Id Name Type Desc Icon MaxNum CanManualRemove FinishDayCount LockPeopleOnBuilding UnlockCondition SpendResourceType[0] SpendResourceCount[0] SpendResourceType[1] SpendResourceCount[1] LockPeopleOnWorking WorkDayCount ExtendPeopleNumber WorkingEffectId[0] WorkingEffectId[1] WorkingEffectId[2] WorkingDailyConsumeResourceId[0] WorkingDailyConsumeResourceCount[0] WorkingDailyConsumeResourceId[1] WorkingDailyConsumeResourceCount[1] WorkingDailyGainResourceId[0] WorkingDailyGainResourceCount[0] WorkingDailyGainResourceId[1] WorkingDailyGainResourceCount[1] 1 Ruins 1 Small ruins. Grant Wood x300 and Iron x300 after being cleaned up. The area will then be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 3 1 1 2 2 Ruins 1 Medium ruins. Grant Wood x600 and Iron x600 after being cleaned up. The area will then be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 5 1 3 4 3 Ruins 1 Big ruins. Grant Wood x1000 and Iron x1000 after being cleaned up. The area will then be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 10 1 5 6 4 Residence 2 It provides a place to stay for a certain number of people. This way they will be less prone to disease and starvation. At least, it's better than letting them sleep on the ground. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild05.png 1 1 2 1 355 2 360 10 5 Medical Depot With enough residents working in it, the Medical Depot will produce a fixed amount of Medicine every day. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild03.png 1 1 2 10529 1 110 2 160 2 7 3 5 6 Supply Depot With enough residents working in it, the Supply Depot will produce a fixed amount of Food every day. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild07.png 1 1 2 10529 1 150 2 115 2 8 4 5 7 Outpost 2 Constructing outpost(s) unlocks the [Explore] feature. There are supplies and survivors beyond the camp. Form a team to explore the world outside. (Cannot be demolished) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild06.png 2 1 5 10529 1 305 2 280 9 10 8 Comms Device 2 There must be more survivors on this land. Let's keep broadcasting. Someone will be able to hear us... right? Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild04.png 1 1 3 10 10529 1 940 2 965 201 Old Medical Depot With enough residents working in it, the Big Medical Depot will produce a fixed amount of Medicine every day. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild03.png 1 1 3 1 150 2 200 3 201 3 10 202 Old Supply Depot With enough residents working in it, the Big Supply Depot will produce a fixed amount of Food every day. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild07.png 1 1 3 1 200 2 150 3 202 4 10 203 Small Ruins 1 Small ruins. After clearing them, you will get Wood x100 and Iron x100 and the area will be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 3 1 203 204 1 100 2 100 204 Medium Ruins 1 Medium ruins. After clearing them, you will get Wood x200 and Iron x200 and the area will be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 3 2 205 206 1 100 2 100 205 Big Ruins 1 Big ruins. After clearing them, you will get Wood x500 and Iron x500 and the area will be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 5 3 207 208 1 170 2 170 206 Residence 2 It provides a place to live for some people (10 people). At least, it's more comfortable than passing the night on the ground. Those in it are less likely to get tired. (They lose less Spirit.) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild05.png 1 1 5 1 500 2 500 10 207 Medical Depot With enough residents working in it, the Medical Depot will produce a fixed amount of Medicine every day. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild03.png 1 1 2 1 120 2 160 2 209 3 15 208 Supply Depot With enough residents working in it, the Supply Depot will produce a fixed amount of Food every day. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild07.png 1 1 2 1 160 2 120 2 210 4 15 209 Outpost 2 Constructing outpost(s) unlocks the Explore feature. There are supplies and survivors beyond the camp. Form a team to explore the world outside. (Cannot be demolished) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild06.png 2 1 3 1 300 2 300 211 212 20201 Comms Device 2 A communication device with the radar feature. It can scan nearby terrain and establish communication with the outside world. (Cannot be demolished) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild04.png 1 2 6 1 1000 2 1000 20209 20210 20211 20202 Outpost 2 After constructing an outpost, you will be able to form a team to explore the world. (Cannot be demolished) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild06.png 1 1 3 20202 1 300 2 300 211 20301 Outpost 2 Constructing outpost(s) unlocks the Explore feature. There are supplies and survivors beyond the camp. Form a team to explore the world outside. (Cannot be demolished) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild06.png 2 1 3 1 300 2 300 211 212 20310 20401 Outpost 2 Constructing outpost(s) unlocks the [Explore] feature. There are supplies and survivors beyond the camp. Form a team to explore the world outside. (Cannot be demolished) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild06.png 1 1 3 1 350 2 350 211 212 20419 20402 Comms Device 2 A communication device with the recording feature. Can be used for recording or communicating with distant locations. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild04.png 1 1 2 4 1 900 2 900 20420 20403 Not-So-Small Ruins 1 Relatively small ruins. After clearing them, you will get Wood x200 and Iron x200 and the area will be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 4 1 20410 20411 1 200 2 200 20404 Not-So-Big Ruins 1 Relatively big ruins. After clearing them, you will get Wood x350 and Iron x350 and the area will be restored to a vacant area. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild02.png 1 6 1 20412 20413 1 350 2 350 20405 Shelter 2 It provides a place to live for some people (5 people). At least, it's more comfortable than passing the night on the ground. Those in it are less likely to get tired. (They lose less Spirit.) Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiDoomsday/UiDoomsdayMainBuild05.png 1 1 2 1 100 2 100 5