using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Binders; using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens; using MX.Core.Crypto; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using SCHALE.Common.Crypto; using SCHALE.Common.Crypto.XXHash; using SCHALE.Common.FlatData; using SCHALE.Common.NetworkProtocol; using SCHALE.GameServer.Utils; using Serilog; using System.Collections; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Text.Json; namespace SCHALE.GameServer.Services { public class GameClient { private readonly HttpClient httpClient; public static readonly string PS_URL = ""; public static readonly string MITM_URL = ""; public static readonly string OFFICIAL_API_URL = ""; private long AccountServerId = -1; private string MxToken = ""; private long Hash = 0; public GameClient() { Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.Console() .WriteTo.File("logs/log.txt", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day) .CreateLogger(); Log.Information("Application starting up..."); httpClient = new HttpClient(); } public static async Task Main(string[] args) { GameClient gameClient = new GameClient(); if (args.Length < 2 && (gameClient.AccountServerId == -1 || gameClient.MxToken == "")) { Log.Information("Please input the nessary data."); return; } if (gameClient.AccountServerId == -1) { gameClient.AccountServerId = int.Parse(args[0]); } if (gameClient.MxToken.IsNullOrEmpty()) { gameClient.MxToken = args[1]; } await gameClient.SendPostRequestAsync(OFFICIAL_API_URL, new AcademyGetInfoRequest(){ }); /* await gameClient.SendPostRequestAsync(OFFICIAL_API_URL, new ShopBuyGacha3Request() { FreeRecruitId = 0, Cost = new() { ParcelInfos = [ new() { Key = new() { Type = ParcelType.Currency, Id = 4, }, Amount = 120, Multiplier = new(10000), Probability = new(10000) } ], Currency = new() { currencyValue = new() { Values = new() { { CurrencyTypes.Gem, 120 } }, Tickets = new() { }, Property = new() { }, Gem = 120, IsEmpty = false }, Gold = 0, Gem = 120, }, EquipmentDBs = [], ItemDBs = [], FurnitureDBs = [], ConsumeCondition = 0, }, GoodsId = 35840, ShopUniqueId = 50668, }); */ } public async Task SendPostRequestAsync(string url, T requestPacket) where T : RequestPacket { requestPacket.SessionKey = new() { MxToken = this.MxToken, AccountServerId = this.AccountServerId, }; requestPacket.Hash = this.Hash; requestPacket.Resendable = true; requestPacket.ClientUpTime = 0; requestPacket.IsTest = false; string packetJsonStr = JsonSerializer.Serialize((T)requestPacket); Log.Information("Sending Post Request to " + url); Log.Information($"Payload: {packetJsonStr}"); byte[] payload = PacketCryptManager.Instance.RequestToBinary(requestPacket.Protocol, packetJsonStr); //File.WriteAllBytes("./mx.dat", payload); Log.Information("Written All Bytes"); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url); request.Headers.Add("mx", "1"); request.Headers.Add("Bundle-Version", "li3pmyogha"); var content = new MultipartFormDataContent(); content.Add(new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(payload)), "mx", ".mx.dat"); request.Content = content; Log.Information("Sending POST Request!"); var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request); // Response Log.Information("Response Details:"); Log.Information($"Status Code: {response.StatusCode}"); string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Log.Information("Response Body:"); Log.Information(responseBody); } } }