**How to Save and Load Your Official Account Data into SCHALE(EN)** By Raphael 1. Use any Pcap program, turn it on, log into your official account, and capture the packets. The Pcap file should look something like this: [Example Pcap file](https://gist.github.com/raphaeIl/b85185098b6ef0d569c794f49c8f910c) 2. Save the file as a JSON and place it in the `Resources\account_data` folder. If the folder does not exist, create it. Example file path: `Resources\account_data\accountdata_Raphael.json` 3. Start the server, log into the game, and run: ``` /loaddata list ``` If the log displays your JSON file name, the file is in the correct folder. 4. Run the following command to load the data: ``` /loaddata ``` This will load the data from your official server’s Pcap file into the PS. If successful, restart the client, and all your data should be loaded. **Tip:** If your custom Pcap file doesn’t work, please try using my example JSON file first. ---