Key Desc Values[1] Values[2] Values[3] Values[4] Values[5] Values[6] Values[7] Values[8] RoleMoveSpeed Character Movement Speed 2.5 RoleAngleSpeed Character Spin Speed 8 SyncServerTime Server Sync Time for Location (s) 0.1 TalkHideTime Conversation Hide Time (ms) 3000 MaxPredictionTime Max estimated time moving in the same direction and max allowable delay time 0.2 ClosePredictionDistance Disable estimated distance and disable estimation when moving within a small range 0.1 TalkSpiltLenght Chat Character Segmentation Length 10 IsOpenPrediction Turn on estimation? (1 on, 0 off) 1 AutoGCMemroy Auto GC Memory Increase (m) 200 SwitchRoleEffect Character Switch Effect Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxSushe/FxQHuanRen.prefab SLEEP_BEHAVIORID Corresponding SLEEP Default Decision Tree ID guilddorm_sleep CABINET_BEHAVIORID Corresponding CABINET Default Decision Tree ID guilddorm_cabinet BENCH_BEHAVIORID Corresponding BENCH Default Decision Tree ID guilddorm_bench CHAIR_BEHAVIORID Corresponding CHAIR Default Decision Tree ID guilddorm_chair FIREWORK_BEHAVIORID Corresponding FIREWORK Default Decision Tree ID guilddorm_firework IdleAnimationName Default Auto Play Animation While Standing Stand02 WalkAnimationName Default Auto Play Animation While Moving Walk01 RoleInteracAngleSpeed Character Decor Interaction Spin Speed 30 ChannelMemberCountIcon Channel Size Icon Configuration 5 Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiGuild/UiGuildDormMainChannel01.png 10 Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiGuild/UiGuildDormMainChannel02.png 15 Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiGuild/UiGuildDormMainChannel03.png 20 Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiGuild/UiGuildDormMainChannel04.png RoleAlpha Character Transparency 0.05 RoleAlphaSpeed Character transparency change distance 30 RoleAlphaDistance Character transparency change speed 1.2