Id Name EnName Condition ModelId Info HeadPath SkillName SkillDesc DefaultFace BuffIds[1] BuffIds[2] BuffIds[3] BuffIds[4] BuffIds[5] 1 Lucia BPL-01// QR4LuxiyaMd010011GM Gimme Some Fries: +20% points earned from Forgotten Supplies Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR4Luxiya3Q.png Gimme Some Fries +20% points earned from Forgotten Supplies Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 104 2 Liv BPN-08// QR4LifuMd010011GM Thank You, Owner: -35% Consumable Add-on purchase cost Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR4Lifu3Q.png Thank You, Owner -35% Consumable Add-on purchase cost Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 105 3 Pulao KCS-54// QR2PulaoMd010011GM That Costs More!: -50% points earned from Gold Meteorites, +50% points earned from Star Gems Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadPulao3Qnew.png That Costs More! -50% points earned from Gold Meteorites, +50% points earned from Star Gems Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 108 109 4 Ayla BPF-22// QR2AilaMd010011GM Diverse Colors: Unlock 1 additional Consumable Add-on purchase slot Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadAilaQ.png Diverse Colors Unlock 1 additional Consumable Add-on purchase slot Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 106 5 Karenina BPD-72// 1003008 Q4KalieninaMd010011GM Just a Meteor!: +15% Grappling Hook speed, -5% points earned Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR4Kalienina3Q.png Just a Meteor! +15% Grappling Hook speed, -5% points earned Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 110 111 6 Noan BPZ-01// 1003009 QR2NuoanMd010011GM This Will Come in Handy: Automatically gain an Add-On Unit upon entering a stage Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadNuoan3Qnew.png This Will Come in Handy Automatically gain an Add-On Unit upon entering a stage Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 112 7 Bianca BPO-87// 1003010 QR4BiankaMd010011GM Let's Discuss the Price: Points earned fluctuate between -6% and +12% Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR4Bianka3Q.png Let's Discuss the Price Points earned fluctuate between -6% and +12% Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 113 8 Lee BPN-06// 1003011 QR4LiangMd010011GM The World!: Each stage lasts 5s longer. Using an item will trigger Realm Travel Assets/Product/Texture/Image/Role/RoleHeadR4Li2Q.png The World! Each stage lasts 5s longer. Using an item will trigger Realm Travel Assets/Product/Role/Room/QBq/QBqR2YongyechaoEnjoy01.png 114 115