SCHALE.GameServer ChangeLog (r75_49ajrpwcziy395uuk0jq_2) • Fully Updated to the Latest protos and DBModels (new dumper) • Fully Updated to the Latest FlatData • Integration of ExcelDB.db (automatic downloader + sql table loader) for exceltables are moved • Implementation of a Currency System • Implement SchoolDungeon • Implement WeeklyDungeon • Partially Implement Campaign • Partially Implement MultiFloorRaid • Added New Commands and Improved old ones New Commands - Unlock All /unlockall campaign unlock all of stages of campaign /unlockall weekdungeon unlock all of stages of week dungeon /unlockall schooldungeon unlock all of stages of school dungeon - Inventory /inventory addall now adds all level 1 characters /inventory addallmax now adds the maxed out characters - Currency /currency [currencyId] [amount] Adds currency type items to your account Example: /currency 3 999888777 (gacha currency) Example: /currency 1 1112223213 (coins) - Set Season /setseason [id] set the current raid/arena season's id Special Thanks suna-aquatope and xiaofeiTM233 - for implementing bascially all the features of this update <3 Important Excels that are moved to db: MemoryLobbyDBSchema -> MemoryLobbyDBSchema CharacterGearExcel -> CharacterGearDBSchema ScenarioModeExcel -> ScenarioModeDBSchema SchoolDungeonStageExcel -> SchoolDungeonStageDBSchema FavorLevelExcel -> FavorLevelDBSchema WIP (planned for next update) - Cafe Templates - Full Campaign Implementation - Fix Character Favor (excel moved to db) Handbook - Currency IDs (you need these to use /currency command) Gold = 1, // credits - 信用点 GemPaid = 2, GemBonus = 3, // gacha currency - 青辉石 Gem = 4, ActionPoint = 5, // energy - 体力 AcademyTicket = 6, ArenaTicket = 7, RaidTicket = 8, WeekDungeonChaserATicket = 9, WeekDungeonFindGiftTicket = 10, WeekDungeonBloodTicket = 11, WeekDungeonChaserBTicket = 12, WeekDungeonChaserCTicket = 13, SchoolDungeonATicket = 14, SchoolDungeonBTicket = 15, SchoolDungeonCTicket = 16, TimeAttackDungeonTicket = 17, MasterCoin = 18, WorldRaidTicketA = 19, WorldRaidTicketB = 20, WorldRaidTicketC = 21, ChaserTotalTicket = 22, SchoolDungeonTotalTicket = 23, EliminateTicketA = 24, EliminateTicketB = 25, EliminateTicketC = 26, EliminateTicketD = 27, Max = 28,