Id Name Content BgColor 1 Classic Cabin Babylonia Command Bureau's classic situation room. 549bd2 2 Classic Loudspeaker Let's play a vintage song from the Golden Age. d3a047 3 Social Interaction Let's gather everyone around and have fun! 46c387 4 Sea Isle Beach activity. Surfing or speedboating? 919191 5 Dazzling Stage Time to dance! Okay, actually no one has ever gone up there and danced. 549bd2 6 Lay Down Lie down and sleep away. 46c387 7 Sit Tight Sit in the chair. d3a047 8 Romance by the Sea Who will you bump into today? 917bc6 9 Summer Toward the sea in summer. 917bc6 10 Coconut Trees Coconut juice and orange soda. Which one would you choose? 46c387 11 Joyous New Year Happy New Year! Commandants! 990033 12 Nighttime Fireworks "Easterly winds send a thousand trees ablaze at night, blowing stars down like rain." d3a047 13 Yard Kowloong-Style New Year Yard 46c387 14 Falling Snow "When petals fly into my home, I watch as the green bamboo turns to jade branches." 919191 15 Temple Fair "Spring couplets, kites, snacks—so much to pick from!" 917bc6