Id TimeId OpenCondition GroupId Difficulty InitialTime MaxTime LayerIds[1] LayerIds[2] LayerIds[3] LayerIds[4] LayerIds[5] LayerIds[6] LayerIds[7] LayerIds[8] ScoreRatio Name BuffDesc ShowFightEventIds[1] ShowFightEventIds[2] ShowFightEventIds[3] EnvironmentDesc[1] EnvironmentDesc[2] EnvironmentDesc[3] 1 1 1 150 360 1 2 3 37 4 5 6 43 1 Devour Wave Companion 1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\n2. On Apr 8, 02:00 with the Ordinary Mode cleared, the Nightmare Mode will be unlocked. 2240261 2240248 During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP. Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character 2 1002079 1 2 150 360 19 20 21 38 22 23 24 44 1 H Devour Wave Companion 1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\n2. Select orange stages where possible to earn more points and get collectibles. 2240261 2240249 During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP. Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character 3 2 1 150 360 7 8 9 39 10 11 12 45 1 Rush Hour Challenge 1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\n2. On Apr 10, 02:00 with the Ordinary Mode cleared, the Nightmare Mode will be unlocked. 2240261 2240248 During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP. Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character 4 1002080 2 2 150 360 25 26 27 40 28 29 30 46 1 H Rush Hour Challenge 1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\n2. Select orange stages where possible to earn more points and get collectibles. 2240261 2240249 During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP. Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character 5 3 1 150 360 13 14 15 41 16 17 18 47 1 Life or Death 1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\n2. On Apr 13, 02:00 with the Ordinary Mode cleared, the Nightmare Mode will be unlocked. 2240261 2240248 During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP. Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character 6 1002081 3 2 150 360 31 32 33 42 34 35 36 48 1 H Life or Death 1. Clear the stage to earn time and points. You will fail the challenge when time is up.\n2. Select orange stages where possible to earn more points and get collectibles. 2240261 2240249 During the challenge, team members cannot be changed or inherit HP. Recommended to be used with a ranged attack character