- **Other Platforms**: Refer to the [official WireGuard installation guide](https://www.wireguard.com/install/).
### Configuration Steps
1. Open the WireGuard client, click the `+` button in the bottom left corner, and select **Scan QR Code**.
2. The emulator will display a scanner window. Select **Real-time Screenshot**.
3. Position the screenshot over the QR code in the Mitmproxy browser page (accessible via settings).
4. Enable the configuration.
## Troubleshooting
### Error: Client TLS handshake failed. The client does not trust the proxy's certificate for yostar-oversea-netsdk-logging.ap-southeast-1.log.aliyuncs.com (OpenSSL Error([('SSL routines', '', 'ssl/tls alert certificate unknown')]))
- Ensure that both the PC and client have the same Mitmproxy certificate installed.
- Verify that the Mitmproxy certificate is properly installed on both ends.
### Android Certificate Disappears After Installation
- Use the MT Manager to grant SU (superuser) permissions.
- Navigate to `/system/etc/security/cacerts/`.
- Locate `c8750f0d.0` and set the permissions to 664. The user group should be set to root.