Id Name Description Icon Param[1] Param[2] Param[3] 101011 Battle is the only option here. 1 101021 Battle is the only option here. 1 101022 Random Event 101031 Random Event 101032 Battle is the only option here. 1 101041 Battle is the only option here. 1 101042 Battle is the only option here. 1 101051 Battle is the only option here. 1 101052 Random Event 101053 Battle is the only option here. 1 101061 Random Event 101062 Battle is the only option here. 1 101063 Battle is the only option here. 1 101064 Random Event 101071 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 101072 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 101073 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 101081 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 101082 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 101083 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 101091 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 101092 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 101093 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 101101 Battle is the only option here. 1 101102 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 101103 Battle is the only option here. 1 101111 Random Event 101112 Random Event 101113 Battle is the only option here. 1 101121 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 101122 Random Event 101131 Battle is the only option here. 1 101132 Random Event 101133 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 101134 Battle is the only option here. 1 101141 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 101142 Battle is the only option here. 1 101143 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 101151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 101152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 101153 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 101161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 102011 Battle is the only option here. 1 102012 Battle is the only option here. 1 102021 Random Event 102022 Battle is the only option here. 1 102031 Battle is the only option here. 1 102032 Random Event 102033 Battle is the only option here. 1 102041 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 102042 Battle is the only option here. 1 102043 Random Event 102051 Battle is the only option here. 1 102052 Battle is the only option here. 1 102053 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 102061 Random Event 102062 Battle is the only option here. 1 102063 Battle is the only option here. 1 102071 Battle is the only option here. 1 102072 Battle is the only option here. 1 102073 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 102081 Battle is the only option here. 1 102082 Random Event 102083 Battle is the only option here. 1 102084 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 102091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 102092 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 102093 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 102094 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 102101 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 102102 Battle is the only option here. 1 102111 Battle is the only option here. 1 102112 Random Event 102113 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 102114 Battle is the only option here. 1 102121 Battle is the only option here. 1 102122 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 102123 Battle is the only option here. 1 102124 Random Event 102131 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 102132 Random Event 102133 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 102134 Battle is the only option here. 1 102141 Random Event 102142 Battle is the only option here. 1 102143 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 102144 Random Event 102151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 102152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 102153 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 102161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 103011 Battle is the only option here. 1 103012 Battle is the only option here. 1 103013 Battle is the only option here. 1 103021 Battle is the only option here. 1 103022 Battle is the only option here. 1 103023 Random Event 103024 Battle is the only option here. 1 103031 Battle is the only option here. 1 103032 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 103033 Random Event 103041 Battle is the only option here. 1 103042 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 103043 Battle is the only option here. 1 103044 Random Event 103045 Battle is the only option here. 1 103051 Random Event 103052 Random Event 103053 Battle is the only option here. 1 103054 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 103061 Battle is the only option here. 1 103062 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 103063 Battle is the only option here. 1 103071 Random Event 103072 Battle is the only option here. 1 103073 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 103081 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 103082 Battle is the only option here. 1 103083 Battle is the only option here. 1 103091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 103092 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 103093 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 103101 Battle is the only option here. 1 103102 Random Event 103103 Battle is the only option here. 1 103111 Random Event 103112 Battle is the only option here. 1 103113 Battle is the only option here. 1 103121 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 103122 Battle is the only option here. 1 103123 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 103124 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 103131 Battle is the only option here. 1 103132 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 103133 Random Event 103141 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 103142 Battle is the only option here. 1 103143 Random Event 103151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 103152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 103153 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 103161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 104011 Battle is the only option here. 1 104012 Battle is the only option here. 1 104013 Battle is the only option here. 1 104014 Battle is the only option here. 1 104021 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 104022 Battle is the only option here. 1 104023 Battle is the only option here. 1 104024 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 104031 Battle is the only option here. 1 104032 Random Event 104033 Random Event 104041 Random Event 104042 Battle is the only option here. 1 104043 Battle is the only option here. 1 104051 Battle is the only option here. 1 104052 Battle is the only option here. 1 104053 Battle is the only option here. 1 104061 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 104062 Battle is the only option here. 1 104063 Battle is the only option here. 1 104064 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 104071 Battle is the only option here. 1 104072 Random Event 104073 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 104074 Battle is the only option here. 1 104081 Battle is the only option here. 1 104082 Random Event 104083 Battle is the only option here. 1 104091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 104092 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 104093 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 104101 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 104102 Battle is the only option here. 1 104103 Random Event 104111 Battle is the only option here. 1 104112 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 104113 Random Event 104114 Battle is the only option here. 1 104121 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 104122 Random Event 104123 Battle is the only option here. 1 104124 Battle is the only option here. 1 104131 Battle is the only option here. 1 104132 Battle is the only option here. 1 104133 Battle is the only option here. 1 104134 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 104141 Random Event 104142 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 104143 Random Event 104144 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 104151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 104152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 104153 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 104161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 105011 Battle is the only option here. 1 105021 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 105031 Random Event 105041 Battle is the only option here. 1 105042 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 105051 Battle is the only option here. 1 105061 Battle is the only option here. 1 105062 Random Event 105071 Battle is the only option here. 1 105081 Battle is the only option here. 1 105082 Random Event 105083 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 105091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 105101 Random Event 105102 Battle is the only option here. 1 105103 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 105111 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 105121 Random Event 105131 Battle is the only option here. 1 105141 Random Event 105142 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 105151 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 105152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 105161 The most devastating enemies are in front of you. You are not going to hold back this time. 3 106011 Battle is the only option here. 1 106021 Battle is the only option here. 1 106022 Random Event 106031 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 106032 Random Event 106033 Random Event 106034 Random Event 106041 Random Event 106042 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 106043 Battle is the only option here. 1 106051 Battle is the only option here. 1 106052 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 106053 Battle is the only option here. 1 106054 Random Event 106061 Random Event 106062 Random Event 106063 Random Event 106064 Random Event 106071 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 106072 Battle is the only option here. 1 106073 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 106081 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 106082 Random Event 106091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 106092 Battle is the only option here. 106093 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 106101 Battle is the only option here. 1 106102 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 106103 Battle is the only option here. 1 106111 Battle is the only option here. 1 106112 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 106121 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 106122 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 106123 Random Event 106131 Battle is the only option here. 1 106132 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 106133 Random Event 106141 Random Event 106142 Battle is the only option here. 1 106143 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 106151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 106152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 106161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 107011 Battle is the only option here. 1 107012 Battle is the only option here. 1 107021 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 107022 Random Event 107023 Battle is the only option here. 1 107031 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 107032 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 107033 Random Event 107041 Battle is the only option here. 1 107042 Random Event 107043 Battle is the only option here. 1 107051 Battle is the only option here. 1 107052 Battle is the only option here. 1 107053 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 107061 Battle is the only option here. 1 107062 Random Event 107063 Battle is the only option here. 1 107064 Random Event 107071 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 107072 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 107081 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 107082 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 107083 Battle is the only option here. 1 107084 Random Event 107091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 107092 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 107093 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 107101 Random Event 107102 Battle is the only option here. 1 107111 Battle is the only option here. 1 107112 Random Event 107113 Random Event 107114 Random Event 107121 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 107122 Battle is the only option here. 1 107123 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 107131 Random Event 107132 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 107141 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 107142 Battle is the only option here. 1 107143 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 107151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 107152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 107153 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 107161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 108011 Battle is the only option here. 1 108012 Battle is the only option here. 1 108013 Battle is the only option here. 1 108021 Battle is the only option here. 1 108022 Battle is the only option here. 1 108023 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 108031 Random Event 108032 Battle is the only option here. 1 108033 Random Event 108034 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 108041 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 108042 Random Event 108043 Random Event 108051 Random Event 108052 Battle is the only option here. 1 108053 Random Event 108054 Battle is the only option here. 1 108055 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 108061 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 108062 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 108063 Battle is the only option here. 1 108071 Battle is the only option here. 1 108072 Random Event 108073 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 108074 Random Event 1 108081 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 108082 Random Event 108083 Battle is the only option here. 1 108091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 108092 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 108093 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 108094 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 108101 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 108102 Battle is the only option here. 1 108103 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 108104 Random Event 108111 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 1 108112 Random Event 108113 Battle is the only option here. 1 108121 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 108122 Random Event 108123 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 108124 Random Event 1 108131 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 108132 Random Event 108133 Battle is the only option here. 1 108141 Battle is the only option here. 1 108142 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 108143 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 108144 Random Event 1 108151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 108152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 108161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 109011 Battle is the only option here. 1 109012 Battle is the only option here. 1 109013 Battle is the only option here. 1 109014 Battle is the only option here. 1 109021 Battle is the only option here. 1 109022 Random Event 109023 Battle is the only option here. 1 109024 Random Event 109031 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 109032 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109033 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109041 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109042 Random Event 109043 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 109051 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109052 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 109053 Battle is the only option here. 1 109061 Battle is the only option here. 1 109062 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 109063 Battle is the only option here. 1 109064 Random Event 109071 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 109072 Random Event 109073 Battle is the only option here. 1 109074 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109081 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109082 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109083 Battle is the only option here. 1 109084 Random Event 109091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109092 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109093 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109101 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109102 Battle is the only option here. 1 109103 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109104 Battle is the only option here. 1 109105 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 109111 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109112 Battle is the only option here. 1 109113 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109114 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 109121 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 109122 Random Event 109123 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109131 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 109132 Random Event 109133 Battle is the only option here. 1 109141 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 109142 Battle is the only option here. 1 109143 Random Event 109151 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 109152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 109161 These formidable enemies seem to be the leaders of other Corrupted. You are ready to give it your all. 3 110011 Battle is the only option here. 1 110021 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 110031 Random Event 110041 Battle is the only option here. 1 110042 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 110051 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 110061 Random Event 110062 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 110071 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 110081 Battle is the only option here. 1 110082 Random Event 110083 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 110091 You followed the smoke signal and found a supply crate airdropped by Babylonia. 110101 Random Event 110102 Battle is the only option here. 1 110103 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 110111 You can sense an ominous aura from the enemies. This battle will not be easy. 2 110121 Random Event 110131 Battle is the only option here. 1 110141 Random Event 110142 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 110151 You found a supply point set up by Babylonia. 110152 You found a safe house left by another task force team. You can take a break here. 110161 The most devastating enemies are in front of you. You are not going to hold back this time. 3