Update the import of official server documentation data and update the README

Update the import of official server documentation data and update the README
This commit is contained in:
北野樱奈 2025-01-22 19:06:12 +08:00
parent 9cb8561b1b
commit 4a74c6e49e
4 changed files with 80 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
**How to Save and Load Your Official Account Data into SCHALE(EN)**
By Raphael
1. Use any Pcap program, turn it on, log into your official account, and capture the packets.
The Pcap file should look something like this:
[Example Pcap file](https://gist.github.com/raphaeIl/b85185098b6ef0d569c794f49c8f910c)
2. Save the file as a JSON and place it in the `Resources\account_data` folder. If the folder does not exist, create it.
Example file path: `Resources\account_data\accountdata_Raphael.json`
3. Start the server, log into the game, and run:
/loaddata list
If the log displays your JSON file name, the file is in the correct folder.
4. Run the following command to load the data:
/loaddata <your_json_filename.json>
This will load the data from your official servers Pcap file into the PS. If successful, restart the client, and all your data should be loaded.
**Tip:** If your custom Pcap file doesnt work, please try using my example JSON file first.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
**如何将官方账号数据保存并加载到 SCHALE (ZHCN)**
- CN-By 北野桜奈
1. 使用任何 Pcap 程序,打开它并登录到你的官方账号,抓取数据包。
Pcap 文件应类似于以下示例:
[示例 Pcap 文件](https://gist.github.com/raphaeIl/b85185098b6ef0d569c794f49c8f910c)
2. 将该文件保存为 JSON 格式,并放置到 `Resources\account_data` 文件夹中。如果文件夹不存在,请自行创建。
3. 启动服务器,进入游戏并运行以下命令:
/loaddata list
如果日志显示了你的 JSON 文件名,说明该文件已正确放置。
4. 运行以下命令加载数据:
/loaddata <your_json_filename.json>
这将从官方服务器的 Pcap 数据加载到 PS。如果加载成功请重启客户端所有数据应该已加载。
**提示:** 如果你的自定义 Pcap 文件无法正常工作,请先尝试我的示例 JSON 文件。

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@ -1,68 +1,40 @@
# SCHALE.GameServer
# 🌌 **SCHALE.GameServer** 🌟
### [中文教程](README_zh.md) (by shunner114514)
### [Mitmproxy Solution](Mitmproxy_Readme_EN.md) (by KitanoSakura)
## Prerequisites
# 📚 Project Documentation Directory
- Some computer knowledge
- [.NET SDK 8.0](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/dotnet/8.0)
- [SQL Express](https://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/sql-server/sql-server-downloads)
- [SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)](https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-ver16)
- [LD Player 9](https://www.ldplayer.tw/)
- [Python](https://www.python.org/)
- [Frida](https://frida.re/)
- [frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64](https://github.com/frida/frida/releases)
## 📌 Directory
## Steps
- [🔧 Environment Installation](#environment-installation)
- [🚀 Command List](Command.md)
- [📦 Mitmproxy Solution](Mitmproxy_Readme_ZH.md)
- [🎟 Import Official Server Data](Account_Data_into_SCHALE.md)
1. Start SQL server
2. Start private game server
3. Start LD Player
4. Start Frida server
5. Start ブルアカ
6. Inject Frida script
7. Enjoy :smile:
### SQL server
## 🔧 Environment Installation
Use SSMS to connect with default settings except that you have to check "Trust server certificate".
### 1. Install [SQL Server Express 2022](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2216019&clcid=0x804&culture=zh-cn&country=cn)
* Open the downloaded installer
* Select "Basic"
* Choose your preferred installation path
* Start the installation
### Game server
### 2. Install [SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio 20)](https://aka.ms/ssmsfullsetup)
* Keep the default installation path
* Install
# in this repo
cd SCHALE.GameServer
dotnet run
### 3. Install [Microsoft Visual Studio 2022](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=Community&channel=Release&version=VS2022&source=VSLandingPage&cid=2030&passive=false)
* Install the Community version
* Select all components related to C# and "Visual Studio Extensions Development" for the workload
* Install with the default path
### Frida server
### 4. Install [LDPlayer 9](https://lddl01.ldmnq.com/downloader/ldplayerinst9.exe?n=ldplayer9_ld_999_ld.exe)
1. Extract `frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64.xz`
to `LDPlayer/frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64`.
2. Turn on LD Player
3. Turn on root and adb in the settings of LD Player.
### 5. Install [Python](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.3/python-3.12.3-amd64.exe)
* Choose custom installation, leave other settings as default
* Choose the installation path
* Install and wait for completion
# in LDPlayer
cd LDPlayer9
./adb.exe push ../frida-server-16.2.5-android-x86_64 /data/local/tmp/frida-server
./adb.exe shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 755 frida-server
### Inject Frida script
> [!NOTE]
> Edit line 5 of [ba.js](./ba.js) to your own server IP.
> Do this fast when you open ブルアカ and see the Yostar logo.
# in this repo
frida -U "ブルアカ" -l ba.js --realm=emulated
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/URaXJpS5gd)

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- [🔧 环境安装](#环境安装)
- [🚀 命令列表](Command.md)
- [📦 Mitmproxy方案](Mitmproxy_Readme_ZH.md)
- [🎟 导入官服数据](Account_Data_into_SCHALE_ZHCN.md)