170 820 202 1 2
171 821 502 RImgBg1Shake
172 6589 401 2 1503
173 89 301 The gigantic Armor-Type Construct slams Camu into the wall, making a loud metallic clang.
174 822 201 1 500175 5
175 90 301 1 Camu Do you really think the Babylonia rules apply to me? Say one more word and I'll rip you apart! 1
176 36541 202 1
177 91 301 Camu roars and grabs the tall, broad tank-type Construct. He shoves him into the ground and starts throwing punches relentlessly.
178 826 302 Stop it, Camu! 827
179 827 201 1 500138
180 92 301 1 Unfamiliar Commandant How dare you harm my team members? 1
181 831 202 1
182 93 301 Camu simply grabs both of them, one with each hand. Everything immediately descends into chaos.
183 835 502 RImgBg1Shake
184 94 301 Attacker Construct L-Let go of my commandant if you don't want to be blasted apart by my rockets!
185 95 301 Support Construct Hey! Somebody help!
186 96 301 Amidst the chaos, you try to step between the two sides, but is sent flying to the ground by a punch—you are not even sure by whom.
187 97 301 All of a sudden, all you can hear is screaming and punches being thrown.
188 840 302 (Protect yourself) 98 (Help Camu and attack the enemies) 122
189 98 301 You protect your head with your arms, while your whole frame feels like it's about to fall apart.
190 850 401 2 1501
191 99 301 System Voice Warning... warning...
192 860 401 2 1504
193 100 301 ??? Stop right there! Capture them all!
194 101 301 ...
195 870 201 1 500175 5 -250
196 880 201 2 500138 250
197 102 301 As the commotion goes on, you are pulled to the side. With your blurred vision, you see Camu stopping a fist being swung in your direction.
198 103 301 The two men are panting hard, glaring at each other.
199 104 301 Guard Captain Enough! Stop this nonsense before I make you!
200 899 203 1 0.25 -600
201 900 203 2 0.25 600
202 105 301 1 Camu ... 1
203 944 202 1 2
204 106 301 Camu snorts, knocks his opponent's fist out of the way and steps back.
205 107 301 While his opponent is wounded way more seriously, your face is also aching and swollen.
206 988 201 1 500005
207 108 301 1 Guard Captain I don't care what your reason is—all who violate the Babylonia Code of Conduct by fighting in public shall be punished. Come with me! 1
208 955 201 1 500175
209 109 301 1 Camu I started it. 1
210 966 302 Camu— 110
211 110 301 1 Before you can finish, Camu is already striding off towards the guard. He whispers as he passes by you:
212 111 301 Camu I'm a monster, huh? 1
213 112 301 Camu I disappointed you. But I'm not sorry about it. 1
214 999 302 I don't think you're a monster. 113
215 113 301 Camu simply ignores your reply and speaks up, bringing an end to this fiasco.
216 114 301 Camu Hey! I started it. 1
217 115 301 Camu But it was because he called me a Corrupted. So that's how Babylonia's gonna treat me for staying and helping, huh? 1
218 1000 302 ... 2407
219 2407 202 1
220 116 301 The Guard Captain seems to know a thing or two about this. He scratches his chin, as if troubled.
221 1002 201 1 500005
222 117 301 1 Guard Captain Who's in charge of— 1
223 1003 201 1 500175 5
224 118 301 Camu I don't answer to anyone. 1
225 119 301 Unfamiliar Commandant What a jerk!
226 1005 201 1 500005
227 120 301 1 Guard Captain ...No more excuses. Come with me, both of you! 1
228 121 301 Guard Captain Commandant, please leave if this has nothing to do with you. Stay out of rotten businesses like this. 1
229 1006 148 202 1
230 122 301 Seething from the comment, you throw yourself upon the Construct and swing a fist at him.
231 123 301 While your human fists cannot really hurt the metal Constructs much, you still manage to knock the opponent back a little.
232 100000 401 2 1501
233 100001 301 System Voice Warning... warning...
234 100002 401 2 1504
235 100003 301 ??? Stop right there! Capture them all!
236 100004 301 ...
237 100005 201 1 500175 5 -250
238 100006 201 2 500138 250
239 100007 301 As the commotion goes on, you are pulled to the side. With your blurred vision, you see Camu stopping a fist being swung in your direction.
240 100008 301 The two men are panting hard, glaring at each other.
241 100009 301 Guard Captain Enough! Stop this nonsense before I make you!
242 100010 203 1 0.25 -600
243 100011 203 2 0.25 600
244 100012 301 1 Camu ... 1
245 100013 202 1 2
246 100014 301 Camu snorts, knocks his opponent's fist out of the way and steps back.
247 100015 301 While his opponent is wounded way more seriously, your face is also aching and swollen.
248 2100 201 1 500005
249 133 301 1 Guard Captain I don't care what your reason is—all who violate the Babylonia Code of Conduct by fighting in public shall be punished. Come with me! 1
250 2200 201 1 500175
251 134 301 Without missing a beat, Camu steps in front of you. 1
252 135 301 1 Camu Hey, Guard Captain! I have a complaint to make. 1
253 136 301 Camu You Babylonians are the ones who asked me to stay and help, aren't you? And yet you're letting this impudent fool call me names? 1
254 2300 201 1 500005
255 6666 301 1 Guard Captain Uh... 1
256 137 301 The Guard Captain seems to know a thing or two about this. He scratches his chin, as if troubled.
257 138 301 Guard Captain Who's in charge of— 1
258 2500 201 1 500175
259 139 301 1 Camu I don't answer to anyone. 1
260 2600 302 ... 140
261 140 301 Camu Just take me away if you have to. I'd rather not spend another second here with this imbecile. 1
262 141 301 Unfamiliar Commandant What a jerk!
263 2700 201 1 500005
264 142 301 The Guard Captain stares at Camu, then at you. It is hard to tell if he realizes what is happening, but either way he is choosing to play dumb.
265 143 301 1 Guard Captain No more excuses. Come with me, both of you! 1
266 144 301 Guard Captain Commandant, please leave if this has nothing to do with you. Stay out of rotten businesses like this. 1
267 2800 302 Okay 2408 But I actually— 2408
268 2408 201 1 500175 1
269 145 301 1 Before you can finish, Camu is already striding off towards the guard. He whispers as he passes by you:
270 146 301 1 Camu I don't want to bring more trouble to the Commandant of Gray Raven. 1
271 2900 204 1 1
272 147 301 Camu Just leave me alone. 1
273 3000 302 ... 148
274 4444444 202 1
275 148 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin You find words stuck in your throat as the guards take Camu away. With the way he gazed into your eyes as he went, you cannot really bring yourself to follow.