using AscNet.Common.MsgPack; using AscNet.Common.Util; using AscNet.GameServer.Handlers; using; namespace AscNet.GameServer.Commands { [CommandName("coating")] internal class CoatingCommand : Command { public CoatingCommand(Session session, string[] args, bool validate = true) : base(session, args, validate) { } public override string Help => "Command to unlock all coatings of characters."; [Argument(0, @"^unlock$", "The operation selected (unlock)")] string Op { get; set; } = string.Empty; [Argument(1, @"^[0-9]+$|^all$", "The target character, value is character id or 'all' for all owned character")] string Target { get; set; } = string.Empty; public override void Execute() { int characterId = Miscs.ParseIntOr(Target); switch (Op) { case "unlock": if (Target == "all") { List newFashions = new(); foreach (var fashion in TableReaderV2.Parse().Where(x => session.character.Characters.Any(y => y.Id == x.CharacterId))) { if (session.character.Fashions.Any(x => x.Id == fashion.Id)) continue; newFashions.Add(new() { Id = fashion.Id }); } session.SendPush(new FashionSyncNotify() { FashionList = newFashions }); session.character.Fashions.AddRange(newFashions); } else { List newFashions = new(); foreach (var fashion in TableReaderV2.Parse().Where(x => x.CharacterId == characterId)) { if (session.character.Fashions.Any(x => x.Id == fashion.Id)) continue; newFashions.Add(new() { Id = fashion.Id }); } session.SendPush(new FashionSyncNotify() { FashionList = newFashions }); session.character.Fashions.AddRange(newFashions); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid operation!"); } } } }