Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory28.jpg 2 2 401 1 21 3 4 301 DialogEnable Wind blows over the vast desert, sweeping up sand and dust into a storm. 4 5 301 In this weather, it is as if the desert is covered by a thick layer of fog. 5 6 301 A cacophony of engine noises cut through the midst of the sand and dust. As the noise approaches, a white-haired girl in red bursts out of the sandstorm on a black motorcycle, leaping into the air. 6 7 301 RImgBg1Shake Then the girl and the motorcycle slams heavily back on the ground, wheels sending up a shower of sparks due to the emergency braking. Prominent black tire marks trail out behind her. 7 8 301 The motorcycle slides to a halt in front of some building ruins. The girl takes her blade from the vehicle and walks within the wreckage. 8 9 201 1 500100 9 10 301 1 α This place... 1 10 11 301 Alpha reaches the middle and scans. The clearing is piled high with the remains of bionic animals. The ground is dotted with huge circular craters, and the surrounding buildings also show obvious traces of bombardment. 11 12 301 α Internal conflict among humans...? No, they don't have the resources to spare. 1 12 13 301 Alpha comes to a relatively intact building and brushes the dust off the surface gently. Under the dust is a line of obscured text, revealed to the light of day once more. 13 14 301 α Operation Acadia No. 5, North American launch base. 1 14 15 301 α ...If I'm not wrong. 1 15 900 202 1 16 16 301 Something seems to have come to Alpha. She turns to the pile of bionic remains and walks over to them. 17 17 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 18 18 401 2 10002001 19 19 301 With a flick of her wrist, the haphazardly piled remains are instantly disintegrated by her blade. They turn to pieces and scatter all over the ground, revealing an old transport craft buried underneath. 20 20 301 Most of the transport craft is destroyed by bombardment and the loading bay is warped beyond recognition. There is no need to wonder what happened to its passengers and cargo. 21 21 301 A family crest is gleaming proudly on the side of the transport craft wreckage. It looks very much eastern. The owner of the transport machine had written their name in a striking red under the family crest. 22 901 201 1 500100 23 22 301 α Shunsuke... That's his uncle, eh... Heh. Just as I thought. 1 24 23 301 α Shome... Shome. You have a gift in drumming up revenge. Too bad you chose the wrong path. 1 25 24 301 α ...An untameable beast is not worth raising. 1 26 25 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The sandstorm gradually eases and Alpha returns to her motorcycle. 27 26 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory26.jpg 28 27 401 1 102 29 28 301 AniZhuanchangEnd α First stop's this place, eh, Shome. Must be that control center over there. 1 30 29 301 Alpha leaves the launch base and heads for the control center. Her motorcycle eventually draws to a halt before a relatively intact building in the desert. 31 30 301 α Tracks that are bright as day, huh. Looks like that scarface didn't teach him the tricks of the trade. 1 32 31 301 After parking her motorcycle, Alpha strolls forth to the main door of the building. She is about to enter, but suddenly pauses. 33 32 301 α The walls and the door rust don't match up. Looks like this place gets frequent visits, not just from Shome. 1 34 33 301 Alpha circles to the side of the building. A pile of supply crates in the shade, hidden in some dry bushes, greets her eyes. 35 34 301 α Food reserves for humans... Heh. And this little toy. 1 36 35 301 Alpha sneers and hovers her blade before her. Through the reflection on her blade, a thin, nearly transparent line can be seen hanging in the air. 37 36 301 α Old military trip-mines... Looks like this place has been run over by parasites. 1 38 37 301 α ? 39 38 401 2 1504 40 39 202 1 41 40 301 Footsteps tip-tap from across the door. In one swift motion, Alpha stabs her blade into the wall and smoothly vaults over to the roof of the building. 42 41 201 1 500172 -400 43 42 201 2 500005 400 44 43 301 1 Forsaken A How's the situation in there? 2 45 44 301 Zong The Ascendant who barged in is under control. 1 46 45 301 Forsaken A Why would an Ascendant pop up in this place? 2 47 46 301 Zong Dunno, beats me. They're still interrogating the guy. Mr. Watanabe told us to issue a rally order to the nearby bases first. Just in case. 1 48 47 301 Forsaken A Alright, then I'll go check the situation inside. The remaining members of Squadron 20-441 are also on their way here. 2 49 48 301 Zong Got it... Oh yeah, did you ride this bike here, pal? 1 50 49 301 Forsaken A Bike? What bike? 2 51 50 202 1 2 52 51 401 2 1512 53 52 301 RImgBg1Shake As the two Forsaken begin to wonder about the motorcycle in front of the doors, Alpha leaps down from the roof and swiftly knocks the two out with the hilt of her blade. 54 53 201 1 500100 55 54 301 1 α Now, now. Our star can't be held back by the paparazzi. 1 56 55 202 1 57 56 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Alpha sheathes her blade and walks inside the control center. 58 57 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory122.png 59 58 401 1 201 60 59 401 2 1504 61 60 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Countless Forsaken members stream to and fro inside the building. Alpha is lurking in the shadows, observing the situation in the main control room. 62 61 301 In this dimly-lit room, Watanabe is pressing a dagger firmly to Shome's neck. 63 62 301 Several soldiers are by Watanabe's side. The equipment they carry and the warworn armor they wear are evidences of their status. 64 63 301 Bexonidas. One-eyed, one-eared, one-half of his scalp left. 65 64 301 The backbone of the Squadron 19. A man who only gives up in death. 66 65 301 Halam, 16 years old. Became a new member of the Forsaken this year. The name and armor borne by her were brought back from the K-44 by Watanabe. 67 66 301 Watanabe thought of leaving her behind. She hit a shot from 2km away. 68 67 301 ...Still a small lass, but unlikely to meet the same end as her father in any due time. 69 68 301 Clark. Old soldier, old bones. Jack-of-all-trades. 70 69 301 Take him with you and you can make friends with any faction. 71 70 201 1 1101001 5 -400 72 71 201 2 500184 400 73 72 301 1 Shome Hey, hey, let's talk things out. Why don't we all put away the guns and knives? 2 74 73 301 Watanabe We have nothing to talk about with Ascendants. 1 75 74 301 Shome Ah, that makes things difficult then... And here I thought this control center is my little secret. 2 76 75 301 Watanabe We know things you people wouldn't believe. Speak. What is your purpose here? 1 77 76 301 Watanabe presses the dagger closer to Shome's neck as he speaks. 78 77 301 Shome If I say that I am only borrowing the aircraft behind this control center, will you believe me? 2 79 78 202 1 2 1 80 79 201 1 500005 81 80 301 1 Bexonidas You messin' around?! 1 82 81 401 2 1511 83 82 202 1 84 83 301 Bexonidas quickly loads his gun after hearing Shome's answer and sticks the muzzle at his temple. 85 84 201 1 1101001 5 -400 86 85 201 2 500184 400 87 86 301 1 Shome ...I knew it'd turn out like this. 2 88 87 301 Watanabe We don't have that much patience. Even if we don't know what your purpose is... A dead Ascendant would do us no harm. 1 89 88 301 Shome Sigh... Communication never solves any problems. 2 90 89 301 At that, sparks of electricity appear in the air around Shome. A close look would reveal that the sparks come from a tiny spherical machine in the middle. 91 90 301 Watanabe Wha... Take cover! 1 92 91 202 1 2 93 92 301 Watanabe lets go of the dagger at Shome's neck and lunges at Bexonidas. 94 93 401 2 10007502 95 94 301 RImgBg1Shake Right after that, the electric sparks connect and violently erupts around Shome. Smoke fills the main control room. 96 95 201 1 1101001 97 96 301 1 Watanabe Everyone, activate your goggles. Confirm each other's positions. Three to a team, and brace for combat. 1 98 97 201 1 500154 99 98 301 1 Clark That lil' creep got away. Last security visuals say that he's headed for the airfield behind this building. 1 100 99 201 1 1101001 5 101 100 301 1 Watanabe Go after him. 1 102 101 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Forsaken Yes, sir! 103 102 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory26.jpg 104 103 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The Forsaken rush out of the building, but the fighter plane piloted by Shome has already taken off, leaving a light blue trail of flame in the air before disappearing into the sky. 105 104 301 Watanabe Ride the other fighters and go after him. 1 106 105 301 Forsaken Yes, sir! 107 106 301 ??? That won't do. 108 107 202 1 109 108 301 As the Forsaken are about to board the fighter aircraft, a red figure sweeps past them. 110 200 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 111 109 401 2 10002001 112 110 301 The red figure presents herself before the Forsaken. As she halts, all of the aircraft break down into scrap metal. 113 111 201 1 1101001 5 -400 114 112 201 2 500100 400 115 113 301 1 α You may not go after him. 2 116 114 301 Watanabe It's you... 1 117 115 301 α Long time no see, I guess. 2 118 116 301 Watanabe I'd rather never see you again. 1 119 117 301 α And me, you. 2 120 118 301 Watanabe Take on a different formation. She's different from the other Ascendants. 1 121 119 301 α You wish to fight? Looks like you didn't learn anything in Kowloong. 2 122 120 301 Watanabe Quite the opposite. We bear the past within us, which is what gives us the courage to battle. 1 123 121 301 Watanabe You are not the only ones to have changed after that war. 1 124 122 204 2 13 125 123 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin α Hah. Then show me. 2