VersionShim =========== A Dynamic-Link Library which exports the same methods as version.dll (winver.h) and winhttp.dll in addition to chainloading additional user defined libraries. Usage ----- Rename VersionShim.dll to `version.dll` or `winhttp.dll` and place it in the target process's search location, then create a file named `libraries.txt` in the same directory and list the paths to all the libraries you'd like to load, each on a new line. You can optionally select the target process(es) by listing its path or filename, each on a new line preceded by `*`. These must come before the library paths. Lines beginning with `#` will be skipped. libraries.txt *MUST* be encoded in UTF-8. License ------- This project is subject to the terms of the [Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0](./LICENSE).