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No commits in common. "master" and "dev" have entirely different histories.
master ... dev

12 changed files with 185 additions and 1121 deletions

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**How to Save and Load Your Official Account Data into SCHALE(EN)**
By Raphael
1. Use any Pcap program, turn it on, log into your official account, and capture the packets.
The Pcap file should look something like this:
[Example Pcap file](
2. Save the file as a JSON and place it in the `Resources\account_data` folder. If the folder does not exist, create it.
Example file path: `Resources\account_data\accountdata_Raphael.json`
3. Start the server, log into the game, and run:
/loaddata list
If the log displays your JSON file name, the file is in the correct folder.
4. Run the following command to load the data:
/loaddata <your_json_filename.json>
This will load the data from your official servers Pcap file into the PS. If successful, restart the client, and all your data should be loaded.
**Tip:** If your custom Pcap file doesnt work, please try using my example JSON file first.

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**如何将官方账号数据保存并加载到 SCHALE (ZHCN)**
- CN-By 北野桜奈
1. 使用任何 Pcap 程序,打开它并登录到你的官方账号,抓取数据包。
Pcap 文件应类似于以下示例:
[示例 Pcap 文件](
2. 将该文件保存为 JSON 格式,并放置到 `Resources\account_data` 文件夹中。如果文件夹不存在,请自行创建。
3. 启动服务器,进入游戏并运行以下命令:
/loaddata list
如果日志显示了你的 JSON 文件名,说明该文件已正确放置。
4. 运行以下命令加载数据:
/loaddata <your_json_filename.json>
这将从官方服务器的 Pcap 数据加载到 PS。如果加载成功请重启客户端所有数据应该已加载。
**提示:** 如果你的自定义 Pcap 文件无法正常工作,请先尝试我的示例 JSON 文件。

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# 💻 蔚蓝档案命令手册
*📝 作者:阁主*
## 📑 目录
- [📑 English version of Command](
- [🏰 咖啡厅命令 (Cafe)](#咖啡厅-cafe-命令)
- [👥 角色命令 (Character)](#角色-character-命令)
- [💎 货币命令 (Currency)](#货币-currency-命令)
- [❓ 帮助命令 (Help)](#帮助-help-命令)
- [📦 库存命令 (Inventory)](#库存-inventory-命令)
- [💾 加载数据命令 (LoadData)](#加载数据-loaddata-命令)
- [⚙️ 设置账号命令 (SetAccount)](#设置账号-setaccount-命令)
- [🔓 解锁全部命令 (UnlockAll)](#解锁全部-unlockall-命令)
# 🏰 咖啡厅 (Cafe) 命令
> 打造您的理想咖啡厅,创造独特的休憩空间
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/cafe <character|furniture> <add|addall|removeall> [id/amount]
## 🎯 功能说明
## 📋 可用子命令
### 👥 角色管理 (character)
#### 1. 添加单个角色
/cafe character add <角色ID>
- 💫 功能向咖啡厅添加指定ID的角色
- 📝 示例:`/cafe character add 123`
- 说明:重复添加会收到提示
#### 2. ✨ 批量添加角色
/cafe character addall [数量]
- 💫 功能:向咖啡厅批量添加可用角色
- 📝 示例:
- `/cafe character addall` (添加50个角色)
- `/cafe character addall 100` (添加100个角色)
- 说明:仅添加满足条件的角色:
- ✅ 可玩角色
- ✅ 非NPC角色
- ✅ 已正式发布的角色
#### 3. 🗑️ 移除所有角色
/cafe character removeall
- 💫 功能:清空咖啡厅中的所有角色
- ⚠️ 注意:此操作不可撤销
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 🔄 所有命令执行后自动保存
2. 📝 命令不区分大小写
3. 添加重复角色会收到提示
4. 🚧 家具功能尚在开发中
# 👥 角色 (Character) 命令
> 管理您的角色系统,打造完美的战斗团队
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/character <add|clear> [all|characterId]
## 🎯 功能说明
## 📋 可用子命令
### ✨ 添加角色 (add)
#### 1. 🌟 添加所有角色
/character add all
- 💫 功能:添加所有可用角色
- ✨ 特点:角色将以最强状态添加
- ✅ 最大等级
- ✅ 完全培养
- ✅ 技能满级
#### 2. 添加指定角色
/character add <角色ID>
- 💫 功能添加指定ID的角色
- 📝 示例:`/character add 1`
- 说明:角色将以最强状态添加
### 🗑️ 清除角色 (clear)
/character clear
- 💫 功能:清空所有角色
- ⚠️ 警告:此操作不可撤销
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 🔄 操作自动保存
2. 📝 命令不区分大小写
3. 重复添加会提示
4. ⚠️ 清除操作需谨慎
# 💎 货币 (Currency) 命令
> 自由调整各类货币数量,畅享游戏体验
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/currency <货币类型> <数量>
## 🎯 功能说明
## 💰 可用货币类型
### 💫 基础货币
- `Gold` - 💰 金币
- `Gem` - 💎 青辉石(总数)
- `GemPaid` - 💳 付费青辉石
- `GemBonus` - 🎁 奖励青辉石
### 🎫 体力票券
- `ActionPoint` - ⚡ 体力值
- `AcademyTicket` - 📚 学院券
- `ArenaTicket` - ⚔️ 竞技场券
- `RaidTicket` - 🎯 总力战券
### 🗺️ 每周副本券
- `WeekDungeonChaserATicket` - 🏃‍♂️ 追击战A券
- `WeekDungeonChaserBTicket` - 🏃‍♀️ 追击战B券
- `WeekDungeonChaserCTicket` - 🏃 追击战C券
- `WeekDungeonFindGiftTicket` - 🎁 寻宝战券
- `WeekDungeonBloodTicket` - 🗡️ 血战券
- `ChaserTotalTicket` - 🎯 追击战总券
### 🏫 学院副本券
- `SchoolDungeonATicket` - 📘 学院副本A券
- `SchoolDungeonBTicket` - 📗 学院副本B券
- `SchoolDungeonCTicket` - 📙 学院副本C券
- `SchoolDungeonTotalTicket` - 📚 学院副本总券
### 🌟 特殊副本券
- `TimeAttackDungeonTicket` - ⏱️ 限时挑战券
- `WorldRaidTicketA` - 🌍 世界副本A券
- `WorldRaidTicketB` - 🌎 世界副本B券
- `WorldRaidTicketC` - 🌏 世界副本C券
### ⚔️ 清除战券
- `EliminateTicketA` - 🗡️ 清除战A券
- `EliminateTicketB` - ⚔️ 清除战B券
- `EliminateTicketC` - 🛡️ 清除战C券
- `EliminateTicketD` - 🔰 清除战D券
### 🏆 其他
- `MasterCoin` - 🎖️ 大师币
## 📝 使用示例
/currency Gem 99999 # 设置青辉石为99999
/currency ActionPoint 9999 # 设置体力值为9999
/currency Gold 99999999 # 设置金币为99999999
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 📝 货币类型区分大小写
2. 🔢 数量必须为整数
3. 🔄 修改立即生效并保存
4. ⚠️ 无效输入将提示错误
5. 💡 请合理使用此功能
# ❓ 帮助 (Help) 命令
> 获取详细的命令使用说明,助您轻松上手
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/help [命令名称]
## 🎯 功能说明
## 📋 使用方法
### 1. 📑 查看所有命令
- 💫 功能:显示完整命令列表
- 📝 显示格式:
- 命令名称
- 简要说明
- 基本用法
### 2. 🔍 查看特定命令
/help <命令名称>
- 💫 功能:显示指定命令的详细信息
- 📝 示例:`/help currency`
- 显示内容:
- 📌 命令说明
- ⌨️ 使用方法
- 📑 参数详解
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 📝 命令名称不区分大小写
2. 🔤 仅支持英文命令名
3. ⚠️ 无效命令将提示错误
4. 💡 默认显示所有命令概览
# 📦 库存 (Inventory) 命令
> 一键管理所有游戏物品,打造完美账号
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/inventory <addall|addallmax|removeall>
## 🎯 功能说明
## 📋 可用子命令
### 1. ✨ 添加所有物品(普通)
/inventory addall
- 💫 功能:添加所有游戏内容
- 📦 添加内容:
- 👥 所有角色(基础状态)
- ⚔️ 所有武器(基础状态)
- 🛡️ 所有装备
- 🎁 所有道具
- 🔧 所有装置
- 🏰 所有记忆大厅
- 📚 所有剧情
### 2. 🌟 添加所有物品(最大化)
/inventory addallmax
- 💫 功能:添加所有内容(最强状态)
- 📦 添加内容:
- 👥 所有角色(满级满培养)
- ⚔️ 所有武器(满级满突破)
- 🛡️ 所有装备
- 🎁 所有道具
- 🔧 所有装置(满级)
- 🏰 所有记忆大厅
- 📚 所有剧情
### 3. 🗑️ 移除所有物品
/inventory removeall
- 💫 功能:清空所有物品
- ⚠️ 移除内容:
- 👥 所有角色
- ⚔️ 所有武器
- 🛡️ 所有装备
- 🎁 所有道具
- 🔧 所有装置
- 🏰 所有记忆大厅
- 📚 所有剧情
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 🔄 操作自动保存
2. 📝 命令不区分大小写
3. ⚠️ 清空操作不可撤销
4. ✨ 最大化会将可培养内容提升至最高等级
# 💾 加载数据 (LoadData) 命令
> 轻松导入存档数据,快速恢复游戏进度
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/loaddata <文件名|list>
## 🎯 功能说明
## 📋 使用方法
### 1. 📑 查看可用数据文件
/loaddata list
- 💫 功能:显示可用存档列表
- 📂 位置Resources/account_data/
- 📝 显示:所有可加载的存档文件
### 2. 📥 加载指定数据文件
/loaddata <文件名>
- 💫 功能:加载指定存档数据
- 📝 示例:`/loaddata save1.json`
- 📦 加载内容:
- 👤 账号信息(昵称、等级等)
- 👥 角色数据
- ⚔️ 武器数据
- 🎁 道具数据
- 🔧 装置数据
- 🛡️ 装备数据
- 🏰 记忆大厅数据
- ☕ 咖啡厅数据
- 👥 梯队编成数据
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 📂 文件必须在指定目录
2. 📄 需包含文件扩展名
3. 🔄 会覆盖当前账号数据
4. 🔗 自动处理ID映射
5. ⚠️ 无效文件将提示错误
6. ✅ 成功后显示确认消息
# ⚙️ 设置账号 (SetAccount) 命令
> 自定义您的账号信息,打造个性化体验
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/setaccount <属性名> <>
## 🎯 功能说明
## 📋 可用属性
### 👤 基础信息
- `Nickname` - 📝 昵称
- 类型:文本
- 示例:`/setaccount Nickname Sensei`
- `Level` - 📊 等级
- 类型:整数
- 示例:`/setaccount Level 75`
- `Exp` - ✨ 经验值
- 类型:整数
- 示例:`/setaccount Exp 999999`
### 🎨 个人设置
- `CallName` - 📢 称呼名称
- 类型:文本
- 示例:`/setaccount CallName Teacher`
- `Comment` - 📝 个人简介
- 类型:文本
- 示例:`/setaccount Comment "Hello World"`
- `LobbyMode` - 🏰 大厅模式
- 类型:整数
- 示例:`/setaccount LobbyMode 1`
### 🎭 展示相关
- `RepresentCharacterServerId` - 👥 代表角色ID
- 类型:整数
- 示例:`/setaccount RepresentCharacterServerId 10000`
- `MemoryLobbyUniqueId` - 🏰 记忆大厅ID
- 类型:整数
- 示例:`/setaccount MemoryLobbyUniqueId 1`
### 📊 账号状态
- `State` - 🔰 账号状态
- 类型AccountState枚举
- 示例:`/setaccount State Normal`
- `VIPLevel` - 👑 VIP等级
- 类型:整数
- 示例:`/setaccount VIPLevel 5`
### ⏰ 时间相关
- `BirthDay` - 🎂 生日
- 类型:日期时间
- 示例:`/setaccount BirthDay 2024-01-01`
- `LastConnectTime` - 🔄 最后连接时间
- 类型:日期时间
- 示例:`/setaccount LastConnectTime "2024-01-01 12:00:00"`
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 📝 属性名区分大小写
2. 🔢 值类型必须匹配
3. 🔄 修改立即生效
4. ⚠️ 无效输入将提示错误
5. 📅 日期格式需正确
6. 💡 谨慎修改重要属性
# 🔓 解锁全部 (UnlockAll) 命令
> 一键解锁所有游戏内容,畅玩无限可能
## ⌨️ 命令格式
/unlockall <内容类型>
## 🎯 功能说明
## 📋 可用内容类型
### 1. 📚 主线剧情 (campaign)
/unlockall campaign
- 💫 功能:解锁所有主线关卡
- 📦 解锁内容:
- 🔰 普通难度关卡
- ⚔️ 困难难度关卡
- ✨ 额外关卡
- 🌟 超困难关卡
- ✅ 完成状态:
- 🎯 已通关
- ⭐ 获得全部三星
- 🎁 已领取首次通关奖励
- 🏆 已领取星级奖励
### 2. 🗺️ 每周副本 (weekdungeon)
/unlockall weekdungeon
- 💫 功能:解锁所有每周副本
- ✅ 完成状态:
- 🎯 关卡已完成
- ⭐ 星级目标达成
- 📦 宝箱收集最大值
### 3. 🏫 学院副本 (schooldungeon)
/unlockall schooldungeon
- 💫 功能:解锁所有学院副本
- ✅ 完成状态:
- 🎯 关卡已完成
- ⭐ 星级目标达成
## ⚡ 注意事项
1. 📝 类型名不区分大小写
2. 🔄 解锁立即生效并保存
3. ⚠️ 无效类型将提示错误
4. 💡 解锁后无法撤销
## 📝 文档更新记录
### v1.0.0 (2025-01-20)
- ✨ 首次发布完整命令文档
- 📚 添加所有基础命令说明
- 🎨 优化文档排版和样式
- 🔍 补充详细使用示例
- 🐛 修复文档格式问题
- ✨ 添加更多使用示例
- 📝 完善注意事项说明
*💡 如有任何问题或建议,欢迎随时反馈!*

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# 💻 Blue Archive Command Manual
*📝 Author: Ge Zhu*
*📝 Translate: Kitano Sakura*
## 📑 Table of Contents
- [🏰 Cafe Commands (Cafe)](#cafe-commands-cafe)
- [👥 Character Commands (Character)](#character-commands-character)
- [💎 Currency Commands (Currency)](#currency-commands-currency)
- [❓ Help Commands (Help)](#help-commands-help)
- [📦 Inventory Commands (Inventory)](#inventory-commands-inventory)
- [💾 Load Data Commands (LoadData)](#load-data-commands-loaddata)
- [⚙️ Set Account Commands (SetAccount)](#set-account-commands-setaccount)
- [🔓 Unlock All Commands (UnlockAll)](#unlock-all-commands-unlockall)
# 🏰 Cafe Commands (Cafe)
> Build your ideal cafe and create a unique relaxation space
## ⌨️ Command Format
/cafe <character|furniture> <add|addall|removeall> [id/amount]
## 🎯 Function Description
This command allows you to manage the in-game Cafe system, enabling you to freely arrange characters and furniture.
## 📋 Available Subcommands
### 👥 Character Management (character)
#### 1. Add a Single Character
/cafe character add <CharacterID>
- 💫 Function: Adds a specified character ID to the Cafe
- 📝 Example: `/cafe character add 123`
- Note: Adding a duplicate character will prompt a message
#### 2. ✨ Batch Add Characters
/cafe character addall [amount]
- 💫 Function: Adds multiple eligible characters to the Cafe
- 📝 Examples:
- `/cafe character addall` (Adds 50 characters)
- `/cafe character addall 100` (Adds 100 characters)
- Conditions for addition:
- ✅ Playable characters only
- ✅ Non-NPC characters
- ✅ Officially released characters
#### 3. 🗑️ Remove All Characters
/cafe character removeall
- 💫 Function: Clears all characters from the Cafe
- ⚠️ Warning: This action is irreversible
## ⚡ Notes
1. 🔄 All commands automatically save changes
2. 📝 Commands are case-insensitive
3. Duplicate characters cannot be added
4. 🚧 Furniture functionality is under development
# 👥 Character Commands (Character)
> Manage your character system and build the perfect combat team
## ⌨️ Command Format
/character <add|clear> [all|characterId]
## 🎯 Function Description
This command manages the players character system, supporting the addition and clearing of characters.
## 📋 Available Subcommands
### ✨ Add Characters (add)
#### 1. 🌟 Add All Characters
/character add all
- 💫 Function: Adds all available characters
- ✨ Features: Characters are added in their strongest state:
- ✅ Max level
- ✅ Fully developed
- ✅ Skills maxed out
#### 2. Add a Specific Character
/character add <CharacterID>
- 💫 Function: Adds a specific character by ID
- 📝 Example: `/character add 1`
- Note: Characters are added in their strongest state
### 🗑️ Clear All Characters (clear)
/character clear
- 💫 Function: Clears all characters
- ⚠️ Warning: This action is irreversible
## ⚡ Notes
1. 🔄 Operations save automatically
2. 📝 Commands are case-insensitive
3. Duplicate additions prompt a message
4. ⚠️ Use clear commands with caution
# 💎 Currency Commands (Currency)
> Freely adjust the amount of various currencies for a better gaming experience
## ⌨️ Command Format
/currency <currencyType> <amount>
## 🎯 Function Description
This command modifies the amounts of various currencies in your account.
## 💰 Available Currency Types
### 💫 Basic Currencies
- `Gold` - 💰 Gold
- `Gem` - 💎 Pyroxene (total)
- `GemPaid` - 💳 Paid Pyroxene
- `GemBonus` - 🎁 Bonus Pyroxene
### 🎫 Stamina Tickets
- `ActionPoint` - ⚡ Stamina
- `AcademyTicket` - 📚 Academy Tickets
- `ArenaTicket` - ⚔️ Arena Tickets
- `RaidTicket` - 🎯 Raid Tickets
### 🗺️ Weekly Dungeon Tickets
- `WeekDungeonChaserATicket` - 🏃‍♂️ Chase Battle A Ticket
- `WeekDungeonChaserBTicket` - 🏃‍♀️ Chase Battle B Ticket
- `WeekDungeonChaserCTicket` - 🏃 Chase Battle C Ticket
- `WeekDungeonFindGiftTicket` - 🎁 Treasure Hunt Ticket
- `WeekDungeonBloodTicket` - 🗡️ Blood Battle Ticket
- `ChaserTotalTicket` - 🎯 Total Chase Battle Ticket
### 🏫 Academy Dungeon Tickets
- `SchoolDungeonATicket` - 📘 Academy Dungeon A Ticket
- `SchoolDungeonBTicket` - 📗 Academy Dungeon B Ticket
- `SchoolDungeonCTicket` - 📙 Academy Dungeon C Ticket
- `SchoolDungeonTotalTicket` - 📚 Total Academy Dungeon Ticket
### 🌟 Special Dungeon Tickets
- `TimeAttackDungeonTicket` - ⏱️ Time Attack Dungeon Ticket
- `WorldRaidTicketA` - 🌍 World Raid A Ticket
- `WorldRaidTicketB` - 🌎 World Raid B Ticket
- `WorldRaidTicketC` - 🌏 World Raid C Ticket
### ⚔️ Elimination Tickets
- `EliminateTicketA` - 🗡️ Elimination A Ticket
- `EliminateTicketB` - ⚔️ Elimination B Ticket
- `EliminateTicketC` - 🛡️ Elimination C Ticket
- `EliminateTicketD` - 🔰 Elimination D Ticket
### 🏆 Others
- `MasterCoin` - 🎖️ Master Coin
## 📝 Usage Examples
/currency Gem 99999 # Set Pyroxene to 99999
/currency ActionPoint 9999 # Set Stamina to 9999
/currency Gold 99999999 # Set Gold to 99999999
## ⚡ Notes
1. 📝 Currency types are case-sensitive
2. 🔢 Amounts must be integers
3. 🔄 Changes are effective immediately
4. ⚠️ Invalid inputs will prompt an error
5. 💡 Use responsibly
(Translation continued upon request!)

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# 🌐 **Mitmproxy Usage Guide**
* (By Kitano Sakura)*
## 🛠️ **Prerequisites**
- Download and install [**Mitmproxy**](
- Basic knowledge of **WireGuard** and **Python scripting**.
- Required devices:
- A host machine to run **Mitmproxy**.
- A client device (e.g., Android emulator or smartphone).
## 📥 **Step 1: Install Mitmproxy**
### 📂 Installation
#### Linux / macOS
# Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mitmproxy
# macOS
brew install mitmproxy
#### Windows
Download the `.exe` installer from [****]( and follow the setup instructions.
### ✅ Verify Installation
Run the following command to confirm successful installation:
mitmproxy --version
## 🔑 **Step 2: Install the CA Certificate**
### 📜 Steps
1. Start `mitmproxy` to generate the CA certificate:
2. Locate the generated certificate:
- Certificate path:
- `C:\Users\<Username>\.mitmproxy\mitmproxy-ca-cert.crt` (Windows)
- `~/.mitmproxy/` (Linux / macOS)
3. Rename `mitmproxy-ca-cert.crt` to `c8750f0d.0`.
4. Move the certificate to the system CA directory and set permissions:
adb root
adb remount
adb shell mv /sdcard/c8750f0d.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/c8750f0d.0
adb reboot
## 🔧 **Step 3: Configure the Redirect Script**
Download `` from the repository and modify the `SERVER_HOST` field:
import gzip
import json
from mitmproxy import http
SERVER_HOST = 'Update here' # Replace with your server IP
## 🚀 **Step 4: Start Mitmproxy**
Run the following command to launch Mitmproxy with the redirect script:
mitmweb -m wireguard --no-http2 -s --set termlog_verbosity=warn --ignore <your IP address>
### 📝 Parameter Explanation:
- `-m wireguard`: Use WireGuard as the network layer.
- `--no-http2`: Disable HTTP/2 for better compatibility.
- `-s`: Load the redirect script.
- `--set termlog_verbosity=warn`: Show warnings only in logs.
Access the Mitmproxy web interface at `http://localhost:8081` to monitor traffic.
## 🔄 **Step 5: Install WireGuard**
### 📥 Installation
- **Android**: Download from [**Google Play**](
- **Other Platforms**: Refer to the [**official WireGuard installation guide**](
### ⚙️ Configuration
1. Open the WireGuard client and scan the QR code provided by Mitmproxy.
2. Apply the configuration to route all traffic through Mitmproxy.
## 🛠️ **Troubleshooting**
### ❌ Error: Client TLS handshake failed
- Ensure the same CA certificate is installed on both the host and client devices.
- Verify that the CA certificate is installed as a system certificate.
### ❌ Certificate disappears on Android
- Use MT Manager to grant SU permissions.
- Manually navigate to `/system/etc/security/cacerts/` and reset permissions to `644`.
🎉 **Done!**

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# 🌐 **Mitmproxy 方案使用教程**
* (By 北野樱奈)*
## 🛠️ **前置要求**
- 下载并安装 [**Mitmproxy**](。
- 熟悉 **WireGuard** 和 **Python 脚本**的基本操作。
- 准备以下设备:
- 一台运行 **Mitmproxy** 的主机。
- 一台客户端设备(如 Android 模拟器或手机)。
## 📥 **第一步:安装 Mitmproxy**
### 📂 安装步骤
#### Linux / MacOS
# Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mitmproxy
# macOS
brew install mitmproxy
#### Windows
从 [****]( 下载 `.exe` 安装程序并按说明完成安装。
### ✅ 验证安装
mitmproxy --version
## 🔑 **第二步:安装 CA 证书**
### 📜 操作步骤
1. 启动 `mitmproxy` 并生成证书:
2. 找到生成的证书文件:
- 证书位于:
`~/.mitmproxy/`Linux / MacOS
3. 将 `mitmproxy-ca-cert.crt` 重命名为 `c8750f0d.0`
4. 使用以下命令将证书移动到系统 CA 目录并设置权限:
adb root
adb remount
adb shell mv /sdcard/c8750f0d.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/c8750f0d.0
adb reboot
## 🔧 **第三步:配置重定向脚本**
从仓库下载 `` 并修改其中的 `SERVER_HOST`
import gzip
import json
from mitmproxy import http
SERVER_HOST = '修改这里' # 替换为你的服务器 IP
## 🚀 **第四步:启动 Mitmproxy**
mitmweb -m wireguard --no-http2 -s --set termlog_verbosity=warn --ignore <你的IP地址>
### 📝 参数说明:
- `-m wireguard`: 使用 WireGuard 作为网络层协议。
- `--no-http2`: 禁用 HTTP/2 提高兼容性。
- `-s`: 加载重定向脚本。
- `--set termlog_verbosity=warn`: 仅显示警告级别日志。
访问 `http://localhost:8081` 查看 Mitmproxy 界面。
## 🔄 **第五步:安装 WireGuard**
### 📥 安装步骤
- **Android**: 从 [**Google Play**]( 下载。
- **其他平台**: 参考 [**WireGuard 官方安装指南**](。
### ⚙️ 配置步骤
1. 打开 WireGuard 客户端并扫描 Mitmproxy 提供的二维码。
2. 完成后启用该配置,将所有流量路由到 `Mitmproxy`
## 🛠️ **故障排查**
### ❌ 错误Client TLS handshake failed
- 检查电脑与客户端是否安装了相同的 CA 证书。
- 确保 CA 证书安装为系统证书。
### ❌ 安卓端证书消失
- 使用 MT 管理器授予 SU 权限。
- 手动前往 `/system/etc/security/cacerts/`,重新设置权限为 `644`
🎉 **完成!**

View File

@ -1,47 +1,68 @@
# This Project is now Outdated and Archived, for the Newest Maintained version, Please Use
# 此项目已停止维护,最新版本请用
# 🌌 **SCHALE.GameServer** 🌟
# 📚 Project Documentation Directory
## 📌 Directory
- [🔧 Environment Installation](#environment-installation)
- [🚀 Command List](
- [📦 Mitmproxy Solution](
- [🎟 Import Official Server Data](
## 🔧 Environment Installation
### 1. Install [SQL Server Express 2022](
* Open the downloaded installer
* Select "Basic"
* Choose your preferred installation path
* Start the installation
### 2. Install [SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio 20)](
* Keep the default installation path
* Install
### 3. Install [Microsoft Visual Studio 2022](
* Install the Community version
* Select all components related to C# and "Visual Studio Extensions Development" for the workload
* Install with the default path
### 4. Install [LDPlayer 9](
* Download game updates normally after installation is complete
### 5. Install [Python](
* Choose custom installation, leave other settings as default
* Choose the installation path
* Install and wait for completion
- [Discord](
# SCHALE.GameServer
### [中文教程]( (by shunner114514)
## Prerequisites
- Some computer knowledge
- [.NET SDK 8.0](
- [SQL Express](
- [SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)](
- [LD Player 9](
- [Python](
- [Frida](
- [frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64](
## Steps
1. Start SQL server
2. Start private game server
3. Start LD Player
4. Start Frida server
5. Start ブルアカ
6. Inject Frida script
7. Enjoy :smile:
### SQL server
Use SSMS to connect with default settings except that you have to check "Trust server certificate".
### Game server
# in this repo
cd SCHALE.GameServer
dotnet run
### Frida server
1. Extract `frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64.xz`
to `LDPlayer/frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64`.
2. Turn on LD Player
3. Turn on root and adb in the settings of LD Player.
# in LDPlayer
cd LDPlayer9
./adb.exe push ../frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64 /data/local/tmp/frida-server
./adb.exe shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 755 frida-server
### Inject Frida script
> [!NOTE]
> Edit line 5 of [ba.js](./ba.js) to your own server IP.
> Do this fast when you open ブルアカ and see the Yostar logo.
# in this repo
frida -U "ブルアカ" -l ba.js --realm=emulated

View File

@ -1,37 +1,89 @@
# 🌌 **SCHALE.GameServer** 🌟
# 📚 项目文档目录
## 📌 目录
- [🔧 环境安装](#环境安装)
- [🚀 命令列表](
- [📦 Mitmproxy方案](
- [🎟 导入官服数据](
## 🔧 环境安装
### 1.安装[SQL Server Express 2022](
* 打开你下载的安装程序
* 选择“基础”
* 选择你习惯的安装路径
* 开始安装
### 2.安装[SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio 20)](
* 路径默认即可
* 安装
### 3.安装[Microsoft Visual Studio 2022](
* 安装Community版
* 工作负荷选择所有带有C#的组件以及“Visual Studio扩展开发”
* 直接默认路径安装
### 4.安装[雷电模拟器9](
* 安装完成后正常下载游戏更新
### 5.安装[Python](
* 选择自定义安装,其余默认
* 选择安装路径
* 安装,等待完成
- [Discord](
# SCHALE.GameServer
## 安装准备阶段
### 1.安装[SQL Server Express 2022](
* 打开你下载的安装程序
* 选择“基础”
* 选择你习惯的安装路径
* 开始安装
### 2.安装[SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio 20)](
* 路径默认即可
* 安装
### 3.安装[Microsoft Visual Studio 2022](
* 安装Community版
* 工作负荷选择所有带有C#的组件以及“Visual Studio扩展开发”
* 直接默认路径安装
### 4.安装[雷电模拟器9](
### 5.安装[Python](
* 选择自定义安装,其余默认
* 选择安装路径
* 安装,等待完成
### 6.安装Frida
* win+R打开运行键入cmd
* 在cmd中输入`pip install frida`回车
* 等待下载安装完成
* 再输入`pip install frida-tools`回车
* 等待下载安装完成(时间可能较长)
### 7.推送Frida-server至模拟器
* 下载[frida-server-16.x.x-android-x86_64.xz](并解压
* 把frida-server-16.x.x-android-x86_64放入`\leidian\LDPlayer9`路径下
* 打开模拟器并在设置中打开ADB调试和ROOT权限
* 在(你安装时的盘):\leidian\LDPlayer9路径下的导航栏中输入cmd并回车
* 输入`adb push frida-server-16.x.x-android-x86_64 /data/local/tmp`
* 等待传输完成
## 资源配置阶段
* 打开并解压所下载的
* 使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2022打开包中的SCHALE.GameServer.sln
* 选择顶部菜单栏“视图”下拉“终端”
* 若在`...\SCHALE.GameServer-master>`下,请输入`cd SCHALE.GameServer`转到以下路径
* 在`\SCHALE.GameServer-master\SCHALE.GameServer`路径下输入:
`dotnet publish -a x64 --use-current-runtime --self-contained false -p:InvariantGlobalization=false`
* ~~找到并在`\SCHALE.GameServer-master\SCHALE.GameServer\bin\Release\net8.0\win-x64`路径下创建Resources文件夹再在其下创建excel文件夹将Excel.zip解压至此文件夹~~(最新版该步骤已集成于`SCHALE.GameServer.exe`
* 打开SSMS默认连接注意勾选信任服务器证书
* 运行`\SCHALE.GameServer-master\SCHALE.GameServer\bin\Release\net8.0\win-x64\SCHALE.GameServer.exe` (后台挂起)(首次运行请允许通过防火墙)
* 找到ba.js文件使用记事本打开修改第5行`REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR LOCAL IP`为你此时的IPV4地址网络和Internet设置中可查看
## 启动游戏阶段
* 打开雷电模拟器
* 启动frida
* 在(你安装时的盘):\leidian\LDPlayer9路径下的导航栏中输入cmd并回车
* 在所打开的cmd中键入:
adb shell
su //超级管理员
cd /data/local/tmp //转到此路径下
chmod 755 frida-server-16.x.x-android-x86_64
./frida-server-16.x.x-android-x86_64 //启动frida
* PC重新打开一个路径相同的cmd
* (模拟器)启动游戏 ブルアカ
* 在出现Yostar徽标时键入并回车
`frida -U "ブルアカ" -l ba.js --realm=emulated`(后台挂起)
* 出现`Attatching...`并且SCHALE.GameServer.exe出现Ping时基本成功
## 注意事项
* 此项目还处于初期阶段,存在大量不可使用选项,出现问题请尝试重新登录或重启
* 若出现`SCHALE.GameServer.exe`没有Ping的情况请检查ba.js中的IPV4地址与你当前地址是否一致
* 若已成功安装SQL Server Express请不要轻易自行尝试卸载或删除它否则可能无法再次成功安装
* 如果很不幸你的电脑上已经多次无法成功安装SQL Server Express且不愿意重装系统以下提供一个平替方案
* 安装[VMware Workstation Pro](
* 网络搜索许可证密钥填入
* 前往Windows官网或其他正规渠道获取Windows 10/11镜像
* 创建并安装Windows虚拟机
* 创建完虚拟机需设置:
* 你的电脑:设置-系统-屏幕-显示卡-默认图形设置启用“硬件加速GPU计划”
* 虚拟机设置处理器勾选虚拟化Intel VT-x/EPT或AMD-V/RVI(V)
* 虚拟机设置显示器勾选“加速3D图形”选择“指定监视器设置”监视器数量为1个图形内存改为所给**内存**的一半
* 启动虚拟机
* 使用[KMS](激活Windows
* 完成后即可开始安装

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ using SCHALE.Common.NetworkProtocol;
namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public abstract class HexaCommand
public long CommandId { get; set; }
@ -18,22 +19,22 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public enum HexaCommandType
None = 0,
UnitSpawn = 1,
PlayScenario = 2,
StrategySpawn = 3,
TileSpawn = 4,
TileHide = 5,
EndBattle = 6,
WaitTurn = 7,
StrategyHide = 8,
UnitDie = 9,
UnitMove = 10,
CharacterEmoji = 11,
None = 0,
UnitSpawn = 1,
PlayScenario = 2,
StrategySpawn = 3,
TileSpawn = 4,
TileHide = 5,
EndBattle = 6,
WaitTurn = 7,
StrategyHide = 8,
UnitDie = 9,
UnitMove = 10,
CharacterEmoji = 11,
public abstract class HexaCondition
public abstract class HexaCondition
public long ConditionId { get; set; }
public abstract HexaConditionType Type { get; }
@ -406,7 +407,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public class CampaignMainStageSaveDB : ContentSaveDB
public override ContentType ContentType { get => ContentType.CampaignMainStage; }
public CampaignState CampaignState { get; set; }
public CampaignState CampaignState { get; set; }
public int CurrentTurn { get; set; }
public int EnemyClearCount { get; set; }
public int LastEnemyEntityId { get; set; }
@ -1529,7 +1530,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public class SingleRaidLobbyInfoDB : RaidLobbyInfoDB
public List<Difficulty> ClearDifficulty { get; set; }
public class EliminateRaidLobbyInfoDB : RaidLobbyInfoDB
@ -4849,7 +4849,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public int PassiveSkillLevel { get; set; }
public int ExtraPassiveSkillLevel { get; set; }
public int FavorRank { get; set; }
public List<StatSnapshot> StatSnapshotCollection { get; set; }
public StatSnapshotCollection StatSnapshotCollection { get; set; }
public long HPRateBefore { get; set; }
public long HPRateAfter { get; set; }
public int CrowdControlCount { get; set; }
@ -4883,7 +4883,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public int ExSkillUseCount { get; }
public Dictionary<long, int> KillLog { get; set; }
public KillLogCollection KillLog { get; set; }
public int KillCount { get; }
@ -4901,7 +4901,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public class SkillCostSummary
public float InitialCost { get; set; }
public List<SkillCostRegenSnapshot> CostPerFrameSnapshots { get; set; }
public CostRegenSnapshotCollection CostPerFrameSnapshots { get; set; }
public List<SkillCostAddSnapshot> CostAddSnapshots { get; set; }
public List<SkillCostUseSnapshot> CostUseSnapshots { get; set; }
@ -5167,7 +5167,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
private int CurrentCount { get; set; }
public LogicEffect LogicEffectToDispel { get; }
public bool IsDispellable { get; }
public EntityId DotInvokerEntityId { get; set; }
public Func<bool> ExpirationCheck { get; set; }
public Entity ExpirationCheckOwner { get; set; }
public int StackSameEffectCount { get; }
@ -5193,12 +5192,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public abstract class SkillCard : IDisposable
private EventHandler<EventArgs> StateChanged;
private EventHandler<UpdateEvent> CardCopyUpdated;
public LogicEffectValue[] CopyApplyLogicEffectValues;
public SkillSpecification CopySkillSpecification;
public bool DeductRedrawGaugeWhenHandExist;
public int CopyUseMaxCount;
public int CopyUseCount;
private static int SkillUniqueIndex;
public int SkillCardUniqueId;
public int Cost;
@ -5207,14 +5200,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public int ExtraEnemyCost;
public int NPCCost;
public int ExtraNPCCost;
public BattleEntity CastOwnerEntity { get; }
public long CastCharacterId { get; }
public long CastOwnerCostumeId { get; }
public SkillDataPack CastSkillData { get; }
public string CastSkillGroupId { get; }
public CharacterSkillListKey CastSkillListKey { get; }
public TargetCandidateRule CastCandidateRule { get; }
public SkillSlot CastSkillSlot { get; }
public abstract BattleEntity OwnerEntity { get; }
public abstract long OwnerCostumeId { get; }
public SkillDataPack SkillData { get; }
@ -5237,14 +5222,10 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public bool IsAutoUse { get; set; }
public abstract EntityId OwnerEntityId { get; }
public abstract long CharacterId { get; }
public string CopyLogicEffectGroupId { get; set; }
public SkillCard CopyCard { get; set; }
public List<SkillCard> CopiedCard { get; set; }
public int OriginalCost { get; set; }
public int OriginalCost { get; }
public int CostUsed { get; set; }
public bool IsNPCCard { get; set; }
public int SkillRemainCount { get; set; }
public bool IsCopyCard { get; }
public void Dispose()
@ -5439,7 +5420,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public class Circle : Shape, IEquatable<Circle>
private Vector2 forward;
public static Circle Empty { get; }
public static Circle Default { get; }
@ -5450,8 +5430,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public override ValueTuple<float, float> Size { get; }
public override Vector2 Center { get; set; }
public float Radius { get; set; }
public override Vector2 Right { get; set; }
public override Vector2 Forward { get; set; }
public bool Equals(Circle other)
return default;
@ -5629,7 +5607,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public TagConstraint TagConstraint { get; }
public HPRateConstraint HPRateConstraint { get; }
public TacticRoleConstraint TacticRoleConstraint { get; }
public bool IsPlayerSquadConstraint { get; }
public CoverState CoverState { get; }
public bool NeedSearchTarget { get; }
public bool Equals(TargetCandidateRule other)
@ -7011,7 +6988,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public class BattleNumericLog : IEquatable<BattleNumericLog>
public string EntityType { get; set; } // original type: BattleEntityType, too lazy to write Enum to string converter
public BattleEntityType EntityType { get; set; }
public BattleLogCategory Category { get; set; }
public BattleLogSourceType Source { get; set; }
public long CalculatedSum { get; set; }
@ -7287,14 +7264,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public bool IsDisabled { get; }
public enum UpdateEvent
New = 0,
Modify = 1,
Dispell = 2,
Remove = 3,
public class SkillDataPack
public NewSkillAction Action { get; }
@ -8588,7 +8557,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public bool Dispellable { get; }
public string UIPath { get; }
public List<AttackLogicEffectType> LogicEffectTypeReduceGauge { get; }
public GaugeTraceType GaugeTraceElement { get; }
public override bool IsDurationChangedByStat { get; }
@ -8626,7 +8594,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public CoverState CoverState;
public HPRateConstraint HPRateConstraint;
public TacticRoleConstraint TacticRoleConstraint;
public bool IsPlayerSquadConstraint;
public bool Equals(OptionalCandidateRule other)
return default;
@ -8672,6 +8639,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public abstract class ExpressionContainer
protected Expression expression;
public Stack<string> StackTrace { get; }
public abstract class BehaviorNode
@ -8764,13 +8732,6 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
public bool Dispellable { get; }
public List<AttackLogicEffectType> LogicEffectTypeReduceGauge { get; }
public string UIPath { get; }
public GaugeTraceType GaugeTraceElement { get; }
public enum GaugeTraceType
None = 0,
HPRate = 1,
public enum DiffOperatorType
@ -8792,12 +8753,14 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.Database
private EvaluateFunctionHandler EvaluateFunction;
private EvaluateParameterHandler EvaluateParameter;
private Dictionary<string, object> _parameters;
private Stack<string> stackTrace;
public EvaluateOptions Options { get; set; }
protected string OriginalExpression { get; }
public static bool CacheEnabled { get; set; }
public string Error { get; set; }
public LogicalExpression ParsedExpression { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, object> Parameters { get; set; }
public Stack<string> StackTrace { get; }
public sealed class EvaluateFunctionHandler

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@ -9891,7 +9891,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.Common.NetworkProtocol
public IEnumerable<RaidDamage> RaidBossDamages { get; }
public List<RaidBossResult> RaidBossResults { get; }
public RaidBossResultCollection RaidBossResults { get; }
public BattleSummary Summary { get; set; }
public ClanAssistUseInfo AssistUseInfo { get; set; }

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.GameServer.Managers
ReceiveRewardIds = targetSeasonData.SeasonRewardId,
PlayableHighestDifficulty = new()
{ targetSeasonData.OpenRaidBossGroup.FirstOrDefault(), Difficulty.Lunatic }
{ targetSeasonData.OpenRaidBossGroup.FirstOrDefault(), Difficulty.Torment }

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace SCHALE.GameServer.Utils
public string IRCAddress { get; set; } = "";
public int IRCPort { get; set; } = 6667;
public string VersionId { get; set; } = "r76_odfuvebzfonktr6yf71a";
public string VersionId { get; set; } = "r76_odfuvebzfonktr6yf71a/";
public static void Load()