Id GroupId[1] GroupId[2] GroupId[3] SafeGroupId Name Desc Icon 1 1 1 1 4 Normal Artifact Box A normal Artifact box that has a slight chance to give a 5★ Artifact Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem04.png 2 2 2 2 4 Rare Artifact Box A rare Artifact box that has a certain chance to give a 5★ Artifact Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem05.png 3 3 3 3 4 Legendary Artifact Box A legendary Artifact box that has a great chance to give a 5★ Artifact Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem029.png 101 1 4 Obtain immediately at the beginning of the game Obtain immediately at the beginning of the game Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem04.png 102 1 4 Obtain as a Chapter 3 bonus Obtain as a Chapter 3 bonus Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem04.png 103 2 4 Obtain as a Chapter 5 bonus Obtain as a Chapter 5 bonus Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem05.png 201 201 4 Treasure of the Lost An Artifact box belongs to Grey the Lost Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem029.png 202 202 4 Treasure of the Ludicrous An Artifact box belongs to Beelzebub the Ludicrous. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem029.png 203 203 4 Treasure of the Executioner An Artifact box belongs to Al Grey Von the Executioner Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem029.png 204 204 4 Crimson Box Carries the essence of unknown spiritual wisdom. Once accepted, there's no turning back. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem029.png 205 205 4 Demon's Artifact A special treasure box given to you by the Shark Demon as an apology. Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconRougeItem029.png