using SCHALE.Common.FlatData; using SCHALE.Common.NetworkProtocol; using SCHALE.Common.Parcel; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; namespace SCHALE.Common.Database { public class SingleRaidLobbyInfoDB : RaidLobbyInfoDB { } // Battle? probably need to implement these our selves public class BattleSummary { } // probably just a simple json wrapper public class TypedJsonWrapper { } public class AttendanceBookReward { public long UniqueId { get; set; } public AttendanceType Type { get; set; } public AccountState AccountType { get; set; } public long DisplayOrder { get; set; } public long AccountLevelLimit { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleImagePath { get; set; } public AttendanceCountRule CountRule { get; set; } public AttendanceResetType CountReset { get; set; } public long BookSize { get; set; } public DateTime StartDate { get; set; } public DateTime StartableEndDate { get; set; } public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } public long ExpiryDate { get; set; } public MailType MailType { get; set; } public Dictionary DailyRewardIcons { get; set; } public Dictionary> DailyRewards { get; set; } } public enum OpenConditionLockReason { None = 0, Level = 1, StageClear = 2, Time = 4, Day = 8, CafeRank = 16, ScenarioModeClear = 32, CafeOpen = 64 } public enum ParcelChangeType { NoChange, Terminated, MailSend, Converted } // DB public class WorldRaidLocalBossDB { public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long GroupId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public bool IsScenario { get; set; } public bool IsCleardEver { get; set; } public long TacticMscSum { get; set; } public RaidBattleDB RaidBattleDB { get; set; } public bool IsContinue { get; set; } } public class WorldRaidSnapshot { public List WorldRaidLocalBossDBs { get; set; } public List WorldRaidClearHistoryDBs { get; set; } public List CampaignStageHistoryDBs { get; set; } } public class WorldRaidWorldBossDB { public long GroupId { get; set; } public long HP { get; set; } public long Participants { get; set; } } public class AcademyDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdate { get; set; } public Dictionary> ZoneVisitCharacterDBs { get; set; } public Dictionary> ZoneScheduleGroupRecords { get; set; } } public class AcademyLocationDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long LocationId { get; set; } public long Rank { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } } public class AcademyMessageDB { public long MessageServerId { get; set; } public long MessageGroupId { get; set; } public long MessageUniqueId { get; set; } public long SelectedMessageUniqueId { get; set; } public long CharacterServerId { get; set; } public long CharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public bool IsRead { get; set; } } public class AcademyMessageOutLineDB { public long CharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long NewMessageCount { get; set; } public long LastMessageUniqueId { get; set; } public long LastMessageServerId { get; set; } } public class AcademyScheduleDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long ScheduleUniqueId { get; set; } public long ScheduleGroupId { get; set; } public long ZoneUniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdateDate { get; set; } public int CompleteCount { get; set; } } public class AccountAchievementDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long AchievementUniqueId { get; set; } public long AchievementValue { get; set; } } public class AccountAttachmentDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long EmblemUniqueId { get; set; } } public class AccountCurrencyDB { public long AccountLevel { get; set; } public long AcademyLocationRankSum { get; set; } public Dictionary CurrencyDict { get; set; } public Dictionary UpdateTimeDict { get; set; } } public class AccountDB { [JsonIgnore] public virtual ICollection Items { get; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual ICollection Characters { get; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual ICollection MissionProgresses { get; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual ICollection Echelons { get; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual ICollection Equipment { get; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual ICollection Weapons { get; } [JsonIgnore] public long RaidSeasonId { get; set; } // idk where to store this public AccountDB() { } public AccountDB(long publisherAccountId) { PublisherAccountId = publisherAccountId; State = AccountState.Normal; Level = 1; LastConnectTime = DateTime.Now; CreateDate = DateTime.Now; } [Key] public long ServerId { get; set; } public string? Nickname { get; set; } public string? CallName { get; set; } public string? DevId { get; set; } public AccountState State { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } public string? Comment { get; set; } public int LobbyMode { get; set; } public int RepresentCharacterServerId { get; set; } public long MemoryLobbyUniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime LastConnectTime { get; set; } public DateTime? BirthDay { get; set; } public DateTime CallNameUpdateTime { get; set; } public long PublisherAccountId { get; set; } public int? RetentionDays { get; set; } public int? VIPLevel { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } public int? UnReadMailCount { get; set; } public DateTime? LinkRewardDate { get; set; } } public class ArenaBattleDB { public long ArenaBattleServerId { get; set; } public long Season { get; set; } public long Group { get; set; } public DateTime BattleStartTime { get; set; } public DateTime BattleEndTime { get; set; } public long Seed { get; set; } public ArenaUserDB AttackingUserDB { get; set; } public ArenaUserDB DefendingUserDB { get; set; } public BattleSummary BattleSummary { get; set; } } public class ArenaCharacterDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public int StarGrade { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public int PublicSkillLevel { get; set; } public int ExSkillLevel { get; set; } public int PassiveSkillLevel { get; set; } public int ExtraPassiveSkillLevel { get; set; } public int LeaderSkillLevel { get; set; } public List EquipmentDBs { get; set; } public Dictionary FavorRankInfo { get; set; } public Dictionary PotentialStats { get; set; } public WeaponDB WeaponDB { get; set; } public GearDB GearDB { get; set; } public CostumeDB CostumeDB { get; set; } } public class ArenaDamageReportDB { public long ArenaBattleServerId { get; set; } public long WinnerAccountServerId { get; set; } public ArenaUserDB AttackerUserDB { get; set; } public ArenaUserDB DefenderUserDB { get; set; } public DateTime BattleEndTime { get; set; } public Dictionary AttackerDamageReport { get; set; } public Dictionary DefenderDamageReport { get; set; } } public class ArenaHistoryDB { public ArenaBattleDB ArenaBattleDB { get; set; } public DateTime BattleEndTime { get; set; } public BattleSummary BattleSummary { get; set; } public ArenaUserDB AttackingUserDB { get; set; } public ArenaUserDB DefendingUserDB { get; set; } public long WinnerAccountServerId { get; set; } } public class ArenaPlayerInfoDB { public long CurrentSeasonId { get; set; } public long PlayerGroupId { get; set; } public long CurrentRank { get; set; } public long SeasonRecord { get; set; } public long AllTimeRecord { get; set; } public long CumulativeTimeReward { get; set; } public DateTime TimeRewardLastUpdateTime { get; set; } public DateTime BattleEnterActiveTime { get; set; } public DateTime DailyRewardActiveTime { get; set; } } public class ArenaTeamSettingDB { public EchelonType EchelonType { get; set; } public long LeaderCharacterId { get; set; } public long TSSInteractionCharacterId { get; set; } public long TSSInteractionCharacterServerId { get; set; } public IList MainCharacters { get; set; } public IList SupportCharacters { get; set; } public ArenaCharacterDB TSSCharacterDB { get; set; } public int SquadCount { get; set; } public long MapId { get; set; } } public class ArenaUserDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterCostumeId { get; set; } public string NickName { get; set; } public long Rank { get; set; } public long Level { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } public ArenaTeamSettingDB TeamSettingDB { get; set; } public AccountAttachmentDB AccountAttachmentDB { get; set; } public string UserName { get; set; } } [Flags] public enum AssistRelation { None = 0, Clan = 1, Friend = 2, Cheat = 4 } public class AssistCharacterDB : CharacterDB { public EchelonType EchelonType { get; set; } public int SlotNumber { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public AssistRelation AssistRelation { get; set; } public long AssistCharacterServerId { get; set; } public string NickName { get; set; } public List EquipmentDBs { get; set; } public WeaponDB WeaponDB { get; set; } public GearDB GearDB { get; set; } public long CostumeId { get; set; } public CostumeDB CostumeDB { get; set; } public bool IsMulligan { get; set; } public bool IsTSAInteraction { get; set; } public bool HasWeapon { get; set; } public bool HasGear { get; set; } } public class AttendanceHistoryDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long AttendanceBookUniqueId { get; set; } public Dictionary AttendedDay { get; set; } public bool Expired { get; set; } public long LastAttendedDay { get; set; } public DateTime LastAttendedDate { get; set; } public Dictionary AttendedDayNullable { get; set; } } public class BanDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime BanStartDate { get; set; } public DateTime BanEndDate { get; set; } public DateTime RegisterDate { get; set; } public byte CancelFlag { get; set; } public DateTime CancelDate { get; set; } public string Reason { get; set; } } public class BeforehandGachaSnapshotDB { public long ShopUniqueId { get; set; } public long GoodsId { get; set; } public long LastIndex { get; set; } public List LastResults { get; set; } public long? SavedIndex { get; set; } public List SavedResults { get; set; } public long? PickedIndex { get; set; } } public enum ShopCashBlockType : long { All = -1L, AppStore = -2L, GooglePlay = -3L, None = -9999L } public class BlockedProductDB { public long CashProductId { get; set; } public ShopCashBlockType MarketBlockType { get; set; } public DateTime BeginDate { get; set; } public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } } public class CafeDB { public long CafeDBId { get; set; } public long CafeId { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public int CafeRank { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdate { get; set; } public DateTime? LastSummonDate { get; set; } [NotMapped] public bool IsNew { get; set; } public Dictionary CafeVisitCharacterDBs { get; set; } public List FurnitureDBs { get; set; } public DateTime ProductionAppliedTime { get; set; } public CafeProductionDB ProductionDB { get; set; } public Dictionary CurrencyDict_Obsolete { get; set; } public Dictionary UpdateTimeDict_Obsolete { get; set; } } public class CafeProductionParcelInfo { public ParcelKeyPair Key { get; set; } = new() { Id = 1, Type = ParcelType.Currency }; public long Amount { get; set; } } public class CafeCharacterDB : VisitingCharacterDB { public bool IsSummon { get; set; } public DateTime LastInteractTime { get; set; } } public class CafePresetDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public int SlotId { get; set; } public string PresetName { get; set; } public bool IsEmpty { get; set; } } public class CafeProductionDB { public long CafeDBId { get; set; } public long ComfortValue { get; set; } public DateTime AppliedDate { get; set; } public List ProductionParcelInfos { get; set; } } public class CampaignChapterClearRewardHistoryDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long ChapterUniqueId { get; set; } public StageDifficulty RewardType { get; set; } public DateTime ReceiveDate { get; set; } } public class CampaignExtraStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class CampaignMainStageSaveDB : ContentSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public CampaignState CampaignState { get; set; } public int CurrentTurn { get; set; } public int EnemyClearCount { get; set; } public int LastEnemyEntityId { get; set; } public int TacticRankSCount { get; set; } //public Dictionary EnemyInfos { get; set; } //public Dictionary EchelonInfos { get; set; } public Dictionary> WithdrawInfos { get; set; } //public Dictionary StrategyObjects { get; set; } public Dictionary> StrategyObjectRewards { get; set; } public List StrategyObjectHistory { get; set; } public Dictionary> ActivatedHexaEventsAndConditions { get; set; } public Dictionary> HexaEventDelayedExecutions { get; set; } //public Dictionary TileMapStates { get; set; } //public List DisplayInfos { get; set; } //public List DeployedEchelonInfos { get; set; } } public class CampaignStageHistoryDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long StoryUniqueId { get; set; } public long ChapterUniqueId { get; set; } public long StageUniqueId { get; set; } public long TacticClearCountWithRankSRecord { get; set; } public long ClearTurnRecord { get; set; } public long BestStarRecord { get; set; } public bool Star1Flag { get; set; } public bool Star2Flag { get; set; } public bool Star3Flag { get; set; } public DateTime LastPlay { get; set; } public long TodayPlayCount { get; set; } public long TodayPurchasePlayCountHardStage { get; set; } public DateTime? FirstClearRewardReceive { get; set; } public DateTime? StarRewardReceive { get; set; } public bool IsClearedEver { get; set; } public long TodayPlayCountForUI { get; set; } } public class CampaignSubStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class CampaignTutorialStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class CardShopElementDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public int SlotNumber { get; set; } public long CardShopElementId { get; set; } public bool SoldOut { get; set; } } public class CardShopPurchaseHistoryDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public Rarity Rarity { get; set; } public long PurchaseCount { get; set; } } public class CharacterDB : ParcelBase { [NotMapped] public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.Character; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual AccountDB Account { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public long AccountServerId { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] [NotMapped] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } [Key] public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public int StarGrade { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } public int FavorRank { get; set; } public long FavorExp { get; set; } public int PublicSkillLevel { get; set; } public int ExSkillLevel { get; set; } public int PassiveSkillLevel { get; set; } public int ExtraPassiveSkillLevel { get; set; } public int LeaderSkillLevel { get; set; } [NotMapped] public bool IsNew { get; set; } public bool IsLocked { get; set; } public bool IsFavorite { get; set; } public List EquipmentServerIds { get; set; } = []; public Dictionary PotentialStats { get; set; } = []; public Dictionary EquipmentSlotAndDBIds { get; set; } = []; } public class ClanAssistRentHistoryDB { public long AssistCharacterAccountId { get; set; } public long AssistCharacterDBId { get; set; } public DateTime RentDate { get; set; } } public class ClanAssistRewardInfo { public long CharacterDBId { get; set; } public DateTime DeployDate { get; set; } public long RentCount { get; set; } public List CumultativeRewardParcels { get; set; } public List RentRewardParcels { get; set; } } public class ClanAssistSlotDB { public EchelonType EchelonType { get; set; } public long SlotNumber { get; set; } public long CharacterDBId { get; set; } public DateTime DeployDate { get; set; } public long TotalRentCount { get; set; } } public class ClanAssistUseInfo { public long CharacterAccountId { get; set; } public long CharacterDBId { get; set; } public EchelonType EchelonType { get; set; } public int SlotNumber { get; set; } //public AssistRelation AssistRelation { get; set; } public int EchelonSlotType { get; set; } public int EchelonSlotIndex { get; set; } public long DecodedShardId { get; set; } public long DecodedCharacterDBId { get; set; } public bool IsMulligan { get; set; } public bool IsTSAInteraction { get; set; } } public class ClanDB { public long ClanDBId { get; set; } public string ClanName { get; set; } public string ClanChannelName { get; set; } public string ClanPresidentNickName { get; set; } public long ClanPresidentRepresentCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long ClanPresidentRepresentCharacterCostumeId { get; set; } public string ClanNotice { get; set; } public long ClanMemberCount { get; set; } public ClanJoinOption ClanJoinOption { get; set; } } public class ClanMemberDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long AccountLevel { get; set; } public string AccountNickName { get; set; } public long ClanDBId { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterCostumeId { get; set; } public long AttendanceCount { get; set; } public ClanSocialGrade ClanSocialGrade { get; set; } public DateTime JoinDate { get; set; } public DateTime SocialGradeUpdateTime { get; set; } public DateTime LastLoginDate { get; set; } public DateTime GameLoginDate { get; set; } public DateTime AppliedDate { get; set; } public AccountAttachmentDB AttachmentDB { get; set; } } public class ClanMemberDescriptionDB { public long Exp { get; set; } public string Comment { get; set; } public int CollectedCharactersCount { get; set; } public long ArenaSeasonBestRanking { get; set; } public long ArenaSeasonCurrentRanking { get; set; } } public class ClearDeckCharacterDB { public long UniqueId { get; set; } public int StarGrade { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public int SlotNumber { get; set; } public bool HasWeapon { get; set; } public SquadType SquadType { get; set; } public int WeaponStarGrade { get; set; } } public class ClearDeckDB { public List ClearDeckCharacterDBs { get; set; } public List MulliganUniqueIds { get; set; } public long LeaderUniqueId { get; set; } public long TSSInteractionUniqueId { get; set; } public EchelonType EchelonType { get; set; } public long EchelonExtensionType { get; set; } } public class ClearDeckKey { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long[] Arguments { get; private set; } } public class ConquestEchelonDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public StageDifficulty Difficulty { get; set; } public long TileUniqueId { get; set; } public EchelonDB EchelonDB { get; set; } public long AssistCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public ClanAssistUseInfo AssistUseInfo { get; set; } } public class ConquestErosionDB { //public ConquestEventObjectType ObjectType { get; set; } public long ErosionId { get; set; } public long ConditionSnapshot { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } } public class ConquestEventObjectDB { public long ConquestObjectDBId { get; set; } public long EventContentId { get; set; } public StageDifficulty Difficulty { get; set; } public long TileUniqueId { get; set; } public long ObjectId { get; set; } //public ConquestEventObjectType ObjectType { get; set; } public bool IsAlive { get; set; } } public class ConquestInfoDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long EventContentId { get; set; } public int EventGauge { get; set; } public int EventSpawnCount { get; set; } public int EchelonChangeCount { get; set; } public int TodayConquestRentCount { get; set; } public int TodayOperationRentCount { get; set; } public long CumulatedConditionValue { get; set; } public long ReceivedCalculateRewardConditionAmount { get; set; } public long CalculateRewardConditionValue { get; set; } public long? AlertMassErosionId { get; set; } } public class ConquestMainStoryStepSummary { public long ConqueredTileCount { get; set; } public long AllTileCount { get; set; } public bool IsStepOpen { get; set; } } public class ConquestMainStorySummary { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public StageDifficulty Difficulty { get; set; } public Dictionary ConquestStepSummaryDict { get; set; } } public class ConquestStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long? ConquestEventObjectDBId { get; set; } public long EventContentId { get; set; } public StageDifficulty Difficulty { get; set; } public long TileUniqueId { get; set; } public long TilePresetId { get; set; } public ConquestTileType ConquestTileType { get; set; } public bool UseManageEchelon { get; set; } public AssistCharacterDB AssistCharacterDB { get; set; } public int EchelonSlotType { get; set; } public int EchelonSlotIndex { get; set; } } public class ConquestStepSummary { public long ConqueredTileCount { get; set; } public long AllTileCount { get; set; } public long ErosionRemainingCount { get; set; } public bool HasPhaseComplete { get; set; } public bool IsErosionPhaseStart { get; set; } public bool IsStepOpen { get; set; } } public class ConquestSummary { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public StageDifficulty Difficulty { get; set; } public Dictionary ConquestStepSummaryDict { get; set; } } public class ConquestTileDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public StageDifficulty Difficulty { get; set; } public long TileUniqueId { get; set; } public TileState TileState { get; set; } public long Level { get; set; } public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; } public bool IsThreeStarClear { get; set; } public bool IsAnyStarClear { get; set; } public long BestStarRecord { get; set; } public bool[] StarFlags { get; set; } } public class ConquestTreasureBoxDB { //public ConquestEventObjectType ObjectType { get; set; } } public class ConquestUnexpectedEnemyDB { public long UnitId { get; set; } //public ConquestEventObjectType ObjectType { get; set; } } public abstract class ConsumableItemBaseDB : ParcelBase { [JsonIgnore] public virtual AccountDB Account { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public abstract bool CanConsume { get; } [JsonIgnore] public ParcelKeyPair Key { get; } [JsonIgnore] public long AccountServerId { get; set; } [Key] public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long StackCount { get; set; } } public class ConsumeRequestDB { public Dictionary ConsumeItemServerIdAndCounts { get; set; } public Dictionary ConsumeEquipmentServerIdAndCounts { get; set; } public Dictionary ConsumeFurnitureServerIdAndCounts { get; set; } public bool IsItemsValid { get; set; } public bool IsEquipmentsValid { get; set; } public bool IsFurnituresValid { get; set; } public bool IsValid { get; set; } } public class ConsumeResultDB { public List RemovedItemServerIds { get; set; } public List RemovedEquipmentServerIds { get; set; } public List RemovedFurnitureServerIds { get; set; } public Dictionary UsedItemServerIdAndRemainingCounts { get; set; } public Dictionary UsedEquipmentServerIdAndRemainingCounts { get; set; } public Dictionary UsedFurnitureServerIdAndRemainingCounts { get; set; } } public class ContentSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; } public long StageUniqueId { get; set; } public long LastEnterStageEchelonNumber { get; set; } public List StageEntranceFee { get; set; } public Dictionary EnemyKillCountByUniqueId { get; set; } public long TacticClearTimeMscSum { get; set; } public long AccountLevelWhenCreateDB { get; set; } public string BIEchelon { get; set; } public string BIEchelon1 { get; set; } public string BIEchelon2 { get; set; } public string BIEchelon3 { get; set; } public string BIEchelon4 { get; set; } } public class ContentsValueChangeDB { public ContentsChangeType ContentsChangeType { get; set; } } public class CostumeDB : ParcelBase { [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.Costume; } public long BoundCharacterServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } } public class CraftInfoDB { public long SlotSequence { get; set; } public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } public DateTime CraftSlotOpenDate { get; set; } public List Nodes { get; set; } public IEnumerable ResultIds { get; set; } public IEnumerable RewardParcelInfos { get; set; } } public class CraftNodeDB { public CraftNodeTier NodeTier { get; set; } public long SlotSequence { get; set; } public long NodeId { get; set; } public long NodeQuality { get; set; } public long NodeLevel { get; set; } public int NodeRandomSeed { get; set; } public int NodeRandomSequence { get; set; } public List LeafNodeIds { get; set; } public long ResultId { get; set; } public CraftNodeResult CraftNodeResult { get; set; } public ParcelInfo RewardParcelInfo { get; set; } } public class CraftNodeResult { public CraftNodeTier NodeTier { get; set; } public ParcelInfo ParcelInfo { get; set; } } public class CraftPresetNodeDB { public CraftNodeTier NodeTier { get; set; } public bool IsActivated { get; set; } public long PriortyNodeId { get; set; } public ConsumeRequestDB ConsumeRequestDB { get; set; } } public class CraftPresetSlotDB { public List PresetNodeDBs { get; set; } } public class DailyResetCount { public long AccountId { get; set; } public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; } public long ResetContentCode { get; set; } public long ResetCount { get; set; } public ResetContentType ResetContentType { get; set; } } public class DailyResetCountDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public Dictionary ResetCount { get; set; } } public class DetailedAccountInfoDB { public string Nickname { get; set; } public long Level { get; set; } public string ClanName { get; set; } public string Comment { get; set; } public long FriendCount { get; set; } public string FriendCode { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long CharacterCount { get; set; } public long? LastNormalCampaignClearStageId { get; set; } public long? LastHardCampaignClearStageId { get; set; } public long? ArenaRanking { get; set; } public long? RaidRanking { get; set; } public int? RaidTier { get; set; } public long? EliminateRaidRanking { get; set; } public int? EliminateRaidTier { get; set; } public AssistCharacterDB[] AssistCharacterDBs { get; set; } } public enum EchelonStatusFlag { None, BeforeDeploy, OnDuty } public class EchelonDB { [Key] [JsonIgnore] public long ServerId { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual AccountDB Account { get; set; } public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public EchelonType EchelonType { get; set; } public long EchelonNumber { get; set; } public EchelonExtensionType ExtensionType { get; set; } public long LeaderServerId { get; set; } public List MainSlotServerIds { get; set; } = []; public List SupportSlotServerIds { get; set; } = []; public long TSSInteractionServerId { get; set; } public EchelonStatusFlag UsingFlag { get; set; } public List SkillCardMulliganCharacterIds { get; set; } = []; } public class EchelonPresetDB { public int GroupIndex { get; set; } public int Index { get; set; } public string Label { get; set; } public long LeaderUniqueId { get; set; } public long TSSInteractionUniqueId { get; set; } public List MulliganUniqueIds { get; set; } public EchelonExtensionType ExtensionType { get; set; } public int StrikerSlotCount { get; set; } public int SpecialSlotCount { get; set; } public long[] SpecialUniqueIds { get; set; } public long[] StrikerUniqueIds { get; set; } } public class EchelonPresetGroupDB { public int GroupIndex { get; set; } public EchelonExtensionType ExtensionType { get; set; } public string GroupLabel { get; set; } public Dictionary PresetDBs { get; set; } public EchelonPresetDB Item { get; set; } } public class EliminateRaidLobbyInfoDB { public List OpenedBossGroups { get; set; } public Dictionary BestRankingPointPerBossGroup { get; set; } } public class EmblemDB { public ParcelType Type { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime ReceiveDate { get; set; } public IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; set; } } public class EquipmentBatchGrowthRequestDB { public long TargetServerId { get; set; } public List ConsumeRequestDBs { get; set; } public long AfterTier { get; set; } public long AfterLevel { get; set; } public long AfterExp { get; set; } public List ReplaceInfos { get; set; } } public class EquipmentDB : ConsumableItemBaseDB { [NotMapped] public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.Equipment; } [NotMapped] [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } [JsonIgnore] public override bool CanConsume { get => false; } public int Level { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } public int Tier { get; set; } public long BoundCharacterServerId { get; set; } [NotMapped] public bool IsNew { get; set; } public bool IsLocked { get; set; } } public class EquipmentExcelData { public ParcelType Type { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long ShiftingCraftQuality { get; set; } public long StackableMax { get; set; } public Rarity Rarity { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList Tags { get; set; } public IReadOnlyDictionary CraftQualityDict { get; set; } public EquipmentExcel _excel { get; set; } } public class EventContentBonusRewardDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long EventStageUniqueId { get; set; } public ParcelInfo BonusParcelInfo { get; set; } } public class EventContentBoxGachaData { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public Dictionary Variations { get; set; } } public class EventContentBoxGachaDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long Seed { get; set; } public long Round { get; set; } public int PurchaseCount { get; set; } } public class EventContentBoxGachaElement { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long VariationId { get; set; } public long Round { get; set; } public long GroupId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public bool IsPrize { get; set; } public List Rewards { get; set; } } public class EventContentBoxGachaRoundElement { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long VariationId { get; set; } public long Round { get; set; } public List Elements { get; set; } } public class EventContentBoxGachaVariation { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long VariationId { get; set; } public Dictionary GachaRoundElements { get; set; } } public class EventContentChangeDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long UseAmount { get; set; } public long ChangeCount { get; set; } public long AccumulateChangeCount { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdateDate { get; set; } public bool ChangeFlag { get; set; } } public class EventContentCollectionDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long GroupId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime ReceiveDate { get; set; } } public class EventContentDiceRaceDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long Node { get; set; } public long LapCount { get; set; } public long DiceRollCount { get; set; } public long ReceiveRewardLapCount { get; set; } } public class EventContentDiceResult { public int Index { get; set; } public int MoveAmount { get; set; } public List Rewards { get; set; } } public class EventContentFortuneGachaStackCountDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long EventContentId { get; set; } public int GachaStackCount { get; set; } } public class EventContentLocationDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long LocationId { get; set; } public long Rank { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } public long ScheduleCount { get; set; } public Dictionary> ZoneVisitCharacterDBs { get; set; } } public class EventContentMainGroundStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class EventContentMainStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public Dictionary SelectedBuffDict { get; set; } public bool IsBuffSelectPopupOpen { get; set; } public long CurrentAppearedBuffGroupId { get; set; } } public class EventContentPermanentDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public bool IsStageAllClear { get; set; } } public class EventContentStoryStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class EventContentSubStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class EventContentTreasureBoardHistory { public List TreasureIds { get; set; } public List NormalCells { get; set; } public List Treasures { get; set; } } public class EventContentTreasureCell { public int X { get; set; } public int Y { get; set; } } public class EventContentTreasureHistoryDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public int Round { get; set; } public EventContentTreasureBoardHistory Board { get; set; } public bool IsComplete { get; set; } public List HintTreasures { get; set; } public int MetaRound { get; set; } public bool CanComplete { get; set; } public bool CanFlip { get; set; } //public EventContentTreasureInfo TreasureInfo { get; set; } //public EventContentTreasureRoundInfo TreasureRoundInfo { get; set; } } public class EventContentTreasureObject { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long RewardId { get; set; } public int Rotation { get; set; } public bool IsHiddenImage { get; set; } public List Cells { get; set; } } public class EventContentTreasureSaveBoard { public long VariationId { get; set; } public int Round { get; set; } public List TreasureObjects { get; set; } } public class EventInfoDB { public long EventId { get; set; } public uint ImageNameHash { get; set; } } public class EventRewardIncreaseDB { public EventTargetType EventTargetType { get; set; } public BasisPoint Multiplier { get; set; } public DateTime BeginDate { get; set; } public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } } public class FieldStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class FriendDB { public long AccountId; public int Level; public string Nickname; public DateTime LastConnectTime; public long RepresentCharacterUniqueId; public long RepresentCharacterCostumeId; public long FriendCount; public AccountAttachmentDB AttachmentDB; } public class FriendIdCardDB { public int Level { get; set; } public string FriendCode { get; set; } public string Comment { get; set; } public DateTime LastConnectTime { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterCostumeId { get; set; } public bool SearchPermission { get; set; } public bool AutoAcceptFriendRequest { get; set; } public long CardBackgroundId { get; set; } public bool ShowAccountLevel { get; set; } public bool ShowFriendCode { get; set; } public bool ShowRaidRanking { get; set; } public bool ShowArenaRanking { get; set; } public bool ShowEliminateRaidRanking { get; set; } public long? ArenaRanking { get; set; } public long? RaidRanking { get; set; } public int? RaidTier { get; set; } public long? EliminateRaidRanking { get; set; } public int? EliminateRaidTier { get; set; } public long EmblemId { get; set; } } public class FurnitureDB : ConsumableItemBaseDB { public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.Furniture; } [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } [JsonIgnore] public override bool CanConsume { get => false; } public FurnitureLocation Location { get; set; } public long CafeDBId { get; set; } public float PositionX { get; set; } public float PositionY { get; set; } public float Rotation { get; set; } public long ItemDeploySequence { get; set; } } public class FurnitureExcelData { public ParcelType Type { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long ShiftingCraftQuality { get; set; } public long StackableMax { get; set; } public Rarity Rarity { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList Tags { get; set; } public IReadOnlyDictionary CraftQualityDict { get; set; } public FurnitureExcel _excel { get; set; } } public class GachaLogDB { public long CharacterId { get; set; } } public class GearDB : ParcelBase { public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.CharacterGear; } [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } public int Tier { get; set; } public long SlotIndex { get; set; } public long BoundCharacterServerId { get; set; } public EquipmentDB ToEquipmentDB { get; set; } } public class GearTierUpRequestDB { public long TargetServerId { get; set; } public long AfterTier { get; set; } public List ReplaceInfos { get; set; } } public class GuideMissionSeasonDB { public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long LoginCount { get; set; } public DateTime StartDate { get; set; } public DateTime LoginDate { get; set; } public bool IsComplete { get; set; } public bool IsFinalMissionComplete { get; set; } public DateTime? CollectionItemReceiveDate { get; set; } } public class IConsumableItemBaseExcel { public ParcelType Type { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long ShiftingCraftQuality { get; set; } public long StackableMax { get; set; } public Rarity Rarity { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList Tags { get; set; } public IReadOnlyDictionary CraftQualityDict { get; set; } } public class IdCardBackgroundDB { public ParcelType Type { get; set; } public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; set; } } public class ItemDB : ConsumableItemBaseDB { [NotMapped] public override ParcelType Type => ParcelType.Item; [NotMapped] [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } [NotMapped] [JsonIgnore] public override bool CanConsume => true; [NotMapped] public bool IsNew { get; set; } public bool IsLocked { get; set; } } public class ItemExcelData { public ParcelType Type { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long ShiftingCraftQuality { get; set; } public long StackableMax { get; set; } public Rarity Rarity { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList Tags { get; set; } public IReadOnlyDictionary CraftQualityDict { get; set; } public ItemExcel _excel { get; set; } } public class MailDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public MailType Type { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public string Sender { get; set; } public string Comment { get; set; } public DateTime SendDate { get; set; } public DateTime? ReceiptDate { get; set; } public DateTime? ExpireDate { get; set; } public List ParcelInfos { get; set; } public List RemainParcelInfos { get; set; } } public class MemoryLobbyDB : ParcelBase { public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.MemoryLobby; } [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long MemoryLobbyUniqueId { get; set; } } public class MiniGameHistoryDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long HighScore { get; set; } public long AccumulatedScore { get; set; } public DateTime ClearDate { get; set; } public bool IsFullCombo { get; set; } } public class MiniGameResult { public EventContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long TotalScore { get; set; } public long ComboCount { get; set; } public long FeverCount { get; set; } public bool AllCombo { get; set; } public long HPBonusScore { get; set; } public long NoteCount { get; set; } public long CriticalCount { get; set; } } public class MiniGameShootingHistoryDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long ArriveSection { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdateDate { get; set; } public bool IsClearToday { get; set; } } public class MissionHistoryDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long MissionUniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime CompleteTime { get; set; } public bool Expired { get; set; } } public class MissionProgressDB { [Key] [JsonIgnore] public long ServerId { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual AccountDB Account { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long MissionUniqueId { get; set; } public bool Complete { get; set; } public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } public Dictionary ProgressParameters { get; set; } = []; } public class MissionSnapshot { public long AccountId { get; set; } public List MissionHistoryDBs { get; set; } public List MissionProgressDBs { get; set; } public List GuideMissionSeasonDBs { get; set; } public DailyResetCount DailyResetMissionPivotDate { get; set; } public DailyResetCount WeeklyResetMissionPivotDate { get; set; } } public class MomoTalkChoiceDB { public long CharacterDBId { get; set; } public long MessageGroupId { get; set; } public long ChosenMessageId { get; set; } public DateTime ChosenDate { get; set; } } public class MomoTalkOutLineDB { public long CharacterDBId { get; set; } public long CharacterId { get; set; } public long LatestMessageGroupId { get; set; } public long? ChosenMessageId { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdateDate { get; set; } } public class MonthlyProductPurchaseDB { public long ProductId { get; set; } public DateTime PurchaseDate { get; set; } public DateTime? LastDailyRewardDate { get; set; } public DateTime? RewardEndDate { get; set; } public ProductTagType ProductTagType { get; set; } } public class MultiFloorRaidDB { public long SeasonId { get; set; } public int ClearedDifficulty { get; set; } public DateTime LastClearDate { get; set; } public int RewardDifficulty { get; set; } public DateTime LastRewardDate { get; set; } public int ClearBattleFrame { get; set; } public bool AllCleared { get; set; } public bool HasReceivableRewards { get; set; } public List TotalReceivableRewards { get; set; } public List TotalReceivedRewards { get; set; } } public class MultiSweepPresetDB { public long PresetId { get; set; } public string PresetName { get; set; } public IEnumerable StageIds { get; set; } } public class OpenConditionDB { public OpenConditionContent ContentType { get; set; } public bool HideWhenLocked { get; set; } public long AccountLevel { get; set; } public long ScenarioModeId { get; set; } public long CampaignStageUniqueId { get; set; } public MultipleConditionCheckType MultipleConditionCheckType { get; set; } public WeekDay OpenDayOfWeek { get; set; } public long OpenHour { get; set; } public WeekDay CloseDayOfWeek { get; set; } public long CloseHour { get; set; } public long CafeIdForCafeRank { get; set; } public long CafeRank { get; set; } public long OpenedCafeId { get; set; } } public class PotentialGrowthRequestDB { public PotentialStatBonusRateType Type { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } } public class ProductPurchaseCountDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public long ShopExcelId { get; set; } public int PurchaseCount { get; set; } public DateTime LastPurchaseDate { get; set; } public PurchaseCountResetType PurchaseCountResetType { get; set; } public DateTime ResetDate { get; set; } } public class PurchaseCountDB { public long ShopCashId { get; set; } public int PurchaseCount { get; set; } public DateTime ResetDate { get; set; } public DateTime? PurchaseDate { get; set; } public DateTime? ManualResetDate { get; set; } } public class PurchaseOrderDB { public long ShopCashId { get; set; } public PurchaseStatusCode StatusCode { get; set; } public long PurchaseOrderId { get; set; } } public class RaidMemberCollection : KeyedCollection { public long TotalDamage { get; set; } protected override long GetKeyForItem(RaidMemberDescription item) { return -1; } //public IEnumerable RaidDamages { get; set; } } public class RaidBattleDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long RaidUniqueId { get; set; } public int RaidBossIndex { get; set; } public long CurrentBossHP { get; set; } public long CurrentBossGroggy { get; set; } public long CurrentBossAIPhase { get; set; } public string BIEchelon { get; set; } public bool IsClear { get; set; } public RaidMemberCollection RaidMembers { get; set; } public List SubPartsHPs { get; set; } } public class RaidBossDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public int BossIndex { get; set; } public long BossCurrentHP { get; set; } public long BossGroggyPoint { get; set; } } public class RaidCharacterDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public int StarGrade { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public int SlotIndex { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public bool IsAssist { get; set; } public bool HasWeapon { get; set; } public int WeaponStarGrade { get; set; } public long CostumeId { get; set; } } public class RaidMemberDescription : IEquatable { public long AccountId { get; set; } public string AccountName { get; set; } public long CharacterId { get; set; } public bool Equals(RaidMemberDescription? other) { return this.AccountId == other.AccountId; } } public class RaidDB { public RaidMemberDescription Owner { get; set; } public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long SeasonId { get; set; } public DateTime Begin { get; set; } public DateTime End { get; set; } public long OwnerAccountServerId { get; set; } public string OwnerNickname { get; set; } public long PlayerCount { get; set; } public string BossGroup { get; set; } public Difficulty BossDifficulty { get; set; } public int LastBossIndex { get; set; } public List Tags { get; set; } public string SecretCode { get; set; } public RaidStatus RaidState { get; set; } public bool IsPractice { get; set; } public List RaidBossDBs { get; set; } public Dictionary> ParticipateCharacterServerIds { get; set; } public bool IsEnterRoom { get; set; } public long SessionHitPoint { get; set; } public long AccountLevelWhenCreateDB { get; set; } public bool ClanAssistUsed { get; set; } } public class RaidDetailDB { public long RaidUniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } public List DamageTable { get; set; } } public class RaidGiveUpDB { public long Ranking { get; set; } public long RankingPoint { get; set; } public long BestRankingPoint { get; set; } } public class RaidLimitedRewardHistoryDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long RewardId { get; set; } public DateTime ReceiveDate { get; set; } } public abstract class RaidLobbyInfoDB { public long SeasonId { get; set; } public int Tier { get; set; } public long Ranking { get; set; } public long BestRankingPoint { get; set; } public long TotalRankingPoint { get; set; } public long ReceivedRankingRewardId { get; set; } public bool CanReceiveRankingReward { get; set; } public RaidDB PlayingRaidDB { get; set; } public List ReceiveRewardIds { get; set; } public List ReceiveLimitedRewardIds { get; set; } public List ParticipateCharacterServerIds { get; set; } public Dictionary PlayableHighestDifficulty { get; set; } public Dictionary SweepPointByRaidUniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime SeasonStartDate { get; set; } public DateTime SeasonEndDate { get; set; } public DateTime SettlementEndDate { get; set; } public long NextSeasonId { get; set; } public DateTime NextSeasonStartDate { get; set; } public DateTime NextSeasonEndDate { get; set; } public DateTime NextSettlementEndDate { get; set; } public ClanAssistUseInfo ClanAssistUseInfo { get; set; } } public class RaidParticipateCharactersDB { public long RaidServerId { get; set; } public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public List ParticipateCharacterServerIds { get; set; } } public class RaidPlayerInfoDB { public long RaidServerId { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public DateTime JoinDate { get; set; } public long DamageAmount { get; set; } public int RaidEndRewardFlag { get; set; } public int RaidPlayCount { get; set; } public string Nickname { get; set; } public long CharacterId { get; set; } public long CostumeId { get; set; } public long? AccountLevel { get; set; } } public class RaidRankingInfo { public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public long Ranking { get; set; } public long Score { get; set; } public double ScoreDetail { get; set; } } public class RaidSeasonHistoryDB { public long SeasonServerId { get; set; } public DateTime ReceiveDateTime { get; set; } public long SeasonRewardGauage { get; set; } } public class RaidSeasonManageDB { public long SeasonId { get; set; } public DateTime SeasonStartDate { get; set; } public DateTime SeasonEndDate { get; set; } public DateTime SeasonSettlementEndDate { get; set; } public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; } } public class RaidSeasonPointRewardHistoryDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long LastReceivedSeasonRewardId { get; set; } public DateTime SeasonRewardReceiveDate { get; set; } } public class RaidSeasonRankingHistoryDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public long AccountId { get; set; } public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long Ranking { get; set; } public long BestRankingPoint { get; set; } public int Tier { get; set; } public DateTime ReceivedDate { get; set; } } public class RaidTeamSettingDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long TryNumber { get; set; } public EchelonType EchelonType { get; set; } public EchelonExtensionType EchelonExtensionType { get; set; } public IList MainCharacterDBs { get; set; } public IList SupportCharacterDBs { get; set; } public IList SkillCardMulliganCharacterIds { get; set; } public long TSSInteractionUniqueId { get; set; } public long LeaderCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } } public class RaidUserDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long RepresentCharacterCostumeId { get; set; } public long Level { get; set; } public string Nickname { get; set; } public int Tier { get; set; } public long Rank { get; set; } public long BestRankingPoint { get; set; } public double BestRankingPointDetail { get; set; } public AccountAttachmentDB AccountAttachmentDB { get; set; } } public class ResetableContentId { public ResetContentType Type { get; set; } public long Mapped { get; set; } } public class ResetableContentValueDB { public ResetableContentId ResetableContentId { get; set; } public long ContentValue { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdateTime { get; set; } } public class ScenarioGroupHistoryDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long ScenarioGroupUqniueId { get; set; } public long ScenarioType { get; set; } public long? EventContentId { get; set; } public DateTime ClearDateTime { get; set; } public bool IsReturn { get; set; } public bool IsPermanent { get; set; } } public class ScenarioHistoryDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long ScenarioUniqueId { get; set; } public DateTime ClearDateTime { get; set; } } public class SchoolDungeonStageHistoryDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long StageUniqueId { get; set; } public long BestStarRecord { get; set; } public bool Star1Flag { get; set; } public bool Star2Flag { get; set; } public bool Star3Flag { get; set; } public bool IsClearedEver { get; set; } public bool[] StarFlags { get; set; } } public class SchoolDungeonStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class SelectGachaSnapshotDB { public long ShopUniqueId { get; set; } public long LastIndex { get; set; } public List LastResults { get; set; } public long? SavedIndex { get; set; } public List SavedResults { get; set; } public long? PickedIndex { get; set; } } public class SelectTicketReplaceInfo { public ParcelType MaterialType { get; set; } public long MaterialId { get; set; } public long TicketItemId { get; set; } public int Amount { get; set; } } public class SessionDB { public SessionKey SessionKey { get; set; } public DateTime LastConnect { get; set; } public int ConnectionTime { get; set; } } //public class SessionKey { // public long AccountServerId { get; set; } // public string MxToken { get; set; } //} public class ShiftingCraftInfoDB { public long SlotSequence { get; set; } public long CraftRecipeId { get; set; } public long CraftAmount { get; set; } public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } } public class ShopEligmaHistoryDB { public long CharacterUniqueId { get; set; } public long PurchaseCount { get; set; } } public class ShopFreeRecruitHistoryDB { public long UniqueId { get; set; } public int RecruitCount { get; set; } public DateTime LastUpdateDate { get; set; } } public class ShopInfoDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public ShopCategoryType Category { get; set; } public long? ManualRefreshCount { get; set; } public bool IsRefresh { get; set; } public DateTime? NextAutoRefreshDate { get; set; } public DateTime? LastAutoRefreshDate { get; set; } public List ShopProductList { get; set; } } public class ShopProductDB { public long EventContentId { get; set; } public long ShopExcelId { get; set; } public ShopCategoryType Category { get; set; } public long DisplayOrder { get; set; } public long PurchaseCount { get; set; } public bool SoldOut { get; set; } public long PurchaseCountLimit { get; set; } public long Price { get; set; } //public ShopProductType ProductType { get; set; } } public class ShopRecruitDB { public long Id { get; set; } public DateTime SalesStartDate { get; set; } public DateTime SalesEndDate { get; set; } public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; } } public class SingleRaidUserDB { public RaidTeamSettingDB RaidTeamSettingDB { get; set; } } public enum SkillSlot { None, NormalAttack01, NormalAttack02, NormalAttack03, NormalAttack04, NormalAttack05, NormalAttack06, NormalAttack07, NormalAttack08, NormalAttack09, NormalAttack10, ExSkill01, ExSkill02, ExSkill03, ExSkill04, ExSkill05, ExSkill06, ExSkill07, ExSkill08, ExSkill09, ExSkill10, Passive01, Passive02, Passive03, Passive04, Passive05, Passive06, Passive07, Passive08, Passive09, Passive10, ExtraPassive01, ExtraPassive02, ExtraPassive03, ExtraPassive04, ExtraPassive05, ExtraPassive06, ExtraPassive07, ExtraPassive08, ExtraPassive09, ExtraPassive10, Support01, Support02, Support03, Support04, Support05, Support06, Support07, Support08, Support09, Support10, EnterBattleGround, LeaderSkill01, LeaderSkill02, LeaderSkill03, LeaderSkill04, LeaderSkill05, LeaderSkill06, LeaderSkill07, LeaderSkill08, LeaderSkill09, LeaderSkill10, Equipment01, Equipment02, Equipment03, Equipment04, Equipment05, Equipment06, Equipment07, Equipment08, Equipment09, Equipment10, PublicSkill01, PublicSkill02, PublicSkill03, PublicSkill04, PublicSkill05, PublicSkill06, PublicSkill07, PublicSkill08, PublicSkill09, PublicSkill10, GroupBuff01, HexaBuff01, EventBuff01, EventBuff02, EventBuff03, MoveAttack01, MetamorphNormalAttack, GroundPassive01, GroundPassive02, GroundPassive03, GroundPassive04, GroundPassive05, GroundPassive06, GroundPassive07, GroundPassive08, GroundPassive09, GroundPassive10, HiddenPassive01, HiddenPassive02, HiddenPassive03, HiddenPassive04, HiddenPassive05, HiddenPassive06, HiddenPassive07, HiddenPassive08, HiddenPassive09, HiddenPassive10, Count } public class SkillLevelBatchGrowthRequestDB { public SkillSlot SkillSlot { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public List ReplaceInfos { get; set; } } public class SkipHistoryDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public int Prologue { get; set; } public Dictionary Tutorial { get; set; } } public class StickerBookDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public IEnumerable UnusedStickerDBs { get; set; } public IEnumerable UsedStickerDBs { get; set; } } public class StickerDB : ParcelBase, IEquatable { public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.Sticker; } [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } public long StickerUniqueId { get; set; } public bool Equals(StickerDB? other) { return this.StickerUniqueId == other.StickerUniqueId; } } public class StoryStrategyStageSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } } public class StrategyObjectHistoryDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long StrategyObjectId { get; set; } } public class TimeAttackDungeonBattleHistoryDB { public TimeAttackDungeonType DungeonType { get; set; } public long GeasId { get; set; } public long DefaultPoint { get; set; } public long ClearTimePoint { get; set; } public long EndFrame { get; set; } public long TotalPoint { get; set; } public List MainCharacterDBs { get; set; } public List SupportCharacterDBs { get; set; } } public class TimeAttackDungeonCharacterDB { public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long CostumeId { get; set; } public int StarGrade { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public bool HasWeapon { get; set; } public WeaponDB WeaponDB { get; set; } public bool IsAssist { get; set; } } public class TimeAttackDungeonRewardHistoryDB { public DateTime Date { get; set; } public TimeAttackDungeonRoomDB RoomDB { get; set; } public bool IsSweep { get; set; } } public class TimeAttackDungeonRoomDB { public long AccountId { get; set; } public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long RoomId { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } public DateTime RewardDate { get; set; } public bool IsPractice { get; set; } public List SweepHistoryDates { get; set; } public List BattleHistoryDBs { get; set; } public int PlayCount { get; set; } public long TotalPointSum { get; set; } public bool IsRewardReceived { get; set; } public bool IsOpened { get; set; } public bool CanUseAssist { get; set; } public bool IsPlayCountOver { get; set; } } public class ToastDB { public long UniqueId { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } public string ToastId { get; set; } public DateTime BeginDate { get; set; } public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } public int LifeTime { get; set; } public int Delay { get; set; } } public class VisitingCharacterDB { public long UniqueId { get; set; } public long ServerId { get; set; } } public class WeaponDB : ParcelBase { [NotMapped] public override ParcelType Type { get => ParcelType.CharacterWeapon; } [NotMapped] [JsonIgnore] public override IEnumerable ParcelInfos { get; } [JsonIgnore] public virtual AccountDB Account { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public long AccountServerId { get; set; } [Key] public long ServerId { get; set; } public long UniqueId { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public long Exp { get; set; } public int StarGrade { get; set; } public long BoundCharacterServerId { get; set; } public bool IsLocked { get; set; } } public class WeekDungeonSaveDB { public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } public WeekDungeonType WeekDungeonType { get; set; } public int Seed { get; set; } public int Sequence { get; set; } } public class WeekDungeonStageHistoryDB { public long AccountServerId { get; set; } public long StageUniqueId { get; set; } public Dictionary StarGoalRecord { get; set; } public bool IsCleardEver { get; set; } } public class WorldRaidBossDamageRatio { public ContentsChangeType ContentsChangeType { get; set; } public BasisPoint DamageRatio { get; set; } } public class WorldRaidBossGroup { public ContentsChangeType ContentsChangeType { get; set; } public long GroupId { get; set; } public DateTime BossSpawnTime { get; set; } public DateTime EliminateTime { get; set; } } public class WorldRaidBossListInfoDB { public long GroupId { get; set; } public WorldRaidWorldBossDB WorldBossDB { get; set; } public List LocalBossDBs { get; set; } } public class WorldRaidClearHistoryDB { public long SeasonId { get; set; } public long GroupId { get; set; } public DateTime RewardReceiveDate { get; set; } } }