Id GroupId Level Name Des Icon Condition 1 1 1 Butcher I Deals massive DMG to data. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDlcHunt/UiDlcHuntBadge5.png 1500001 2 1 2 Butcher II Deals massive DMG to data. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDlcHunt/UiDlcHuntBadge6.png 1500002 3 1 3 Butcher III Deals massive DMG to data. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDlcHunt/UiDlcHuntBadge4.png 1500003 4 2 1 Hunter I Successfully [hunts] down data. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDlcHunt/UiDlcHuntBadge2.png 1500007 5 2 2 Hunter II Successfully [hunts] down data. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDlcHunt/UiDlcHuntBadge3.png 1500008 6 2 3 Hunter III Successfully [hunts] down data. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDlcHunt/UiDlcHuntBadge1.png 1500009 7 3 1 Finisher Successfully kills data. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDlcHunt/UiDlcHuntBadge7.png 1500016 8 3 2 Spear Control II Perform Spear QTE 3 times 1500008 9 3 3 Spear Control III Perform Spear QTE 5 times 1500009 10 4 1 Lifesaver I Help teammates once 1500010 11 4 2 Lifesaver II Help teammates 3 times 1500011 12 4 3 Lifesaver III Help teammates 5 times 1500012 13 5 1 DMG Taken I Receive 1000 DMG 1500013 14 5 2 DMG Taken II Receive 3000 DMG 1500014 15 5 3 DMG Taken III Receive 5000 DMG 1500015 16 6 1 Final Blow Inflict the final blow on the boss 1500016 17 7 1 Team Carries The rest of your teammates clear the stage after you die 1500017 18 8 1 Tough Victory I Clear a stage with less than 1% HP 1500018 19 8 2 Tough Victory II Clear a stage with less than 5% HP 1500019 20 8 3 Tough Victory III Clear a stage with less than 10% HP 1500020 21 9 1 Breaking Parts Break a boss part 1500021